Core spinner.
I sucessfully wound and tested the Plumber Tape spinner spool coil. Eight and a third volts rectified D.C. output from the core spinner coil than from the same amount of wire and wraps in a Radio Shack coil that only outputs three and a half volts held in adjacency. Over twice the voltage from the magnet spinner spool axel wraped with one skien of RS red magnet wire, then the amount on an output coil of the same siize held close to one side. Also the plumber spool works well as a pulse motor. Took off like crazy with a reed switch wired in series with a twelve volt battery. The two coils together output nearly 12 volts. I'm powering with a tiny kinetic toy pulse coil wired to a tiny Hall effect transister, that's stationed beneath a Radio Shack coil and the Plumber Tape spinner spool seperated by a piece of tape to keep the tiny metal core from flying up and attaching itself to the powerfull Neo spinner. These Kinetic toy units are for sale on line for ten dollars. You have to dig it out, but it's well worth it. This experiment so far has met with great success. Somthing really powerfull is taking effect in this fiendishly simple motor generator. Why such a wide difference in output value? More testing ahead!
I sucessfully wound and tested the Plumber Tape spinner spool coil. Eight and a third volts rectified D.C. output from the core spinner coil than from the same amount of wire and wraps in a Radio Shack coil that only outputs three and a half volts held in adjacency. Over twice the voltage from the magnet spinner spool axel wraped with one skien of RS red magnet wire, then the amount on an output coil of the same siize held close to one side. Also the plumber spool works well as a pulse motor. Took off like crazy with a reed switch wired in series with a twelve volt battery. The two coils together output nearly 12 volts. I'm powering with a tiny kinetic toy pulse coil wired to a tiny Hall effect transister, that's stationed beneath a Radio Shack coil and the Plumber Tape spinner spool seperated by a piece of tape to keep the tiny metal core from flying up and attaching itself to the powerfull Neo spinner. These Kinetic toy units are for sale on line for ten dollars. You have to dig it out, but it's well worth it. This experiment so far has met with great success. Somthing really powerfull is taking effect in this fiendishly simple motor generator. Why such a wide difference in output value? More testing ahead!