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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Self runner.


    I'm just about to gator clip the switch in right now. There's no reason why it should'nt take off under it's own steam at this time. I have to give the place a rest. A chance to recover from the God awfull noise this thing made while it was running lopsided today. I have to wait for tomorrow. It's all set to go, I didn't move anything. I have the capacitor wired in parallel already. Count down minus Zulu hour!


    • Originally posted by synchro View Post
      I have the carbon axel wedged between tinker toy axel mounts, in that Jewelery box with the output coil in the frame from the group picture. The magnet coil's over head, just enough to give the 1"spinner some lift, but about 6" away. The output is looped back to the primary through a 35 volt 4700 mf capacitor and schotkey diode. The voltage on the primary is climbing at a repectable rate along with the charge battery. The pickup coil, without the magnets merely stays even, when looped back to primary. The magnets are making the charge back difference. This is definitly overunity!
      I can confirm. My primary is slowly inching up when paralleled with the output of my FWBR and a 1000microfarad 25V model I just stripped out of a small power supply. No magnets in my pickup other than the main rotor, however.

      Hmm.. if we tune that cap, we can maybe achieve a resonant LC between the output cap and the gen coil?
      Last edited by twinbeard; 08-14-2010, 02:50 AM. Reason: new idea
      "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


      • >1


        My coil is no dog just air core, but the magnets definitly increase the charge rate on mine. Positioning and secure mounting of the magnet coil are important, becuse there are tremendous forces nearby. I don't doubt you're in the winner circle with your combination. I'm calling mine a "Flux alternator output coil" for now. Congratulations on your achievement. It inspires me to get your positive feedback and help.

        Your coil's somewhat larger then mine too. Maybe the larger length is helping. Magnetman120003's newest video is certain proof of our aether vortex theory. I think this can help explain you test results. I only spinning at 8k r.p.m.! I'm sure your way up in mach range. I think the 34 gauge may be more vortex receptive. Your loopback primary charge rise is surely cause for celebration!
        Last edited by synchro; 08-14-2010, 05:03 AM.


        • additional generator coil

          Originally posted by synchro View Post

          I'm just about to gator clip the switch in right now. There's no reason why it should'nt take off under it's own steam at this time. I have to give the place a rest. A chance to recover from the God awfull noise this thing made while it was running lopsided today. I have to wait for tomorrow. It's all set to go, I didn't move anything. I have the capacitor wired in parallel already. Count down minus Zulu hour!
          Hi Synchro,

          I added a second generator coil to the mix. I flipped the bifilar starship over, so the cone of it is pointing up. Underneath that, I placed the @150ohm coil of #34AWG that I wound last night. Currently, this is charging the run battery
          via a FWBR and a 6800microfarad 15V cap. The other is my spool of 26 (@50ohm), which now sits on top of the of the upside down starship. It is pumping juice into the original capacitor bank. I will shoot a little video once I clean it up, and experiment with coil responsibilities. Maybe a bit more tweaking too, as to coil output destinations, total capacitance. It seems as tho there will be a sweetspot where we almost empty the caps to pay for our switching, then almost top them off with the same pass of the magnet. Maybe a lower impedance coil to generate a lower voltage so output matches the standing level of the run battery. I think I'll wind that right on top of the hockey puck, and use the high voltage of the primary of the hockey puck for something else. Time to go harvest a couple more bridge rectifiers from the pile of scrap boards
          "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


          • Originally posted by synchro View Post

            My coil is no dog just air core, but the magnets definitly increase the charge rate on mine.

            I totally believe it. In fact, you have inspired me to add a "active flux core" to my spool of 26. I am of the opinion that the more components with linked fields, the better for collecting aether. I am going to try sliding a stack of little 1/2" diameter 1/4" thick neo discs down in the aircore, and see what the effects are with either pole going in, almost like tuning an old school variable inductor by sliding the iron bar in and out.
            I found a vid of it:
            MIT TechTV – MIT Physics Demo -- Resonant RLC Circuit

            I feel I am getting this effect already by moving the rotor up and down inside the aircore. Maybe this will make it easier.

            Originally posted by synchro View Post
            Positioning and secure mounting of the magnet coil are important, becuse there are tremendous forces nearby.
            AMEN!!! These are important variables in tuning and optimizing these circuits too, it appears. Wobble is wasted energy, pure and simple. My rotor mass to coil mass ratio is much lower than yours, so I am not experiencing any wobble of coils, but precise placement of components seems critical to making the device perform at higher COPs.

            Originally posted by synchro View Post
            I don't doubt you're in the winner circle with your combination. I'm calling mine a "Flux alternator output coil" for now. Congratulations on your achievement. It inspires me to get your positive feedback and help.
            I'm not sure the winners circle will be reached until we can make this run a house, but we are making progress!

            Originally posted by synchro View Post
            Your coil's somewhat larger then mine too. Maybe the larger length is helping. Magnetman120003's newest video is certain proof of our aether vortex theory. I think this can help explain you test results.
            My coil might be too high an impedance for my rotor speed. To be perfect for the target frequency range anyway. This is what I have been getting at for some time with this. We must find a way to say for x frequency
            ((rpms/60)*#of poles), a coil of y gauge and ohmic impedance z will provide acceleration up to frequency x'. At that point, the phasing should find an equilibrium frequency. Next, we should THEN engage a different coil, that will provide acceleration at the higher frequency (larger gauge and smaller impedance, if my guess is right). And so forth.

            Originally posted by synchro View Post
            I only spinning at 8k r.p.m.! I'm sure your way up in mach range. I think the 34 gauge may be more vortex receptive. Your loopback primary charge rise is surely cause for celebration!
            I'm not ready to pop the champagne just yet... lets let it run for a while and see what happens. There are a few optimizations in tuning that I want to make as well... it has to be tuned PRECISELY to increase battery voltage. Just a shade off and it will sit steady... more than a shade off and it will draw current, tho less than before. The fine tuning gain pot is a must! I bet there is still quite more to harness with a proper transformer on one of the "secondaries" (working on that) and tuned caps on the feedback circuit. I still might try the SCR... let the voltage build a bit, then hit the battery with it, instead of caps and battery in straight parallel. Besides... you got there first!

            Last edited by twinbeard; 08-14-2010, 08:19 AM. Reason: oops on quotes
            "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


            • tertiary

              Hi Synchro,

              I added about 100 turns of 22 directly on top of the 34. A bit better on the recharging primary battery, and now I have two other gen coils creating high voltage. The 26 charges the cap bank as high as ever... I will need to either get my transformer in order, build another cap bank.

              BTW, I think the only impediment to your feedback to source/cap only runner is having enough juice in the cap to cover switching. As long as the transistor does not drain the cap and see low voltage, it should run nicely. So make sure your cap is big enough to last through a full dump/charge cycle!

              "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


              • Mag coil.

                I had to reconfigure my setup. I have the magnet spinner in a wooden cup, and after all morning of fooling around with no results, It once again began to pay off. I have the jewalery box on it's side with the power coil on the bottem and the magnet coil on the top face down. When I raise the racing spinner towards the output coil, the attraction begins to levitate the spinner, and the output soars, not because of reduced friction on the bearing but the oscillation needs a close balance of magnetic force. I had it set up a bit differently, where everything was in place and charging forcefully, but I had to pull it apart to fix the bearing again. I have to postphone my selfrunner test untill I can fix a rigid enough frame to free my hands enough to even flip a switch. I can get it to charge again for free the way it's set up, by feeling for the proper setting. I can feel it with the motor off. The sweet spot is right before where the coil magnets begin to pull the spinner toward them. I may have to start over with bearings because this friction setup is too wobbly. I need an adjustable mount for the output coil as well. My setup's rubber band and popsicle stick right now. I need to strengthen my frame, set the magnet on the speed bearings, and mount the coil in an adjustable holder.


                • Ceramic bearing.

                  I shoved my sole remaining ceramic bearing to the center of my 1" neo tube and spun it up to over 20k. The sweet spot widens with r.p.m.s. I can draw the super fast spinner very close to the output coil without the attraction exerting it's normal pulling force. Here I noticed the magnet race up in r.p.m's and the charge pouring into the cap at full volt increments every few seconds. I need to work more on the frame because this setup requires the use of both my hands. Mark my words folks, this is one pip of a powerhouse! I'm down to only one bearing, but I broke my speed record with only the one bearing seated in the center. The inertial stability is incredible!

                  The spinning magnet appears to loose it's attraction to the stationary magnets in the output coil when it begins to reach super high speed. This allows the spinner to draw much closer to the coil. Close in like that, it starts to pick up more speed. The gain in acceleration is startling, and caused me to draw back to avoid causing trouble. I can repeat this effect with routine regularity at this point. This upgrade caused a postphonement to my self runner attempt untill tomorrow. The combination of the ceramic bearing, the Bedini circuit and my magnet flux output coil come together to deliver complete reliability and maximum charge. This improved version should power itself with output to spare.
                  Last edited by synchro; 08-14-2010, 09:18 PM.


                  • be careful synchro


                    • Originally posted by synchro View Post
                      I had to reconfigure my setup. I have the magnet spinner in a wooden cup, and after all morning of fooling around with no results, It once again began to pay off. I have the jewalery box on it's side with the power coil on the bottem and the magnet coil on the top face down. When I raise the racing spinner towards the output coil, the attraction begins to levitate the spinner, and the output soars, not because of reduced friction on the bearing but the oscillation needs a close balance of magnetic force.
                      I believe that you are creating a very fine filament of a flux path between the rotor and your magnet core pickup coil. When you spin the rotor, it starts to look like this at the pickup coil:
                      YouTube - 2010 Aug 03 Simulation of Magnetosphere and CME shock / geomagnetic storm
                      3D Simulation of a CME Impact
                      YouTube - SPACEQUAKES RUMBLES NEAR EARTH

                      Essentially, that fine filament is a path of least reluctance for the flux.

                      "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


                      • a bit of tesla.

                        some things to ponder...
                        "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill


                        • Synchro,

                          could you possibly lay out a schematic also with winding details, the same way that twinbeard did...this would be interesting to all to be able to compare & ponder



                          • Schematic.


                            I'll upload a sketch shortly. I tried to disconnect the battery after establishing a good solid positive charge rate, but I think I'm runing too small a capacitor as "Twinbeard" pointed out, because it just slowly died each time. Oh well! I have a solid set up. The 2" carbon axel is on two erector set gears, and sitting in a small wooden cup so it can turn 360 degrees. The primary has increased in charge over several long runs, along with the charge battery. So it's a success story so far.


                            • look forwards to it synchro

                              i must admit, in the middle of winding my new rodin getting itchy to replicate what you guys have


                              • Originally posted by synchro View Post

                                I'll upload a sketch shortly. I tried to disconnect the battery after establishing a good solid positive charge rate, but I think I'm runing too small a capacitor as "Twinbeard" pointed out, because it just slowly died each time. Oh well! I have a solid set up. The 2" carbon axel is on two erector set gears, and sitting in a small wooden cup so it can turn 360 degrees. The primary has increased in charge over several long runs, along with the charge battery. So it's a success story so far.
                                One of those 1 Farad 20V car stereo capacitors should do the trick... top it off, and run the thing. Did I read right you are using a tunnel diode? Hooked up backwards (stripe to the cap +)?

                                "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it CAN achieve." Napoleon Hill

