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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Hi all.Some great things going on here with the charging and pick up coil tests and one mag variations.I have been busy also, exploring alternative ways off powering the motor and can run it quite happily of a solar garden led light which will charge two 2.7v 20f supercaps in 10 minutes.I can also charge a supercap via a dynamo torch i have modified in a about one minute.The motor will run for hours on this charge.I have made a vid so you can see what i mean.
    YouTube - One magnet no bearing clockwork Bedini .vid 7
    @El-tigre .Have you put a small piece of reflective tape on your rotor?This will help your tacho get a more accurate reading.Have you got a pic of your rotor to show us?
    @Xenomorph.Thanks for all the great information you have found.
    I am still working on the darlington setup as different transistors give vastly different results and there are lots of possible combinations but i will test a few each week.Check your pm


    • Bedini Top

      Hi Jonny

      Thanks for getting back to me, I do have reflective tape on both the top and side of the top. I thought the top metal might be too shiny so I added some black tape and also tried some green tape plus reflector and no luck with accurate tach readings.

      Sorry for messy pics attached, my lab needs a clean up but no time as usual. I have learned that placement of the coil is key to min amp draw and max charging and top stability.

      This rig seems to run best at a wide coil gap of about 1" plus an angle of about 20 deg. drawing 27ma average. The coil also needs to be offset by about .5 diameter. I also need an arm to keep the top from wandering off my glass dance floor. The one in the pic is just a flex copper tube with a hole about 2x shaft diam. drilled in it.

      You must spin up the top to about 1,000 rpm and have the coil tight to the glass to get it started, after it spins up for about 30 seconds you can back everything off for min. power consumption. It will run with less than 10ma even in this early stage of testing. about 4000 ohms resistance is in the circuit along with a choke coil (thx. Sepiroth) This configuration has a long way to go for optimization. Definitely worth testing further.

      I am currently building a better top. Coil position adjustments are critical to optimum performance and need to be in micrometer increments. I will also build a cross slide with height and tilt adjustment to accomplish this when I have time. Right now I have just spun some threaded rod through a plastic block and I can twist the height and angle up and down while manually sliding the coil around. this makes a huge difference to operation.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by el-tigre; 05-11-2009, 02:59 AM.
      When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


      • Tube Magnets.

        The diameter of the magnet top is slowing your R.P.M.s down. Newton's first law of motion states that Force equal Mass times acceleratio: F=MA, this means a smaller mass magnet roter spinning faster can deliver more force. My idea is to spin a diametrically magnatized tube magnet with a 3/4 or 1 inch diameter. This should produce 10 times the R.P.M.'s hence ten times the mass equivelant for force. Force and magnet strength are directly proportional to output, therefore a small high strength fast spinning magnet rotor should maxamize output, tourqe the enemy! A polyphase parrot cage like the Daftman demonstrates in his construction video would perhaps work best for an output coil. Magnet4less has these tubes for a few bucks online,
        60 lb pull.


        • @synchro:

          Can you state an equation where force finds its way into the induction process?
          Just curious, since i only know that the magnetic field strength is proportional to the output.

          Maybe it can be subcategorizes under flux change which is time dependant and with a higher rotational speed
          the flux change differential is higher.

          10 x more speed might really make a projectile out of this thing. According to some measurements being taken here
          that would yield in more than half a million RPM !
          Last edited by Xenomorph; 05-13-2009, 06:16 PM.


          • Force And Output.

            Force is the power of the magnetic field to overcome reluctance in the output
            coil. The greater the force powering the magnetic field, the more reactionary Lenz force it can overcome and hence the greater the output. The larger roter configuration was clocked at around four thousand R.P.M. A roter with ten times less mass traveling at 40,000 R.P.M would deliver an equivilant force. The spin rates in the 2.5 KHZ range are nearly four times that. My analysis is the reverse of the traditional one that favors a large diameter for the roter taking advantage of the leverage arm for tourque, and a smaller one for the generator roter. These inner coil magnet speeds are nearly supersonic, a dangerous speed to experiment with as larger Neos have a tendency to fragment. I believe the small amount of input power required to spin a smaller diameter magnet at these higher R.P.M.s will allow a compact self running battery charger to be built that will perform like Bedini's bicycle wheel diameter self running energizer oscillator. The whole thing would fit nicely inside a P.V.C pipe for safty. I believe this line of experimentation is on the threshold of a major breakthrough in the field of power generation. These small diameter bearingless magnet roters can have enourmous field strength!


            • New Rotor

              Hi.I have some N42 20mm x 20mm with 6mm hole Diametricly magnetised cylinder magnets which i have got for another motor i am working on and i wondered if i could adapt them to work on the one mag bedini and i have and it spins fast.Is what i did was i placed an 8mm ball bearing in the hole as a pivot and it is very easy to start and it triggers the transistor from 8 inches above the coil but it gets even better.I can run multiple rotors at the same time and current draw does not seem to be affected.In the video i am running a snake egg and the N42 cylinder at the same time.I have another N42 and will try and get the 2 N42's going but i thought i would let you know what i have for now.Here are some pics and a vid.Regards Jonnydavro

              YouTube - One magnet no bearing Bedini motor.New rotor and multiple rotor tests
              Attached Files


              • Awesome Jonny!

                That really gets me thinking about a new motor design. Has anyone tried to use the power and trigger coil with a hollow core, or a partially hollow core? I just got my to spin up with a hollow core but the magnet wont center well.
                Last edited by Mark; 05-14-2009, 02:06 PM.


                • Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                  Hi.I have some N42 20mm x 20mm with 6mm hole Diametricly magnetised cylinder magnets which i have got for another motor i am working on and i wondered if i could adapt them to work on the one mag bedini and i have and it spins fast.Is what i did was i placed an 8mm ball bearing in the hole as a pivot and it is very easy to start and it triggers the transistor from 8 inches above the coil but it gets even better.I can run multiple rotors at the same time and current draw does not seem to be affected.In the video i am running a snake egg and the N42 cylinder at the same time.I have another N42 and will try and get the 2 N42's going but i thought i would let you know what i have for now.Here are some pics and a vid.Regards Jonnydavro

                  YouTube - One magnet no bearing Bedini motor.New rotor and multiple rotor tests
                  Oh boy.. 100 kazzilon N42s stacked to the moon !!
                  Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                  Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                  • magnetically suspended bedini top works

                    Originally posted by jonnydavro View Post
                    Hi.I have some N42 20mm x 20mm with 6mm hole Diametricly magnetised cylinder magnets which i have got for another motor i am working on and i wondered if i could adapt them to work on the one mag bedini and i have and it spins fast.Is what i did was i placed an 8mm ball bearing in the hole as a pivot and it is very easy to start and it triggers the transistor from 8 inches above the coil
                    Hey Jonny, In my latest test of the top design, I suspended the top from its shaft on a neo cylinder strong enough to hold it up and so the top has very little friction at all now and the suspending magnet has the added bonus of keeping the top in one location. it cut my power consumption quite a lot. I can get the rig to run consistently on about 6 ma! at 15v. and it still charges 2 drill batteries nicely at 14ma.

                    you may want to try suspending your n42, just put a pin through a board and see if the ball bearing you are using will stick to it enough to hold it up. Or put a nail up through the magnet and use another magnet to suspend it. Friction goes way down and so did my power consumption.

                    The next step has to be a diamagnetic or superconducting levitation Bedini motor resulting in near frictionless hyperspeed rotation. Who will be the first to build one...
                    Last edited by el-tigre; 05-15-2009, 03:36 AM.
                    When you pick up a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way...


                    • @Synchro.I think your tube magnet idea has opened a new chapter in this project and my initial tests look really promising.This morning i had 2 N42'S spinning and it was quite easy to start so things may start to get intresting.You sound familiar, are you Zebok from utube?If so HELLO,If not HELLO
                      @Xenomorph.Hi.I put the tacho on the new rotor this morning using an aircore coil and it was doing 15400rpm on 6.5v at 29mA.I will try to get a reading when using a core later as when using a core the max magnetic field acting on the magnet is stronger some way above the coil so i will have to play around and find the best height.
                      I also did a quick test with my pick up coil using a real power hungry red Led and it lit it from 7" away so thats looking real promising and goes some way to confirm Synchro's theory on the benefits of using a strong rotor magnet.
                      I have also got 2 N42's spinning now and you will be suprised when you see that setup but i will have to go and find a new Lid from the supermarket as i only have one good one.
                      @Mark.thanks.I am experimenting with air core and maybe able to help on the centering problem.I will try and post a pic later as i can control the strong cylinder mag but i don't know if it will work for the snake egg as it requires a real strong magnet.This is the great thing about this forum and sharing idea's.One thing leads to another.
                      @El-tigre.Sounds like you have a real nice low friction setup with some great charging going on.Your suspended top idea is great and i can see maybe a way off incorparating your idea.Thanks for sharing.


                      • Hi.Here is a vid of two N42's spinning.I am using an air core power coil for this test and it is pretty easy to start but getting them synced so they can be spun up to top speed together is a bit more tricky but doable.I found that if i just place stands next to the power coil,these magnets are strong enough to trigger the transistor from a distance and this setup seems to work really well.Regards jonnydavro

                        YouTube - One magnet no bearing Bedini motor .Twin rotor Test
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by jonnydavro; 05-15-2009, 05:12 PM.


                        • Hi.I subscibe to smw1998a on utube and thought you may be interested in his work.He makes some great bedini motors amongst other things and he has replicated the snake egg Bedini and put it on a scope.In his first vid he clocks it at 24000rpm and in his second 33600rpm.Here are links to his vids.Regards jonny
                          YouTube - Snake Egg Replication

                          YouTube - The Snake Egg Rotor


                          • Magnetic Vortex.

                            Synchro and Zebok are the same guy. The reports of prolonged coasting have me wondering if there isn't a third factor at work, the possibility of Magnetic Vortex Implosion! something to be aware of and watch for; whereby the Magnetic Vortex begins to spin at a faster rate then the magnet, an effect experimentally achieved and theorised about by Victor Schauberger. This effect can be witnessed in the final flushing suction of the ordinary toilet. It's possible the field may begin to start to race ahead of the roter, and the magnet roter has to try and catch up and begins to trigger the reinforcing coil pulse from behind. This theory may help explain any signs of overunity.

                            The multiple magnet demonstration is an awesome accomplishment. I can't overstate my optimisem about the possibilities at this point. I am really dizzy with excitement right now.


                            • @Synchro.Hi. I thought it was you.Glad you made it over here but i see you have been a member for a while and not posted so much but you have lots off knowledge and i thankyou for sharing your ideas.Your magnetic vortex theory is real interesting but how would i know something like this is going on?I have no serious test equipment like oscilloscopes.I make all my motors in my kitchen and you should see the aggro that causes so the last thing i need is a magnetic vortex implosion .what should i look for?
                              Have you seen"economy magnetic motors" by jondepew on utube.I wonder if this is similar to what he is doing but on a smaller scale.Have a look and see what you think.
                              I hope you get back to your lab soon so you can join in with the experiments as like you i think there are quite a few discoveries to be made yet.Kind regards jonny


                              • Hi.Some people who want to try the cylinder rotor are finding it hard to find diametricaly magnetised N42 cylinder mags with a hole so this is where i get mine from and i think they ship international.

                                First4magnets - High Performance Magnets & Outstanding Service.

