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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Magnet sphere

    Hi all,
    I have been working with the 555 timer approach and like Xenomorph I have had no luck. I did make a successful new rotor out of a children's plastic top and that did work. I put a 1" sphere hematite magnet in it with the poles faced out. It works quite well and I made a video of it. I ordered a 1" neo magnet to try out that high speed 'inside the coil' setup and will wind a seperate coil for that experiment.
    I have been keeping up with the progress here but have been busy learning all about Dr. Stiffler's amazing SEC.


    Here is the video of the new rotor---
    YouTube - New setup for One Magnet No Bearing Bedini


    • Oh my.

      That video of the round magnet is simply awe inspiring. Thats some speed!


      • Question for Lidmotor.

        My question for Lidmotor is: Did the input to output ratio rise between his weaker strength snake egg rotor, and his new more powerfull neo sphere at cruise speed rotation? If so, might it be possible to project where an increase in magnet strength may reach or surpass the break even point?


        • Sphere Magnet experiments

          Originally posted by synchro View Post
          My question for Lidmotor is: Did the input to output ratio rise between his weaker strength snake egg rotor, and his new more powerfull neo sphere at cruise speed rotation? If so, might it be possible to project where an increase in magnet strength may reach or surpass the break even point?
          Synchro----That is a very good question. First of all I don't have the neo ball yet and in the last video I'm using a Hematite ball so we will have to wait and see if there is a big difference. I don't think that spinning anything is going to "make" energy. What I am looking for is efficiency and "fun" factor. I can run the Bedini circuit solid state with no moving parts ----good efficiency but small "fun" factor. Or I can run a nice spinning magnet motor with less efficiency but its great to look at and listen to.
          From my early tests with the spinning ball the efficiency doesn't look good and I don't know why. The input to output from first glance was way off. I think that it was mainly do to my poor crude setup. The snake egg was very good even from the start. When I get the neo ball magnet I may make a better setup for it and try again. My partially "levitated top" idea looks real good so far. I may put the neo in that.

          Here is the video of the high speed ball magnet:
          YouTube - High Speed Ball Magnet Bedini

          Last edited by Lidmotor; 05-25-2009, 05:05 PM.


          • idea...

            I would like someone to try this with their setup.

            Take a sphere neo, then at the top take a swivel for a fishing line and put it at the top of it, then put one at the bottom ( I am thinking electrical tape to attach ) again with the poles of the magnet on the side. I am thinking this would allow you to put the spere inside the coil and keep it in exact position and give very little resistance with the swivels...

            Just an idea...
            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • Swivels.

              The super high R.P.M.'s would heat up and burn those cheap swivel bearings out real fast. The fishing swivel's designed for aquatic submergence to cool and lubricate. A Jonnydavro style diametrically magnatised tube magnet rotating on a ball bearing with a lidmotor style Neo levitation stabilizer off the top coupled with the inherent gyroscopic stability should be enough to keep the magnet rotor centered inside a toroid coil with practically zero loss to friction unlike the swivel bearings. Picture a brass wire lamp shade holder taped to the side of a toroid output coil with a canted neo pointed north down, and a peg in the top of a tube magnet with a neo south up like lidmotors. One could spin the tube magnet up stable, then place the toroid output coil over the top with that levitation stabilizer centering. Now it's ready to pour on some steam!
              Last edited by synchro; 05-26-2009, 01:35 AM.


              • Lidmotor states: "spinning magnet motor with less efficiency".
                The question is yet to be answered if multiple tops/rotors can be run with the same energy input as it takes to run one top/rotor.
                If a little more or same amount of input is required, would not this allow multiple energy extraction for the same input cost?
                The possible multiplication factor of extraction is the question to be inspected?
                Lidmotor states a "solid state with no moving parts" has "good efficiency"..
                If you can with little or no cost keep adding additional rotors would not this
                allow much greater extraction of energy regardless of the efficiency of the input.

                I believe a plastic Easter egg can be used as Lidmotor has done with the
                plastic top, putting a magnet inside the egg. It would allow a similar setup as Bedini Spinning Top on the top of the Easter Egg to stabilize it if desired.

                The stabilizing of the Top (or an Easter egg) could be done with a nail, pointing upward, using one less magnet or maybe no additional magnets at all?
                This would allow for a self starting rotor. It would always be upright and ready to start spinning as Lidmotor has discovered.
                This would allow for multiple rotors side-by-side using only a single driving coil, could it not?

                Remember to be kind to your mind ...
                Tesla quoting Buddha: "Ignorance is the greatest evil in the world."


                • Is the coil supposed to be self-oscillating when the magnet is not in motion? I have a 24awg and 32awg bifilar coil of 100 imperial feet, didn't bother to twist them on a drill before winding. As with all circuits, on first powerup I have an EMF meter monitoring the airwaves, and when I turned on this circuit I got an audible whistling noise extending about 8 feet away from the coil. Frequency went up as I dialed the potentiometer to a higher resistance value.

                  When the magnet started spinning, its rotation modulated the whistling noise, and if it stopped and stuck to the core, I didn't need an EMF meter to hear the coil whistling!


                  • Additional Pylons:
                    YouTube - Regenerative Acceleration PART1

                    Thane C. Heins: High RPM + High Inductance Pickup Coil = high impedance, high voltage, low current. Lenz's Law need not apply here


                    • Regarding the Lenz law comment:

                      I have yet to see a pickup-coil accelerate (?!) the magnet as claimed by Heins at least it wont be so simply applicable for the one magnet bedini.
                      The "so-called" high-voltage coils in the video are probably high AWG, high turn count coils.
                      I have just made a 7000 turn AWG 32 coil and it DOES SLOW THE MAGNET DOWN. More turns would cripple the current output completely.
                      And he is getting enough current to light LEDs.

                      Too bad, i cant 100% replicate Heins setup , but i dont see any reason
                      why Lenz law should not be in effect (or reverse) even with high voltage coils ?! Where is the theory for that? I will study a bit what Heins has to say about it.

                      I will however (if i find the time) try that of course just not to be a complete skeptic.
                      Last edited by Xenomorph; 05-26-2009, 10:26 AM.


                      • I have to agree....

                        I agree with Xenomorph here. Just energizing the coil would show you the maximum effect and should be experimented with. That way you know the maximum range the given coil would effect the magnet. Then you have to take in account the voltage amp on the coil when in generation mode. That would give you the lenz law elements to figure out where the sweet spot is between the magnet and coil in generation mode. As you add more coils you would already know that you need a certain space between the coils and would allow you to place them in a close rough guess.
                        But like I said once you get the rough distance you could just geodesic the rest of the coils like a half bucky ball type of arrangement. you should be able to get at least 2 rows of coils with an acess hole in the top. Or you could just use the top row and leave the rest open for further satalite magnets if the 1 chain satalites work with the new coils. I am on the fence about it working with coils in place. You just might be better to experiment to see if you can get one at each 90 degree then make the coil assemblies on the satalite mags but I would still try to see if the coils have an affect at that range for the other mags.


                        • Heines explains the background to his experiment in this video better:
                          YouTube - GOD'S APRIL FOOLS JOKE on Science & the SECRET

                          Is it applicable to the one magnet motor?
                          Well, maybe. But the space around the magnet is limited, thats when jonnydavros multiple magnet system might just be the solution.

                          So Heines talks about 2500 RPM and he has like what, 8 magnets on there ?
                          That would equate to 20000 RPM with the single magnet.

                          Next time my budget allows more magnet wire, ill give it a shot i think

                          Thanks @ Shanjaq to post this here.

                          I was considering moving to much thicker wire anyway as a next step.


                          • It appears that Thane Heins' setup is designed to push the (HV) generator coils to a high enough frequency so that impedance dominates and any current resulting from the passing magnets nearly ceases to flow. There are as many turns as possible and as low a gauge as possible to reduce the frequency at which Impedance asserts itself as a critical factor(Air Core might not have sufficient inductance.) For best acceleration results, the HV coils are shorted out(maximum load condition) above a rotor speed determined by these coil characteristics.


                            • High voltage coil.

                              The principle that Thane Heins is explaining is so simple, it eludes understanding, but is the fundamental relationship described by Ampere's Law and involves the factor of the Ampere Turn. Start here: Take a length of wire and induce an electric power at a current of one amp and one volt. Now take an identical length of wire, induce the same power at the same level of current and voltage but add a loop or one Ampere turn. How much power do we measure at the end of each wire? An additional volt has appeared in the wire with the Ampere loop, has it not? The wires are still the same length and share the same Ohmic resistence, correct? The second wire generated an additional volt and cut the current by half? What happened in the loop? A magnetic field has appeared has it not? A solenoid, a simple component to an electric motor capable of imparting motion to a magnet. So we have power in equalto power out in both wires, but one wire has aquired the power to do work. Therefore. the more thin wire turns in a coil, the more power to do work for a given amount of electric power supplied to a coil. This principle only works up to a point, after which overwinding produces a counter effect. The same ratio holds for the output, the more turns, the more electric power out for the amount of magnetic force applied.
                              Last edited by synchro; 05-27-2009, 02:48 AM.


                              • Overwinding

                                Well, that sounds like an awfully expensive way to find the right winding number for this set-up. You would have to make many coils and compare them.
                                One Question remains, if the current nearly ceases to flow in the high-voltage coils, how is Heins still able to light 3 (quite bright) LEDs off these coils? Well i forget that he is pushing a lot of power into that motor, so he is probably able to squeeze a few milliAmperes out of them still.

                                BTW: Anyone knows the cheapest magnet wire supplier?
                                Last edited by Xenomorph; 05-26-2009, 10:36 PM.

