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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • @tai61:
    Check post 135 of this thread or It has been posted before by jonny.


    • Satelllite Magnet Rotor---Load testing

      I took my satellite rotor generator, put a bridge rectifier on it, and ran a Joule Thief with it. It slows down the main rotor when the JT load is applied but the amp draw does not go up on the system. I am running the 3/8" sphere inside a coil of 30 Ga wire. I found that there is sort of a sweet spot in distance from the main rotor where you get the most out of everything.
      I also found out that the system still generates after the power is turned off until the top spins down.

      YouTube - TOP CHARGER-- Runs a Joule Thief Wirelessly



      • mags

        xenomorph. cheers for that


        • Nice one

          @Lidmotor: Excellent, that is exactly there direction that i like to be researched about this circuit. Particularly interesting would be to add more generator coil/spheres and see if that wont stall the rotor completely. Thane C Heineīs high-voltage coils that are supposed to speed the main rotor up would counteract the lenz drag here, however i have no info on the specs of his coils nor if they really work as it sounds weird. Im addition the one magnet motor does not reach a high enough speed (like 30k RPM) to even make use of that unfortunately.



          • Even though...

            @lidmotor Thats a great experiment. The only thing is i think your top mags are not strong enough to get a real effect here. Even though you are getting it to work I think it all is too close to be effective. Maybe a stronger mag in the top would let the satalite work farther from your setup enabling it to couple better. You are definetly running at bare min specs. Unlike Jonny who has a greater distance and allowing him to work the rig unaltered by the satalites or pickup coils affecting the main rotor(top in your case). It proves that you need a certain strength of rotor mags in order to facilitate a longer vortex link. Here is one experiment also you could try. Remove the satalite mag from the coil and see if you are generating from the main coil. This would tell you that you are crossing the perimiter of the main coil and stealing field strength from your main coil which I suspect you are doing. It would explain why the coil distance with your setup is affecting the main rotor speed.
            We need to start ramping up and building bigger to increase the effect that is being seen with Jonny's type of a setup. Since he has run his unit with many many satalites without it affecting his main rotor setup that would be the minimum setup to start from.
            I think Jonny should concentrate on finishing up what he is doing and start adding complete statlite+coils in a step by step process and start keeping numbers for each step in order to see if we are getting more each time as he add each satalite units. It would be interesting to see just how far Jonny could get before it gets out of hand.
            Good job Guys very good experiments!


            • @Jbignes5:
              Even with a stronger main rotor, Lenz drag will occur. Only with an attached RPM-meter you could make accurate statements about the main rotorīs speed.
              It is impossible to eliminate the Lenz effect with exactly this one magnet motor set-up.
              Dont forget that Lidmotor put the thing under a comparatively substantial load (Joule Thief) while Jonny has been lighting a single LED.
              I really hope there is sweetspots for many satellites and an actual benefit in placing many satellites as opposed to just using one stronger satellite cylinder magnet (which simply represents the numeric addition of the smaller spheresī field strengths after all) The small spheres have a much smaller magnetic field compared to the cylinder magnet and therefore induce unfortunately a much lower voltage.

              I encourage you to replicate this and experiment around, seems like you have a lot of ideas in your mind about it. Its easy to build,really


              • Oh I intend to replicate!

                Yes I am getting things situated in my room to faciltate a bench to do replications on. Getting equiptment also is alot of savings so it is harder for me to get the instruments that I need. My wife is another hurdle and I am getting her used to the idea that I will have a bench in the bedroom since thats the only free space I got to work with lol.
                I have tons of Ideas and experiments to try and I also like to try at least for now to help you guys see ideas to try with your setups. Right now I need to move a bunch of things in order to facilitate the bench so it might take some time and convincing my wife to place it where I need it.
                But for now I am content to give away my good ideas to the guys who can use them. I hope it helps. If not then I am sorry for bothering you guys.


                • Oh I feel your pain ----The project vs the wife

                  Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                  Yes I am getting things situated in my room to faciltate a bench to do replications on. Getting equiptment also is alot of savings so it is harder for me to get the instruments that I need. My wife is another hurdle and I am getting her used to the idea that I will have a bench in the bedroom since thats the only free space I got to work with lol.
                  I have tons of Ideas and experiments to try and I also like to try at least for now to help you guys see ideas to try with your setups. Right now I need to move a bunch of things in order to facilitate the bench so it might take some time and convincing my wife to place it where I need it.
                  But for now I am content to give away my good ideas to the guys who can use them. I hope it helps. If not then I am sorry for bothering you guys.
                  @jbigness5---Man I feel your pain about finding a place to do the work. I have to do all my work on the kitchen counter and table. EVERYTHING has to be gone when the little lady shows up. It is very hard to build something this way. I put my things in a cardboard box out of sight when I finish for the day. I grew up having a full garage work shop to work in and this has been a supreme challenge to build things in the house. My advice is to be very neat and tidy about it and keep the peace.
                  As far as the Lenz thing ---it is just there and won't go away. We are just going to have to deal with it. I like what I saw with the JT circuit running off this setup. It is encouraging.

                  @Xenomorph----You are right about the Lenz drag and I do agree that multiple satellites placed at the sweet spots will work. I got four satellites spinning up in water glasses that seemed to link and go into a sort of harmonic resonance. I had them at the four corners of my setup. That is something else to look into. Jonny ----I think that you have already figured this one out



                  • welp thanks.

                    Yeah I got everything ok'ed by the little woman today. Yeah I can my own little piece as long as it does not get out of hand. One benie is that it is a short hop to the fun bed heh. Work, then have some fun, could life get any better? lol

                    ok so back to the conversation at hand. I don't think Jonny saw much lenz affect from the distance he was doing the 10 satalites from but he also didn't have coils on all of them or he didn't report much about the lenz affect.. It might not be as apparent in the larger setup he has and yes Resonance even in this sytem will be key to getting the max out of it. Resonance should manifest unusual effects as well but until we have complete systems up and running one will never tell.
                    Please don't take my suggestions as badgering but until I have my own setup going this is the only release I have for my ideas. I hate having to stiffle my creative side, it tends to build up and drive me nutz from not having an outlet. I don't want to be seen as a badgerer. At least I hope I am not doing that. Thanks for putting up with that side of me till I can get the setup complete for myself.


                    • @Lidmotor.Nice vid Lid I to have been experimenting with powering an efficient joule thief but i can run mine from a single satellite at a distance of 9" but not as bright as when it is closer with no dead zone like you show in your vid.I tried your radio trick and lenz is alive and well but we new that anyway.I can here it slow when i load it close to the main rotor but can't really notice much difference when the satellite is further away but there will be some.I shorted the coil and then the sphere would maintain rotation up to a distance of 6" from the main rotor and stall if moved further.Here's a pic of the joule thief test.
                      Thanks for doing that run down test and the amp info and the 555 timer could improove efficiency even further,kinda like driving up a hill and coasting down the other side.
                      I wonder if your sphere is stalling as it may have to much wiggle room?Or maybe the sphere's magnetic field is different from the cylinder?
                      Do you think a 1" cylinder will fit in your top?
                      anyway great stuff Lid regards jonny
                      @Xenomorph.Forget the plastic eggs and try a top of a washing up liquid bottle,the type which has a plunger as a satellite housing.It works great even with an eratic rotor but better with a stable one so you will be able to see a stable satellite if you have not already got one going.I have enclosed a pick for you. Regards jonny
                      @Jbignes.To see if this is scalable we would have to get a bigger main rotor magnet or stack a few on top of each other maybe.I don't know how big they make them?I think a 1 foot diameter one would spin tennis ball size neo's but we need to find out the best way to go with this as it is early days yet and plenty more things to find.
                      P.S.I am glad you have decided to replicate this as it is quite amazing to look at in the flesh and it will get them creative juices flowing. regards jonny


                      • Well I thought...

                        In my day dreaming I was wondering if bigger satalites would work with your current setup. That was the scale up I really was thinking about. It just might allow you to move the satalites further seeing the link would be stronger.
                        Yeah I'm starting to get some stuff together but I do have another project going already. That said I might have enough time to throw in the magnets and wire to make the coil. But my other project is on hold atm waiting for a 500 watt motor. I'm gonna mod my scooter with a regeneration system if it pans out. But thats another thread lol.


                        • Magnet strength & Parallel path.

                          Icreasing the magnet strength of either or both the rotor and or satellite magnets will increase the output in this system. Output here is directly proportional to magnet strength. The magnets are doing the work, not the coil pulse. Imagine flipping a magnet 90 degrees on it's axis against the apogee of a swinging pendulum with an oppositly charged magnet at the end. The magnet flip powered by a linear solenoid. The input to the solenoid will only increase frationally due to shear force, compared to the increase in pendulum force created by an increase in either stator or pendulem magnet's strength. Secondly, a fourth invisable magnet appears in the satellite, following Joe Flynn's principle of three magnets creating the additional .50 amount of strength of a fourth magnet. This force should be the sum of the pulse, rotor and satellite strength, divided by three, times .50. I welcome feedback on the validity of my parallel path effect theory, since we have a three magnet field reinforcement area for comparison.
                          Last edited by synchro; 06-12-2009, 05:57 PM.


                          • @Synchro:

                            I am using N45 satellite rotors (magnet spheres). I think there is no stronger ones with that little weight (weight is important to have them move), so i believe that only the coil specs and the egg dimensions can improve the output.
                            Main rotor could be still stronger, but there is limits to the magnet side of things eventually.
                            I cant say anything towards your theory as i cant really picture it in my mind.


                            • There are n52's but the cost is prohibitive. so 6mm sphere are the only size that would work with jonny's setup? What my thinking is, is that you could increase the satalite size not strength of material to like the same size as jonny's main mag. That would enable you to extend the range of the satalites while still maintaining the link between. I am starting to think I was wrong about the flexible vortex. The more I picture the invisible lines of force on the mag the more I think we have a mag cog system working here. The lines of force that are around the mag are much wider then we thought they are linking in a cog type of arrangement, much like gears. If you think about it that way then the bigger satalite mag should act much the same as a gear system. The bigger the gear on a satalite gear the farther away it can be and be powered by the main mag. Also this would increase the amount of generation for said larger gear(mag satalite). It would be a good direction to experiment to see if the sweet spot mover farther away to be able to lower the lenz affect to the lowest possible without loosing the mesh of mag fields (strength). Just some food for thought...


                              • Maximum output.

                                @Xenomorph. I read your comment at overunity about your failed attempt to loop back to source. The SSG bifilar Bedini pulse coil, primary and charge battery system captures the input BEMF from the colapsing field and stores it in the charge battery. Mopozco has a video where he wires the diode off the transister collector directly to the positive pole of the primary battery, and runs his snake egg single magnet Bedini very close to unity for four or five hours. All one has to do to achieve unity, is generate the small amount of power that the system looses to resistence, in Mopozco's case this is about a half a milliamp per hour. Have a look at Retrod1īs latest video, he is generating 75 volts and lighting 34 led's off the mainroter, but he is using more amperage. The point I want to make is that Retrod1's amperage is looped and his system is running close to unity as well. The operating cost is the difference between the collected charge and the total input. So it pays to run the pulse coil at high power, because it really dosen't cost anything.
                                Secondly, the greater the magnet strength the greater the output, along with the more windings in the output coil up to a point. The strongest Neo sphere at top speed inside the core of a 3 unit high by 2 unit tall Hi Voltage output coil wound with thin wire of many turns should generate the maximum power from this system. Unless there is some advantage to the paralell path field strength effect, which would add advantage to a third satellite magnet. A distinct possibility. You can research this by typing the subject in the google search engine. Try the "Tim Harwoods simple flux experiment" link at Peswiki. Very interesting topic, I strongly recomend you have a look. The law states that: "By aligining two magnetic fields to one side of a flux core, you can deliver 3.5 more units of magnetic force then the electrical input could alone". There's a one magnet Bedini youtube video by "Johnnblade", magnet turning right left. He has a second magnet he holds stationary and turns a little that speeds and slows down the rotor mag. This demonstrates the possible effect of Paralell Path, between the pulse coil that has polarity, the rotor and the third steering magnet, whereby sandwiching the rotor between the two paralell poles generates a magnafication of strength as demonstrated by Joseph Flynn.
                                Last edited by synchro; 06-13-2009, 12:21 AM. Reason: addition.

