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One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

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  • Hi All,

    how are you all doing ?
    here is my vid from today of my Bedini Marathon its day 5 now
    and still running, and batteries are higher then ever.

    YouTube - One magnet No Bearing Bedini motor Marathon Selfcharging and solar JB part 7 day 5

    i think i will have stop the marathon myself soon, and test how long it will run without charging, because i want to test new things with my Bedini

    sofare i know that my sphere are really wearing off, cause of the friction
    all my sphere;s now have a black cirkel on one end (i will make some pics of it, the damage of sphere's while running Bedini)

    i also added a small image with text i found on the net, if we all keep this up, with these sphere's rotating we will see crazy things happing for us in time when RPM's get higher

    @JonnDavro, Xenomorph, Lidmotor, Retrod - how are yall doing ?

    anybody still having issues with DNS, and reaching energeticforum ?

    ad this to yr hostheader file
    goto "C:\windows\System32\drivers\etc\" open the file "hosts" with notepad
    and add this all the way below, for faster acces to energeticforum

    Greets JB
    Attached Files


    • Back from 5 day vacation---SOLAR TOP still running

      I took a week off for vacation and left my SOLAR TOP and Hall Sensor Spinner running. Both were still running after 5 days. The SOLAR TOP was left outside with one AA alkaline battery and the Hall Sensor Spinner was left inside with a 6 volt lantern battery and a small voltage regulator that dropped the voltage down to 2 volts. Nothing unusual really but I wanted to see what would happen if I just walked away from them for a week. This what I observed when I got home:
      1) The SOLAR TOP was running happily but the battery voltage was down to 1.2 volts. This might be the stable point where the battery wants to be given the amount of solar energy that it is fed each day.
      2) The Hall Sensor Spinner was still running but the tape that I had on the spinner shaft had started to come unwound and that had slowed the top down. The voltage on the 6 volt lantern battery (standard carbon/acid Eveready) was down to 5.3 volts. That surprised me because the amp draw is so low on the Hall sensor circuit. I think that the voltage regulator took the energy.

      @ Johnn B-----I studied your circuit and it looks very interesting. I am very curious how long it will run without the solar input. Basically--what is the energy cousumption. If we can ever get these things down into the true micro amp range then we can run them on an earth battery or a lemon even.

      @Jonny D----I am still pondering why you are getting the negative amp draw phenomenon.

      @Xenomorph-----It looks like you are into some new experiments. I will follow your progress.

      @ All ----On my vacation I took along some of my light projects to try out and it was the "Big Joule Thief" HALO LIGHT that took the prize. It really worked well on the boat at sea for the 5 days.

      Last edited by Lidmotor; 07-16-2009, 03:14 AM.


      • Hi All,

        Day 6 in the Bedini marathon, and still running

        @Lidmotor: i think its really cools that you are also having a Marathon and today is yr 7th day right?
        i have seen your vid with the CFL light, im going to try to fix that experiment myself, and try to see if i can hook it up on the Bedini
        or make a standalone CFL light of it. i gues i would have to try it with the iron core first since i have no big donut ferrite

        here is the latest Bedini Marathon vid YouTube - One magnet No Bearing Bedini motor Selfcharging and solar JB part 8 day 6

        keep up the great work everybody

        Below is how the friction damage looks like

        Greets JB
        Attached Files


        • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post

          @ Johnny B-----I studied your circuit and it looks very interesting. I am very curious how long it will run without the solar input. Basically--what is the energy cousumption. the last time i could measure the amp draw it was about 3 to 4mah - if i now try to meassure
          the amp draw my sphere stops, its like the meter makes it stop so i cant measure amps for now.
          soon i will do the no solar test, and then the no solar and no recharging test

          If we can ever get these things down into the true micro amp range then we can run them on an earth battery or a lemon even.
          ill bet that can already be done, i will test how many patatoes, or patatoe slices it will take to run a Bedini

          @Jonny D----I am still pondering why you are getting the negative amp draw phenomenon. could it be reading the amp of the negative voltage, cause in my circuit im also using a minus to minus energy charging in my Cap C1

          @ All ----On my vacation I took along some of my light projects to try out and it was the "Big Joule Thief" HALO LIGHT that took the prize. It really worked well on the boat at sea for the 5 days.

          im will also try to make that Joule Thief CFL circuit, cant wait to see it work, im already hooked on it


          Greets JB


          • Hi All,

            just a quick question, is ferrite the same as ceramic magnets
            cause i have a donut ceramic magnet, and i was wundering if i could use that as an ferrite core ?


            Greets JB


            • Ferrite magnet for iorn core.

              "Johnblade- I think it's considered to be unaceptable because it's the absorbtion quality of the iron that's sought after! A permenent magnet is already impregnated with field strength, and hence a poor core material.


              • Hi All,

                @Synchro, thnx for the reply otherwise i would have made a coil for nothing.


                day 7 of my Bedini marathon, and in a way im geting bored :P
                from tomorrow i will disconnect the solar and see how long it will run (ill bet not long)

                1 thing i can say, is that in a way i now how the sphere is doing by only listening to it :P, when the oil runs out, it makes more unstable noise, when oil is good its stable and running smooth, at night little unstable, during day its running on full speed cause of solar. (and it becomes a household motor :P )

                here is the latest vid day 7 and new highest voltage peak on non rechargeable batteries
                YouTube - One magnet No Bearing Bedini motor Marathon Selfcharging and solar JB part 9 day 7 - JB

                Greets JB


                • Better Hall Sensor Spinner

                  @ I have been working alot on the Hall sensor approach to spinning the rotor and reworked the circuit I'm using to make it a better charger. I also worked on a shaft mounted cylinder magnet rotor design. I put it on "Maggie" and turned her into a sort of motor generator. This video shows her running remotely with the rotating flux field generated by the spinning Hall sensor magnet rotor.

                  YouTube - Better Hall Sensor Spinner

                  My Solar Top is still running but I don't know why. The alkaline AA battery voltage is less than 1 volt. It somehow struggles through the night until the sun hits the solar cell in the morning. I am just leaving it outside now because there is no rain this time of year where I live. Thursday will mark week two of 24/7 spinning on one AA alkaline battery.




                  • Bedini coil resonating

                    Has anyone an idea how to remove resonance from the coil?
                    I have tried for days now to do that.
                    I use my old set-up but i use 12 Volt batteries now, because i want to charge 12 volt batteries and i believe it is not possible to charge a 12 v battery with 2 AA (2.6 Volt) batteries because the spike would not be high enough, at least i had no success when i tried it.
                    The coil sings on its own even if no magnet is on top of the coil.
                    if i set the base resistance to high (like 50k +) then the rotor wont spin.
                    If i set it too low the rotor jumps off the table but even at insane speeds to resonance is still audible and there is pretty much no battery charging
                    happening while it is resonating. I guess that is screwing up the radiant pulses.
                    I even inserted a 10 uF/35 V cap into the 2ndary winding before the battery plus line, that significantly reduced the amp draw and allows the rotor to run as smooth as with only 1 AA battery at the same amp-draw of below 5 mA.
                    Unfortunately that somehow kills the charging, seems like the cap filters out all the radiant spikes
                    Had no other idea how to change the resonance frequency of the coil, inserting another inductor wont do anything either.

                    Has anyone had similar problems and would have an advice on what to do to
                    get the resonance out of the circuit?
                    Thanks in advance,
                    Last edited by Xenomorph; 07-22-2009, 01:25 PM.


                    • Self oscillating Bedini circuit

                      Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
                      Has anyone an idea how to remove resonance from the coil?
                      I have tried for days now to do that.
                      I use my old set-up but i use 12 Volt batteries now, because i want to charge 12 volt batteries and i believe it is not possible to charge a 12 v battery with 2 AA (2.6 Volt) batteries because the spike would not be high enough, at least i had no success when i tried it.
                      The coil sings on its own even if no magnet is on top of the coil.
                      if i set the base resistance to high (like 50k +) then the rotor wont spin.
                      If i set it too low the rotor jumps off the table but even at insane speeds to resonance is still audible and there is pretty much no battery charging
                      happening while it is resonating. I guess that is screwing up the radiant pulses.
                      I even inserted a 10 uF/35 V cap into the 2ndary winding before the battery plus line, that significantly reduced the amp draw and allows the rotor to run as smooth as with only 1 AA battery at the same amp-draw of below 5 mA.
                      Unfortunately that somehow kills the charging, seems like the cap filters out all the radiant spikes
                      Had no other idea how to change the resonance frequency of the coil, inserting another inductor wont do anything either.

                      Has anyone had similar problems and would have an advice on what to do to
                      get the resonance out of the circuit?
                      Thanks in advance,
                      I have been noticing the same thing. When my circuits start doing that I just turn off the circuit, turn the base resistance down, and then start it up again. I found out some time ago that you can get a Bedini SSG circuit to self-oscillate if you slowly increase the resistance on the base high enough. That turns it into a soild state Bedini charger. To me that wasn't a bad thing and I made several and used them on the ignition coil CFL project. You should be getting charging out of yours if it is resonating. When that coil field collaspes that back spike has to go somewhere. Maybe there is a diode problem? To get it to stop I think that I would look at the coil construction or find out how the feedback signal is making its way back to the transistor base.
                      I also have had very poor luck trying to charge up a larger voltage battery from a smaller one. I think that it could be done with a cap pulser circuit though. Just fill up the cap high enough so that the larger battery will accept the jolt and then zap it.



                      • Thanks Lidmotor:

                        It was 2 things:

                        1) The battery to be charged is sulphated (has been lying around too long)
                        2) I replaced the coil with my latest coil which has a very different winding ratio between trigger and pulse coil and that solved the resonance issue.

                        Probably it would have charged the battery if it hadnīt been sulphated.
                        I am trying to send it through a couple of discharge/charging cycles in order to desulphate and condition that battery now with the one magnet charger. See how that goes.



                        • Mostly unrelated to what is currently going on I was going to delete this flawed video and decided to post it instead. It may or may not be common knowledge to some of you. I find the magnet collision spinning effect most interesting. Forgive the bad narration, poor focus and blooper ending
                          YouTube - Magnet Collision Spin Effects Two 1/4 Inch N42 Magnets

                          Thanks for watching,



                          • Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
                            Has anyone an idea how to remove resonance from the coil?
                            I have tried for days now to do that.
                            I use my old set-up but i use 12 Volt batteries now, because i want to charge 12 volt batteries and i believe it is not possible to charge a 12 v battery with 2 AA (2.6 Volt) batteries because the spike would not be high enough, at least i had no success when i tried it.
                            The coil sings on its own even if no magnet is on top of the coil.
                            if i set the base resistance to high (like 50k +) then the rotor wont spin.
                            If i set it too low the rotor jumps off the table but even at insane speeds to resonance is still audible and there is pretty much no battery charging
                            happening while it is resonating. I guess that is screwing up the radiant pulses.
                            I even inserted a 10 uF/35 V cap into the 2ndary winding before the battery plus line, that significantly reduced the amp draw and allows the rotor to run as smooth as with only 1 AA battery at the same amp-draw of below 5 mA.
                            Unfortunately that somehow kills the charging, seems like the cap filters out all the radiant spikes
                            Had no other idea how to change the resonance frequency of the coil, inserting another inductor wont do anything either.

                            Has anyone had similar problems and would have an advice on what to do to
                            get the resonance out of the circuit?
                            Thanks in advance,

                            Hi Xenomorph,

                            for as far as i know, and seen , the unwilling resonance only happens to me when i use bateries that have to much amps, whereby the transistor will let it go and stop or sometimes let it run all time without any magnet
                            starting it, try to use used battries with no to much amps

                            Greets JB


                            • Hi All.

                              My Bedini Marathon finally stopped, after 13 days and 5 days without solar
                              my conclusion, at night with solar you can hear that it goes more unstable
                              but running, when sun comes up, it runs more stabler, without solar it sound like it running but not smooth enough, like it strugeling, but that could also be because of not cleaning/reoling it

                              i can say that the mini sphere Bedini is a though little thing that will run and run, even the sound becomes a household sound or whereby you can feel how it feels only by the sound the sphere turns
                              but im sure in a bigger solution, it wil do much better, and extra energyt is available to use

                              here is the vid
                              YouTube - One magnet No Bearing Bedini Marathon motor Selfcharging No solar JB part 15 day 13 The End

                              today i got my shipment in with new magnets, and the biggest sphere i could get from, so im ready to do some more new test inc using my levitron, cause i know by fact that a big sphere can levitate by using the levitrons donaut magnet

                              Peace and Power to keep up the great work you and you all are doing

                              Greets JB

                              below my new experimental neo magnets
                              Attached Files


                              • Originally posted by JohnnBlade View Post
                                Hi Xenomorph,

                                for as far as i know, and seen , the unwilling resonance only happens to me when i use bateries that have to much amps, whereby the transistor will let it go and stop or sometimes let it run all time without any magnet
                                starting it, try to use used battries with no to much amps

                                Greets JB
                                The whole point was to charge strong 12 Volt batteries.
                                The resonance will occur also in weaker batteries it is just very silent and weaker.
                                I am suspecting that when your primary and secondary have equal length then you are likely to run into resonance issues, which as Lidmotor pointed out can be utilized for pure motionless charging.

                                Good luck with your sphere Levitation

