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Motor/Generator--Window Motor based design

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  • #16
    Michelinho you are great, awesome results will come


    • #17

      Hi all,

      Thanks darkwizard.

      The small magnetic rotor was drilled to 1/2" from 1/4" and installed. The wiring is done from the coils to terminal block, color coded for polarity of the drive coils. Now it only need to be connected from the terminal block to the Hall Effect sensor module. We will use highly flexible wires for that part, unfortunately the wire are at my friend's place.

      Meanwhile I have to make three different output coil jigs and wind the coil(s) for each shape to fit inside the drive coils for further tests. One form is rectangular single coil, the other will be rectangular two coils and the third will be 2 right angle triangles. All coils will have the same length of magnet wire and won't be bifilar for the tests but will be in the final version. The highest output wins.

      We will also monitor the drag on the motor from those different shapes by measuring the input pulse size on the scope and also with an ammeter at the input. That will be my friend's work as I have to start building the second unit.

      Take care all,


      P.S.: The motor end cap will fit nicely over the Hall Effect sensor circuit.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Last update for a while.

        Hi everyone,

        The motor/generator is finally done and away at my friend's place for testing.
        As he is still amongst those who have to work, it may take a few weeks before he is done. He also wants to apply a few of his electronic tricks and see just how much he can push the actual output.

        So here are the last pictures showing some of the output coils he will be testing. I placed a white sheet of paper on the rotor for the pictures.

        Take care all,

        Attached Files


        • #19
          Update on the built.

          Hi everyone,

          My friend brought back the motor/generator after he did a few tests (he is very busy at the moment) and I needed to redo the drive coils as they were the wrong size to get this thing running efficiently and with more torque. It also needed a little re balancing since it was vibrating at 2,100 rpm.

          A few pictures of the motor with the new drive coils and cutouts in the bottom plate for a better access to the coils. The initial tests with the new drive coils gave 1,878 rpm and it may still need a few tweaks but after rebalanced, the motor purrs along at 1,850 rpm. The electronic module is feed with 24 Volts. I did not check the current used as my friend will do that with his scope.

          So the motor will go back for a few more tests before I make and install the output coils but it works great so far.

          Take care,


          P.S.: The timing system works beautifully and it's quite usefull to tweak the firing of the coils.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Hi Michel

            Thanks for the update. It looks like your coils goes over 2 magnets or is that just an opticle illusion?

            Looks sweet so far, keep up the good work!



            • #21
              Drive coils.

              Hi Mark,

              Yes the drive coils cover nearly two magnets but not totaly. When my friend tested the first drive coils covering one magnet, he could not get the motor to run more than 800 rpm. He then proceeded to detach one side of a coil and slowly angle it up to 90 degree from normal and got the motor to rev faster. Then he did the same for the 3 coils and got 1,200 rpm. He brought back the motor and I wound one large coil covering about 2 1/2 magnet spacing and driving with that one coil while bending it to cover less and less, we got 1,500 rpm from that one large coil. That gave us the exact size for the final and actual coils. They seem to work in a push-pull way. I have a small jar with iron shaving and when placed near the spinning magnets (NSNSNSNS configuration) the shaving rotates inside like flipping over themselves. Maybe other Bedini window motor replicators can do the same and see if they get the same results.

              Last night after a slight repositioning of the actual large coils, the motor revved to 2,163 rpm. The motor has now a lot more torque and a high spin. My friend will retest it for efficiency and then I will make and install the final output coils. They will be all connect in series to get a high potential/low current and I will then make a bifilar toroid transformer based on Tesla electric distribution design to drop to the usable voltage. The current does slow down a generator, not the voltage and even if we get a lost, the penalty will be minimal compared to normal setup.

              Hope this answer your question, take care,



              • #22
                Any updates yet? I am very interested in seeing how good this generator works. Well, good or bad, lol. But preferably very good!


                • #23
                  Hi captainpecan,

                  Summer is a busy time for all. I have a few of my grand children here for the summer and they keep me busy. My friend is doing the tests and he too has a busy summer but we still meet once a week to discuss our finds.

                  I am working on the dual rotor motor, one inside the other, also working on a generator based on vibration and preparing the version 2 of the Kohler Magnetstromapparat.

                  The vibration generator is what I am working on at the moment. The prototype will have 12 dual coil spools fixed to a lower plate and 12 ring magnets floating in the center of those coils suspended from a top plate. That plate will have a magnetic suspension and a motor on the side will rotate a out of balance rotor attached to the top plate. It is based on the windbelt generator principle. That same motor can easily vibrate a large "plateau" containing hundred of magnets inside an equal amount of coils without having more input energy spent.

                  The prototype will make or brake the hope cop>1. The tests on the version 1 of the Window Motor are still being done for output coil placement and size. One effect we saw on 2 output coils we were testing was connecting one wire from each coil to an analog multimeter and the other wires in open circuit (not connected together or to anything) was a reading of 14V. I don't recal what my friend told me, AC or DC but the effect was strange. Most of the tests done give expected results.

                  During my free time, I am also reading old books on electricity and magnetism from the 19th and early 20th century in hope of solving a few design problems.

                  Take care,



                  • #24
                    Motor/Generator V3.0

                    Hi all,

                    Time for a little update on the Motor/Generator V3.0.

                    I have a few snapshots of where I am at now.

                    The inner rotor is 2.75" with 4 2"X1"X.5" Grade 8 ceramic magnets and the stator (3" without coils) inner dimension is ~2.9375" with 8 coils(160 turns on 2 rows) of AWG28 magnet wire set in bifilar.

                    The vibrator generator works but the magnetic suspension does not allow a long enough travel to be efficient. I will use the coils and magnets in the windbelt version where I will use springs as binder. A magnetic suspension is good for support but it kills the oscillation dead when the vibrations pass a certain amplitude.

                    The Kohler Magnetstromapparat is still on the back burner. I bought a magnetizer on Ebay to set my magnets and I have designed the coils that will wrap them. All that is left to do is to wind the coils over the steel magnets and start testing.

                    I am also testing my Orbo test setup with different toroids and windings. No freebies yet...

                    That's all for now, take care,

                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Michelinho; 01-26-2010, 12:17 AM. Reason: wrong stator dimension.


                    • #25
                      Very cool project and awesome craftsmanship. I do think motor/gens have a good chance of producing useable high power more than some other possible devices. Is that 1¼" plywood you are using? I have been looking for some around here but no one seems to have it anymore in this area.

                      BTW you may already know this but I've read that ceramic magnets have a further reach than Neo magnets. It's odd because up close they don't seem as strong but ceramic seems to have a magnetic effect at a longer distance.
                      There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                      • #26
                        Hi ewizard,

                        I think ceramic magnets still have the favors of many. I use ceramics and neodymium more according to size availability and compatibility with the project. Motors, I tend to use ceramics and generators usualy neos.

                        The motor/generator is made with Russian hardwood plywood 3/4" thick. I have never found a defect in it.

                        Take care,



                        • #27

                          Hi all,

                          Just a small update with a few pictures.

                          The motor is ready and going to my friend's lab for tests. If all goes well, the second rotor will be added, the 2 rotors will be counter rotating.

                          The stator has 8 coils, each made of 2 bifilar coils for a total of 64 wire ends. I'll ask him to bring the motor V2.0 so I can fit the output coils all around.

                          Take care all,

                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Hi Michel

                            Your coils look great! I'm not really sure what your new setup is but it sure looks nice. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to updates.


