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Bedini's "Free Energy Generation" machine aka "1984" aka "Watson"

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  • Some more findings...

    I run to test this particular configuration... (noisy damn)
    When i adjust the caps to lower motor consumption / better battery charging (judging by voltage increase) i could touch the working SCR and feels like.... SSG on a greater magnitude.

    Damn. Little voltage spikes penetrate my thumb and index causing an spiky sensation..

    I must admit the best working values for this setup, is no where near to that must should for resonance attainment. Whereas, resonance could be achieved somewhere near 15-20 uF, the circuit has better charging at 5uf.

    Mystery for now. I can also adjust potensiometer to "select" between little and more discharges that work best, and heavier and less ones.
    Heavier cap discharges over-heat SCR (22RIA120!!) and drag motor.

    Anyway, it charges like an SSG. Efficiency is to be determined at C20 rates.



    • Ok,some positive results at first sight

      I measured some 85-90% efficiency of input output regarding charging/discharging ratio, without calculating any input losses at all. I have to double-triple check my findings, anyway.

      The procedure

      A 10 ampH 12v motor cycle lead acid battery, discharged via a 5 watt bulb (0.5amps draw) for 6 plus hours. (battery went down from 12,65 to 12,10 volts)

      I then set it to my 2 coil, very little core setup that are tuned via cap bank to provide best battery charging / less motor drag.

      Calculation considerations
      I assume system freewheeling and not connected to anything (48 watts
      3 amps x 16 volts needed) as a baseline and not included to efficiency calculation (since no carrent flows into coils and no charging is happening)

      The charging
      The best charging is happening at certain cap values. This is related almost to anything. (coil setup, magnet gap, frequency of course, etc etc)

      When the battery is under charging, system input rises from 3 amps to 4 amps with a small volatge drop of my power regulator. (i calculated 60 watts at charging or 15 watts surplus 4amps x 15volts)

      Charging under those circumstances (till batt volatge went over 15 volts) lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes. (battery same charged state)

      Bear in mind motor efficiency is rated 78-80% at best and SCR overheated.

      Ok, some very efficient numbers over here that need verification anyway. No extraordinary results though. I am gonna proceed with 4 coils, higher voltage-amperage capability and i report findings, and circuit with 2 SCRs 22RIA120.

      Last edited by baroutologos; 01-20-2010, 08:35 AM.


      • I was thinking that my device's behaviour that resebles somehow FEG, is quite counter intuitive.

        Of course it has coils and magnets, thus voltage amp capability, and yes it has tunnable capacitors hence tunning.

        But, at those rpm with those inductunce values as well as cap values i am no where close to resonace but the battery charges a lot better than in a more close-to-resonance mode with fewer drag.

        I have come to some theories about that.

        One of my speculations is that the energizer part (alternator+cap) produces a whole range of frequencies rather than the predominant frequency that the magnets dictate.
        We all know the capability of a wire to trasmit too many frequencies over it.
        Some how same case i see FEG's energizer. it produces a whole spectrum of frequencies, perhaps some well into RF range and battery charges most effienctly from them rather than higher current lower frequency.

        I do not even know how that could be the case, but something similar should have take place. Recall Bedini's words who says, the battery "rings at 1-2 Mhz" and "self charges"

        Ok... maybe beneficial parasitic frequencies in play???



        • My 24ah batteries self resonate at 1MHZ when hit with the voltage spike from an inductive collapse... It is like tapping a tuning fork. Give the battery a short sharp tap and they will resonate at their natural frequency.
          "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

          “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
          Nikola Tesla


          • Ok, i concluded with the 2 coils, series connected my experiments and measurements.


            The whole system due to magnetic-resonance coupling behaves as a very efficient pulsed battery charger. No near OU. Actually, measurements made with a single coil, and measurements made with 2, shows little - if any - additional efficiency gain by the coil addition.

            I have concluded after extensive experimenting, with solid state as well as reed switching (commutator not had) that OU is nowhere near at those specs.

            The future experimenters on FEG, maybe bear in mind my conslusions.



            • Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
              My 24ah batteries self resonate at 1MHZ when hit with the voltage spike from an inductive collapse... It is like tapping a tuning fork. Give the battery a short sharp tap and they will resonate at their natural frequency.

              may I ask you how you discovered this? As in your measuring procedure?

              "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


              • Put your oscilloscope leads across the charging battery's terminals and set the volt divisions to where you can see the spike. Then increase the time scale until the spike takes up the entire display. You'll see just after the spike hits (I mean the spike, not what I call the flyback current), the voltage across the terminals will oscillate. On my 24ah batteries, the oscillations are at about 1mhz.
                "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                Nikola Tesla


                • interesting Sep.
                  I havent tried that yet.

                  Have you considered comparing your running frequency to that? I mean, does your energizer run at its most efficient at a harmonic of the 1MHz the battery is oscillating at? Im gonna try this out when I get home. Cheers
                  "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                  • I haven't built an oscillator that can operate efficiently at 1mhz, though it would be interesting to try...

                    Probably the best way would be to use a low inductance coil running off a 555 circuit... the mjl21194 should be ok with that frequency.... I think it is rated at 4mhz...
                    "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                    “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                    Nikola Tesla


                    • Thats not exactly what I meant Sep.

                      By harmonic I was meaning a derivative of... So say your wheel turned best at 1/100 of that at its most efficient. I was simply saying is there a co relation between the run frequency and the frequency that is oscillating on the battery.

                      I did a test recently where I ran a third wire to bridge rectifier and installed a 400v 6uF cap over the bridge. I was intending to use a capacitive discharge circuit, but instead of dumping it into a battery directly I was going to try passing it through the primary of an ignition coil, on the way to the battery. I couldnt quite get the cap to discharge as I would have liked and I ended up just placing the ignition coil in the negative leg of the charging lines. To my surprise the battery seemed to continue to charge and there was HV for lighting a fluro as well. I didnt think it would work without an interruptor of some sort to interrupt current in the ignition coil.

                      So I had the basic conclusion that the inductive spike, although rectified and "converted" in the capacitor must still effect a "ringing" of sorts in the battery and extra inductor (ignition coil).

                      I was wondering if this is partly related to the HF oscillation you noticed at the terminals of the battery.
                      "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                      • You mean send in another spike with the right timing to maintain and possibly amplify the oscillation?

                        I'm not sure if that would have much effect without very high frequencies since the ringing fades off very quickly... perhaps only a dozen oscilations before it has faded off so to maintain the resonance you would still need frequencies around 250 - 500khz.

                        Though maybe I still don't understand
                        "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                        “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                        Nikola Tesla


                        • maybe I have over complicated it somewhat.

                          I simply meant to ask is there a relation between the sweet spots tuning (top speed) and the frequency of oscillation at the battery.

                          1 megahertz = 1 000 000 hertz.

                          If your highest efficient frequency was at, say 1 000 hertz, then you would be oscillating at a harmonic of 1MHz, no? Of course, we arent measuring very accurately here, I just thought there might be some relation of the sweet spots in comparison to the batteries self resonating.

                          So kind of like a frequency within the frequency. But without change to the machines operating frequency.

                          Just speculating...
                          "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                          • Further experimenting...

                            Today i had day off and dedicated some 12 hours constantly working on my setup. The plan was to make another 0-100 uf cap bank and a full diode plug as prescribed by Davidkou. (basic Hector's Peres diode plug)

                            All nice and good. The motor went up and running, but damn... Each watt out must be paid of each watt in.

                            The main premise of my machine is the following. I have a special arrangement of coils that upon a dead short it speed-ups and input goes down. Actually my generator works best at dead short function.

                            The problem is resistance via ohmic load or applying a battery. The diode plug effectively decouples the generator coils from any load or batteries. this is performed in two stages process.
                            In the first stage a quite adjustable set of caps (2 cap banks) are charged and when the current reverses the cap discharges to load not reflecting to source. (Isolates source from load)

                            The caps does not pose any load to generating coils. They actually act as a short if large enough.

                            Even though i can tune the performance depending the cap value, nothing extraordinary i manage to observe so far.

                            Some more experimentation tomorrow even though expectations quite low.


                            ps: cannot attach photos for some reason
                            Last edited by baroutologos; 10-02-2009, 05:45 PM.


                            • The photos i promise to upload from the above reply experimentation

                              Last edited by baroutologos; 03-04-2010, 09:10 AM.


                              • I found this on Panecea: John%20Bedini%20Technology page 93. Battery conditioning.
                                So it is possible that I had the correct configiration before but my batteries was never conditioned before. I am in the process of doing it now and will never touch them again with a convetional charger!!

                                "This process is regarded as “conditioning” the batteries and will result from applying a certain number of these charge and discharge cycles. Most first timers who build these units and expect instant “Free energy” and it does not work that way. The “efficiency” shows up in the conditioned.
                                That is why the Jim Watson machine flywheel machine did not work after they took the batteries away."

