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Bedini's "Free Energy Generation" machine aka "1984" aka "Watson"

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  • Bedini's "Free Energy Generation" machine aka "1984" aka "Watson"

    I didn't see a thread to discuss this particular machine, so I thought I'd create this one. This is the machine that makes up part one of the Bearden-Bedini book "Free Energy Generation". It's also been called the "1984" machine and also the "Watson" machine. Basically, it's a motor connected to a flywheel and wheel with magnets that turns in close proximity to a series of coils. Interesting machine.

    I'm intending to build one just to see if it's all it's cracked up to be. Will post more as things develop.

  • #2

    Are there schematics or an electrical diagram for the FEG in the book?

    Is there a link to the FEG schematic and/or technical description on the web?

    Have a most excellent day....



    • #3
      Thanks Shamus for the topic generation!

      Actually there is a similar topic called "The Watson Machine" which is poorly developed.

      I cannot stress anymore that people with considerable machining and electroNics skills that are after free energy production should focus in the replication of Bedini FEG machine and improvement actually

      Many people should argue (and perhaps being partially right) that the Simple School Girl machine either in monopole or multipole setup, is an advancement of FEG.

      Personal View

      Although they seem similar, I have reasons to believe that they are NOT. SSG deals with the issue of achieving Overunity via batteries by utilizing the much disputed radiant energy. (I have built some ssgs mylself could not achieve OU. Note that i serious lack knowledge compared with Mr Bedini in the electrical-mechanic art)

      FEG on the other hand, i believe has nothing to do with radiant energy (i could be wrong) I also believe it is a LENZ'less Law generator. that's right.
      It creates power by bypassing Lenz' Law.The energy creation happens in the energizer, not capacitor, whereas the capacitor and battery serve as energy storage.

      Things that many of us have noted

      How many of you have noted that adding a passive generator coil next to a spinning magnet rotor, although the energy creation is minute, the rotor DOES NOT slow down? I suppose many.

      A small experiment of mine

      My last SSG setup, has a namely current input 200mA @ 15 volts
      It charges 2 batteries 12volts series connected (24 volts). I have put an analog high quality amp meter and it registers an charging of 50mA.

      I have also made an passive generator coil of 29AGW that has 360 Ohms resistance.!!! yes, it weights some 1 kgr and its self inductunce is huge.

      If get it close to rotor (300 rpm 18 magnets all N out) it creates some 100 VAC. Painful to the touch. When shorted it creates an 20 mA AC current but no more. This current could be stepped down using a transformer and power a little lamp or.... could be used via FWBR to charge the series connected batteries by an additional non-spiking 15 mA current. (totaling 65 mA)

      All this without, slowing down the rotor. And i wonder like a noob... why is that?

      Similar setups - Heins Thane Perepiteia
      .................................................. ......

      Viewing many OU machines, there is one working that has a remarkable resemblence to Bedini FEG machine. It is called Perepiteia of Heins Thane.
      the inventor says. When a High voltage coil is brought next to a spining magnets rotor it creates little current and high voltage. SO WHAT?

      The interesting part is that he notes above a critical RPM the coil when shorted or load applied has NOT any drag on rotor, but instead it creates ACCELARATION. LoL? True he says. You can harness the accelaration though by adding a High current coil that goes with Lenz's Law.

      What is a High voltage coil??? High voltage coil stands for a super-high impedance and consequently high voltage generation coil and consequently low current creation. Note that its Power in NOT negligible. It is actually considerable. i.e HV coil
      When he mentions High current coil he means low turns, higher wire diameter, lower comparable voltage, higher current creation. i.e. HC coil

      So what the man says? When a super high self-inductunce coil is made to generate current in a spinning rotor, above a certain threshold RPM the power generation is NOT oppossing rotor speed, BUT it actually accelarates it!

      Perepiteia? WTF has to do with Bedini FEG???
      .................................................. .........................

      Visualize this. Bedini FEG employs six magnets all north out (could be 30 ) as magnet on spinning rotor and 6 coils all in phase (Why all North face out are for? To create a single phase power generation over coils)

      Note that coils are series connected. So what? Simply results in a huge relatively high inductunce and high voltage generator coil. Few current present of course.

      If you have so far have inquired and understood Perepiteia's design you have propably figured out that FEG's energizer is an effective combo of peripeteia's HV coil and HC coil.

      Bedini since 1984 have employed an high voltage power generation method in contrast to normal generator mode we know so far, thus achieving power making and not slowing the rotor down. So not significant drag is created, but on the other hand the thicker wire he uses and the lessers turns compared with finer wires of Perepiteia (say 30awg) assures that the whole procedure creates some current for power purposes.

      it seems to me a high voltage + a high current coil put together.
      Someone must note THAT: In bedini's book he does not mentions that energizer uses a FWBR before the CAP. Oh yes... he does.

      have a look at this. So, the energizer does not work on resonace, between coil and cap rather as very special generator.

      Why pulse motor??
      .................................................. ..
      Obviously, if you can sustain rotor rpm for less power why using more?? :P So an efficient motor used, compared withe Thane's Peripeteia that uses a grinder (200 watts power consuptions overshadows the energy creation)

      why flywheel?
      I believe to smooth out pulsed motion. What else could be?

      Ok, mr Baroutologos. Give us a break
      .................................................. ..........
      Peole, i must say i do not wish being smart. I want to achieve free energy as you are. I just point out few things. It must be noted that people are far more intrigued by OU devices of utilizing radiant energy than those are not. Why is that?
      Its more mystical, more arcane more.... u got the picture. :P
      I say, instead of rushing ahead, we should take things from start. So IF OU is sought, so then the FEG is one way.

      Bedini has countless times said that SSG is a not OU device. What the same man has said about FEG? He has said FEG will create energy for your needs. SO FEG is an OU device (full stop)

      Sorry for being length..


      Last edited by baroutologos; 04-30-2009, 02:01 PM.


      • #4

        To me the SSG does look to be advanced from the FEG because no complicated controller is required and there is no need for a second motor....

        What am I missing?

        Be happy.....



        • #5
          Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View Post

          To me the SSG does look to be advanced from the FEG because no complicated controller is required and there is no need for a second motor....

          What am I missing?

          Be happy.....
          I believe Tj that the FEG energizer is difficult to be accomodated by the SSG rotor. Though can be done.

          Best way to avoid the timing and second motor IMO, is to have a somewhat torquy and relative high speed SSG 2000-3000 rmp as the pulsed motor portion, (with all SGG frienged benefits of course) and to the same shaft you could have another rotor that have AXIALLY mounted magnets for the energizer portion.

          Of course you can have all in the same rotor power coils and passive coils, but this is more elaborate IMO.



          • #6
            Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
            I believe Tj that the FEG energizer is difficult to be accomodated by the SSG rotor. Though can be done.

            Best way to avoid the timing and second motor IMO, is to have a somewhat torquy and relative high speed SSG 2000-3000 rmp as the pulsed motor portion, (with all SGG frienged benefits of course) and to the same shaft you could have another rotor that have AXIALLY mounted magnets for the energizer portion.

            Of course you can have all in the same rotor power coils and passive coils, but this is more elaborate IMO.

            My understanding is that the SSG is an advancement on the FEG. John Bedini has stated that the original and inneficient PM motor used on the FEG needed to improved upon and the SSG was a development to do this. The multi-coil SG is the North Pole motor and to the shaft, a passive generator can be attached to provide the series coils of high self inductance. As we know, the coil discharge from the motor can be recovered to charge a secondary battery which can in turn be switched to power the motor via an inverter / PSU or DC to DC converter to convert the negatively charged secondary battery back to a positive energy source suitable to power the motor. The passive generator can 'back-pop' the primary battery or charge a seperate secondary battery from its storage cap bank. Taking all the energies into consideration, the SG with passive generator is claimed to produce an overall gain but I think this has to include the theoretical and highly contentious radiant gain through transmutated energy in the secondary battery being charged by the motor power coil discharge (not BEMF - wrong term).

            There is too much Lenz drag in a PM motor to be compensated elsewhere in the overall system. The Window motor is a further development to improve shaft torque for driving passive generator coils, although it does not allow as much electrical energy to be recovered from its output. The snag as I see it with this SG / generator system is that when the rotor is loaded with generator coils, the power coil recoveries drop and as a result OU cannot be achieved. If the rotor on a simple vanilla SSG is loaded, this can easily be seen by a drop in charge rate of the secondary battery. IMO this leaves the question as to whether its OU or not as a matter of opinion, not fact.



            • #7
              Lets speak the facts

              Let's put it that way....

              How many replications of the FEG have you seen and how many of SSG? 1? 2?
              Watson? And it was surpressed readily therafter.

              Why is that?

              I think its because FEG its an generator of great potential whereas SSG is a science fair, conceptual device that, apart from battery charging, batt desulfating and wall decor has no other real use

              No disrespect shown. But its true.

              Just to give you an order of magnitude, a relative small sized SSG if ever managed to achieved OU can output only milli-watts, At best few watts. The similar sized feg, if made reasonably well, can give tens or even hundereds of surplus watts. got the picture?

              You will wonder, HTF i can tell such things...
              1st by careful studyning JB FEG book
              2nd by calculations. You can always have the energizer with neo magnets instead of ferrites, and with the appropriate cogging torque balancing you can have a stupendous force FEG. On the other hand SSG wont run easily on powerful neomagnets.

              Please, let this thread be dedicated to the builders of the FEG machine. Let's just put all things together and set up it right. JB wont going to help us on this. His reasons are clear. (Watson incidence). I expect setups to be posted and questions raised. This forum has a legacy though

              Bottom line. IF ANY CONSIDERABLE energy production is sought FEG is one way. (firm bilief)

              Last edited by baroutologos; 04-30-2009, 05:22 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shamus View Post
                I didn't see a thread to discuss this particular machine, so I thought I'd create this one. This is the machine that makes up part one of the Bearden-Bedini book "Free Energy Generation". It's also been called the "1984" machine and also the "Watson" machine. Basically, it's a motor connected to a flywheel and wheel with magnets that turns in close proximity to a series of coils. Interesting machine.

                I'm intending to build one just to see if it's all it's cracked up to be. Will post more as things develop.
                Hi All;

                Actually there was a thread opened for the FEG at:


                Peter L. left a good post to describe it at:




                • #9
                  Thanks for that, I had forgotten about that thread; Peter's explanation of the machine is quite good. At any rate, I will consider this thread closed in favor of that one.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tjnlsn255 View Post

                    To me the SSG does look to be advanced from the FEG because no complicated controller is required and there is no need for a second motor....

                    What am I missing?

                    Be happy.....

                    It is, the bedini SSG is an evolution of the free energy machine. all the components of the free energy machine are incorporated into the SSG

                    But still there are some interesting aspects of the FEG. I am in the middle of buliding one myself. the drive motor will be a Peter Lindemann attraction motor I am building. already got a shaved rotor and the stator winding wound in there and some ball bearing installed and got a flywheel as well. but it needs to be turned on a lathe to straighten it out. Its made from a 4 inch cast iron caster wheel.
                    I may take some pictures at some point of all the parts, next step is rigging up the reed switch to run the motor.


                    • #11
                      I am also in the process of making one myself.

                      This week ordered parts from all over the world. Suitable ferrite magnets, neo magnets, RG60's, alluminum rotors, wires etc

                      what i plan to make:

                      My plans is to make the motor an SSG one with some torque on it.
                      Expect in a month to have photos to share with the forum.

                      It will be a pleasure to see other's people's attempts, ideas sharing and mutual problem handling.


                      PS: i do not like the other thread watson's machine because it is not watson's machine. it's Bedini's FEG principle._
                      Last edited by baroutologos; 05-01-2009, 08:37 AM.


                      • #12
                        In the Watson machine threat , Peter lindermann states:
                        "The pulsed alternator will give you a nice high voltage if the cap is adjusted for resonance at the operating speed (note the current meter in John's schematic). This will indeed reduce the lenz drag since less current is being drawn from the magnets. This is the most efficient way to extract energy from an alternator. This is commonly done on SSG setups to extract extra energy from the wheel using an extra generator coil, although a cap is generally not employed."

                        I am not sure if he talks about the cap after the bridge
                        I used a paralel resonance cap before the bridge in parr. with my 4 coils. It about doubles the voltage at a certain frequency and creates a nice sine wave but it creates a lot of drag which I noticed on the amps drawn by the motor and of cause the rpm.According to theory at parralel resonance you are supposed to draw less energy from your source and i suppose less drag from the magnets.
                        I connected it that way as John Bedini recommended that configiration on his 1984 booklet.He actually shows a cap in parralel with every coil. His coils was 24awg , 250turns, which to me are current coils. Very confusing! Mine are 400turns
                        I think my rpm`s are to low. 8 magnets gives me a pulse rate of about 100 hz when in resonance. That is 750RPM, and bedini states that he used about 2500 rpm. I will have to run my motor from 24v and see what happens at a higher rpm
                        I also tried something that Tom Bearden said on his :back popping a two current lead-acid battery" document where he discusses in very complicated english the bedini, watson, nelson principle
                        I quote
                        "So you produce a large overpotential in spike or very sudden buildup, essentially "for free" or nearly so. The other end of that overpotential can be connected (switched onto) the load to deliver a surge of power (sorry for the "normal" terminology!) in the load because of the surge of the overpotential across it. If you time it correctly, you can get a much higher voltage surge from that overpotential, across the load's impedance. And that means you generate a higher electron current through that load, which consequently produces greater power because of the overpotential, than what you yourself had to pay for.
                        Clever devil that you are, you used that massive old ion current's overshoot to "squeeze" the charge density dramatically upward and almost freely form that overpotential for you. Then you adroitly (and quite suddenly) connected that overpotential near its peak, right across the external circuit electrons, to power the load, and "let 'er rip. "

                        A bit difficult to understand.
                        I used a relay to switch the motor between the battery and the charged cap
                        That is , while the motor is driven by the battery, the cap gets charged from the resonant energizer.Then when the motor is switched away from the battery to the cap, the battery gets charged straight from the parralel resonant energizer
                        So far I do not get my battery to charge. It stays on the same voltage like a self runner ssg! Well at least for 30 minutes
                        The next will be to put more turns on my coils (say another 400) That will be about 800 turn 24awg and if it still doest work to install another 4 coils .

                        Some thing that also bothers me is the fact that Tom Bearden says you have to use microvawe switching in the region of 1 nano second( I suppose that is rising edge) I cannot find any common electronic component that can switch so fast. Not a opto coupler or on shot ic.
                        The circuits that I found on Bearden`s website for backpoppers all use a optocoupler
                        and a transistor and a scr. Not 1 nsec!
                        I quote from Bearden:" Let me warn you that you must use microwave switching techniques, and you must switch in 5 nanoseconds or less; one nanosecond is better. The entire overpotential is likely to be over in about 20 to 40 nanoseconds, depending upon the specific battery, load, and other circuit conditions. Capacitance effects may extend this in some cases up to a microsecond. So if all you know is ordinary motor switching, go get the services of a microwave switching engineer first. The average motor switching fellow will be amazed at the notion of switching so suddenly. The microwave switching engineer will simply shrug his shoulders and say, "Piece of cake!" He does that every day without a second's hesitation. "

                        Not very motivating for me. But I will keep on trying!
                        Here is a interesting pdf on resonance and radiant energy.


                        • #13
                          Here is an explanation I found from John Bedini :

                          "What is it that I'm really saying?. I'm saying once the machine starts and is pulsed by the controller, or commutator there is a switching taking place between the motor and the magneto using a capacitor that is being charged by the magneto in the OPEN path, while the motor is drawing a momentary current in a CLOSED path the two do not interfere with each other. So the magneto is something STATIC like a lighting bolt, just a CHARGE no real current. This is where the TRANSFORMATION takes place from STATIC to real usable current for discharge across the battery. The switching takes place and the capacitor discharges across the storage battery, but only to the level of the storage battery, so the level of the MAGNETO must be 5 times the battery voltage , the capacitor is now at the level of the storage battery and the process starts all over. Now you have KRON'S open and closed path system with no interacting grounds. If the battery is in good shape the impedance is around .0023 Ohms. If this is done fast enough and correct you will get a constant high current flowing to the battery, what the motor is using for power is not worth talking about. The system here can be done many ways this is just one."

                          I realise now why I got problems. The battery that I am using is a old bad car battery that can charge up but doesn`t keep charge. I think it is a calsium and not a lead acid. So that will be replaced with a brand new 12Ah lead acid battery.
                          The original coils I used had lots of turns and did produce about 60 votls, but was replaced with the four 250 turns coils. I think I will add 4 more of them and try to run them in parralel resonance to try and get 5x the battery voltage(60- 70v)
                          I also removed the wiper motor and replaced it with a dc motor from a old printer (40v) and plan to supply it with 24v to get about 200hz from my 8 magnets. 1500RPM. The motor draws only 350mA from 12v when the flywheel has reached full speed. The motor has some sort of a spring clutch so that in a clockwise direction , the flywheel freewheel and the motor will produce NO back EMF and NO DRAG .
                          I am still looking for more solderwire spools to turn more coils. Not easy to find !. Tried the solder supply company today but they don`t want to supply it because there name is printed on it. Will try some plastic companies tomorow
                          Any ideas or any other suggestions on this generator would be appreciated.
                          So long


                          • #14
                            If your looking for the short style spools you might try looking for them at a craft of fabric store. Ribbons and other craft material come on short plastic spool. I got a craft store to give a few. Good luck sounds like your getting close.


                            • #15
                              I just bought a few rolls of solder from the hardware store and put them on one larger spool so that I could use the 4 smaller ones....just a thought....

                              Be happy...


