Bedini type Charging System attempt #2 Oct 18 2009
Hello, I’m quite please to say I finally finished my Bedini SSG test experiments, and have noticed that much if not all, of what has been said is true. I made a bit of a sloppy wheel so was not perfect. However, the one to one coil defiantly gave a greater voltage to the secondary then I would normally have expected, and it did charge the charge battery, however slowly, it worked.
I’m not much of a wheel man, so I’m working towards solid state. To that end I’ve taken a Bedini schematic , and re arranged, and even changed some things. The primary side will be almost totally unrecognizable to most. At this point I could not find anything different to do with the charge side, so its pretty much same old same old. Before I start let me thank Bedini and The monopole3 yahoo group, for helping me get this far.
Briefly A 555 timer (IC1) is used to determine when to pulse the Coil through IC2, and when to dump the capacitor (C7) through IC3 ( 741ic used as a comparator ) R1 R2 and C2 are determined to give the output of IC1 (pin3) a low signal ( I believe under 2 volts ) . A high output from pin 3 ( about 12 volts ) , will force IC3 to go low, and thus shut off the dumping of C7, while activating T1 and getting IC2 active, and pulsing the coil through T2.
IC3 is really where I’m stuck on, as I don’t really know the output current, however I believe the voltage, will be near zero when pin 2 is higher then pin 3, and 11 volts, when pin 2 is lower then pin 3. Pin 3 is given a steady comparator voltage of 4 volts, by the use of R7, and R8. Where as Pin 2 is effected by the output of IC1, either 11 volts when high, or 2 volts when low.
IC2 is the solid state part that is replacing the wheel. It is turned on via T1, which in turn is controlled by the HIGH out of IC1, and shut off when IC1 is low. The frequency is determined by R4, R5, and C5. D2 is used to decrease the high time of the output , by byepassing R5 during charging of C5, then timing the low time via R5 to pin 7.
One way discussion
C1, C4 ( .1microF) C3, and C6 ( .01microF) are used to buffer the 555 from line noises. The resisters R3, R6, and R9 are 300 ohms, and used to protect the transistors from excessive base current..
I did not put an Opty ( H11D4) anywhere in the circuit, maybe I should have , I just don’t know.
Coil pulsing frequency is going to start rather small, at 60 HZ, then slowly moving upto 4 or 6 KHZ. 60 HZ matches my wheel pulse so I know ruffly what to expect. 4 KHZ is where I expect I’m going to make some real power. How long I keep pulsing the coil before dumping the capacitor (C7) I just don’t know, to much and I blow up the Capacitor (C7), to little and I guess B2 will just not get charged very fast.
Renote, C7 is dumped when IC1 goes low, and triggers IC3, which goes high opening T3, opening the SCR, and dumping C7.
As an off thought, if C7 is dumping will a current goto the secondary windings through the bridge, while at the same time B2 is getting charged? And if so , will a tank current be set up, causing multiple charging of B2 and the coil. Further will the secondary coil, effect the primary thus charging the primary battery ( B1 ) ? Note that IC1 is holding IC2 in the off state therefore no controlled voltages are being initiated on the primary side.
The coil is a one to one winding, of 800 turns each. I have a 5 winding coil I’m going to use for this purpose, and I guess I can connect and disconnect the wires as I experiment. First test will be with an air core. Second with a soft Iron core. Third Soft Iron core with a North pole magnet on top. I may very magnet strength to see if eny difference. 4th I’ll rap a soft Iron shiething around the outside of the windings, to see if this will boost power. 5th a soft Iron bottom plate may further control the magnetic field in a desirable configuration. 6th, lol what ever you may think of .
Out of thoughts at the moment, thankyou for reading this. Enyhelp in tweeking it, or if your convinced it just wont work, please tell me.
Andrew T.
PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
Having some trouble getting shematic posted, gona close this, so I don't loose it, and try a reply
Hello, I’m quite please to say I finally finished my Bedini SSG test experiments, and have noticed that much if not all, of what has been said is true. I made a bit of a sloppy wheel so was not perfect. However, the one to one coil defiantly gave a greater voltage to the secondary then I would normally have expected, and it did charge the charge battery, however slowly, it worked.
I’m not much of a wheel man, so I’m working towards solid state. To that end I’ve taken a Bedini schematic , and re arranged, and even changed some things. The primary side will be almost totally unrecognizable to most. At this point I could not find anything different to do with the charge side, so its pretty much same old same old. Before I start let me thank Bedini and The monopole3 yahoo group, for helping me get this far.
Briefly A 555 timer (IC1) is used to determine when to pulse the Coil through IC2, and when to dump the capacitor (C7) through IC3 ( 741ic used as a comparator ) R1 R2 and C2 are determined to give the output of IC1 (pin3) a low signal ( I believe under 2 volts ) . A high output from pin 3 ( about 12 volts ) , will force IC3 to go low, and thus shut off the dumping of C7, while activating T1 and getting IC2 active, and pulsing the coil through T2.
IC3 is really where I’m stuck on, as I don’t really know the output current, however I believe the voltage, will be near zero when pin 2 is higher then pin 3, and 11 volts, when pin 2 is lower then pin 3. Pin 3 is given a steady comparator voltage of 4 volts, by the use of R7, and R8. Where as Pin 2 is effected by the output of IC1, either 11 volts when high, or 2 volts when low.
IC2 is the solid state part that is replacing the wheel. It is turned on via T1, which in turn is controlled by the HIGH out of IC1, and shut off when IC1 is low. The frequency is determined by R4, R5, and C5. D2 is used to decrease the high time of the output , by byepassing R5 during charging of C5, then timing the low time via R5 to pin 7.
One way discussion
C1, C4 ( .1microF) C3, and C6 ( .01microF) are used to buffer the 555 from line noises. The resisters R3, R6, and R9 are 300 ohms, and used to protect the transistors from excessive base current..
I did not put an Opty ( H11D4) anywhere in the circuit, maybe I should have , I just don’t know.
Coil pulsing frequency is going to start rather small, at 60 HZ, then slowly moving upto 4 or 6 KHZ. 60 HZ matches my wheel pulse so I know ruffly what to expect. 4 KHZ is where I expect I’m going to make some real power. How long I keep pulsing the coil before dumping the capacitor (C7) I just don’t know, to much and I blow up the Capacitor (C7), to little and I guess B2 will just not get charged very fast.
Renote, C7 is dumped when IC1 goes low, and triggers IC3, which goes high opening T3, opening the SCR, and dumping C7.
As an off thought, if C7 is dumping will a current goto the secondary windings through the bridge, while at the same time B2 is getting charged? And if so , will a tank current be set up, causing multiple charging of B2 and the coil. Further will the secondary coil, effect the primary thus charging the primary battery ( B1 ) ? Note that IC1 is holding IC2 in the off state therefore no controlled voltages are being initiated on the primary side.
The coil is a one to one winding, of 800 turns each. I have a 5 winding coil I’m going to use for this purpose, and I guess I can connect and disconnect the wires as I experiment. First test will be with an air core. Second with a soft Iron core. Third Soft Iron core with a North pole magnet on top. I may very magnet strength to see if eny difference. 4th I’ll rap a soft Iron shiething around the outside of the windings, to see if this will boost power. 5th a soft Iron bottom plate may further control the magnetic field in a desirable configuration. 6th, lol what ever you may think of .
Out of thoughts at the moment, thankyou for reading this. Enyhelp in tweeking it, or if your convinced it just wont work, please tell me.
Andrew T.
PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
Having some trouble getting shematic posted, gona close this, so I don't loose it, and try a reply