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BobBrown's Bedini type Solid State Trial

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  • #16
    Changed components ,, and started labling components

    Hello All !

    Startting to flesh out this beast. Havn't labled the timing specific components for the 555s like r1, r2, r4, r5, c2, or c5 yet. They are going to be constantly switched in and out, till I get some experimental resaults.

    I had a Transistor between pin 3 of IC1 and Pin 8 of IC2, I removed the transistor and directly coupled the output of IC1 into the reset pin of IC2 , pin 4. This is supposed to switch IC2 on and off.... crossing fingers. The low signal of IC1 is still being used to trigger IC3 high.

    Changed the designation of Transistors from "T" to "Q", to be a bit more like everybody else.

    Added an Opto coupler to teh output of IC3, conecting it to Q3 which should trigger Q4 and Q5 to open and dump C7. Note change from SCR to a pair of transistors. I'm thinking I'lll get better control of current flow ( timing ) this way.

    I've added a diode between pins 1 and 2 of the opto coupler, but I don'tthink it should be there, and may actualy be a component insided the opto, wil have to research further.

    Over all this should be easyer to read , and hopfuly make more sence then the original schematic.

    Thankyou for your patience and input.

    Andrew T
    Attached Files


    • #17

      some suggestion:
      - Pin 4 only reset when the signal goes from ON to OFF, so IC1 will make the IC2 reset on every OFF signal. This won't make IC2 switched on and off., from spec: "The circuit may be triggered and reset on falling waveforms,". I think this is not what you want.
      - optocoupler is slow, should never been used if you want the transistor to switch fast.
      - using two transistor in parallel might reduce efficiency since they would not switch at the same time. You have to tune them for same speed. I got better output when I remove parallel transistor on my previous experiment.
      - capacitor may change the current to normal battery heating current. I don't use capacitor anymore either in parallel or by dumping.


      • #18
        Seems applicable to the discussion on this thread

        Love and light
        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • #19
          Bah ! just when I though I had something to make

          Hello all !

          Thankyou so much for the posts, my brain is loving the food !!

          Hehe, What if, instead of using a 555 timer to time the coil pulse and, Capacitor dump. I instead tolk a 741ic and used it as a comparator, using the sample side ( pin 2 ) to measure the voltage at the capacitor. When the voltage got to EXX amount, the 741 would go high, starting the Capacitor dump. At the same time signaling the 555 timer to stop pulsing the coil.

          Andrew T, from BobBrown's Bedini type Solid State Trial
          Schematic at post 11

          Would or should eliminate IC1, the 555 timer I'm using to separate the Capapacitor dump from the coil pulsing timing.

          Ah dear, have I done a bad by cross posting?


          • #20
            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post

            some suggestion:
            - capacitor may change the current to normal battery heating current. I don't use capacitor anymore either in parallel or by dumping.

            I thought so. But however, isn't that the point. I'm told, and maybe I don't know what to believe, but that the radiant charge without using the capacitor dump, can not be properly utilized in our modern machinery.
            House electrics to be specific.

            I must check on the switching speed of the opto. I'm sure it will function well at my initial pulse rate of 60 hz. But I'm planning on going as high as 600 khz if things go well. I'm told the 555 can goto 600 khz with little problem.

            I'll try to match the 2 transisters as close as possible, probably only need the one transiter, but I'll double it to be safer. Hmm, your talking sharp on / off timing for the pulse into the battery.... Hmm. Maybe I can add another transistor in the Darlington set up, to increase the speed of the switch ?

            Opto -> switching transitor -> switching transister -> double transistor dump ? (((((((((((Double Darlington ))))))))))

            Or would increasing the switching voltage to 20 or 24 volts, instead of just shy of 12 volts be better...... Ack, my heads starting to hurt.

            Andrew T
            You see now why I never get enything done. I can never decide whats best


            • #21
              Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
              I'm told, and maybe I don't know what to believe, but that the radiant charge without using the capacitor dump, can not be properly utilized in our modern machinery.
              I see, I use it for primitive brushed dc motor. I guess capacitor is needed to convert radiant into common electricity.

              Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
              I must check on the switching speed of the opto.
              Check signal off time too. I have Sharp PC817 with signal off time is 18000 nano second max, where NE555 is 300 nano seconds max, my opto 600 times slower than my NE555 in spec.

              Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
              Maybe I can add another transistor in the Darlington set up, to increase the speed of the switch ?
              I use NPN and PNP combination but I guess that work too. See attachment.

              Just build simple one first . Then add voltage sensing once the basic work. On my previous cap dumping circuit, I use my one wire neon as indicator. It usually light up very bright if full. At 2 Hertz the cap never reach full capacity.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by sucahyo; 10-26-2009, 04:52 AM.


              • #22
                Opps I may have goofed

                Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                I thought so. But however, isn't that the point. I'm told, and maybe I don't know what to believe, but that the radiant charge without using the capacitor dump, can not be properly utilized in our modern machinery.
                House electrics to be specific.

                Andrew T
                I just remember where I got that Idea that the radiant charge does not work for things. Its from Bedini himself, in that in the SSG the secondary could not be used in place of the primary, because the secondary would eventualy be destroyed. IE : No swapping of batteries.

                I guess in the back of my mind I just figgered if thats the case then its true for most all aplications. However I have no proof and this is just my own supossition,

                Sorry for misleading you.

                Andrew T
                If my mind can be improved then this web site will be the best spot to start:
                PATHS ~ Mind Energetics


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                  I just remember where I got that Idea that the radiant charge does not work for things. Its from Bedini himself, in that in the SSG the secondary could not be used in place of the primary, because the secondary would eventualy be destroyed. IE : No swapping of batteries.

                  I guess in the back of my mind I just figgered if thats the case then its true for most all aplications. However I have no proof and this is just my own supossition,
                  I see. Ok. I also have read that radiantly charged battery should never be allowed to power radiant circuit. I don't know the reason behind this my self.

