Couldn't the LVC be left in to do It's job protecting it,
and be corrected by changing a resistor or a zener ?
Then a second wire added that bypasses the LVC
for the charging function bypassing the LVC ?
I guess what I am asking is,
if your not running the charge through the LVC to fry it out,
and there is no load on the LVC during the charging operation,
are the radiant spikes still going to toast them ?
Protecting the battery cells from the damage that does occur
if they have their voltage dragged to low seems worth it to try.
and be corrected by changing a resistor or a zener ?
Then a second wire added that bypasses the LVC
for the charging function bypassing the LVC ?
I guess what I am asking is,
if your not running the charge through the LVC to fry it out,
and there is no load on the LVC during the charging operation,
are the radiant spikes still going to toast them ?
Protecting the battery cells from the damage that does occur
if they have their voltage dragged to low seems worth it to try.