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Bedini 10-coil
I am simply amazed at how ignorant people are. How many of these skeptical people come on here and try to use the math, physics, and logic they were taught by the government, thinking its the actual universal law. Thinking the government/oil/rockefellers are actually looking out for them and teaching them everything they need to know...
You know, I never went to high school. I never went to college..but I taught myself C++ and many other programming languages. After taking a look at the evidence john provides, and the MANY books he has. Its really quite SIMPLE as to how this works, and the only question is, how come the entire world are not building these coil machines right now, to power their houses, cars, etc...???
The process is so so so SIMPLE. It really is SIMPLE, its not hard.
What john is teaching everyone is a property/law of quantum physics that has been suppressed, he has given every one of us the information to live for free, and it angers me that so many stupid people dont realize how this works....WAKE UP PEOPLE. WAKE UP, WAKE Up, WAKE THE **** UP.
I salute Elias and every other member who 'gets it' and who are building these machines for the entire benefit of humanity......
You can run your house on one of these, you can run your car, you can build a freaking UFO! If you wanted to!
Imagine this...:
Going out in the middle of the forest, building a log cabin, and have FREE electricity for the rest of your life, you can grow your own food inside, have lights, clean water, good health, you could build a car/plane.....can you imagine the possibilities? Do you people realize how beneficial this is to humanity? Do you want to be a slave for the rest of your life? Thats your decision, I and many others have already chosen NOT to be a slave!Last edited by adamo21; 07-03-2010, 01:12 PM.
Let me also add this, in many of johns books, he describes the physics, math and quantum calculations that make this possible. You people are on here trying to debate how this works with words when this man has described the entire mathematical process in his books.
Dont you guys get what is happening? He is creating a vortex/magnetic field of energy and then capturing that energy using magnetic coils....mass = energy. Its so so simple...i just cant believe people are this stupid.
Let me also add...many of you are ordering you even understand how this works? You dont need a freaking kit, the process is simple as hell. The information he gives you on how to build this is PRICE LESS.
Buy the material Elias describes, READ READ READ a little, and BAM! Free freaking energy! Build a machine big enough to power your neighbores power and charge him 25% of the cost!
Originally posted by adamo21 View PostDont you guys get what is happening? He is creating a vortex/magnetic field of energy and then capturing that energy using magnetic coils....mass = energy. Its so so simple...i just cant believe people are this stupid.
Originally posted by adamo21 View PostLet me also add...many of you are ordering you even understand how this works? You dont need a freaking kit, the process is simple as hell. The information he gives you on how to build this is PRICE LESS.
Buy the material Elias describes, READ READ READ a little, and BAM! Free freaking energy! Build a machine big enough to power your neighbores power and charge him 25% of the cost!
Originally posted by adamo21 View Postmass = energy
If you'd read Johns stuff you'd realize he'd disagree with you. Why do you think he calls it a MASSLESS charge?
RegardsLast edited by ren; 07-03-2010, 11:43 PM."Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson
Originally posted by digitz View PostI am not sure if you refereed to me as Preston, i just posted his video from youtube that i found yesterday as it was related to Hammad's questions on the easiness to replicate a 10 coiler bedini.
Agree with you Ren !
I think I never said it was easy to build 10 coiler. I is hard to build, and v. hard to tune (plus u need the ingredients to be right).
Yes, the working philosophy of the circuit is straight forward.
Originally posted by adamo21 View PostI am simply amazed at how ignorant people are. How many of these skeptical people come on here and try to use the math, physics, and logic they were taught by the government, thinking its the actual universal law. Thinking the government/oil/rockefellers are actually looking out for them and teaching them everything they need to know...
You know, I never went to high school. I never went to college..but I taught myself C++ and many other programming languages. After taking a look at the evidence john provides, and the MANY books he has. Its really quite SIMPLE as to how this works, and the only question is, how come the entire world are not building these coil machines right now, to power their houses, cars, etc...???
The process is so so so SIMPLE. It really is SIMPLE, its not hard.
What john is teaching everyone is a property/law of quantum physics that has been suppressed, he has given every one of us the information to live for free, and it angers me that so many stupid people dont realize how this works....WAKE UP PEOPLE. WAKE UP, WAKE Up, WAKE THE **** UP.
I salute Elias and every other member who 'gets it' and who are building these machines for the entire benefit of humanity......
You can run your house on one of these, you can run your car, you can build a freaking UFO! If you wanted to!
Imagine this...:
Going out in the middle of the forest, building a log cabin, and have FREE electricity for the rest of your life, you can grow your own food inside, have lights, clean water, good health, you could build a car/plane.....can you imagine the possibilities? Do you people realize how beneficial this is to humanity? Do you want to be a slave for the rest of your life? Thats your decision, I and many others have already chosen NOT to be a slave!
Simple question, (i respect ur enthusiasm) , but how many homes have u powered till now?Last edited by Hammad; 07-03-2010, 10:45 PM.
Originally posted by Hammad View PostI think I never said it was easy to build 10 coiler. I is hard to build, and v. hard to tune (plus u need the ingredients to be right).
Yes, the working philosophy of the circuit is straight forward.
Originally posted by adamo21 View PostI am simply amazed at how ignorant people are. How many of these skeptical people come on here and try to use the math, physics, and logic they were taught by the government, thinking its the actual universal law. Thinking the government/oil/rockefellers are actually looking out for them and teaching them everything they need to know...
You know, I never went to high school. I never went to college..but I taught myself C++ and many other programming languages. After taking a look at the evidence john provides, and the MANY books he has. Its really quite SIMPLE as to how this works, and the only question is, how come the entire world are not building these coil machines right now, to power their houses, cars, etc...???
The process is so so so SIMPLE. It really is SIMPLE, its not hard.
What john is teaching everyone is a property/law of quantum physics that has been suppressed, he has given every one of us the information to live for free, and it angers me that so many stupid people dont realize how this works....WAKE UP PEOPLE. WAKE UP, WAKE Up, WAKE THE **** UP.
I salute Elias and every other member who 'gets it' and who are building these machines for the entire benefit of humanity......
You can run your house on one of these, you can run your car, you can build a freaking UFO! If you wanted to!
Imagine this...:
Going out in the middle of the forest, building a log cabin, and have FREE electricity for the rest of your life, you can grow your own food inside, have lights, clean water, good health, you could build a car/plane.....can you imagine the possibilities? Do you people realize how beneficial this is to humanity? Do you want to be a slave for the rest of your life? Thats your decision, I and many others have already chosen NOT to be a slave!
Working on Infrastructure . . .
Originally posted by albertMunich View Post. . . look a little further up on this thread to see my machines powering rows and rows of LED lights.
I have seen the Rick Friedrich machine work on big 16oo aH battery banks and those seemed to charge extremely well. Much faster than normal- perhaps the machines need to be of a certain size AND the batt banks too.The batts were scrapped ones too but of a better build than the ordinary garden variety starter batts. Emergency power batteries...
It all depends on what you want to do with the final machine. As it is it is a learning tool- and probably the least dangerous of all the things they try to get to grips with Teslas longitudinal waves. The KAPAGEN generators and other high voltage toys are really dangerous stuff.
The difficult part is measurements - has always been . If we cannot eliminate the two batteries and make this stuff run off capacitors or in self looped mode the questions might remain.
I'd like to hear more from Bits and Plazmas work- where are you at the moment? We need to exchange results if the field is to go any further!
Great post and thanks for the prod
I am working like a drone on my lab, getting the infrastructure and space so as to safely work with the 10-coiler and several other related things. What I will soon have is a modest (say 400 watts) of solar input to the 30 amp version of Bedini's solar charger. This will be one of the front-end energy sources for the 10-coiler I will be testing and evaluating. You touched on one ot the real challenges - and that is coming up with big (no, BIGGERER)
batteries both on the front end and also on the down-stream load or charge side of the 10-coiler. I also have some whopping big caps, too. These big batteries are frightfully expensive but really necessary, so I'm into the angst of sizing and ordering a lot of stuff.
Stay tuned for more information coming about some of the very special loads that I intend to power from the 10-coiler . . . not just charge big batteries but other processes, too.
I'm really sorry it's taking so long but I waited nearly 4 months for the 10-coiler and re-directed my efforts while waiting onto lab modernization. However, the Tesla Solar Charger was delivered quite promptly after order (like about 2 weeks) so that is a good sign.
In summary, I am really excited about the new tools and the direction and I am really looking forward to working with and exchanging info with the many really experienced members of this forum.
Hi Plazma,
great to hear that you tackle things from the right side. I really believe that the proverbial lights will go on (not the house lights yet) once this is scaled up from toy size to something that can deliver substantial amounts of energy.Connecting Bedini to Solar is also a good idea since the panels are so inefficient that every trick to squeeze some more mAs out is useful.
Let me ask you how you plan to fuse the big machine. If all connections are solidly screwed to the battery some kind of quick circuit breaker is necessary in case of a hiccup. On the smaller machines one can literally pull the plug if any smoke comes out of the machine but on the bigger versions this becomes impossible. Do you think along the lines of Johns own setup where he has these big knife switches (kinda gotta snap to it he said...)?Or could one use a household circuit breaker or melting type of fuse?
I'm sure everyone waits for some pictures when the drone work is finished!
Adamo, the things are not as easy as they may seem to you - I am convinced that we can tap energy potentials around us but converting this energy to be useful and compatible with existing structures is going to be the real problem. Free energy is a myth- it's always a conversion process.Last edited by albertMunich; 07-04-2010, 10:19 AM.
Originally posted by Hammad View PostHi every one,
I have a question from EFTV2, see when john is demonstrating his 10 coiler, he checks the battery capacity of old circular batter bank after charging to be 96.24%, and then after puting those batteries on load and charging them again with 10 coiler, he say the batteries where charged up pretty quick, though they were only at 93.75% (< than 96.24%) but that's not the point, it is possible that if he would have charged them for more time, he could have charger those big batteries beyond 97%.
My question is, if he did not have charged those batteries with 10 coiler after discharging them (for the first time), even then the batteries would have the capacity close to 93%, because according to my experience, if u discharge the battery, and let it unloaded for a while, it regains some power (its voltage rises, and some of its capacity is regained) automatically. Do u think this is also happening in bedini's case, and he also does not show the capacity of battery after he discharges it, that from what point he raised the batteries to 93.75%.
I need clarification, do u have any? plz make it clear
what about my answer?
Hello Hamad,
this whole question of measuring the batteries is a bit ....hmmm...strange in the video. He uses the BK PRECISION battery tester which I also have. This tester goes only to 100 AH max. how he is supposed to test the total capacity of a 1600 AH Battery bank with this is beyond me. All he can do is test a single cell. And this is not indicative of the state of the whole bank. So you have to take this with a grain of salt.
The only indicator and that is nowhere to be seen on this video is the exact time he can draw his 2.5 KW from the battery bank until it is discharged to 24 Volts under load.And how long it will take to bring it up to snuff again. All these numbers are not being told to us.
I have a very ambiguous view of these videos, they reveal nothing and leave you with more questions than answers.
From what I can see the batteries will take an eternity to charge if you let them go below 12 volts on a 12 v bank.
I would advise you to try and build a multicoil machine yourself. Not 10 coils because such a powerful machine is very delicate and critical. The smaller ones are the real learning tools because you can mistreat them in any way thats possible - you just risk blowing out a few parts and not hundreds of them. Even a one coil 8 wire machine can be rather powerful. I do all my "tricky" research on the smaller machines first-like trying to loop back the output to the input which is possible in various ways.
The RF 10 coil machine is probably the worst in terms of service-friendliness. To get to the transistors if you want to change anything is difficult. I would have put anything that risks to blow on mounts that are easy to open without soldering. And on top of the pcb instead on the bottom. The pcbs cannot be unsoldered many times without being deteriorated.