[QUOTE=Plazma;126294I share your scepticism ref the 'RPMs?' issue. We tried a lot of crude tricks to get stable numbers as reflections 'R Us - I've got reflecive tape so putting a black background around the wheel rim is an excellent suggestion
If reflections on the little one are bad, the 10-coiler speed tests were nutso as reflections were impossible. But, we'll keep on working on both units to get better numbers.
Hi Plazma, if you have a PIC and a hall sensor, you can develop a circuit to "Count" the pulsations felt on a input pin delivered by the hall as the magnet(s) passes it. The command is "Count 2,2000,RPM" which disected, is;
"Count" the number pulses on "PIN 2" over a 2 sec. span (2000) and put the number (of pulses) in the Variable "RPM". You can do the math in the code to then determine how many magnets (pulses) have past the hall chip in a minutes time. This number can then be transmitted to the terminal monitor screen on your laptop in the form of; sertxd("RPM = ", #RPM). This should look like, RPM = 2400 on your screen (assuming the variable RPM has the value of 2400). Let me know if you want to pursue this for a very accurate rpm.

Hi Plazma, if you have a PIC and a hall sensor, you can develop a circuit to "Count" the pulsations felt on a input pin delivered by the hall as the magnet(s) passes it. The command is "Count 2,2000,RPM" which disected, is;
"Count" the number pulses on "PIN 2" over a 2 sec. span (2000) and put the number (of pulses) in the Variable "RPM". You can do the math in the code to then determine how many magnets (pulses) have past the hall chip in a minutes time. This number can then be transmitted to the terminal monitor screen on your laptop in the form of; sertxd("RPM = ", #RPM). This should look like, RPM = 2400 on your screen (assuming the variable RPM has the value of 2400). Let me know if you want to pursue this for a very accurate rpm.