Kogs 10 coiler update
G'Day All
Its a while since I posted
I have at last Rebuilt my 10 coiler
I am getting excited with it I have old batteries to fiddle with while I have been rebuilding it I am trying to restore them.
I removed all the neon's and have 100 ohms on all the bases.
the ohms total for all the coils is ??? I could not measure less than .6 ohms with the digital multimeter so I made a special attachment
to fit on the probes so as to measure Milli ohms and they measured .004 ohms?
I purchased an analogue Multimeter from China that with different settings it can measures up to 1,10,100,1000 ohms and on the 1 ohm setting
it measures less than .4 ohms it seems to almost measure Zero it is hard to see on the scale as it is very a mall segment on the dial when set for 1 ohm
to check it I measures a1 ohm resistor and it measured OK
On the trigger I have the bulb that came with the machine and I have placed a 500ohm 50 watt pot in series with it.
My output cables to the Charge batteries are 110/.6 rated for 1000 KV cables for a welder.
also I have the same and similar to connect the batteries in series and parallel.
The cables I am using for the Primary battery is a Solar cable 6mm2 rated 1.5 KV DC only
The spikes measured on the oscilloscope set at 1 division which evaluates to 20v for the height there are 8 divisions in the screen I set the ground at the lowest point on the screen
and moved the scope down 1.5 more divisions the spikes were half a division from the top which makes the spikes 9.5 divs @ 20v = 190 with the probe set at 10x =1900 volts
I have been finding that it always charges best with the pot set at zero
I'm thinking that perhaps I should remove the bulb or then again reduce the ohms to the base I'me not really game to do that yet .
Also I am trying to purchase enough transistors to be able to Beta match them also do the same with the Diods and resistors
I have one heavy duty battery switch fitted in series with the Primary battery negative terminal and the machine that has a removable key that I remove when I switch the machine off.
After I finish playing around with it I will get serious and do some COP tests using My Trojan T105'S I will keep you posted
Kindest Regards Kogs
G'Day All
Its a while since I posted
I have at last Rebuilt my 10 coiler
I am getting excited with it I have old batteries to fiddle with while I have been rebuilding it I am trying to restore them.
I removed all the neon's and have 100 ohms on all the bases.
the ohms total for all the coils is ??? I could not measure less than .6 ohms with the digital multimeter so I made a special attachment
to fit on the probes so as to measure Milli ohms and they measured .004 ohms?
I purchased an analogue Multimeter from China that with different settings it can measures up to 1,10,100,1000 ohms and on the 1 ohm setting
it measures less than .4 ohms it seems to almost measure Zero it is hard to see on the scale as it is very a mall segment on the dial when set for 1 ohm
to check it I measures a1 ohm resistor and it measured OK
On the trigger I have the bulb that came with the machine and I have placed a 500ohm 50 watt pot in series with it.
My output cables to the Charge batteries are 110/.6 rated for 1000 KV cables for a welder.
also I have the same and similar to connect the batteries in series and parallel.
The cables I am using for the Primary battery is a Solar cable 6mm2 rated 1.5 KV DC only
The spikes measured on the oscilloscope set at 1 division which evaluates to 20v for the height there are 8 divisions in the screen I set the ground at the lowest point on the screen
and moved the scope down 1.5 more divisions the spikes were half a division from the top which makes the spikes 9.5 divs @ 20v = 190 with the probe set at 10x =1900 volts

I have been finding that it always charges best with the pot set at zero
I'm thinking that perhaps I should remove the bulb or then again reduce the ohms to the base I'me not really game to do that yet .
Also I am trying to purchase enough transistors to be able to Beta match them also do the same with the Diods and resistors
I have one heavy duty battery switch fitted in series with the Primary battery negative terminal and the machine that has a removable key that I remove when I switch the machine off.
After I finish playing around with it I will get serious and do some COP tests using My Trojan T105'S I will keep you posted
Kindest Regards Kogs