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Bedini 10-coil

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  • TY for interaction,

    Originally posted by ren View Post
    There was always 20 magnets on the aluminum wheel....
    Im not sure what you are trying to say.....
    Spaces to populate with magnets yes,
    populated in "Official Vid" no!
    And there is only 10 in that video
    on both wheels, go look.

    I did what no other did and ask if it was an official release.

    But a vid documents an aluminum fully populated (Byron).

    YouTube - TheShirkinator's Channel

    He said something about a skiing trip,
    so I'm not writing for a while.

    He may have assumed and populated that wheel ahead of instruction.
    (Getting info that mechanical instructions(5-pages) are included, electronics instruction to follow.)

    All I can say with certainly is that a purchaser
    has already recieved older components.

    Look, I was just in the B3 forum and saw that only assembly info was in the kit delivered,
    something like five sheets,
    the electrics are still (Admittedly) being processed for release.

    That is not a opinion, it is customer testimonial.

    We need to give this time !

    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    I might be the only one that was given a copy -
    perhaps a few others but I can't give it out.
    I posted the text because that excerpt was posted
    at one point.
    Thank you for indicating I need to look further than EFTV vids.

    There is high likelyhood I have that vid too.
    (Tell you in a week.)
    Last edited by WeThePeople; 02-21-2010, 07:37 PM.


    • cap discharge

      Originally posted by WeThePeople View Post

      Thank you for indicating I need to look further than EFTV vids.

      There is high likelyhood I have that vid too.
      (Tell you in a week.)

      The vid is about 8 years old.

      The quote I posted refers to capacitive discharge systems with
      mechanical switch. But some of the explanation of course applies
      to any of the rotor systems.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • I'm a little mixed up!

        Ren or anyone can answere this, are you saying that on JB's rotor that there are magnets also located near the center of the rotor and that they have their south poles pointed outward? And that in combination with the other circumfrance magnets that a scalar south pole is created which extends outward and in between the outer magnets. (If you can follow that)

        I've seen the picture that was posted a few posts back but never really gave it much thought, but had no idea there were other magnets other than the ones on the outer rim of the rotor. (Assuming I understand correctly)



        • We the people,

          I've read over your last post a few times and I'm having trouble visualizing what you have done with the magnets and aluminum.

          The one point that blows my mind, if I understand correctly, is that your metal objects were pushed or repeled by the magnet and aluminum set up. Is that correct? If it is could you please try to reword what you did so I can replicate it.



          • Like a BIG alligator clip . . .

            Hi Mark,

            If I understand WTP, perhaps a couple of analogies might help one visualize his experiment - visualize an alligator clip or an ice tong (the kind used for small ice cubes) . . . in this case the 'ice cube' is a pair of N35 neodym circular magnets (no center holes allowed) glued North face - to - North face and 'grabbed' in the jaws of the small ice tong (or alligator clip).

            Now replace the functions of the ice tong or alligator clip with two pieces of 1/2"x1/2" aluminum square stock say 8-12 inches long strapped length-wise together tightly with a big rubber band. The SNNS-magnet assembly is slipped in between the two aluminum struts at one end of the strut assembly and held in place by the tension in the rubber band. The South Poles Faces are parallel to and in close contact with the opposing inner faces of the struts. The displacement by the thickness of the magnets as sandwiched between the struts at one end causes a very shallow, "V" - shaped gap between the two struts where the terminus of the "V" is at the far end of the strut assembly - sort of like the ice tong or alligator clip analogy except no physical hinge and the tension is caused by the rubber band instead of a spring.

            When WTP brought the tip of a screwdriver in close to the edge of the magnet assembly, where the shaft of the screw driver was parallel to the axis of the struts (and perpendicular to the end faces of the struts), he claims a massive/explosive rejection of ferrous objects in close proximity to the other end of the strut assembly (the "V" nexus end).

            Sounds like a very interesting experiment and I, like you, am very curious about the "use of additional magnets on the shaft of the energizer". I hope to learn a lot more when my order arrives . . .

            @WTP - Hope you don't mind my explanation, and if I mis-interpreted what you did, then please correct my attempt as this is a neat experiment and may help to explain some things (like 'Scalars') as we try to go forward.



            PS - I do have a decent Hall-Effect GaussMeter in my shop - very tricky to use - generally have to do experiments in the house far removed from the shop as the masses of metal in my lathe and milling machine can affect results. One can 'null' out some background effects, but only to a point. A lot depends on what is in the immediate area and what is running. WTP has suggested a lot of future tests/experiments using this meter and I very much appreciate the insights in his posts

            Originally posted by Mark View Post
            We the people,

            I've read over your last post a few times and I'm having trouble visualizing what you have done with the magnets and aluminum.

            The one point that blows my mind, if I understand correctly, is that your metal objects were pushed or repeled by the magnet and aluminum set up. Is that correct? If it is could you please try to reword what you did so I can replicate it.



            • magnets on shaft or at center of wheel.

              Originally posted by Mark View Post
              are you saying that on JB's rotor that there are magnets also located near the center of the rotor and that they have their south poles pointed outward? And that in combination with the other circumfrance magnets that a scalar south pole is created which extends outward and in between the outer magnets. (If you can follow that)
              IF this is what it is, I was the first to show this online almost 10 years ago. It was
              shortly after I first met John. To me it was an obvious thing to try.

              I found on a little roller skate wheel sg that if I put magnets on
              the shaft, I could get the rotor to speed up or slow down. At first I simply
              tried placing magnets flat down on the shaft and that didn't do much
              and since the shaft was not fixed to the bearing, the bearing slid on the
              shaft, I pulled the shaft until a flat end was very close to the center of
              the wheel - maybe 2 inches was the closest while still letting it be in the
              upright. Shaft was fixed. Roller skate wheel with bearing rotated around

              I put little neos flat against the end of the shaft north facing in and
              south facing in to try both. One speed it up and one slowed it down.
              I tried other variations later with ring magnets one on each side of
              the shaft slid over so that I could push them close to each other towards
              the center of the wheel. Obviously they repel regardless if they're north
              or south facing each other.

              At the time, I only saw the ability to increase or decrease the north
              facing out from the magnets on the rotor.

              When John was starting tests with the opposing magnet configuration
              for the SG (he already had been using the opposing magnet configuration
              on is clarifiers) - he showed me and was using a magnetic field finder and
              showed me how all the fields were mapped out around the rotor. When
              he showed me the south fields that were squeezing out between the
              north faces, then I got it.

              The magnets on the shaft near the wheel if south was facing in I saw as
              strengthening that south scalar field pushing out between the magnets
              and with north facing in to the wheel, it would reduce the strength of
              that south field.

              It's been too long so I don't recall right away which one sped it up and
              which one slowed it down. But if you have a setup with a steel shaft
              or something, you can place some round neos on the end of the shaft
              if close enough to the wheel center and you will see that one side will
              increase rpm and one will reduce.

              After I posted this online way back then, I do not recall anyone taking
              any interest in it. And you're the first to describe anything even remotely
              close to this.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Originally posted by Mark View Post
                I'm a little mixed up!
                ...are you saying that on JB's rotor that there are magnets
                also located near the center of the rotor
                and that they have their south poles pointed outward?

                And that in combination with the other circumfrance magnets
                that a scalar south pole is created which extends outward and in between the outer magnets. (If you can follow that)

                I've seen the picture that was posted a few posts back
                but never really gave it much thought,
                but had no idea there were other magnets
                other than the ones on the outer rim of the rotor.
                (Assuming I understand correctly)
                In a word, yes

                To be clear, although you are right,
                I am referring to John's, not the kit.

                And of course John's sketch above.

                Somewhere way back in this pissing contest snowstorm,
                I attached pics of John's 6-KW wheel, if you can find it.

                Those are additional disc magnets on that shaft.

                I should also clarify for all readers,
                that I do not know which way they face.

                But south out / north in on the shaft
                would make the shaft north and attract
                the souths comming off all the perimeter magnets.

                The perimeter magnets are always north out.

                There are not magnet pairs with sharp norths in the kit,
                nor are there shaft magnets in the kit either as far as I know.

                So yes, the magnetic south heads towards the shaft,
                and the scaler south of neighboring SNNS pairs
                wraps together and meets the coils cores
                between magnet pairs at 18.25-degrees (365/10/2).
                They are triggered around 22-degrees after
                the actual magnet pairs sharp norths have passed the cores.

                Gets more complicated the "Official kit vid shows ten magnets
                on both the clear plastic and the aluminum wheels.

                The YouTube link in my recent post has twenty magnets.

                And the kit vid shows the plastic wheel for the coils,
                and the aluminum one on the back.

                I now question if a wheel even gets put on the back,
                Rick might have been just screwing around there,
                and checking the fit of those two collets on each side...

                As the paperwork for the electronics has not arrived to builders yet,
                only about five sheets of mechanical assembly notes so far
                that is what I am gathering from purchasers in the Y's monopole group.

                it was mentioned by Rick that the electronics sheets
                should be clear for release real soon.

                Like I said in previous posts,
                we just need to wait until purchasers get all their stuff.

                Oh, and Aaron has more to say
                on the shaft magnets in post #139.

                Everything you need to know is in John's sketch, promise.


                Originally posted by Mark View Post
                We the people,
                I've read over your last post a few times
                and I'm having trouble visualizing
                what you have done with the magnets and aluminum.

                The one point that blows my mind,
                if I understand correctly,
                is that your metal objects were pushed or repeled
                by the magnet and aluminum set up.
                Is that correct?

                If it is could you please try to reword
                what you did so I can replicate it.

                Yeah, I hated painting a picture by words...

                Yes repel is correct, boy was I surprised.

                I even did it a second time with a BB in disbelief.

                Forgive the crappy M$-Paint line-art scribble,
                my HP all-in-one wont scan a sketch if ink is out,
                what those two things have to do with each other escapes me.

                See the attached pic at the end Mark

                This was the last test,
                and the screwdriver shaft remained lateral
                as I passed it past the magnet pair.

                Or to put it another way,
                straight down in the pic
                keeping it lateral.

                Also in your follow up post you said:
                (Post #137) "no center holes allowed",
                I only indicated they didn't have holes,
                as often thin disc ones do have holes.

                It was not a requirement if that clarifies.

                I liked the star trek sounding referrence too:
                "the "V" nexus end", I kinda chuckled on that on.


                peper10, it saddens me you don't see the relevance
                of the aluminum tests I did to the ten coil machine.

                Although the initial tests I made were for me (Draconian),
                the last one is directly tied to John's 10-Coil machine's function.

                Agreed, I am talking about John's machine,
                and not the current kit available,
                that is unless it has an aluminum wheel...

                The "Official" vid shows both,
                the kit page looks aluminum,
                and now a purchaser (Post #127 link)
                has an aluminum wheel with 20 magnets,
                unlike the the 10 shown in the kit vid.

                Only time will sort this all out.

                This will be my last post on the matter.


                Well I hope I at least got you thinking,
                or you found all this amusing at least.

                I also hope I have not offended anyone.

                I am also sorry I used the word hoax,
                I went right back and edited it out.

                But I maintain this, and you'll agree if you look:
                John says it is an exact copy in the "Official" vid,
                THAT KIT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE if you compare them!

                The kit with John's wheel and shaft magnets I'd let slide.

                That was why I chose that word.


                I am finding the non-stop crap
                all but impossible to surf now.

                If anyone is actually moderating this site,
                start at page one and peel each and every
                "Pissing Contest" post out and put them
                in a new thread labelled "I Wanna Whine",
                or something appropriate please.

                I'm leaving this site because of it...

                Be well all and good luck,
                please ask no questions of me,
                they will go unanswered as I won't be back.

                If anyone from OTG that reads this here,
                and thinks my contributions and conduct are fit,
                (And if my spelling isn't to horrible...)
                would you send me an invite please, thank you.

                And do try the aluminum thing,
                I did note after the fact the screwdriver had
                a small amount of magnetism as most do.

                Not quite enough to pick up a standard computer screw.

                Last edited by WeThePeople; 02-21-2010, 10:22 PM.


                • moving posts

                  I moved the thread to OTG--------------False Accusation thread.
                  I do not know how it turned into 3 different threads of the same
                  name on each move. I can only move posts from one page at a time
                  I thought. Anyway, they're moved and any posts on the otg issue
                  will be deleted if posted here. They are there for the record and
                  the 3 threads with all the moved posts are closed so nobody can
                  post. They will simply drift to the bottom of the list. When the OTG
                  guys have a chance to see this post, I'll delete this post from
                  this thread.
                  Last edited by Aaron; 02-21-2010, 10:46 PM.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • magnets on shaft or wheel center

                    Originally posted by WeThePeople View Post
                    Oh, and Aaron has more to say
                    on the shaft magnets in post #139.
                    What I said about the magnets on the shaft are facts, anyone
                    can try it. BUT... is that on the 10-coiler? I would have to check
                    so don't take my explanation as a verification of that for the 10-coiler.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • neo holders

                      Those are some pretty ingenious holders for the neos. Wonder what they were originally used for...

                      Kinda sorry I asked the question on the aluminum rotor.

                      I still don't have a clue....none of the speculation at this point has cleared that up to my satisfaction yet...

                      Since this thread is getting locked...the world may never know...

                      edit oops...maybe not getting locked now....hope not...


                      Last edited by Murlin; 02-21-2010, 11:30 PM.


                      • not locked


                        I locked the threads where I moved the otg related posts to - not this
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Plazma, Aaron, We The People

                          Thank you for responding to my questions. This new insight has really got my brain reved up!

                          I mentioned the shape of the milled holes a few posts back was interesting and believe that it may have an unusual effect on the magnetic fields, but I know very little about the science.

                          We The People, I hope you will change your mind and stay I think you have made some good contributions to this thread.

                          Thanks everyone, (I'll probably be up all night now and wont be able to shut my brain off! )



                          • @Mark, Luther, Dave, Lee, Richard


                            You can left click on his name at the top left corner and send message
                            but if he doesn't check you can send email if it is enabled.


                            @Luther - please check your private message. There is no issue with you.


                            @Dave - I asked to finish the otg issue but I hope this does it.

                            Please post this to otg to Jack and/or Luther that I forgive you Jack for
                            what you did - you said said you were going to set it straight in otg
                            on the phone to me, but apparently you never did. In either case I forgive
                            you and I do not want your apology anymore and I'm not worried
                            whether you set it straight or not. I know that I never betrayed anyone.

                            @Luther, please check your private
                            message if you're still registered. I don't want anyone to feel responsible
                            for something they're not responsible for. I forgive you if you did something
                            wrong but I don't think you did but I hope that makes you feel better. The
                            only ones I ever thought were responsible were the ones that ganged up
                            on me in your group accusing me of betraying everyone's trust etc...
                            when it was all phony and concocted. There were several of them and
                            I never even mentioned them. Anyway, there should have been facts
                            checked by those multiple members who repeatedly slammed me for
                            something I never did and I don't recall that you were one of them. Either
                            way, no hard feelings Luther, I always respected you.

                            @Dave/Lee/Richard, I apologize for my aggressive rebuttal. I do not
                            apologize for speaking the truth.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • We The People

                              You may not come back to this forum or thread again but I wanted to thank you one more time for posting this sight: John Bedini: SG Collected Posts (PDF) |

                              I have not finished it yet but has great information.

                              One of the comments JB has posted numerous times that I don't understand is that the rotor is not powered by the the north pole facing magnets on his 10 coiler. He says it is powered by the scalar south. I understand that his rotor is different than what I have used but I believe the rotor is still pushed by the north facing magnet.

                              When I was checking my coils to make sure I had them wound correctly is I would just put a magnet close to the coil and touch the coil wires to a battery to see if the wheel was pushed away or attracted to the magnet.

                              I the coil fired a north field near the scalar south it seems like it would cause a lock up or cogging effect.

                              I remember one set up I had where I was able to switch my power coil wires to fire south or in attraction mode and at the time appeared to work the same. Hmmm


                              Hope you are still going to post information on improving the SSG circuit you mentioned.




                              • Originally posted by Mark View Post


                                Hope you are still going to post information on improving the SSG circuit you mentioned.


                                Hi Mark and All,
                                Yes, I'm still working on it. There are no modifications to the SSG circuit required. This is important to remember.

                                Regards Lee...

