Originally posted by deanEdinburgh
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First of all, thanks for all the previous posts
and opportunity to learn about about the Bedini 10 coil. I've been through all 332 posts here at least twice already ... I believe in being thorough ... before making comment. But now, I've really got to say what's on my mind. First, I'll quote some of the posts that support my points.
Aaron: post 22
I remember when the first 10 coiler was built and Peter and John were killing their hands winding those things. I have seen it run countless times and it was able to charge a battery bank that weighs probably 2 tons, literally. I've seen one bank power thousands of watts of incandescent bulbs and then have seen the 10 coiler charge up that bank from the other bank to full charge and have seen both banks charged to the top all without drawing power from the grid.
My response: I believe in John Bedini. He knows how to make OU really work. I'm sure of it, and I think with COP well over 1.
WeThePeople : post 48
This kit is NOT an actual copy of the REAL John Bedini 10-coil unit you've no doubt seen in videos. It DOES NOT contain pairs of magnets in North-2-North orientation to make "Sharp North's".
Ren : post 49
I have seen some information suggesting that they will be supplying different types of rotors for customers, depending on what they are after, the scalar north rotor being one option. My understanding is that the "scalar north" rotor has a faster switching time, but less mechanical power. So perhaps this is the reason they went with the neos and traditional magnet config. ... Once again, this is info I have heard through the grapevine.
TeslaTech: post 262
The other thing what makes me think is, the original 10 coiler from Bedini, had two magnets with northpoles facing each other and makes a “pinpoint beam” like Bedini said. But in the purchased one there are no option for this…. This circumstances could also reduce the effiency of the machine.
My response: The scalar north talked about here was also specifically mentioned by J Bedini in the EFTV documentary he made. He also said in the film that John Bearden had mentioned the importance of this ... things were changed for the 'mass market' kit version ... but why?
WeThePeople : post 51
John has every right to persue concept, and he may be under suppression to tell all
OK, he is MOST LIKELY under to supress stuff. So OK.
My response: We've probably all heard of what happened to Jim Watson. He was 'dissapeared' after he built a huge OU device. J Bedini also had pressure in his workshop, was manhandled, from those people who wouldn't want to see OU really in the public domain.
Some questions that come to mind;Could it be that the 10 coiler released has been 'detuned' to satisfy those who might apply pressure? (Bedini looks visibly nervous when talk of building or selling such 10 coilers on the EFTV docu)Could the use of sharp Norths dramatically improve output? (could be done by changing the magnet setup)Could the use of a larger flywheel, like the one by Jim Watson also improve output considerably? (could be done by adding weights)
I just wish I had the money to buy one and try to see if the sharp norths and flywheel mods would actualy work ... sigh ... will need to wait till I raise the money ...
I hope that now, that these kits are in the public domain, some kind of breakthrough will happen, and we can add the 10 coiler to other free sources of energy, such as solar, wind, etc.
Peace, love and light to you all.

Aaron: post 22
I remember when the first 10 coiler was built and Peter and John were killing their hands winding those things. I have seen it run countless times and it was able to charge a battery bank that weighs probably 2 tons, literally. I've seen one bank power thousands of watts of incandescent bulbs and then have seen the 10 coiler charge up that bank from the other bank to full charge and have seen both banks charged to the top all without drawing power from the grid.
My response: I believe in John Bedini. He knows how to make OU really work. I'm sure of it, and I think with COP well over 1.
WeThePeople : post 48
This kit is NOT an actual copy of the REAL John Bedini 10-coil unit you've no doubt seen in videos. It DOES NOT contain pairs of magnets in North-2-North orientation to make "Sharp North's".
Ren : post 49
I have seen some information suggesting that they will be supplying different types of rotors for customers, depending on what they are after, the scalar north rotor being one option. My understanding is that the "scalar north" rotor has a faster switching time, but less mechanical power. So perhaps this is the reason they went with the neos and traditional magnet config. ... Once again, this is info I have heard through the grapevine.
TeslaTech: post 262
The other thing what makes me think is, the original 10 coiler from Bedini, had two magnets with northpoles facing each other and makes a “pinpoint beam” like Bedini said. But in the purchased one there are no option for this…. This circumstances could also reduce the effiency of the machine.
My response: The scalar north talked about here was also specifically mentioned by J Bedini in the EFTV documentary he made. He also said in the film that John Bearden had mentioned the importance of this ... things were changed for the 'mass market' kit version ... but why?
WeThePeople : post 51
John has every right to persue concept, and he may be under suppression to tell all
OK, he is MOST LIKELY under to supress stuff. So OK.
My response: We've probably all heard of what happened to Jim Watson. He was 'dissapeared' after he built a huge OU device. J Bedini also had pressure in his workshop, was manhandled, from those people who wouldn't want to see OU really in the public domain.
Some questions that come to mind;Could it be that the 10 coiler released has been 'detuned' to satisfy those who might apply pressure? (Bedini looks visibly nervous when talk of building or selling such 10 coilers on the EFTV docu)Could the use of sharp Norths dramatically improve output? (could be done by changing the magnet setup)Could the use of a larger flywheel, like the one by Jim Watson also improve output considerably? (could be done by adding weights)
I just wish I had the money to buy one and try to see if the sharp norths and flywheel mods would actualy work ... sigh ... will need to wait till I raise the money ...
I hope that now, that these kits are in the public domain, some kind of breakthrough will happen, and we can add the 10 coiler to other free sources of energy, such as solar, wind, etc.
Peace, love and light to you all.
