The famous and simple but powerful free electricity generators that many have built, since more than 25 years, thanks to John Bedini and Tom Bearden:
1 # Quote from : 20* Bedini
and info also on that page: Welcome to Bedini Technology
"On this slide, we show a theoretical scheme which several researchers have discovered and used to build simple free energy motors.
In this scheme, we drive an ordinary d.c. series motor by a two wire system from an ordinary battery. The motor produces shaft horsepower, at -- say -- some 30 or 40 percent efficiency, compared to the power drained from the battery. This much of the circuit is perfectly ordinary.
The trick here is to get the battery to recharge itself, without furnishing normal power to it, or expending work from the external circuit in the process." End quote
See the picture of the diagram on the page.
2 # Second quote from that page:
"John Bedini was roaming the "free energy" scene in California in the 1970s and early 1980s, collecting knowledge about medical as well as energy devices. He had an electronics business in Sylmar, and at home he experimented with windmills and other systems. The utility company objected—he was hooked up to their power lines and if his system were to backfeed, it could extinguish the lights in the neighborhood. He disagreed. As he tells it, the officials' final word was "we think you're stealing power" and they took their meter off the building. However, his lights were still on at night, because of his energy inventions, he tells me. Finally they struck a deal—he would have his power meter back but would pay a high fee for the service.
The power company almost took away their hookup to his shop, but it was in an industrial area and they would have had to remove a three-phase transformer and therefore deprive the other businesses of power. "They found that when they switched off all the power in the shop nothing (electrical) was being drawn, but the machines kept running."
He published instructions for an energy device which Jim Watson of Colorado Springs then built—large-scale with a heavy flywheel. Watson demonstrated it at the 1984 Bicentennial symposium celebrating Nikola Tesla's arrival in the USA." End quote
See the picture of Watson's machine on the page.
3 # A third person publicised his replica of the device:
Quote from : Tilley Building Power System - KeelyNet 01/12/03
and from : Tilley - Bedini Gravity Field Generator as secret? - KeelyNet 01/12/03
"John Bedini thinks the 'secret' to the Tilley Spinner is that it contains one of Bedinis' Gravity Field Generators which he freely released way back in 1984 and which, like the Tilley generator, simply required a drive motor to produce the excess power." End quote
Conclusion: We have 2 devices that can produce electricity for free:
The Motor/Energizer that Watson reproduced, and the Kromrey Converter (called G-Field Generator, full data on DVD KROMREY CONVERTER)
Now, Tilley's machine was one of the two, decide which one.
Free electricity is possible with at least one of those devices.
The knowledge is there, but making it easy to use on a daily basis, fully automated is the challenge to make such a device usable by anyone ...
1 # Quote from : 20* Bedini
and info also on that page: Welcome to Bedini Technology
"On this slide, we show a theoretical scheme which several researchers have discovered and used to build simple free energy motors.
In this scheme, we drive an ordinary d.c. series motor by a two wire system from an ordinary battery. The motor produces shaft horsepower, at -- say -- some 30 or 40 percent efficiency, compared to the power drained from the battery. This much of the circuit is perfectly ordinary.
The trick here is to get the battery to recharge itself, without furnishing normal power to it, or expending work from the external circuit in the process." End quote
See the picture of the diagram on the page.
2 # Second quote from that page:
"John Bedini was roaming the "free energy" scene in California in the 1970s and early 1980s, collecting knowledge about medical as well as energy devices. He had an electronics business in Sylmar, and at home he experimented with windmills and other systems. The utility company objected—he was hooked up to their power lines and if his system were to backfeed, it could extinguish the lights in the neighborhood. He disagreed. As he tells it, the officials' final word was "we think you're stealing power" and they took their meter off the building. However, his lights were still on at night, because of his energy inventions, he tells me. Finally they struck a deal—he would have his power meter back but would pay a high fee for the service.
The power company almost took away their hookup to his shop, but it was in an industrial area and they would have had to remove a three-phase transformer and therefore deprive the other businesses of power. "They found that when they switched off all the power in the shop nothing (electrical) was being drawn, but the machines kept running."
He published instructions for an energy device which Jim Watson of Colorado Springs then built—large-scale with a heavy flywheel. Watson demonstrated it at the 1984 Bicentennial symposium celebrating Nikola Tesla's arrival in the USA." End quote
See the picture of Watson's machine on the page.
3 # A third person publicised his replica of the device:
Quote from : Tilley Building Power System - KeelyNet 01/12/03
and from : Tilley - Bedini Gravity Field Generator as secret? - KeelyNet 01/12/03
"John Bedini thinks the 'secret' to the Tilley Spinner is that it contains one of Bedinis' Gravity Field Generators which he freely released way back in 1984 and which, like the Tilley generator, simply required a drive motor to produce the excess power." End quote
Conclusion: We have 2 devices that can produce electricity for free:
The Motor/Energizer that Watson reproduced, and the Kromrey Converter (called G-Field Generator, full data on DVD KROMREY CONVERTER)
Now, Tilley's machine was one of the two, decide which one.
Free electricity is possible with at least one of those devices.
The knowledge is there, but making it easy to use on a daily basis, fully automated is the challenge to make such a device usable by anyone ...