kits and charger sales support Energetic Forum
By the way, if anyone wants motor kits, you can order them from - just email info at
Just mention what you want and you'll be emailed a quote for the
motor and/or chargers with shipping to your area.
You will also get some free bonuses like ebook packages, etc... for
each order.
And by ordering through (members of this forum),
proceeds will also be donated to help support Energetic Forum. That goes
for the chargers as well and not just the kits.
When ordering, just mention that you want a portion of the sale to go to
Energetic Forum.
By the way, if anyone wants motor kits, you can order them from - just email info at
Just mention what you want and you'll be emailed a quote for the
motor and/or chargers with shipping to your area.
You will also get some free bonuses like ebook packages, etc... for
each order.
And by ordering through (members of this forum),
proceeds will also be donated to help support Energetic Forum. That goes
for the chargers as well and not just the kits.
When ordering, just mention that you want a portion of the sale to go to
Energetic Forum.