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r-charge / bedini - solar power charger

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  • #91
    ...but this single coil SSG takes forever to do the T105's and L-16's.
    As a desulfator the SSG has limitations and flaws.

    It is possible to costruct a dedicated desulfator
    which is much more efficient and capable of
    dealing with your high capacity batteries with
    very little cost. A properly built desulfator will
    also equalize your batteries without need for
    using the standby generator to accomplish that.

    The pulses must be made more powerful than
    what the SSG produces. It is not difficult.


    • #92
      Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
      As a desulfator the SSG has limitations and flaws.

      It is possible to costruct a dedicated desulfator
      which is much more efficient and capable of
      dealing with your high capacity batteries with
      very little cost. A properly built desulfator will
      also equalize your batteries without need for
      using the standby generator to accomplish that.

      The pulses must be made more powerful than
      what the SSG produces. It is not difficult.
      Well I did talk to Peter about that and I built a larger capacitive unit that dumps a 3300uF cap charged to 120 volts into them, but I have not tested it very much yet. I was going to build an IGBT driven unit using one of my 1200V @ 200A IGBT's and put more capacitance behind it, with the ability to run it with a micro-controller using AtMega 128 and 169 currently because I like coding in C.

      The solar amplifier is essentially just that. 10,000uF being charge to double the voltage and then being dumped into the battery so it looks very close to what I am already working on.



      • #93
        solution oriented

        Originally posted by Mark View Post
        Well Aaron I've already got you beat, I used 601 KWH last month and I used my air conditioner, have an electric stove and dryer. My 2000+ sq ft house has the best insulation package and windows I could get 12 years ago when I had it built. I have close to 100 light bulbs which most are led and the rest are cfl. But it is unrealistic to think that the average person is going to spend a large amount of money on new windows, insulation, lighting, solar and everything else you suggest.

        A "free energy device" is far more feasable and not only would solve the energy crisis and help with pollution but just think about all the money, fuel, life and resources wasted on going to war over oil. Sure cutting down on consuption would be great if everyone did it. But releasing a device would be far more effective.

        Do you really believe that if John shipped out all the solar charges turned up that he would be jailed or executed? I'm sorry but I just don't believe that. After something is released in volume with instructions on how to build it nothing could be done to stop it. And jailing or executing him would only bring more attention and validity to the whole thing. Just the opposite of what the MIB would want. Sorry but I'm still not going to buy that now is not the time.

        And by the way when are we going to hear about this new device or charger coming out. I wanted to buy one of the solar charges but the last I heard they were all sold out. And if this new charger is better I'd rather wait for it. What else can you tell us about it.

        Hi Mark,

        That's great! And shows that it CAN be done. The average person is not
        going to do all these updates. I agree and that is why I said where it is
        at is not in the upgrades but in simply building homes right to begin with.

        My home was built in 1954. The structure is way beyond the standards
        but not for efficiency (as it was built). The big downfall is poor insulation
        in the walls and I'm not planning on staying here so it will stay that way.

        There are plenty of things I could do to get the usage down to a fraction
        of what it is now, which is already pretty low. The ROI would take too long
        but it would have to be done for satisfaction instead of saving money
        anytime soon. I am willing to do that but not on this house.

        By the way, Coolerado is the way to cool a home. 90% less power than
        a typical AC unit and it uses about one shower worth of water per day.
        So probably about 85% less cost to cool than conventional AC. If I
        needed a cooling system, I'd go with that because of the simplicity.

        I'm certainly not against a "free energy machine" being released that
        anyone can plug in and have all they want. If I had one scaled up that
        could power my entire home, I'd plug it in on the spot.

        But being practical in the moment, I do these other things that I do have
        access to in the here and now.

        Not everyone can do all the mods, but there are lower budget methods
        to accomplish much of the same.

        There are cheap coatings that can be bought to lay on a window to
        act as a radiant reflective coating while still letting light through - similar
        to the triple silver coating on my windows.

        There are clear plastic sheets that can be nicely taped around the border
        of a window to allow a new "pane". You heat the plastic with a hair
        dryer and it stretches tight and you can't even see it. I did that one
        one glass back door in an apartment I rented quite a while back. It is a
        very cheap and easy fix to create another layer of dead air space for
        insulation of the windows.

        Insulating foam spray cans - cheap - DOE estimates there is an average
        of 1 square foot worth of space where heat is lost or gained to and from
        the outside. That is like having a 1 square foot hole on a wall to the
        outside on every home.

        So there really are quite a few low tech and low budget solutions for much
        of the loss an average home experiences. And if money is an issue for
        someone to even do basic weatherstripping for example and really seal all
        the leaks, there are non-profits in every state that assists low income
        home owners by providing the service of updating the weatherization
        package of a home at no cost to them. People just have to look into
        these kinds of things. Of course have to prove income is below a certain
        level based on quantity of family members, etc... and if qualified,
        free weatherization.

        Maybe I'm just optimistic but my belief system tells me there is a solution
        for everything, they just need to be implemented.

        John is building chargers that give the benefits that people are paying for.

        IF there was some free energy device that was put into the masses
        hands, my response is that there are plenty of valid
        free energy machines open sourced in this forum but most people
        are not able to see it.

        John gave the answers to the Tesla Switch and only one truly successful

        Peter's rotary attraction motor is over 1.0 cop but most people don't know
        what they're looking at. And even few used bifilar coils that are shorted
        like in the Bob Teal patent - so many details like this are simply ignored.

        Most of the "joule thief" circuits are over 1.0 cop but it is not even
        recognized for what it is.

        Veljko's mechanical oscillator is over 1.0 cop and it is only appreciated
        by very few who get it.

        I would have to say that it isn't up to John to give anyone some
        overly fantastic free energy machine - it is up to people to help themselves
        and apply what has been shared.

        But the machine I think that would accomplish what you would like to
        see - I'd like to see it too - is a motor/generator that runs on pure
        reactive power - basically pumping out as much as you need while drawing
        little to nothing from the source. Eric Dollard, Jim Murray and a few others
        know the reality of this. That is one of the few real self runners that
        gives you all you need. That requires a whole new skill set such as learning
        Eric Dollard's worldview of electricity. That is beyond the ability of most
        experimenters. And even studying his material - it would give the
        principles and theories then it would still be up to someone to figure out
        how to apply it as mentioned above.

        I don't know if details have been released on the new charger but I'll
        find out.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #94

          There is no one particular magic circuit that "if" it gets released will
          save the world and benefit all humanity. It sounds like a good idea
          but it isn't even necessary.
          -That is a crock of very smelly cheese my friend. Your statement virtually invalidates the purpose of both your book and this forum. And by the way, who put you in charge of what is good for humanity?

          On the Magna Coaster thread the silence is deafening. Worldwide Free Energy, but not a single watt to power a clock or LED. If you want the veil to fall between the have's and have not's, do something about this. Or continue be another that huffs and puffs to spread the virus.

          The point is - what - have some cop 15.0 device to power our home
          so we can be completely vain and waste half of what that device
          produces just because it is in that much of abundance? This is in fact
          where most people are sitting right now - in the position to waste
          most of what they are going to get from any energy source be it
          "free" or not.
          -I thought you couldn't create or destroy energy. Hmmm. Or did you mean engaging unnecessary transformation of forces? Listen the extraterrestrials have plenty, they won't miss a few jillion terra watts.

          I normally like and support your perspectives - clearly on this thread I see evidence that you have been dipping into the sacramental wine.

          Now please make up your mind -

          Does your book support a worthy cause, one worth more than exploring the lint in humanities Quantum navel?

          Is the forum doing important work, or is it just a well moderated circle jerk?

          What this smacks of is when people live in the illusion of control - they invest in keeping others out of focus and in the dark. Kind of like many notables here - they poke up their heads - make claims like they are on board - then disappear like they have achieved their guilt complex therapy, and wander off.

          So are you really... Friend or Foe?
          <holding breath for response>


          • #95

            Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
            As a desulfator the SSG has limitations and flaws.

            It is possible to costruct a dedicated desulfator
            which is much more efficient and capable of
            dealing with your high capacity batteries with
            very little cost. A properly built desulfator will
            also equalize your batteries without need for
            using the standby generator to accomplish that.

            The pulses must be made more powerful than
            what the SSG produces. It is not difficult.
            And where is all your work posted so that you can show how
            Bedini's circuits are flawed?

            It is common sense that you build it to scale.

            John's 10 coilers had no problem charging a large bank
            of monster batteries that came from cell phone towers.

            And there is no "desulphator" that will accomplish what
            the radiant circuits do - they are NOT a "desulphator" even though
            they do that.

            Your posts are starting to look suspicious. You claim alum is not
            water soluble and therefore the alum/water mix cannot work in
            a battery when alum IS water soluable, etc... You are making some
            completely outright false and misleading statements. What's up?
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #96

              Originally posted by DavidE View Post

              -That is a crock of very smelly cheese my friend. Your statement virtually invalidates the purpose of both your book and this forum. And by the way, who put you in charge of what is good for humanity?

              On the Magna Coaster thread the silence is deafening. Worldwide Free Energy, but not a single watt to power a clock or LED. If you want the veil to fall between the have's and have not's, do something about this. Or continue be another that huffs and puffs to spread the virus.

              -I thought you couldn't create or destroy energy. Hmmm. Or did you mean engaging unnecessary transformation of forces? Listen the extraterrestrials have plenty, they won't miss a few jillion terra watts.

              I normally like and support your perspectives - clearly on this thread I see evidence that you have been dipping into the sacramental wine.

              Now please make up your mind -

              Does your book support a worthy cause, one worth more than exploring the lint in humanities Quantum navel?

              Is the forum doing important work, or is it just a well moderated circle jerk?

              What this smacks of is when people live in the illusion of control - they invest in keeping others out of focus and in the dark. Kind of like many notables here - they poke up their heads - make claims like they are on board - then disappear like they have achieved their guilt complex therapy, and wander off.

              So are you really... Friend or Foe?
              <holding breath for response>
              You shouldn't get so high on yourself David.

              I'm entitled to my beliefs and you are NOBODY to tell me otherwise
              or to judge what I believe, period.

              Magnacoster appears to be a fraud and always has. Why don't you
              try to replicate it and post your results and perhaps you can break the

              Maybe you should just go here:
              NEW FREE ENERGY FUELLES GENERATOR 5 Kwt AVIG AVIG - Medical Equipment
              click the ADD TO CART button and get yourself a free energy
              machine there and report back to all of us your results and maybe
              you can even reverse engineer it and share the plans - then you can
              be a part of the solution in helping humanity.

              Who put me in charge of what is good for humanity? Don't be a hypocrite,
              for you to claim that humanity needs it in order to be saved is
              claiming to know what is good for humanity! That is hypocritical!
              Again, I'm entitled to my beliefs and if I think there are enough solutions
              to solve all the problems, that is what I'm going to state.

              This forum was my idea and it is a priceless resource.
              What have you contributed to the free energy movement?

              If you thought energy can't be created or destroyed, that sounds like
              a personal problem to me. I don't believe in such fairy tales.

              And by the way, there are free energy devices explained in this forum
              and if you missed them, you are able UNABLE to comprehend or appreciate what

              I don't care for your sarcasm and condescending remarks - and you
              apparently aren't even qualified to know what you're looking at. You
              have no right to judge my opinion or myself or to imply anything negative
              about my motives. You simply don't know me and need to keep your
              uninformed delusional opinions to yourself.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #97
                Hi all, I would just like to give my opinion.

                Nothing is really free unless you can do it yourself, if you have a free energy machine and you don't understand it, when it breaks down you will have to pay someone to fix it for you, therefore you don't have free energy. Unless a free energy device is very simple and I mean very simple many people will still need to rely on others to maintain it or teach them how to fix it or even use it. In that regard a solar panel is not a free energy device that will make "you" free therefore the tesla solar amplifier as marvelous as it is has it's limits.

                Anyway if the world were to be suddenly provided with limitless free electricity the population explosion would kill us all.

                Thats my opinion.

                Last edited by Farmhand; 09-13-2010, 10:53 PM. Reason: spelling


                • #98

                  Having free energy for the world with the level of enlightenment of the
                  average person, it would just correspond to a proportional increase in
                  how wasteful we already are as a society - even more so since there
                  would be no end to it.

                  Everything that I do with this forum, my books, my projects, etc...
                  is for getting the information out there in whatever way I can.

                  But that doesn't automatically mean I'm going to put the responsibility
                  of "saving the world" off on some free energy machine. Seeing that there
                  is no readily available all power free energy machine that anyone can
                  just build and use or buy, it is common sense that viable solutions that
                  ARE available here and now need to be recognized and used.

                  It is a "cop out" to say a free energy device is what we need to solve
                  the worlds problems because it takes the responsibility away from "ME"
                  the individual.

                  There are plenty of viable solutions that have been around for ages.
                  They might not be as exciting as a self running generator that can power
                  a home but they exist. Even if there is one, it would probably cost more
                  than it would cost to get a home off the grid with solar, wind, etc...
                  anyway. Even if it existed, IT WILL STILL COST MONEY TO BUILD THEM
                  and they're not going to be given away for free!

                  I'm not going to pass the buck off on a device that isn't readily available
                  and pretend that there aren't other solutions available - I'm not committed
                  to self deception.

                  I'm always moving in the direction of learning more and more about
                  available technologies and ones that are possible, theoretically,
                  mechanically, etc...

                  Even though there could be some devastating effects of having free
                  energy for the whole planet - because of who we are as a society
                  at the time being - but I would like to see nothing more than the
                  implosion of the current energy cartel in oil/gas/etc... and decentralize
                  it so that everyone has their own local power station.

                  The upsets would be growing pains and will be inevitable. Even though
                  mankind is not even mature enough to handle it, I would NOT want it
                  stopped if it was going to be released because it would be a welcome
                  solution - but isn't the end all - be all - or only solution.

                  @DavidE -

                  Go read my last few posts here -

                  With any common sense you can see that I have done nothing but
                  work at getting people to see that we can and do have free energy. And your
                  little "virus" concept doesn't apply to me but actually is representative
                  of yourself since you are trying to discount me, who is actually
                  spreading the truth.

                  So should we turn the tables and point the finger at you for
                  questioning my motives?

                  If you can't comprehend my posts in that thread linked to above, then
                  you are part of the problem and not the solution for pointing the finger
                  at me.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #99
                    Hi folks, I usually step in when i see focus straying a bit. Keep in mind folks, most if not all issues in this world that lead to the good of all or in this case the basic needs of all being met at a bare minimum are in my opinion fulfilled due to the systems we follow. We have all sorts of distractions created to try and divide us, so that we do not unite as one humanity and end these systems of control that prevent the complete self sufficiency of each individual. This is an age old formula for control and power as I'm sure some are aware, so let's unify our energies in positive creation efforts and try not to fall for the divide and conquer, age old methods. Has anyone been in a toy store lately, 100 different versions of the game monopoly, that says it all. Now let's try and create PARADISE.
                    peace love light


                    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      And where is all your work posted so that you can show how
                      Bedini's circuits are flawed?

                      It is common sense that you build it to scale.

                      John's 10 coilers had no problem charging a large bank
                      of monster batteries that came from cell phone towers.

                      And there is no "desulphator" that will accomplish what
                      the radiant circuits do - they are NOT a "desulphator" even though
                      they do that.

                      Your posts are starting to look suspicious. You claim alum is not
                      water soluble and therefore the alum/water mix cannot work in
                      a battery when alum IS water soluable, etc... You are making some
                      completely outright false and misleading statements. What's up?
                      The DC resistance of the coils in many of
                      Bedini's "devices" is too great. Much power
                      is lost within the coils themselves.

                      While they may indeed charge batteries,
                      the impedance mis-match prevents efficient
                      transfer of energy. Much power is lost.

                      To efficiently desulfate a lead acid battery
                      the DC resistance of the coil must be as
                      small as possible in order to generate the
                      highest intensity "radiant" spike.

                      Yes, it is possible to create a very high intensity
                      "radiant" spike with only a relatively few turns
                      of heavy wire.

                      Alum is indeed water soluble. What is not
                      water soluble is the Sodium Aluminosilicate.

                      Sodium Aluminosilicate is not an "Alum."

                      Alums are sulfates.

                      Someone needs to do some "research?"


                      • Solution for Mark

                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        Hi Mark,

                        That's great! And shows that it CAN be done. The average person is not
                        going to do all these updates. I agree and that is why I said where it is
                        at is not in the upgrades but in simply building homes right to begin with.

                        My home was built in 1954. The structure is way beyond the standards
                        but not for efficiency (as it was built). The big downfall is poor insulation
                        in the walls and I'm not planning on staying here so it will stay that way.

                        There are plenty of things I could do to get the usage down to a fraction
                        of what it is now, which is already pretty low. The ROI would take too long
                        but it would have to be done for satisfaction instead of saving money
                        anytime soon. I am willing to do that but not on this house.

                        By the way, Coolerado is the way to cool a home. 90% less power than
                        a typical AC unit and it uses about one shower worth of water per day.
                        So probably about 85% less cost to cool than conventional AC. If I
                        needed a cooling system, I'd go with that because of the simplicity.

                        I'm certainly not against a "free energy machine" being released that
                        anyone can plug in and have all they want. If I had one scaled up that
                        could power my entire home, I'd plug it in on the spot.

                        But being practical in the moment, I do these other things that I do have
                        access to in the here and now.

                        Not everyone can do all the mods, but there are lower budget methods
                        to accomplish much of the same.

                        There are cheap coatings that can be bought to lay on a window to
                        act as a radiant reflective coating while still letting light through - similar
                        to the triple silver coating on my windows.

                        There are clear plastic sheets that can be nicely taped around the border
                        of a window to allow a new "pane". You heat the plastic with a hair
                        dryer and it stretches tight and you can't even see it. I did that one
                        one glass back door in an apartment I rented quite a while back. It is a
                        very cheap and easy fix to create another layer of dead air space for
                        insulation of the windows.

                        Insulating foam spray cans - cheap - DOE estimates there is an average
                        of 1 square foot worth of space where heat is lost or gained to and from
                        the outside. That is like having a 1 square foot hole on a wall to the
                        outside on every home.

                        So there really are quite a few low tech and low budget solutions for much
                        of the loss an average home experiences. And if money is an issue for
                        someone to even do basic weatherstripping for example and really seal all
                        the leaks, there are non-profits in every state that assists low income
                        home owners by providing the service of updating the weatherization
                        package of a home at no cost to them. People just have to look into
                        these kinds of things. Of course have to prove income is below a certain
                        level based on quantity of family members, etc... and if qualified,
                        free weatherization.

                        Maybe I'm just optimistic but my belief system tells me there is a solution
                        for everything, they just need to be implemented.

                        John is building chargers that give the benefits that people are paying for.

                        IF there was some free energy device that was put into the masses
                        hands, my response is that there are plenty of valid
                        free energy machines open sourced in this forum but most people
                        are not able to see it.

                        John gave the answers to the Tesla Switch and only one truly successful

                        Peter's rotary attraction motor is over 1.0 cop but most people don't know
                        what they're looking at. And even few used bifilar coils that are shorted
                        like in the Bob Teal patent - so many details like this are simply ignored.

                        Most of the "joule thief" circuits are over 1.0 cop but it is not even
                        recognized for what it is.

                        Veljko's mechanical oscillator is over 1.0 cop and it is only appreciated
                        by very few who get it.

                        I would have to say that it isn't up to John to give anyone some
                        overly fantastic free energy machine - it is up to people to help themselves
                        and apply what has been shared.

                        But the machine I think that would accomplish what you would like to
                        see - I'd like to see it too - is a motor/generator that runs on pure
                        reactive power - basically pumping out as much as you need while drawing
                        little to nothing from the source. Eric Dollard, Jim Murray and a few others
                        know the reality of this. That is one of the few real self runners that
                        gives you all you need. That requires a whole new skill set such as learning
                        Eric Dollard's worldview of electricity. That is beyond the ability of most
                        experimenters. And even studying his material - it would give the
                        principles and theories then it would still be up to someone to figure out
                        how to apply it as mentioned above.

                        I don't know if details have been released on the new charger but I'll
                        find out.
                        Here ya go Mark for that air con bill my friend please take a look.
                        Pool/Aircon power saver-80% saving


                        • turns ratio

                          Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                          the impedance mis-match prevents efficient
                          transfer of energy.
                          There is a reason for a "1:1" turn ratio on the Bedini circuits.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            And where is all your work posted so that you can show how
                            Bedini's circuits are flawed?

                            It is common sense that you build it to scale.

                            John's 10 coilers had no problem charging a large bank
                            of monster batteries that came from cell phone towers.

                            And there is no "desulphator" that will accomplish what
                            the radiant circuits do - they are NOT a "desulphator" even though
                            they do that.

                            Your posts are starting to look suspicious. You claim alum is not
                            water soluble and therefore the alum/water mix cannot work in
                            a battery when alum IS water soluable, etc... You are making some
                            completely outright false and misleading statements. What's up?
                            The big flaw of Bedini circuits is that they claim OU in batteries and you get NONE.
                            As a desulphator SSG sux also. tried and know.
                            The alum stuff, is a nightmare. I have converted a Bosch lead acid battery to alum and from 6Ah capacity droped to 0.5Ah. Alum with "radiant charge" does not shows any merit.
                            Not to mention the battery could not keep charges up. It took way to long actual time hooked on an improvised desulphator to be restored, but not as it were before.

                            What about Bedini circuits anyway?


                            • Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                              The big flaw of Bedini circuits is that they claim OU in batteries and you get NONE.
                              As a desulphator SSG sux also. tried and know.
                              The alum stuff, is a nightmare. I have converted a Bosch lead acid battery to alum and from 6Ah capacity droped to 0.5Ah. Alum with "radiant charge" does not shows any merit.
                              Not to mention the battery could not keep charges up. It took way to long actual time hooked on an improvised desulphator to be restored, but not as it were before.

                              What about Bedini circuits anyway?

                              All I can say is that you did not build them right. Every Bedini circuit I have built has shown that the battery's load time is increased after every cycle. The only exception is when I didn't build it right, or it wasn't tuned optimally. Every charger I have bought from Renaissance Charge has done what they claim it will do. They all extend the life of your batteries.

                              As a "desulfator", or rejuvenator I have recovered a lot of batteries of all different types of chemistry very successfully. I've done everything from AAA to large car and deep cycle batteries, lead-acid, gel-cell, silver calcium, Li-On, NiCd, NiMh. As long as the battery isn't physically defective the Bedini circuits will restore it.

                              The trick is building the circuit for what the batteries want as the batteries are part of the circuit. Then you have to make sure it is tuned for what you want it to do. Lastly, you need to use good components including batteries. A 12V car battery that has been sitting around for years and comes in showing a couple of volts is going to take a long time to recover - maybe 30 - 40 cycles if it's really bad. It takes time to see the results.

                              There are many other tricks that show some very interesting things that can't be explained in the normal EE sense with these circuits. When you understand the concepts and principles that John Bedini has already shown us, you can start to experiment with ways that you can combine different circuits to achieve different applications.

                              For example, you might want to use the high voltage, low current, high frequency outputs of the SG circuit to charge a battery directly or to charge up a capacitor. On the other hand you might want the low voltage, high current, low frequency output of a charged capacitor and dump that energy into a battery or a another capacitor once every second. There are many other different possibilities you can use these circuits for.

                              The point being, that there are different circuits for different applications. Many other people have posted their test results in the public forum for people to see for themselves what the Bedini circuits can do. When so many other people have been successful and you say that it does not work then tell us a bit about your setup and we might be able to help you improve it. You can also tell us what you are trying to achieve and I'm sure there would be many people on these forums that would be happy to help you.

                              John K.


                              • Aaron

                                Since my last post was deleted by moderation I will try again.

                                With any common sense you can see that I have done nothing but
                                work at getting people to see that we can and do have free energy. And your
                                little "virus" concept doesn't apply to me but actually is representative
                                of yourself since you are trying to discount me, who is actually
                                spreading the truth.
                                -What truth would that be? That over unity is all around us? I am looking for the beef. Not the shadow of where it is located. If you have fundamental knowledge, demonstrate it in application. Authoring a thread or posting words on a forum is not necessarily truth. Truth must have immutable foundational values. You wouldn't think powering an LED/CLOCK would be so difficult would you?

                                Forget about humanity. Forget about fame and fortune. Lay something out that ALL CAN SEE and understand. Otherwise, you yourself contribute to the sickness. A boxing match with a mythical ghost.

                                So should we turn the tables and point the finger at you for
                                questioning my motives?
                                -I am questioning all elements of the virus, from first infection to death. I am asking that you or anyone inoculate everyone with an immutable truth.

                                If you can't comprehend my posts in that thread linked to above, then you are part of the problem and not the solution for pointing the finger
                                at me.
                                -I am in the throes of the worst stage of the virus. I am vomiting circuit after circuit, only to end up with less of everything. My plastic bending fatigue is near a point of separation.

                                You can delete my posts, call me stupid, provide link after link of what you claim as "proofs." All I can say is - (1) Self Powered LED or CLOCK - either you can boil down all of your insights into this one proof, or you can't. There is no shame in admitting your limits.

                                But please let me know if you won't or can't. I will then go back to my underground bunker... and patiently wait for the pole shift.

