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Renaissance November Workshop Convention

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  • thanks Mike!

    Was incredible to spend time with you Mike! Enjoy the zzzzzzzzz's - sure
    was a long trip for you!

    @all, at the end of the conference, Mike gave a talk to about 30 people
    back behind the fireplace in the lobby. It was very informative and gave
    a new direction for people to move towards in regards to water fuel

    The concept is here:
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Originally posted by everyidea View Post
      At the start of Bedini's lecture on Sunday, his wife got up and talked about the other benefits of the SG motors.

      At this time I was standing next to John, and I believe his daughter.
      These both where friends of John (His wife was there at the conference, but did not speak)



      • I also found it interesting that John alluded to more than one Watson Generator still in existance and running 'underground' and also that the man is still at large...


        • Correction

          Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
          Well, acyually I am 52 years old so I must be holding my age pretty good or your ability to make comman sense out of things are scewed.

          And if I didn't have a clue about the device I was controlling, perhaps I should endeavor to change your preception. I DESIGNED IT, BUILT IT, AND DEMOSTRATED IT.

          Where do you creatures come from?

          @electricty, I enjoy your "Ostrich like view" of free energy.

          Dear Bits,

          I stand corrected. Also my ability to make common sense out of things has been impaired on many more occations than I care to share.

          However, in your fine technical presentation on the methods you employed to control several functions of the Bedini topologies - I didn't here one word on the fundamental process that is at the heart of this proposed non-classical process.

          I have no doubt that you may have extensive propritary knowlege of the inner workings of these circuits. But, I didn't hear any of it in your lecture. Nor did my engineering associates who were also in attendance.

          Never the less, your presentation (for the subject material covered) was well constructed and delivered with gusto.



          • Wish I could have made it out there.

            I just hope that Rick, John & Peter make available some dvd's and materials for those of us who missed it.

            I'll be first in line to buy them!


            • conference videos


              Peter's talk will be on dvd. You can order/contact him through
              Free Energy | Dr. Peter Lindemann's Website - may be a couple weeks before it is put on dvd
              but you can definitely pre-order it now.

              Tony Craddock was filming all the Bedini presentations so it will probably
              come out as part of the Energy from the Vacuum Series - just a guess.
              I'm not sure if he filmed the other presentations.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                Peter's talk will be on dvd. You can order/contact him through
                Free Energy | Dr. Peter Lindemann's Website - may be a couple weeks before it is put on dvd
                but you can definitely pre-order it now.

                Tony Craddock was filming all the Bedini presentations so it will probably
                come out as part of the Energy from the Vacuum Series - just a guess.
                I'm not sure if he filmed the other presentations.
                Thanks Aaron, good to hear and I will check out Peter's site and keep my eye's open for Tony's Bedini video release!


                • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                  Hi Folks,

                  Just to add to the news, Bits is right. I spent Saturday afternoon with John and Rick as the "Big Surprise" was being assembled for the first time. All I can say is this.

                  If you have ever wished that you were at the 1984 Tesla Convention when Jim Watson showed his big machine, based on John's Free Energy Generator book,.......

                  then just come to this Conference, and wish no more!

                  I'll ask again was the Watson Machine shown or not. If not than what was one to think from Peters post?


                  • Originally posted by Mark View Post
                    I'll ask again was the Watson Machine shown or not. If not than what was one to think from Peters post?
                    It was definetly not THE watson device...


                    • Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                      Hi Folks,

                      Just to add to the news, Bits is right. I spent Saturday afternoon with John and Rick as the "Big Surprise" was being assembled for the first time. All I can say is this.

                      If you have ever wished that you were at the 1984 Tesla Convention when Jim Watson showed his big machine, based on John's Free Energy Generator book,.......

                      then just come to this Conference, and wish no more!


                      Well I consider this statement to be very misleading then!!!


                      • Originally posted by Mark View Post
                        Well I consider this statement to be very misleading then!!!
                        Anyone who was there was not dissapointed with what they saw, so why are you?

                        I think THE Watson device is in the ownership of Watson.


                        • @Mark No, it was not a reproduction of Watson device. But I believe it used one of Watson's idea's of asymmetric design for the generator coils and magnet alignment. It also used "pie" shaped magnets for these coils. He refered to Ed Leedskalnin and his alternating pole motor that is still there at the castle. I believe this is calling attention to Ed's magnet position of two north poles making a single north pole that is 4 times stronger. It used three bottom coils for drive. These coils where massive, the center one was about 18" high and about 12" round. The two on the side of it where about 9" high and the same diameter. It ran itself all day long off of a controlled battery bank. It was very impressive, but I wish I had received more explanation of the capabilities of it.
                          My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


                          • What is Electricity??

                            My first post here. I thought why not answer the big question .
                            What is Electricity?
                            This is a question that is asked quite often and apparently hard to answer. After reading through alot of the posts the last couple of days I have come up with an undisputable answer.
                            "Electricity" is an Entity that we could do without.
                            Bill H.


                            • Originally posted by Mark View Post
                              Well I consider this statement to be very misleading then!!!
                              The device shown was along the same lines as the Watson device yet brought up to date with the latest tech to improve the energizer system.
                              It had no inductive motor as the Watson device did. Instead it had self running starter motor. NO BATTERIES mind you. It ran from the power produced by programmable Barium Ferrite magnets and opposing coils. These magnets alternated poles when briefly pulsed with a magnetic field. The starter motor ran all day in front of us and produced 42 ft lbs of torque. The torque produced was used to push the outer wheel away from cogging the coils produced, that were on the bottom. Similar to an SSG setup.
                              When the Monopole style setup (For lack of a better description) was started it immediately took 36 volt bank up to 42 volt and cold boiled the charge batteries while maintaining the run batteries. I could hear the batteries from my position in immediately front of them. I missed any reference the total output, because of the crowd that wanted to witness, but I am sure it was a big number.
                              The numbers were from what was told to me by people who measured and got a closer look at the device before hand. I believe these people.

                              I also seen alot of other great things while in the room and have no doubt the technology that will help shape an energy future is coming soon.

                              If you are having problems with the kits or homemade devices why not start reposting these issues so that we can help. There are so many people who understand and harness this tech that you can almost assured the problems you are having can be worked through. If you give us a chance.
                              And if you are not ready to do that why not just stop posting ridicule and doubt, and go on to something else?

                              I myself am just bustling to get back to work and have a place to share where I do not have to deal with the negative people who continuously create doubt. This stuff works, and anybody willing to be patient and develop the concept for why and how can make it happen.
                              That place will be here, with or without you.



                              • I don't get it!

                                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                                The device shown was along the same lines as the Watson device yet brought up to date with the latest tech to improve the energizer system.
                                It had no inductive motor as the Watson device did. Instead it had self running starter motor. NO BATTERIES mind you. It ran from the power produced by programmable Barium Ferrite magnets and opposing coils. These magnets alternated poles when briefly pulsed with a magnetic field. The starter motor ran all day in front of us and produced 42 ft lbs of torque. The torque produced was used to push the outer wheel away from cogging the coils produced, that were on the bottom. Similar to an SSG setup.
                                When the Monopole style setup (For lack of a better description) was started it immediately took 36 volt bank up to 42 volt and cold boiled the charge batteries while maintaining the run batteries. I could hear the batteries from my position in immediately front of them. I missed any reference the total output, because of the crowd that wanted to witness, but I am sure it was a big number.
                                The numbers were from what was told to me by people who measured and got a closer look at the device before hand. I believe these people.

                                I also seen alot of other great things while in the room and have no doubt the technology that will help shape an energy future is coming soon.

                                If you are having problems with the kits or homemade devices why not start reposting these issues so that we can help. There are so many people who understand and harness this tech that you can almost assured the problems you are having can be worked through. If you give us a chance.
                                And if you are not ready to do that why not just stop posting ridicule and doubt, and go on to something else?

                                I myself am just bustling to get back to work and have a place to share where I do not have to deal with the negative people who continuously create doubt. This stuff works, and anybody willing to be patient and develop the concept for why and how can make it happen.
                                That place will be here, with or without you.

                                Why develop a new devise when the old one had Real Usable output, was it 12 kw/hr?.

                                And also, exotic barrium oxide magnets are hard to find.. let alone programming.

                                I am tired of these silly toys!

