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Renaissance November Workshop Convention

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  • Mark,
    I don't mind spending the money, or the time, or the effort. I am learning. I wouldn't trade a minute of the frustration I have had for someone GIVING me answers. You never value things you haven't worked for. Every little success I have now, is a cause for celebration.

    What I truly wish we had were the teachers to walk us through this step by step to help us build devices that work. Not just me, but everyone who is willing. I would just be part of the group and shut my mouth and follow directions. We NEED the people who know to teach the rest of us. Show us step by step how to do it. Not just a few of us, but thousands of us. That is the only way this information is going to get out there. Call it an on-line class. Sell us all exactly the same kit so that we are all working with exactly the same parts and you have to PROVE you bought the kit to even become part of the forum where the teaching is. Who would sign up for a step by step class taught by Bedini? Only everyone I know in the free energy field.

    I have been incredibly lucky to have a few people on these forums take me under their wing and help me to become better at what I do. Without them I would still be lost. They answer my stupid questions and point me in the right direction time and time again. I value what they have given me more than I could EVER express. There is no greater gift to give someone than the time it takes to teach them.

    My fear is that if this DOESN'T happen, eventually we are going to lose the things that have been discovered before enough people know about it that it becomes a tidal wave instead of the little trickle it is right now.
    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Hi folks, Hi Mark, this quote from you is why I'm here annoying people with common sense they seem to have forgotten or think is not practical in this world.
      But when I hear statements about seeing stuff that has never been seen before with no elaboration what so ever what is one to think. Its an advertising ploy. If you don't sign up today then the offer is not valid tomorrow. Why the song and dance tactic. Why not be straight forward, tell us whats going to be there.
      The way we have been living folks, is not practical. Let me give an ultra simple example that anyone should be able to grasp and if you can't, then it seems maybe you like fake survival world a little too much or don't know any better.
      The closest thing to our real selves and nature as beings in this world, would be a parent that cares for a child growing up. Does anyone really think they would be here now, if their parents had not unconditionally provided for their sustenance, shelter and other basic needs. It's interesting, when we become so called adults, the whole scenario is turned on it's head and it's everyone for themselves and is it any wonder, why things are the way they are. Do we owe our parents anything, no. What we owe them and your creator, is to take that example and live it to the best of our ability. Now it's obvious many have not learned from that example and one can see this in the world and in a few opinions shared on this very thread. Am I judging anyone to be right or wrong, good or bad, no. I am simply trying to open the eyes of anyone I AM able to. Though invariably, there will always be those that see these ideas as impractical for there survival and maybe that's my point and why were in this so called survival. After all, with my simple example of a parent caring for their child, it's a little hard to deny what I'm saying. By all means, have your gatherings and social events and share your ideas and such, though keep in mind what I've said, for it will serve you at some point.
      peace love light


      • Originally posted by Mark View Post
        Look at this summary posted on Rick's site to sell the Kromrey converter DVD
        Well, here it is, John Bedini's legendary "G-field generator" from the early 1980s in all its glory running on the bench and putting out more power than John is putting in. And ejecting a stream of freezing cold air from its interior, where one would "normally" expect heat would be produced and dissipated.
        In this DVD John Bedini, painstakingly traces the "G-field generator's" pedigree and history all the way back to the late Professor Raymond Kromrey, and John then presents the theory, the circuit diagram, what to do, and what not to do, to build one that works.
        I haven't heard of any replications that work have you?
        Yep I sure have. And if you haven't your not watching the right people
        YouTube - OTG - Kromrey submerged lightbulb - DMR10.WMV
        Watch his other video's as well. Write the guy, he'll probably answer.

        Wanna know why it works? Because he worked at it. PERIOD.

        And while I am pissed and on the subject. What have you tried? Anything? Do you look?
        You need to take your foolish nonsense and go somewhere else if your not actively researching, your waisting our time. And you should be treated accordingly.

        Everything you write goes to record. And your sole intention as far as I have ever seen is to discredited any of us who try.

        @Everybody else you should stop waisting time and space on this one.

        Matthew Jones


        • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
          Yep I sure have. And if you haven't your not watching the right people
          YouTube - OTG - Kromrey submerged lightbulb - DMR10.WMV
          Watch his other video's as well. Write the guy, he'll probably answer.

          Wanna know why it works? Because he worked at it. PERIOD.

          And while I am pissed and on the subject. What have you tried? Anything? Do you look?
          You need to take your foolish nonsense and go somewhere else if your not actively researching, your waisting our time. And you should be treated accordingly.

          Everything you write goes to record. And your sole intention as far as I have ever seen is to discredited any of us who try.

          @Everybody else you should stop waisting time and space on this one.

          Matthew Jones
          Maybe you haven't looked closely at the video you posted, here is a coment by the poster and replicator:

          "Thanks John. It's a nice party trick, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary here. I obviously wouldn't put my hand in the water if it were mains electricity, where I would form a nice route to ground.


          Its nothing out of the ordinary by his own admission and certainly not overunity!

          And yes I have tried multiple set ups, with rotors and without. I have purchased many items from Rick and have spoke with him on numerous occasions. I've worked with different joule thief setup, 3-pole, 6-pole and 9-pole set ups. I've built my own solar cap discharge set up (only got up to
          2amps 25 volt dump). The only practical thing I've been able to make is a battery rejuvenator. Sure I've been able to light up hundreds of leds with a couple if AAA bateries and light (2) 6 foot CFL's with the power going thru me but nothing that is over unity. I'm pissed too. How much money have you spent and what practical devices do you have. Show me your over unity device. Bits is the only one I have seen that has anything that could be classified as over unity.


          • Yep thats the typical answer. "I have spent so much..." SOmebody important will vouch for me.

            Wrong video YouTube - 18 ga QUAD COIL KROMREY Monopole LOW RPM
            Same group.



            • Hi folks, I'm not knocking anyones efforts or lack there of . What I'm pointing out in my brief visit on this thread and planet, look around people, your paying for land, paying to rent, paying for shelter in general, do you really think we will get excess energy devices to the masses while that still goes on. Please, wake up. As long as an individual thinks paying for shelter or just the land to build their own is somehow fair and just, well then be prepared to keep paying some energy dictator till the end of your days. Really, what has happened to common sense, first things first. Though sharing our ideas and building things and gathering, certainly can do no harm, it fosters the infinite creativity we all possess. Though as I said, if this is supposed to be open source, then why is any information being withheld or being charged for. Guess some have different ideas on open source.
              peace love light
              edit: oh and I myself sure hope this is all being recorded, maybe someone will learn something


              • Now c'me on and give the guys a break....they will have to pay for the conference room and associated catering. And I don't object to them making some money off the event if it is used for research purposes. They too have to pay their rent. And they will not get rich on this stuff....

                As Bits has said many times this effort has to be a collaborative one. I do not think that any single person will come up with THE OU device. It will be a mosaic of different ideas and approaches...

                I only got interested in free energy after I had studied Patrick Kelly's Bible of free energy-what an effort he has put into this!- and seen there were so many common points between different devices. This convinced me that there is a greater truth to be discovered behind this. Only the arrival of the internet has made a community of the many isolated inventors.If they get together now physically instead of virtually I expect that this will give everyone a tremendous boost.
                After all the stakes are extremely high: We want to overthrow 100+ years of mainstream scientific thought. Show that there is more to electricity than we have seen so far. This is nothing less than a revolution. And it will not happen in one day-.But the chips are on the table now.
                If you look into history certain ideas only came into play when the time and the public consciousness were ready for it. Photography was not invented in the 17oos although all the elements were there already. But no one took up the threads and went on to fix the image that formed in a camera obscura.
                And then it all happened at the same time in the 1830s. In different countries and by different methods, photography was invented by many people almost simultaneously.
                Same thing with television: You certainly had to know a lot about electronics and mechanics when you wanted a TV in the 30s - how many made their own with rotating "Nipkow" discs and neon lamps and selenium cells? And they were smiled at. John Baird had to show his machine at Selfridges department store in London to keep from starving.
                An invention goes thru 3 stages: First it is unbelievably primitive. (Look at the Baird televisor: Cardboard discs, a bike headlight and salvaged motors, literally strings and chewing gum. but the thing worked!)
                Stage 2: The thing gets unbelievably complicated. Photographers had to carry a tent, glass plates and dangerous chemicals to prepare their materials on the fly.
                Stage 3: The thing becomes elegant, sleek and easy to use even for the "common man" - you push the button we do the rest.
                We are at the primitive stage at best with this now.We get shocked, we burn transistors and we have flying magnets embedded in the walls...and we get smiled at.....but I firmly believe there will be a positive outcome, or I would have thrown out the roomful of stuff I have built over the last couple years a long time ago.
                GO FOR IT! The world looks at Coeur d'Alčne now. Where the heck is that anyway?!


                • Hi All

                  I know how frustrating it can be not to get your hands on a free energy device, for a name to call it, but the powers that be will not let you have it in a form that could be commercialised at a price that would make it available to most, it will just not happen. What will happen is that the people whom can construct their own device from plans of others and make it work will have to make do with just that.

                  A commercially produced product would be doomed from the start with all the controls that can be implimented by the powers so as you could not comply with their terms put on you. What can't be stopped at the moment is for personal use, but you will have to build it and conform to safty standards.

                  Now as far as the conference is concerned, the cost is high, but the event HAS to be paid for, I think a cheaper location could have been found but thats by the by.

                  I will be there and all the others that will be giving information on these or similar machines, this is where it can really start to educate people on how to really do these things. I will be available for anybody whom wants to talk to me on my work and I give it free, but words do not make the machine, plans and parts do and they cost money in time and material and we ALL have to eat and pay into the system, no free rides I am affraid.



                  • Hi folks, Micheal John Nunnerly said :
                    I will be there and all the others that will be giving information on these or similar machines, this is where it can really start to educate people on how to really do these things. I will be available for anybody whom wants to talk to me on my work and I give it free, but words do not make the machine, plans and parts do and they cost money in time and material and we ALL have to eat and pay into the system, no free rides I am affraid.
                    Is it not ironic that we can agree that suppression and tyrannical controls are in place to prevent mass dissemination of excess energy devices and yet, at the same time gloss over and accept with defeat the real reason for it. You and many others have said the same thing, "no free rides I am afraid". Then we must all be ghosts, cause that's exactly what our parents did for us and yet we turn our backs to this glaring example of how to live and should be living. It's one thing to say the systems stink and don't serve the good of all and quite another to throw our hands up and declare we must be enslaved to this madness and that's the way it is and it will always be so.
                    "May your chains sit lightly upon you"
                    I've said my peace, good luck on your paths.
                    peace love light


                    • So a commercially manufactured product is doomed because of "the powers that be." While that thought makes me sick to my stomach, I can buy that as a working premise. But how about a kit? Or barring even that, an incredibly specific parts list. And then a step by step video which doesn't have to show names, faces, or even have voice over. Just takes you through the steps of putting that parts list or (if possible) kit together and tuning it so that it is over unity, so that THOUSANDS of us can replicate it. Post the video on YouTube and publish the link here. Or sell it. I bet I spend on the average of $200 a month on my free energy "hobby" I would gladly pay a few thousand for the parts and DIRECTIONS on how to put it together and tune it, and you can't tell me there isn't a way for those who know how to do this to make that information available to the masses without revealing who they are. Or without making some serious money from doing it. Start a non profit and pay the researchers a salary. I'm from California. I KNOW how much money would be available for that kind of research just here in the Silicon Valley alone.

                      And even if I built the thing and it worked, do you think I would be happy with that and quit?? No way!! Once you have something, that's when the fun begins. You try to make it bigger, better, faster, produce more power, refine it for different applications. That's where it BEGINS.

                      This Friday I am attending the "Tech Awards" here in San Jose where people who have made outstanding contributions to technology from all over the world are honored for having improved the lives of people everywhere through innovative inventions. I don't get to go every year because it's not easy to get an invitation, and it isn't something you can "buy a ticket to". Besides, wearing a tux isn't my thing. I'm more a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy. It doesn't have to be some incredible device either. Two years ago one of the winners was the developer of the disposable syringe. It is my dream to see someone from one of our forums up on that stage getting an award for some small device that helps folks in some remote country without power lead a better quality of life. I know there are people here who could make that possible.

                      And I know that for many of us it is definitely NOT all about the money. Or we wouldn't be here, sharing ideas and contributing to each other's work. Yeah, there are some bad apples here, naysayers and pessimists. But those folks are everywhere. Anybody who is committed will learn to tune them out and ignore them. And this work will go on. Why? Because it is the RIGHT thing to do. And as long as it is the right thing to do, there will be folks who do it. Not for money, not for glory, not for any intrinsic incentive, but simply because it is RIGHT. And for that, I will be forever grateful. Because one day all this effort will pay off in incredible ways.
                      Last edited by Turion; 11-04-2010, 08:47 PM. Reason: Add more
                      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                      • Hi Turion

                        Well said . You get it! I wish the people that know "how" to do this felt the same way, or if they do would put a plan into action. We've waited long enough.


                        • To whom it may concern.....

                          The schematics are available, have been since 84....thousands of replications are on record...varying degrees of success......

                          My rant begins like this....

                          We must take responsibility. We must stop (my opinion) trying to get this man to spoon feed us more of his knowledge,

                          Abandon this copy and paste mentality this leads to nothing more than endless debates and never ending discussions...

                          The secret lies in applying the principles we have been provided with to existing technologies! Thats always been one of the many messages....

                          How many here modified the computer fan?!?! How many stopped there?!?!? How many took this to he next level, with increasing understanding, increased the size of the motor from computer fans to 1-5HP brush-less DC motors....anyone??? What about AC motors, anyone try applying this circuit to such a maybe two people....

                          What happens to all of the motors and generators around the world if a means for mass producing this technology is found!!!!!!!??? Can you say land fill!?!?!? Out with the with the new.....the old consumer motto!!! WTF!!!

                          Our power lies in the fact that we are left with the scraps, the soon to be abandoned tech....just day we may find ourselves swimming in a sea of abandoned AC and DC motors and generators....and heres the kicker....either we will be among the many cleaning up the mess, being paid to destroy (literally) the motors and generators that we "should be" modifying, or we will be among the few who understand that old saying....waste not want not!

                          Use what you have! Understand that the technology which is already in place, already in existence, and tested to some of the highest standards can be modified....Why start from scratch and loose at their game, when its so much easier (not to mention cheaper...) to simply pick up where they left off.....Thats how we win, no infrastructure or donations needed... Do we really believe that the powers that be are going to recall all of the AC and DC motors the world over! LOL.... If they do, we will be the work force they call to duty, we will be the ones who will carry out the task of collecting and dismantling....

                          In closing I would say, support the inventor...we wouldn't be having this conversation if it wasn't for his dedication over the years....If you can afford it support him! If you can't afford it......thank him for what he has given by showing him that the seed he sewed in your imagination didn't fall on unfertile ground....

                          I am humbled by those who respect the "opinions" others, and I am honored to find myself in the company of so many who have decided to think for themselves!

                          Last edited by erfinder; 11-04-2010, 11:03 PM.


                          • erfinder,
                            To a large extent I agree with you. People like me, we don't need to be spoon fed. We shouldn't be. We should be willing to do the work, take the things we have been given and run with it, or shut the heck up. I have put thousands of hours into working on this stuff, with many different levels of success on different projects. I have four or five underway right now, and will never stop. I know how good success feels. Working with others of a like mind and sharing what we know is all we should need. On this I am with you one hundred percent. I love this stuff and it is my hobby. No matter what kind of success I have, I will never quit. There is always something new to explore. ALL of the fun is in learning new things, in learning from your mistakes, and from small successes. And from sharing things with others and hearing of THEIR successes.

                            But what about people like my parents. My dad, if he didn't have me to help, would have no chance to build anything like this. He just isn't capable. He couldn't read a schematic, and although he tries, it is hard for him to understand. Especially with someone like me helping him. I know the basics, and that's about it. Does this mean he doesn't deserve this technology? He and my mom live off the grid and have solar and a 12 volt system. Or how about people who are living without power when something like this could be made available to them. Should they go without because "the schematics are out there"? And we all know that just because you can read a schematic and build a device, it doesn't mean it's going to work overunity. Many of the people without power are children. Some of them can't read. That is where I am coming from. That is my concern. We don't need thousands of replications with varying levels of success. We need a hundred thousand SUCCESSFUL replications. Even then, even if we had a hundred thousands successful replications of overunity devices in garages around the world, we'd still be millions of miles from getting this technology to do useful work or from mass marketing something that no one can patent and earn a profit on because it has been open sourced (as it should be) on the internet for all to share. My concern, my ONLY concern, is that the knowledge of how to do this gets to as many people as possible so that it never becomes "lost" again. That we do what needs to be done before it is too late for our planet and all the people on it who could not build this kind of device if their "lives depended on it." I'm not going to say another word on this topic. I have things to build, and it's way off topic for what this specific site was created for.

                            My deepest and most sincere thanks to everyone associated with this conference. I know what a pain in the ass putting on something like this can be, and the money never compensates for the stress you endure to make things work like they are supposed to. I wish you all the best of luck and I look forward to seeing everyone there. Thank you to all of you who have helped me over the rough spots. I can't wait to meet you in person.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              To a large extent I agree with you. People like me, we don't need to be spoon fed. We shouldn't be. We should be willing to do the work, take the things we have been given and run with it, or shut the heck up. I have put thousands of hours into working on this stuff, with many different levels of success on different projects. I have four or five underway right now, and will never stop. I know how good success feels. Working with others of a like mind and sharing what we know is all we should need. On this I am with you one hundred percent. I love this stuff and it is my hobby. No matter what kind of success I have, I will never quit. There is always something new to explore. ALL of the fun is in learning new things, in learning from your mistakes, and from small successes. And from sharing things with others and hearing of THEIR successes.

                              But what about people like my parents. My dad, if he didn't have me to help, would have no chance to build anything like this. He just isn't capable. He couldn't read a schematic, and although he tries, it is hard for him to understand. Especially with someone like me helping him. I know the basics, and that's about it. Does this mean he doesn't deserve this technology? He and my mom live off the grid and have solar and a 12 volt system. Or how about people who are living without power when something like this could be made available to them. Should they go without because "the schematics are out there"? And we all know that just because you can read a schematic and build a device, it doesn't mean it's going to work overunity. Many of the people without power are children. Some of them can't read. That is where I am coming from. That is my concern. We don't need thousands of replications with varying levels of success. We need a hundred thousand SUCCESSFUL replications. Even then, even if we had a hundred thousands successful replications of overunity devices in garages around the world, we'd still be millions of miles from getting this technology to do useful work or from mass marketing something that no one can patent and earn a profit on because it has been open sourced (as it should be) on the internet for all to share. My concern, my ONLY concern, is that the knowledge of how to do this gets to as many people as possible so that it never becomes "lost" again. That we do what needs to be done before it is too late for our planet and all the people on it who could not build this kind of device if their "lives depended on it." I'm not going to say another word on this topic. I have things to build, and it's way off topic for what this specific site was created for.

                              My deepest and most sincere thanks to everyone associated with this conference. I know what a pain in the ass putting on something like this can be, and the money never compensates for the stress you endure to make things work like they are supposed to. I wish you all the best of luck and I look forward to seeing everyone there. Thank you to all of you who have helped me over the rough spots. I can't wait to meet you in person.

                              Ah yes...the children and those who can't do for themselves...If 100,000 truly comprehend this tech and can apply it to existing tech in its most basic form, not aiming for overuinty, then they can instruct.

                              When a person truly comprehends a subject that subject whatever it maybe becomes a part of that deeply ingrained is the concept that that they can, in this case, put the basic circuit together blindfolded in under an hour...I'm absolutely positive that 98% of the folks here are in that position....overunity....what happened to unity? We just skipped that chapter altogether...LOL....we skipped that chapter and we know this to be true, for here with a technology in our midst which can unite us, we find ourselves divided...

                              Mass reeducation is needed if this is going to work, and all of us here in this forum on the front lines..The inventor of this concept didn't start us off by telling us to go for the gusto...(and we shouldn't tell the youth and aging of our communities that they should either) it was hinted at that there is more going on in this circuit than we presently understand, the instructions were simply to build.....get your hands wet...get them dirty....everyone in the room won't need to be able to read a schematic if the one person in the room who can is willing to aid those in the room who can't. (he its your our turn...)

                              I enjoy the inventors approach to this particular matter...where repetition brings understanding and comprehension.....we are motivated to tinker, play, experiment....give that feeling to those who can't read or can't interpret a schematic, and in time you may find that they can teach you a thing or two about this technology....

                              Just remember....we all had to start somewhere....we don't want the inventor to spoon feed us, we cannot spoon feed those who are coming up after us, we can aid them in their understanding only...., comprehension they get through repetition.....just like the rest of us....

                              There are more in the world today who understand this technology than there were when we started....! We don't need 100,000 successful replications of something that only the inventor comprehends! We need 100,000 individuals who comprehend the basics! Each willing go over the basics with 100,000 others, who in turn do the same!

                              These are my opinions.....please forgive me if I offended anyone by expressing them...



                              • Patience ....

                                Patience ... everyone .... everything will happen on divine timing....
                                Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.

