Speaker wire pancake.
Here's a video of a unique approach. Intercom wire pancake has one wire over the other, this type of twin bifilar failed to spin a rotor wired in series unlike the spiral twin bifilar. This speaker wire folds and twists. so the wires lay opposed side by side. This pancake Quad may spin a rotor wired in series like the Spiral and single bifilar pancake unlike the intercom wire failure.
YouTube - hydro4f3a 012 - pancake coil with speaker wire
Here's a video of a unique approach. Intercom wire pancake has one wire over the other, this type of twin bifilar failed to spin a rotor wired in series unlike the spiral twin bifilar. This speaker wire folds and twists. so the wires lay opposed side by side. This pancake Quad may spin a rotor wired in series like the Spiral and single bifilar pancake unlike the intercom wire failure.
YouTube - hydro4f3a 012 - pancake coil with speaker wire