Originally posted by John_K
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I couldn't adjust the dwell any better so I have gone to smaller magnets. that seems to have helped.
But here is what's interesting. As I adjust the timing Advance or retard it just like in a car. One transistor will be cold and the other quite warm. then as I change the timing it will get to where they will both be cold and then as I continue the other tranny will start getting warm. I don't have as much control over the dwell as I had hoped but I think this is pretty close.
I agree with what you are saying about the differences, in all our builds and that's why I am looking for patterns. certainly after playing with this machine.... it is no SSG, or G-field, or window motor. I have made them all, and this is exactly as John bedini said; very different. Very complex!
Not for the light of heart! However it is the greatest learning I have had on any of my builds.
watching how John's amp meter moves in the videos and seeing mine do the same thing, it looks like the pulse is not so much a spike as we are used to. It really is starting appear more like a pump to me.
Anyway, I really appreciate your time and answers John K, I know you guys are really involved in things for the convention.