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Dear John Bedini Re: 30 Coil Kit

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  • #16
    Practical Free Energy

    ozy, look, there is no easy way in real free energy, and for your budget this is what I would do.

    build a newman motor, the original. this machine fries batteries, but you can use t to drive a bob boyce HHO cell and make copious HHO. This alone is overunity. With the HHO, you can use that for cooking, heating etc. For electrical needs, convert a generator to run on HHO cooled with Ionized water from fountain fogger, see keely site. I did this and it works well.

    If you want solid state DC, buy PEM hydrogen fuel cell kit and build yourself. 2 kw/hr cell can be build for $5k.

    forget the bedini system, its only a toy.

    good luck.


    • #17
      newman monster

      note: newmans motor is an energy generation monster, start small and scale to your need, best of luck in ur quest for free energy.

      but if you wish to join the crowd, keep in mind that some have been looking for 30+ yrs. Free Energy circus


      • #18
        Originally posted by aussieaussieaussie
        If you have a great 'new' system of free energy, then please make a new thread and share for all to see seselaa. But please &%$ off out of this one! Thanks!

        don't cry if u get burned,

        The answer is NO, unless 60 watts is fine with you.

        Anyway, I'm posting not for you, but for the hundreds and thousands of people that are new to Free Energy.


        • #19
          Then post in your own new thread, give all the details and we all will have a look and evaluate. I will happily listen and so will others just start your own thread.

          Have a good day



          • #20
            Originally posted by seselaa View Post
            note: newmans motor is an energy generation monster, start small and scale to your need, best of luck in ur quest for free energy.

            but if you wish to join the crowd, keep in mind that some have been looking for 30+ yrs. Free Energy circus
            You sir are off topic, deliberately misleading and just plain old confused. You started at the beginning of this thread showing some interest only to spiral downwards into typical disruptive tactics, we've seen it all before.

            John K is right, and take it from another aussie ere, there is so much potential in what John Bedini is showing us. But you have to work for it. Study it, contemplate it, build it. What JB is showing doesnt get built by the first timer over the weekend with a hammer and chisel.

            seselaa, start your own thread if you want to talk Newman, and only post if you have something of value to say, not just HOT AIR like all your posts so far.

            Regards (to everyone else)
            "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


            • #21
              fancy toys sells, not boring motors

              no, i dont need to start a thread.

              i'll leave this one alone, won't bother you again.

              i just feel bad and sad for the many hard working men and women that gets sucked out of their hard earned $$$.

              anyway, good luck.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ren View Post
                You sir are off topic, deliberately misleading and just plain old confused. You started at the beginning of this thread showing some interest only to spiral downwards into typical disruptive tactics, we've seen it all before.

                John K is right, and take it from another aussie ere, there is so much potential in what John Bedini is showing us. But you have to work for it. Study it, contemplate it, build it. What JB is showing doesnt get built by the first timer over the weekend with a hammer and chisel.

                seselaa, start your own thread if you want to talk Newman, and only post if you have something of value to say, not just HOT AIR like all your posts so far.

                Regards (to everyone else)
                how long has john been in Free Energy?.

                NAME ONE FREE ENERGY DEVICE IN OPERATION other than what he demos at shows and his dvds?

                I rest my case.


                • #23
                  Keep your promise mate and stop posting on this thread.

                  You are the reason I am not getting an answer.

                  If you have 'the' answer then post on your own thread.

                  Your critique of every post is not welcome.

                  Now folks do we have any answers?



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by seselaa View Post
                    how long has john been in Free Energy?.

                    NAME ONE FREE ENERGY DEVICE IN OPERATION other than what he demos at shows and his dvds?

                    I rest my case.
                    Lol. You just shot yourself in the foot
                    But enough, I tire of your negative ways. This is not the place. Go join the Randi forums if you want to remain ignorant and badmouth things you know nothing about.

                    @ aussie, to start to answer your question, how much do you plan to put into the front end of this device? Its not a straighforward answer unfortunately....there are too many variables to consider.
                    Last edited by ren; 11-22-2010, 10:26 AM.
                    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                    • #25
                      Back on Track PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

                      Yet another thread destroyed by some complete tool...

                      All I want is honest answers, is that so hard?

                      At least maybe an explanation of why I do not deserve to know?

                      You people claim to have built such devices so... whats the score?

                      What is the current level of achievement and where do we expect to be in 1 year?

                      Thanking you in advance,



                      • #26
                        Hi Ozy.

                        I am like Ren, I have been working with Bedini technology for a couple of years now and have to say that everything I have built works just like John B. says it does. The thing you have to remember is John wants us to learn how these devices work. He does not give us a working device with a set of instructions because he wants us to be able to continue on our own if for some reason we have a problem or our machine quits. He has given us the SSG and then the window motor and now the big wheel. And he keeps telling us we need to understand them in order to make good use of them or anything we can build based upon those principles. If you built one of his machines from a kit and it worked for you and then later died would you be able to fix it if you didn't understand how it worked? I think John feels a time is coming when we may not have the ability to communicate with him for help so we should learn all we can now. I personally think the Lockridge device Peter covered at the conference might be the easiest device to build for some real free energy of maybe a few hundred watts. If you learn how to make that work then you could scale it up for more power. I am really impressed by John's big wheel but I think it may be too difficult to build for most of us, myself included. If you just ignore the naysayers they will probably go away. I hope this helps some. By the way Ren has built some impressive window motors. There is a thread here somewhere about them.

                        Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by citfta View Post
                          Hi Ozy.

                          I am like Ren, I have been working with Bedini technology for a couple of years now and have to say that everything I have built works just like John B. says it does. The thing you have to remember is John wants us to learn how these devices work. He does not give us a working device with a set of instructions because he wants us to be able to continue on our own if for some reason we have a problem or our machine quits. He has given us the SSG and then the window motor and now the big wheel. And he keeps telling us we need to understand them in order to make good use of them or anything we can build based upon those principles. If you built one of his machines from a kit and it worked for you and then later died would you be able to fix it if you didn't understand how it worked? I think John feels a time is coming when we may not have the ability to communicate with him for help so we should learn all we can now. I personally think the Lockridge device Peter covered at the conference might be the easiest device to build for some real free energy of maybe a few hundred watts. If you learn how to make that work then you could scale it up for more power. I am really impressed by John's big wheel but I think it may be too difficult to build for most of us, myself included. If you just ignore the naysayers they will probably go away. I hope this helps some. By the way Ren has built some impressive window motors. There is a thread here somewhere about them.

                          Thanks Carroll,

                          So in your opinion I should invest my energy into the lockridge device?
                          This does sound like a promising device, alas, I have to wait weeks for DVDs to arrive before I even know how much output the device is suppose to have.

                          I saw the pics about the lawnmower powered by a window motor, I always just thought it was a toy... was any details given about this window motor on the lawnmower at the convention. Sounded to me like they had never even tested it.?

                          Also, Ren what have you accomplished with a window motor?

                          Thanks for the help guys!



                          • #28
                            Energetic Forum Guidelines ~ Read Before Posting

                            Energetic Forum Guidelines ~ Read Before Posting
                            Energetic Forum is a place for the sharing of positive uplifting ideas, technologies, modalities and discussion.

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                            Aaron Murakami

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                            • #29
                              Originally posted by citfta View Post
                              Hi Ozy.

                              I am like Ren, I have been working with Bedini technology for a couple of years now and have to say that everything I have built works just like John B. says it does. The thing you have to remember is John wants us to learn how these devices work. He does not give us a working device with a set of instructions because he wants us to be able to continue on our own if for some reason we have a problem or our machine quits. He has given us the SSG and then the window motor and now the big wheel. And he keeps telling us we need to understand them in order to make good use of them or anything we can build based upon those principles. If you built one of his machines from a kit and it worked for you and then later died would you be able to fix it if you didn't understand how it worked? I think John feels a time is coming when we may not have the ability to communicate with him for help so we should learn all we can now. I personally think the Lockridge device Peter covered at the conference might be the easiest device to build for some real free energy of maybe a few hundred watts. If you learn how to make that work then you could scale it up for more power. I am really impressed by John's big wheel but I think it may be too difficult to build for most of us, myself included. If you just ignore the naysayers they will probably go away. I hope this helps some. By the way Ren has built some impressive window motors. There is a thread here somewhere about them.

                              However much we may dislike the "naysaying" it must
                              be admitted that it does make a point:

                              "Do not spend you hard earned resources needlessly
                              and wastefully. Look before you leap!"

                              The real difficulty in getting the various machines to
                              "work" properly lies in identifying the conditions under
                              which the excess energy is released. It is a "resonance"
                              of sorts which can be very elusive until one "learns"
                              how to tweak the operational parameters.

                              What Carroll said above is absolutely correct. As an aid
                              to developing the requisite "understanding" one of our
                              very first tool acquisitions must be an oscilloscope.
                              The initial investment in an oscilloscope need not be
                              costly; even a very inexpensive "scope" is far better
                              than none at all. The scope display will reveal the
                              "signature" of the secrets of abundant energy.

                              Be prepared to spend countless hours adjusting and
                              observing until you begin to "see" results. It will take
                              much experimentation to nurture the "practiced eye"
                              (and ears and nose too) which will enable you to find
                              the "sweet spot" in the natural resonance of any system.

                              Spend as little as possible while pursuing your goals.
                              Look very, very hard at each and every new "temptation."

                              Discussion and the asking of questions is good; but there
                              are no easy answers and very often none at all. Each
                              must learn to become "self-reliant" with knowledge.


                              • #30
                                Very interesting thread in several ways.

                                I am still learning as much as I can about engineering and I haven't reached the level where I can start experimenting.

                                It is very frustrating not knowing where to put my efforts.
                                Sometimes I think that water cell is the way to go. Then I read that to run a car one would need hundreds of liters per minute.

                                Other days charging batteries with Bedini inventins and then using the electricity in the batteries seem the way to go. But nobody seem to bu using this way of getting electricity.

                                Then there are other inventions where I only know their name like this Lockridge device.

                                It all seems like there is really nothing out there really working so I have no idea what to research.

                                Any help?

