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  • Thanks much today for your assistance. i bought the second ingrediant Chuck recomended for making more Rochelle salt.
    I saw 2 Marcus Reid cells today at John's Business. I didn't have to see them though to know they worked exactly as described.

    There's an article in places on the net titeld "The Development of Expoxy Based Electrets." They liked Lithium salts best for doping."

    John & Chuck,
    Just to check again,
    JB did not show any resin based crystal cell?
    The previous question I had of polarizing crystal cells
    With the hairpin as polarizing source may salient if one takes that article into perspective right?
    Thank you for any insights and clarification.

    Very Best Regards,


    • Originally posted by radiant1 View Post
      John and Chuck

      Possible cheap scource of sodium carbonate for making Rochell salt at home.
      Sure, but cream of tartar, not so cheap


      • Re: Jim, cheap source for somdium carbonate.

        There weren't any epoxy cells. Epoxy is plastic not crystal. When I said "they" liked lithium salts best it meant those who wrote the article. I don't understand your hairpin question.

        I just bought a 3lbs box of Arm and Hammer washing soda at a Fred Meyer store for $3.00. It's supposed to be just sodiium carbonate.

        I need to get some Magnesium sheets before I make a cell.
        Last edited by radiant1; 09-24-2011, 07:56 PM. Reason: spelling


        • The Two Chemicals

          The two chemical compounds are different.
          Sodium Bicarbonate is NaHco3
          and Sodium Carbonate is Na2 C03.
          John Bedini


          • Today I went to the beach, and I picked up some carbon that was left over from a camp fire, and washed it out, crushed it and filled a capacitor can cell. I also placed several layers of quartz into the carbon electrolyte mix.
            I was able to get about a volt, and several mAs. Using No chemicals, just carbon and quartz. The beach carbon quartz cell takes a charge very well, I'll have to see what it can do now...


            • To All And John B

              I was wondering if anyone tried hard drive plate they could be used to get a higher voltage from your polycrystalline cell , the are usually platinum plated on aluminum , this should ad .3 to .4 volts .


              • I've got the platters from one right at the side of me, was wondering what the metallic properties were (and what's in the coating for the storing of info).
                How would one cut it ? Dremmel ?

                Definitely will try it !

                Dremmel'ing works on the platters.
                If you have a drive that is opened and yet you can't get the platters off because of the odd shaped screws, use the wheel disc attachment of a Dremmel to cut a flat line in the screw. You then can remove with a normal flat blade screwdriver (good tip there for many such screws, like the anti-tamper types etc)
                Once the plates are off, how do we cut strips or other shapes for use in cells ?
                My solution, is to score the area required with the same disc attachment, similar to how plexiglass is broken to a desired shape.
                Photo below shows 2 score lines, to give a blade piece to use in a cell.
                You can then bend forward and back a few times and remove just the piece needed. It saves spending ages actually cutting right through the metal

                Last edited by Slider2732; 09-24-2011, 10:29 PM.


                • Test cells made.
                  Very basic, but known to produce good runs, for me the mix works well to see about differences. No point testing with what I have no idea about.
                  Mortar 25%
                  Epsom salt (reduced) 25%
                  Celery salt 25%
                  Rochelle salt (Alum and Cream of tartar method) 10%
                  Boric Acid (Roach killer from Dollar Tree) 10%
                  Squirt of Windex 5%
                  12V applied for 1/2 second

                  1 - Larger 250V/220uF Capacitor can - HDD strip, copper strip both in cap can
                  2 - Strip of copper, strip of galvanized steel

                  1 - 0.750V at 16mA between copper and aluminium can
                  0.040V at zero mA between HDD strip and aluminium can.
                  Interestingly, after polarisation between both copper and aluminium can AND the HDD strip to aluminium can the voltage between the HDD strip and the copper was 0.810V and lit my LED oscillator very well, showing 9.5mA

                  2 - 0.700V, 50mA ( ) decreasing rapidly however.

                  Now to see what happens when they dry out.

                  The unfortunately scratty pic below, shows the atomic clock with current time and date, AAA sized cell still running and between are the two test cells.


                  • Hi slider

                    The disc is usually aluminum its the plating that is platinum is close to graphite in the galvanic scale , you could try a penny cell 2 parts hard drive , removing on of the plating , but insulate the sides of the hd plate if you use it with aluminum .



                    • OK, will do that as well

                      As things stand, the HDD strip seems to be of equivalence to the alumimium of the capacitor can....but if the platinum is removed from one side it could well change things in the coin type cell (will keep the platinum for doping perhaps).

                      Actually, laughed in a manic way, when I wondered if because i'm English I ought to write platinium


                      • @slider

                        Here is a chart i found , i see what you mean , aluminum to copper , and platinum to copper have about the same potential , but copper is negative in one and positive in the other .
                        Attached Files


                        • can't read your chart

                          I can't read your chart. Is there another way to post it?\

                          Galvanic series

                          Does this page on galvanic series of materials mean the best combo of electrodes or plates would be graphite and magnesium?

                          Last edited by radiant1; 09-25-2011, 01:07 AM. Reason: added link


                          • @radiant

                            This is jpeg , i hope it works for you , it can be enlarged easily with your favorite viewer .
                            Attached Files


                            • An epsom reduction set-u[

                              mk1 it worked this time thanks.

                              I just tested an epsom salt reduction method and it worked well. Yesterday I bought a stainless steel plate and a 2 inch section of 6 inch ID steel pipe. I just sat the pipe on the plate on a propane camp stove on lowest heat. The salt did not stick at all to the stainless plate and just barely to the pipe. I started with about 1 inch deep of salt.


                              • Thanks for the table data

                                Have built a few more to trial different metals with the HDD strips.
                                Straight after build and unzapped, the strongest voltage when using the very same mixture that I created a dry batch of earlier, is graphite + platinium at 0.890V. Not much will mean much though until the mixtures dry out.
                                It would be interesting to redo all half dozen cells by a melting salts reduction method, rather than the liquid addition. Then epoxy seal tests.

