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  • Solar effect on Cells


    "The sunspot has quieted down since unleashing dual X-flares on Sept. 22nd and 24th. Nevertheless, NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of more X-flares during the next 24 hours. Any such eruptions would be Earth-directed as the sunspot crosses the center of the solar disk."
    Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

    BIG SUNSPOT: The source of all this solar and geomagnetic activity is sunspot AR1302. Measuring more than 150,000 km from end to end, the sprawling active region is visible even without a solar telescope. Fabiano Belisário Diniz saw it plainly in last night's sunset from Curitiba, Brazil:

    "In this article we briefly explain some of the ideas behind the association of the aurora with geomagnetic activity and a bit about how the ‘K-index’ or ‘K-factor’ works. The aurora is understood to be caused by the interaction of high energy particles (usually electrons) with neutral atoms in the earth's upper atmosphere. These high energy particles can ‘excite’ (by collisions) valence electrons that are bound to the neutral atom. The ‘excited’ electron can then ‘de-excite’ and return back to its initial, lower energy state, but in the process it releases a photon (a light particle). The combined effect of many photons being released from many atoms results in the aurora display that you see. "

    Planetary K-index:Currently 7-8
    Now: Kp= 4 unsettled
    24-hr max: Kp= 8 severe -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

    Last edited by Michael Kishline; 09-27-2011, 03:48 PM. Reason: more info


    • ZnO Cell

      @jehdds (Jim):

      Last night I performed a feeble replications of your cell. Not having PbS (Galena) or FeS (Iron Pyrite) I substituted Pb and FeO instead. My building technique was different. 3 tsp MgSO4 (Epsom Salt) and 1 tsp ZnO (zinc oxide) with a trace of Pb (lead sinker) and a trace of FeO (Steel wool ignited and ground to powder). Added just enough distilled water to make a paste. Magnesium slug tapped with aluminum tube and drilled holes, ala John Bedini, placed in the bottom of glass tea light holder. Added mix and brought to a vigorous boil. Removed from oven and let it cool. Placed a thin layer of Elmer’s Glue All on top and placed copper electrode. Back in the oven at 200 F for 45 minutes. Zapped the cell with 12V for just a moment. Initial readings were a dud. 0.05 Volts is all the cell showed. 2 hours later it registered 0.2 Volts. This morning – 12 hours later – it is reading 1.5012Volts. Wow – This is the best reading I have gotten on a crystal cell yet. I have not encased this cell yet – I might wait awhile and see how it performs first.

      I am not convinced that the galena and iron pyrite are contributing much to this cell and if I remember correctly, John B might have said the same thing a while back. The ZnO seems to be a nice catalyst as tests on the MgSO4 by itself has already been performed and did not produce these kinds of results.

      Your video last night Jim was an eye opener. Many things to consider.

      Brad S
      Attached Files


      • Brad,
        Great job.
        I definitely had my eyes opened last night as well.
        As JB noted below,
        The semiconductors need to be at both ends,
        Thus was my thought to insert both electrodes at the same temperature into the molten mix and polarize. It may turn out not to be necessary,
        but it seemed logical. A very thin pile battery with larger surface area seems very likely to be possible.
        I have another idea using a hydrophilic monomer adhesive we use in dentistry...
        Very Best Regards,

        PS JB,
        Thoughts on the interface layer with ZnO/ Epsoms etc?

        "The Reid cell use two very special built semiconductors they are the opposite of each other when the cell is in operation. The water in the cell is locked up and can not do anything so no Ion movement is possible at all. The only thing moving are electrons in a loop, it plays the same tune over and over again.


        • Playing the same tune over and over again

          John B. Jim, Brad, and All
          John what you said about the semiconductors being opposite each other in the Reid cells and that the electrons just go around in a circle reminded me of something else----how the Avramenko plug suposedly works. Dr. Stiffler explained in one of his posts that what happens in the AV plug and LED circle that he uses, is that the electrons rotate around the loop and are simply stimulated by the exciter into motion. Nothing enters or leaves the circle. Nor does the circle "contain" a power source like in a normal DC circuit. I don't know if this is accurate or has a bearing on the crystal cells but it is interesting.

          Penny's cell has gone down slighty in voltage so maybe the solar storm has passed----or maybe it was something else. The voltage is still higher that it was when I went on my trip on the 19th. I checked all my other cells that are still alive but because they are all so different, I can't draw any conclusions. Some are up and some are down.

          Last edited by Lidmotor; 09-27-2011, 07:42 PM.


          • The exact date and time would have to be worked out, but, would the day the boat docked and Penny was found to be elevated in running voltage correspond with the CME ?
            If so, could we theorise a link to longitudinal abillities of the Sun's energy ?
            Once triggering was enabled, a build of energies could occur over the time period of CME particle interactions when the energies actually arrived at the planet.
            In such a way, a spark of ignition is followed by a slow burn. Many natural processes on the Earth may use these effects.
            Probably bad science, just wanted to write it down

            I'll have to have a look at that Roger Andrews info when Scribd is back up (maintenance they say)
            Meanwhile, last night a 'Nephilim Penny' was built. I might give it some other name, but the basis is that she's big, very big
            She's dirty, rough and of pre-used bits...guess she's also trailer trash then.
            12 individual old modem cords were put to use in 2x pancake coils, connected JT style. 680K resistor, 200K pot, 100uF resistor, 104 capacitor and a complete jewel in the form of a KN2222A
            The KN2222A is basically the 2N2222A, yet it's switch offs are all 10nA, rather than having the 'limitation' of the Collector cutoff of 50nA on the 2N2222A. I found the circuit board again where these live in a box last night and these are very strong on Slayer exciters too.
            50% of my previously thought to be expired salts cells will run the Nephilim Penny !
            All of the ones shown in the pic, (except the on trial platinum/copper one) wouldn't work on any oscillator until now.
            Of possible note, the stovetop one at the top right of the pic is of Alum and Boric will only work when a finger is placed on the copper strip After 10 seconds, the 100uF cap has filled (?) and the circuit begins to fire. That cell reads either 0 or 1uA on my meter and appears to need body capacitance or some such to run.

            Last edited by Slider2732; 09-27-2011, 11:39 PM.


            • Lidmotor and All:
              My cell that looks like an AA battery running a Hartley is also down in current from 60mA down to 45 to 50mA, (its normal state). And the huge tropical storm is gone. Sunny and hot all day. Great beach weather.
              Point being that there is dependence and interaction with the ambient waves, and not just a galvanic reaction. Although that may also be happening as well in some cells, as it may be hard to avoid it. I'm still working on dry solid electrolytes.
              The original quartz beach rock cells are still working great. Going on three weeks now, and still at 50mA, running 24/7 without a break.


              • Slider:
                I also bought a several of those kn2222A as a replacement or substitute part for the 2n2222, and I found them to be very variable in their operation. Some about 1/3 of them) did not work at all, and some did work great. They are probably cheap imitations, but some do work well. Just have to try a few to see which one works best.
                I am using that transistor on several of my Hartleys, and that set up seams to work well connected to these cells.
                That big coil you've made should work good well...
                Attached Files


                • Ah yes, Nick, the problem of copied transistors..who'd ever of thought such a thing could happen with such tiny components ! I guess i'm most used to thoughts of copied Nike trainers and English football shirts. But copied transistors have been encountered, Ebay being noted as main source.
                  With my own coming from second hand stuff then I know they work...which is a saving grace of such practices

                  Something highly syncronistic just happened - it relates to this video that I was listening to while testing out some more previously dead cells: Arthur Mathews - Tesla's Last Assistant 2-3 - YouTube
                  Mr. Mathews was chatting away about Tesla's inventions.
                  I'd got a cell on the workbench which 'should' have worked, it was the same design and mixture as several others made on the same day in early August. They all still run, with Nephilim Penny, but, this one had its negative plate that had come off, made of galvanized steel.
                  It didn't work.
                  While looking at the cell and especially how small crystal shapes were bouncing light from the exposed inner but yet no such crystals were on the plate itself, Mr. Mathews started talking of Tesla's Pierce Arrow car.
                  He explained how the battery could be good for 500 miles, a Primary battery, not a standard auto battery. At about 500 miles of running the negative plate would need attention.
                  REALLY ? !

                  So I flipped the plate over and tried the cell - it now works !

                  Last edited by Slider2732; 09-28-2011, 02:23 AM.


                  • I find that most of the deterioration in the performance of these cells is due to oxidation of the metals, and is why sealing them from the humidity as soon as possible is so important.
                    The cells that b-rads made incased in resin are probably still maintaining their original voltages. Right Brad???


                    • Do Crystals Cells Prefer Privacy?

                      In playing with these cells this evening, I did the lidmotor trick and listened to the oscillator through the radio. It seems to me that the cells do get a little stronger when I am not so close to them. See this video -

                      Absence Make The Cell Grow Stronger - YouTube

                      Turn your sound down a little and notice that the radio seems to get a little louder and faster when I step away and a little softer and slower when I approach. More tests are required to be positive about this though as the difference is very slight.

                      NickZ - every cell encased will still power both the pancake and penny circuits. Some have dropped a little, but they all are still working.

                      Brad S

                      Note: After a good night of rest and reflecting on this, I should have connected a meter while performing this experiment to see if changes could be detected there as well. I will attempt to do that this evening. John B has already shown his cells to be responsive to seismic activity. It is possible these cells are influenced by solar activity. It might also be they are shy to human interference. Any time one of these anomalies can be identified indicates that these cells do not behave to the known battery fundamentals of operation.
                      Last edited by b_rads; 09-28-2011, 03:14 PM. Reason: Response to NickZ


                      • Heads up - Coast to Coast AM has a guest on this evening, who is talking about crystals, waves, faster than light devices, humans as electrical crystals etc.
                        Guy sounds 'out there' but much of what he talks about may give clues to cell operation (at least a way of thinking differently).

                        You can download the show tomorrow, this guy uploads the shows the day after they air: CoastToCoastShows's Channel - YouTube

                        My tin foil hat has a copper electrode on it


                        • After seeing the various designs of the center electrodes in the crystal cells and Lidmotor mentioning the electrons going around in circles. It does sound a lot like how a magnetron from a microwave oven functions.


                          • Guys:
                            The idea of electrons going around in circles, like a merry go 'round, does not compute, with me. Nor does the idea of "no energy coming into or leaving this circle".
                            Because there is an output from a cell that is lighting an led, or several leds, then there is something "leaving" the circle. And as for there not to be anything "entering" the circle, this would be an impossibility. At least I don't understand how that theory would work. Maybe there is another way of looking at it.... similar to a solar cell works without wearing down.
                            What I do see is:
                            That there is a continual energy flux in the air, all the time, which is also slightly variable, and is what the two different metals are working with, creating an electromagnetic sink, caused by the different metals potential difference in voltage. Is this so hard to understand and accept??? I've mentioned this many times... Why the merry go 'round?
                            The proof is that you can change any combination of salts or chemicals in the cells and still obtain an output. But, remove the two different metals, which are the real cause of the voltage, (and not the electrolyte filter), and you'll get nothing, or almost no voltage.
                            Even Ib has never produced a same metals cell that can light an led. As there is not enough difference in potentials between the same metals, even though different sized plates of the same metal will produce a tiny bit of voltage, without hardly any current.

                            So far it seams that one of the few cells that does not show a drop in voltage and current levels is the Reid semiconductor cell. Most all other cells are prone to deterioration of the metals by galvanics or electrolysis action, from the humidity present in the cells, that will lower the output over time. With the possible exception of the glue cells, as well as a few others, as they are sealed from the air, by the glue, or other chemicals.


                            • "So far it seams that one of the few cells that does not show a drop in voltage and current levels is the Reid semiconductor cell. Most all other cells are prone to deterioration of the metals by galvanics or electrolysis action, from the humidity present in the cells, that will lower the output over time. With the possible exception of the glue cells, as well as a few others, as they are sealed from the air, by the glue, or other chemicals."

                              Seemingly the ZnO cells that I have assembled appears to have the same characteristic ability to bounce back.
                              Thoughts welcome. Is it possible that the interface layer that is deposited on magnesium that is subject to the polarization IS that very semiconductor type cell? JB, I would value your perspective on this.
                              If you cannot speak to this,
                              I understand.

                              Very Best Regards,


                              • Jehdds:
                                You did not show the voltage readings between the copper and the clean shinny part of the magnesium electrode, as a comparison. Its there any difference, compared to the "semiconductor part, and the copper?
                                The main thing is what is the output, and how long it will last.

