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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by b_rads View Post
    Quick update from last night’s experiments. I took a Harbor Freight Mg Fire Starter, removed the striker and cut into 3 pieces. Each piece is approx. 1 ˝ x 1 ˝ inch square. After sanding to a shiny finish, two of these pieces were painted with Titebond wood glue and ZnO. I diluted the glue mix with distilled water in order to create a very thin layer. This glue is more akin to the Elmer’s Glue All. This is not the watertight, waterproof glue.

    This morning the anodes looked to be totally dry. I placed one of the painted anodes onto the doped copper black oxide sample that was made last night with a small amount of bottled drinking water between the metals. The voltage was slightly lower at 1.6Volts. Are you ready for this? The current topped 100ma.

    This would indicate to me that it is the ZnO layer that is providing the majority of the results on the anode side of the build. I read somewhere that PVA (polyvinyl acetate) creates a polycrystal. Could it really be so simple as to just paint the ZnO onto the anode? This is exciting!

    Brad S
    So, with the ZnO painted Mg anode, you get a define boost in current.... Could you try (if you have available) to coat a piece of copper with some Iron Oxide (Fe3O4 or Fe2O3), and place the painted anode on it? This should theoretically result in an even better boost. (if so, replace the coated Mg to an coated Lithium anode, and you have both higher voltage and higher current, but the coat would need to be water proof).

    In Jehdds cells, the ZnO might be the source of his relative high current ?



    • Originally posted by NextGen1967 View Post
      So, with the ZnO painted Mg anode, you get a define boost in current.... Could you try (if you have available) to coat a piece of copper with some Iron Oxide (Fe3O4 or Fe2O3), and place the painted anode on it? This should theoretically result in an even better boost. (if so, replace the coated Mg to an coated Lithium anode, and you have both higher voltage and higher current, but the coat would need to be water proof).

      In Jehdds cells, the ZnO might be the source of his relative high current ?


      Let’s back up just a second, I was afraid this was going to get confusing. The tests that I performed last night and reported on used the end of a magnesium rod that was ˝ inch in diameter. Much smaller contact area therefore, less current reported. The test this morning was using a larger piece of magnesium therefore, more current reported. As a result, more contact area equals more current. My apologies for the confusion as I did not present this very well. The point I am attempting to make is that the doped black copper oxide generates approximately 3 times more current than the undoped black copper oxide and that the treated vs. painted anode show similar results.

      Help me here, are you asking to dope the copper with iron oxide or simply placing some of the iron oxide on top of the copper? I make my own iron oxide by igniting steel wool. Does this iron oxide fit your request?

      Lithium anodes I do not have however, if this build continues in this direction I might need to consider securing some. I will need to research the availability of such. One of my primary objectives in this tech is to use commonly available materials and processes that anyone can replicate.

      I agree that a waterproof sealant on the anode is the next logical step to rule out the possibility of galvanic reactions. This is absolutely on my TO DO List. If I have the materials, or they are easily obtained, I am happy to try.

      Brad S


      • Cu2O and CuO research

        For your reading pleasure, 911 studies of Cu oxides.

        Copper Oxides database. The website of the copper oxides

        One's very interesting, it talks about Cu2O being doped with ZnO...

        My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


        • Originally posted by b_rads View Post

          Let’s back up just a second, I was afraid this was going to get confusing. The tests that I performed last night and reported on used the end of a magnesium rod that was ˝ inch in diameter. Much smaller contact area therefore, less current reported. The test this morning was using a larger piece of magnesium therefore, more current reported. As a result, more contact area equals more current. My apologies for the confusion as I did not present this very well. The point I am attempting to make is that the doped black copper oxide generates approximately 3 times more current than the undoped black copper oxide and that the treated vs. painted anode show similar results.

          Help me here, are you asking to dope the copper with iron oxide or simply placing some of the iron oxide on top of the copper? I make my own iron oxide by igniting steel wool. Does this iron oxide fit your request?

          Lithium anodes I do not have however, if this build continues in this direction I might need to consider securing some. I will need to research the availability of such. One of my primary objectives in this tech is to use commonly available materials and processes that anyone can replicate.

          I agree that a waterproof sealant on the anode is the next logical step to rule out the possibility of galvanic reactions. This is absolutely on my TO DO List. If I have the materials, or they are easily obtained, I am happy to try.

          Brad S
          Well, If the iron oxide you make is *very* fine, you could use it, even paint it on the copper cathode with the glue would work as simple solution, but would need to be quite some part of iron oxide. It is a fairly quick test I guess :-)

          As I am interested how the ZnO coated magnesium works out with Iron Oxide contact.

          Ahh, forget about Lithium.. Hard to get, expensive, and quite aggressive to work with. Water and Lithium don't like each other.

          The white smoke by the way that you see when you burn the steel wool, are *very very* fine particles of iron oxide... You possible could filter them next time for maybe some later use.



          • Guys,
            Here are a few questions
            If test cells are exposed to very frigid temps,
            Akin to -26.2 C,
            Will voltage decrease with galvanic? I assume yes.
            Will Voltage decrease if crystalline in function? Will determine tonight.
            Will this extreme differential irreparably alter
            The lattice? Will find out.
            What do you think will happen if the
            Polarization is initiated at this LOW temp?
            Increase or decrease output at ambient temp?

            Just something to think about.....
            Congrats B_Rads!
            Very best regards,
            Will semiconductors improve function at these
            Temps as well?


            • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
              Here are a few questions
              If test cells are exposed to very frigid temps,
              Akin to -26.2 C,
              Will voltage decrease with galvanic? I assume yes.
              Will Voltage decrease if crystalline in function? Will determine tonight.
              Will this extreme differential irreparably alter
              The lattice? Will find out.
              What do you think will happen if the
              Polarization is initiated at this LOW temp?
              Increase or decrease output at ambient temp?

              Just something to think about.....
              Congrats B_Rads!
              Very best regards,
              Will semiconductors improve function at these
              Temps as well?

              If a plain old water battery is frozen it stops producing voltage due to the ions can't move as easy in the frozen water.

              Will a Frozen crystal cell still work, yes, and if doesn't then its a water battery.

              The polarization at those low temps sound interesting.
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • Guys,
                The Zn0 Cells are NOT WATER Batteries.
                I am trying to upload new video.
                Very Best Regards,


                • our first cells

                  We just made 3 cells.
                  1. 3/4" mag. rod 3" long and 1" copper pipe, epson and rochelle salt producing .435 volts and climbing
                  2. same as number 1. except doped with magnesium flllings only. producing .586 volts
                  3. 2" x 3" aluminum copper sheets made with same mix as in number 2. producing 15 volts.

                  Slow going melting the rochelle salt and adding the epson to it. Rochelle starts to melt at 125 F. and 212 F was getting too hot.

                  Now about an hourlater cells 1 and 2 are both at .6 volts, connected in series they produce 1.2 volts. These cells were polarised with a 12volt battery charger.

                  Our next thng will be a stack of alternating copper and aluminum sheets polarised with a 12kv neon power supply.

                  Can only get better from here!
                  Last edited by radiant1; 10-12-2011, 04:29 AM. Reason: updates


                  • Guys ,
                    Here is the video for -26.2 C cell tests to rule out water cell.
                    RULE OUT WATER - YouTube
                    Very Best Regards,
                    All thoughts welcome.


                    • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                      The Zn0 Cells are NOT WATER Batteries.
                      I am trying to upload new video.
                      Very Best Regards,

                      Have you tried eliminating oxygen? A zinc-air battery uses oxygen to get its power. Take one of the ZnO cell and solder copper wires to the electrodes and then put a couple coats of paint on the cell.

                      Where do you get your ZnO from? The video proving the ZnO is not a water battery is good and the aerosol can was a good idea too.
                      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                      • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                        Have you tried eliminating oxygen? A zinc-air battery uses oxygen to get its power. Take one of the ZnO cell and solder copper wires to the electrodes and then put a couple coats of paint on the cell.

                        Where do you get your ZnO from? The video proving the ZnO is not a water battery is good and the aerosol can was a good idea too.
                        When Frozen Using 1,1,1,2 Tetrafluroethane, the refrigerant essentially would create a small area devoid of oxygen around the cell while the cell freezes due to massive gaseous expansion upon application. The entire area on my lab bench becomes permeated for a brief moment with that gas. Oxygen you need for this cell, i.e. intrinsically it is a constituent. It seemingly does not need to be in gaseous form however.

                        Very Best Regards,
                        Imaging having a home covered with this type of cell..... in series etc.
                        Perfect for us who live in the FAR North!

                        JB is this a success in your estimation for application?


                        • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                          Guys ,
                          Here is the video for -26.2 C cell tests to rule out water cell.
                          RULE OUT WATER - YouTube
                          Very Best Regards,
                          All thoughts welcome.

                          Please don't think I'm trying to bring you down, I've been through the ringer with my cells trying to prove to others that they're not galvanic and I know the criticism can be hard at times but don't give up.

                          Could you do the freeze test again but don't use the aerosol. Place the galvanic cell and your ZnO cell in a deep freeze or your freezer at home and let them sit for 24 hours. The rapid cooling worries me, as this can destroy your cell. The reason why the ZnO cell was going up in voltage was due to the cell heating back up. ZnO does seem promising as its a semiconductor, but we need to make sure we're not working with galvanics.

                          There is one more test you can do, but I consider it very harsh to any cell. When I was being put through the ringer with my glue battery, everyone bashed me for it, one person said to put the cell in the oven and cook it at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes. Cooking the cell would remove all the water but could also destroy the cell as some crystals can't stand that heat. If you want to you could try this test, BUT be careful as this is dangerous because some of the ingredients can be flammable. But do the freezing test first as its less destructive. Here's a link to the thread
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Electroplating

                            @Jim (jehdds);
                            The anticipation of your video was torture and well worth the wait. Excellent results as well as the inventive way you chose to test. The talent displayed by members of this group is amazing.

                            @Steve (ibpointless2);
                            Do you think if oxygen was the transport for this type of cell that it would have a serious detrimental effect? I think the oxygen might oxidize the metals, but since we are using primarily oxidized metals anyway, what would be the harm? I seriously do not know the answer to this.

                            @Alan (radient1);
                            Congrats on your first build. (pictures?) Mikrovolt should have started this thread with the caveat “Warning – participation on the project can be addictive.” Might be time for the “BELa” (Bedini Earth Light Anonymous) chapter to form. I personally will need assistance for recovery from this addiction.

                            A couple of obstacles not unexpected (double neg, sorry) reared its ugly head for me last night. First, the glue and ZnO painted anode does not hold up to water. Second, the black copper oxide easily breaks its bond with the copper in water. I will acquire the watertight – waterproof glue today and try the anode again. The good thing is that the method Jim has developed works very well. The cathode is a little trickier. I returned to the electroplating and I think this has some potential. I first reversed the copper and Antimony. About 20 minutes later, only the red oxide remained on the copper and the black oxide transferred to the rock. Reversing again, the black oxide transferred back to the copper and it appears it will be much more durable. I will test to see if any of the antimony transferred as well. Brings up this point, in the video Jim presented about oxides, is it possible that the black oxide performed better because we have a p-n junction. As John Bedini stated, the red is P and the black is N. The discussion points that rw (everyidea), Alan (radiant1), and area46241 presented about doping with organics and the periodic table comes into play with this electroplating. It might be possible to dope both versions of the copper oxide using this method. This is what I will be concentrating on for a while.

                            Brad S
                            Last edited by b_rads; 10-12-2011, 03:08 PM.


                            • "Could you do the freeze test again but don't use the aerosol. Place the galvanic cell and your ZnO cell in a deep freeze or your freezer at home and let them sit for 24 hours. The rapid cooling worries me, as this can destroy your cell. The reason why the ZnO cell was going up in voltage was due to the cell heating back up. "

                              The voltage if the cell bounced back while still frozen.
                              The galvanic cell needed the blowtorch to do that.
                              I am not clear how a less cold more moist environment could be a superior thermal insult test on this cell.
                              I am quite sure my simple freezer will NOT
                              Go to -26.2C! The 400 degree
                              Oven test I will say would be imprudent.
                              After all that "crystal water" needs
                              To be there. The heat with magnesium
                              Is perhaps ok but, by all means, replicate
                              The cell and give it a go!
                              Very best regards,


                              • idea

                                hi, I thought maybe put the battery inside a oraccu (orgone accumulator) can improve performance

