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  • Jim:
    Although your lead pencil voltage readings are sweet, but the mA reading is not 1/5 of what I get using the smaller aluminum capacitor cans that are 1/2 the size of your test tube.
    When my capacitor cells are new they output 50+mAs, using only carbon/quartz, and the lead pencil anodes.
    Your mA readings may be due to your only using a small piece of mg ribbon as the cathode. But, all in all, very impressive results...
    I would try to make a coil of the Mg ribbon and insert that into the cell. Carbon does works well and does not rust. By using carbon you don't even need the pencil leads, as the carbon electrolyte serves as both, at least it has in my tests.
    The running voltage/current test using an led will tell more about the long term affects.
    The picture below is of the shape of the copper anodes that have given me the highest output, (when using copper anodes), this can also be heated up to be made into the semiconductor, but I have not tried that yet.


    • Since the pictures did not make it, I'll upload them again. Sorry.
      Attached Files


      • Nick,
        What type of carbon are you using for your cells and what voltage do you have initially vs after sitting for a day?
        Are your cells bouncing back after use or shorting?
        If so very cool.
        Thanks for the comparison and suggestions on electrode design etc.
        I have done the spiral in the past as well!
        Very best regards,


        • Idea for electret in cristal battery

          Hello everybody, I'm a new searcher in your website.

          I think for the dielectric at the carnauba wax.

          This wax used for the capacitors that recharges themselves.

          See the link :

          (eBook) - Free Energy - Capacitors That Recharge Themselves

          Thank you very much for yours discovery.

          Excuse me for my inglish!


          • Here's some cathode work that relates, but is intended just as entertainment and a bit of fun.
            Been working with water here for a while now, just how it affects a cell, how much power it may have just on its own with zero extra indredients.
            Turns out, it has huge a couple of different meanings of the word.

            In the same water, half a dozen oscillators connected to one anode and cathode decreases output significantly. However, if the same cathode connection is kept, but the anodes are all individual, the output increases to the same level as all being individual.

            So, here's that bit of fun that I called 'Power Pill', a Pacman themed experiment of running 6 oscillators in water.

            Power Pill - 6 water powered oscillators - YouTube

            It's 6x Lidmotor's 'Penny' circuit, using salvaged axial inductors.
            Adding more oscillators doesn't decrease available energy between the dissimilar metals, as that appears to be what the water is doing..simply supplying power between the metals and not needing to share it between oscillators.


            • New Carbonate crystal cell

              Here we show the latest carbonate crystal cells. They put out 250Ma on a short. They hold 30+Ma under load of the power osc and multiple LEDs... Here is a short video.

              Carbonate cell.3gp - YouTube


              • @John Bedini and All

                I feel like this whole semi-conductor thing has gotten a little out of hand. I don't see a semi-conductor action happening and if one is happening then its very small, as in only a few mV. I see only two things happening here, Galvanic or Advanced Galvanic.

                Galvanic is what anyone would expect, a cell that uses a chemical process to break down metal to generate electricity.

                Advance Galvanic's is the same thing but with the lack of metals corroding. You get a galvanic reaction but the metals don't break down and if the metals don't break down than the cell runs for longer and could recharge itself too. This is a good thing, if the metals don't die then the dipole is kept alive.

                The reason for me saying semi-conductors have very little to due with the cells is simple. Our cells voltage depends on what metals used, and the metals used follow the galvanic chart. Plate size affects amps just like in a galvanic cell. Our cells only boil down to whether they're galvanic or advanced galvanic. If your cell is advanced galvanic then its a good thing as the metals don't corrode and if they don't corrode then you have a cell that will output for a long time.
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • My rendition of John & Chuck's " Carbonate Cell"---It looks good to me!!!

                  @John, Chuck & All

                  I made a small "carbonate cell" today and tested it. I encourage everyone to stop what they are doing and pursue this. One reason-----POWER!! If these cells will hold together then this is great news.

                  It took me awhile to digest what you were talking about John and then a few days to scratch my head to find a way to do it with what I could find or had on hand. It is like you have said----this isn't easy. It takes a progression of steps and a slow learning process.

                  I don't know If I did this right but the results were so impressive that I made a video and wanted to share what I saw. It is basiclly the same cell that I showed in my last video only with the carbonate cryatals in between the metals. No WD-40 this time. After it was all made and dried I added one drop of distilled water to it and off it went. We will see what happens in a day or so.

                  Carbonate crystal cell.ASF - YouTube

                  Thanks John and Chuck for this new cell idea.

                  Last edited by Lidmotor; 11-05-2011, 01:02 AM.


                  • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
                    Here we show the latest carbonate crystal cells. They put out 250Ma on a short. They hold 30+Ma under load of the power osc and multiple LEDs... Here is a short video.

                    Carbonate cell.3gp - YouTube
                    Hi Chuck/John,
                    Nice Work. Question, I noticed you seem to have what appears to be Mg in the center of the Cathode. Is the cell you are showing a cell or cells within a cell, or just maximization of the Anode to Cathode Surface area for interaction. In other words is your large Mg cylinder a multi mini cell "cell?"

                    Great Job.
                    Very Best Regards,


                    • Heptahydrate Crystal Cell.

                      @ Lidmotor,
                      Yes you are on track. We have found a big difference in these cells.
                      The best tip I could give you is to make sure that when making the copper electrode that you heat it as many times as you can. This process removes the impurities in the copper. it must be salmon color or it will not perform right ( look up the color). Ibpointless you must look at the cell as we did under a microscope. As I pointed out early if the Magnesium has any pits or is not pure you will see galvanic action.

                      The ribbon tape magnesium is very poor quality. If you all look at the new cell you will see it is build like an E core in a transformer. Why did we do this, Surface Area.

                      The Black oxide stays on the inside and the red on the outside. Ibpointlass you have a good mix but you must get rid of the borax as that in the end will cause what your talking about. Look at the Heptahydrates, Silicates, Sodium Carbonate Salt Substitute this is all compatible, cook your copper until you get that color that I'm talking about. also forming the cell is very important under load. Impedance is the next issue 1/2 backs up into the cell. don't spray paint anything and no WD40 at all, just that straight mix, try it.
                      John B
                      Last edited by John_Bedini; 11-05-2011, 01:34 AM. Reason: correction
                      John Bedini


                      • @ Jim

                        Give me a call.
                        John B
                        John Bedini


                        • what's a carbonate cell?

                          I have gone back sereral pages and don't see any directions for making a carbonate cell. Are we supposed to guess at it? I don't want to waste time and or money making something not up to par. Are Rochelle salts still used?

                          John and Chuck, I just moved 13 miles north of Sandpoint.



                          • Jim:
                            The inverted spiral has alot more mass than a straight copper pipe, or single copper wire, as there are several thick copper wires coiled together. Without inverting the spiral up through itself the output is not the same. I don't remember who came up with that idea, but it works great.
                            My capacitor cells start at 50+ mA, and the best ones have maintained almost as much output even after a couple of months or more, I forget when I made them now. The higher the output the quicker they bounce back after a short circuit. As I'm using plain wood carbon now, my output is not as high, so I'm making the cells bigger to compensate for that. They do work fine also, although not quite as strong. I'm also using galvanized iron pipe for the cathodes, as I'm out of the bigger capacitor cans. That also seam to work ok, but aluminum would still be better.
                            Glad to see such a high voltage from your newest cell. keep up the good work, the carbon pencil leads cells voltage takes the cake. I await to see what it does connected to an led and some long time running tests.


                            • Carbonate cell

                              @ Radiaint 1:
                              Yes you can use Rochelle salts.


                              • Carbonate crystal cell cold test

                                Carbonate crystal cell cold tested at 39 deg for 3hrs. The cell under load of the circuit maintains 30Ma The cell only lost 5 MA. The only light in this video shot with my Droid smart phone is the LEDs powered from this cell.
                                Here is the video...

                                Carbonate crystal cell cold test at 39 Deg - YouTube

