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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Your Cell Mixture

    I can see that this discussion is pointless, you need to see how things work, Marcus Reid cells work the same way but with Aluminum silicates
    The water is free to move through the bonds even without heat. It's at a level you can not see. Believe me when I tell you I know what a dipole is and how it works and how to tap it. No use here to try because this takes an understanding at a different level. Maybe you should re-state what you just said. Metals are formed in the earth through currents and a much bigger dipole, where is the galvanic action? you like gold go pick it up off the ground or in a vane with other metals no galvanic action just plain simple currents do the work. I was trying to tell you about your mixture working and how to tap it, but no use you have formed your opinion and yes you could be wrong. I will do one better and say nothing.
    John B
    John Bedini


    • ocillator circuit

      I need the schematic for the ocillator circuit.
      thanks Alan


      • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        I can see that this discussion is pointless, you need to see how things work, Marcus Reid cells work the same way but with Aluminum silicates
        The water is free to move through the bonds even without heat. It's at a level you can not see. Believe me when I tell you I know what a dipole is and how it works and how to tap it. No use here to try because this takes an understanding at a different level. Maybe you should re-state what you just said. Metals are formed in the earth through currents and a much bigger dipole, where is the galvanic action? you like gold go pick it up off the ground or in a vane with other metals no galvanic action just plain simple currents do the work. I was trying to tell you about your mixture working and how to tap it, but no use you have formed your opinion and yes you could be wrong. I will do one better and say nothing.
        John B

        Woah calm down. A opinion is like a belly button, everyone has one. I never said you didn't know what a dipole is i said you would know that when epsom salt is heated it releases water because you have worked on a epsom salt crystal cell before. Metals are not created only recycled with the use of heat and pressure in the Earth, water can't exist at that temp and pressure thus no galvanic's.

        Don't think I'm here to argue with you John, but I will state my findings and draw my own conclusions from my data. You must understand where i'm coming from..... everyone keeps saying that my cells work due to the water either from the glue or the Epsom salt. I've spent countless time explaining that even though Epsom salt has water in its lattice the crystal cell doesn't use it. If you make my glue cell like I say to (which most people don't) you'll notice that the cell will reject water, it starts to push water out. I've also keep telling people that if the water in Epsom salt was so important than having a glue cell with only Epsom salt would work but it doesn't. So far I have two cells that work, the Crystal Glue cell and the Stove top cell; I feel like I have a base line understanding of how they work. The glue cell works because the water in the glue allows salt substitute and Epsom salt to mix into one crystal and when the water evaporates the cell still works and the cell can be encased too and it will still work.

        Now for my explanation why I dislike the idea of oxide layer and water. It stemmed from my experiments with the same metal water battery. I would use Aluminum foil which is very thin to make a battery using water. I would only use aluminum foil and as many people know aluminum has a constant oxide layer on it when its in contact with air, this is the reason why aluminum doesn't rust. I found out through testing that even though it had a oxide layer when the metal was in contact with water it would still corrode. The oxide layer only slowed down the reaction. Even when I used distilled water the aluminum would corrode. So if anyone wants proof just stick a thin piece of aluminum in a cup of water and let it sit, it may take time but it will corrode. This is why I strongly say stay away from water because if your cell needs constant water to run than something could be wrong. And like i said before I've been wrong before but my testing has shown me that metals in contact with water will corrode no matter if the metal has a oxide layer.

        I mean no harm to you John, I merely report what i see in my test.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • "A opinion is like a belly button, everyone has one."

          Sorry, Adam and Eve didn't have one



          • oxide crystal etc...

            For years our autos have used zirconium oxide oxygen sensors coated inside and outside with a strip of platinum as both a catalyst and conductor. The zirconium gets hot and opens the lattice so its able to transfer the one volt of oxy ions through the crystal zirconium oxide. It looks like white porcelin. I wonder if sulfur would allow such tranfer with another crystaline substance as in a pem membrane or rather could a crystal be sintered to perform the pem membrane of a fuel cell?

            Another thing i noticed about my epsom salt copper two inch cap was it developed amonia odor when the magnesium finally corroded to the point it became disfunctional after three months of feeding it distilled water running a joulethief ...currious chemistry there...

            How can we get an earthlight to hum along at 1.6 megaherts and throw off good vibrations?
            How much material am I going to need to drive 300 milliamp Bedini sg? That thing shocked the daylights out of me and my boy now he's a believer too!


            • Guys:
              As I use aluminum capacitor cans as the cathode in some of my cells, I'm trying to understand the use of Silicates in the preparation of the aluminum cathodes.
              Since there is are many types of silicates, I was wondering if there are any hints from anyone that might have an idea as to the preparation of the aluminum cathodes, and what silicates to use. Especially if there are any silicates that can be obtained easily, like at a hardware store, etz...
              Silicate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              Attached Files


              • Looking at the cap cans here too Nick, so i'll second the request of any findings.
                Aluminium may not be the best choice of electrode, but the surface area, pre-built shapings and abundant availability are plus points

                Someone mentioned series connecting of these cells seeming to be difficult.
                I have 2 here of alum, epsom salts, salt substitute, pre-cooked baking soda and mixed with a couple of drops of water. Cooked copper and galvanized steel. Each individually puts out 0.845V and 25mA approx. Connected in series I get 1.583V and 25mA approx. Parallel gives 0.845V and 45mA. SO, double the voltage in series, but the mA remain the same as though just one is connected ?!

                And now for news of high strangeness.
                We've had 2 Earthquakes here over the past day, a 4.7 and a 5.6 with both epicenters just 50 miles West of us.
                The 'failed cell' has just 1 day til it reaches a month of continually running a blocking oscillator.
                That cell increased by 3mV over the time period, from 0.461V to she's still going and might just make it to Monday evening, possibly thanks to mother nature.
                So, there we are, earthquake experiment results from the front line !
                Last edited by Slider2732; 11-06-2011, 06:50 PM.


                • Mechanical Penny

                  In my last video I showed a small waving motor being powered by my tiny cryatal cells. It is a store display device built by Hankscraft. Hankscraft is a very old US company that makes retail store motoin display motors. That little device has proven to be a valuable tool for testing very small very low power cells. It runs on about the same power as my Penny oscillators and comes with a small solar cell that I took off. The advantage is that you don't need to hook a meter up to it to tell how your cells are doing ---just look at the swing rate of the arm. The tiny carbonate cell that I made is running it right now and with just a glance I can tell how the cell is doing.
                  Electronicgoldmine sells them:

                  Hankscraft HM11P Solar Motor-The Electronic Goldmine

                  You can find them cheaper if you hunt around and I got mine off Ebay months ago for just a few bucks. Now they aren't there.

                  I am still wondering about what is the correct oxide to get on the magnesium that will form a protective barrier in a water environment but still allow the cell to function.


                  PS --Hankscraft has not contacted me yet offering a million dollars for the secret to my tiny crystal cell that will run their motor---in the dark.
                  Last edited by Lidmotor; 11-06-2011, 06:27 PM.


                  • Hank himself might be watching this thread !

                    Speaking of which though, the sMartCreations2010 pulse circuit, combined with a 'Penny' will run a pulse motor at 8mA and around a volt. Can we engineer something that uses less, gives bright back spike lighting and also be as good an indicator as the Hankscraft ?
                    Something akin to a lit up fairground ride, flea circus spectacle. But, not a frivolous folly, something that does different things as the cells age, drop/increase in power.
                    Let me rephrase that:
                    Dear Lidmotor....
                    Last edited by Slider2732; 11-06-2011, 07:04 PM.


                    • @lidmotor

                      I am also wondering as I want to make a correctly made carbonate cell. Besides JB seems to have laid out the blue print of what to do and what not to do.

                      I am not clear on what method to use to oxidize magnesium electrode as we want the white layer. Mixing alum in water concentration and placing the magnesium in water causes a reaction as MG begins to bubble until the layer forms..

                      But JB seemed to mention about using Epsom salt and some calcium carbonate? I have not tried this but I think they mentioned using electrolysis to form the layer as maybe someone who has done this explain it.

                      I am in palm springs for weekend with family so I can not make anything as I wanted try to make carbonate cell but it will have to wait.

                      Goodluck to all and hopefully some success in replicating JB'S carbonate cell blue print because no one else has posted any success.

                      Its hard to type this out in y DROID phone


                      • Clues and blind testing

                        Here is a video Chuck and John made some time ago showing a copper and magnesium compound semiconductor cell and how to make it. It is NOT the carbonate cell and uses galena as the second semi conductor junction. It might be a good idea to take a step backwards and try building this cell:

                        Copper Oxide Rectifierpositive with Galina Lead Sulfide pbso4 negitive powering osilator circuit - YouTube

                        On the carbonate cell that I had success with I simply formed an oxide layer on the magnesium using Jim's electrolysis method. I will now blindly try different solutions to see if I can better the oxide layer. There are many articles online on how to protect Magnesium against corrosion with an oxide layer but which one will work here is just a crap shoot.

                        Here is another video (Russian I believe) that explains the copper oxide rectifier with a brief history of when it was discovered, by who, and how it works.

                        Copper Oxide Rectifier - YouTube


                        What I am finding out is the real genius in this project are the people like you who think outside the box and find ways to use this strange new device. My Dad worked for the military when the tunnel diode was invented and most people thought that nothing was going to come of it because it was such a low power device. Well a few people DID figure out a use for it, ran with the ball, and the rest is history.

                        Last edited by Lidmotor; 11-06-2011, 10:11 PM.


                        • John B has mentioned about connecting the cells in parallel to avoid the additional impedance and resistance that a multiple series connection will cause. But some cells will connect up in series and also have the current adding up as well. Nice! And some cells will connect in parallel and not be additive at all, not so nice. So, different strokes for different cells.
                          Since the biggest issue aside from metal disintegration due to electrode oxidation, is that of cell impedance, the parallel connection may be the best way to avoid that. This is mainly done when the cells are connected to an oscillator circuit. Any other thoughts and results concerning that?

                          The carbonate cell had 250mA from the short circuit reading and then drops to 30+mA or so, under load. Almost 1/10 of the starting current.

                          Ib2's Blue Cell gave a starting current output of 1800+mA, at first, and now after a while the starting current has dropped to 600 -700mA, or so, but will maintain a meter reading of 450mA or thereabouts, even under the load of the meter. That is still almost twice the Carbonate cells output, even when the Blue Cell is under the load of the meter.
                          Just trying to get a grasp on how these cells are working...


                          • @All Great job to everyone, Brad hang in there,
                            much thanks and very delighted encouraged by the birth of this new cell technology
                            for alt energy from this thread lately, to all thankyou.

                            @ Allen (aka Radiant1), your question where to find the circuit.
                            The first page of the thread has basic info however in the videos
                            there were some modifications to that circuit, the inductor, in these videos.
                            wind 35 feet of #31 AWG copper enameled wire bifiliar wound on a welding rod,
                            see last video "earth lights 5" schematic, you can do a screen capture and print.

                            note: Beside the radiant effect the cells size are 10 times smaller 4 times more powerful,
                            the surface area is reduced by using engineered solid state materials.

                            The pure magnesium hollow cylinder has remained as a standard part now.
                            John and Chuck now use molten mix and a corrosion preventing system that is being developed
                            has shown promising results toward the goal of longevity and more current.

                            The cell I think uses the hydrate and chlorde on the thin oxide electrode surface in a cycle that self restores the magnesium surface.
                            Take for example the chemistry for cleaning the oxide silver plating.
                            It is not difficult to accept the idea that magnesium could do this also.
                            What John can see under his microscope is significant because this is his expert field. What conclusion can be made using Mg ribbon, it is just that 99% ribbon. What test can show that the pure magnesium surface is not significantly deteriorated over time?

                            In earth lights 5 John explains that Almon was what he thought might be protecting the magnesium.
                            He was happy to share knowledge and even the circuit that is proprietary.

                            Earth Light 4 - YouTube

                            Earth Light 5 - YouTube

                            Earth Lights 5 - YouTube
                            Last edited by mikrovolt; 11-07-2011, 09:33 AM.


                            • I've got some good news and I got some bad news about the big blue Crystal glue cell i've made.

                              The good news is that the big blue is the best, most powerful cell i have made and it still is powering my LCD clock like its nothing.

                              The bad news is the meter I was using in the video to show the amps is crap. I've retested all my cells with a new meter and found that the meter I was using gave false amp readings but the volt readings were correct. This really sucks and I feel embarrassed. Even though the Big blue cell is the best output of any cell I've made so far I still feel like I've taken a step back. The latest video said that the big blue cell was at .400 amps resting but my new amp meter is says its at .400mA resting. All i have to say now is to not buy Ideal multi-meters because they're crap.

                              Sorry If i've gotten anyone's hopes up. But the good news is the big blue cell is still the most powerful cell i've made and powers a pulse motor and LCD clock just fine. I will be making a even bigger one and will also make a how to video to show whats the best way to make the cells.

                              I would also like to apologies to John Bedini. I'm sorry and I'm willing to learn from you since you have more experiences than i do.
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • IB,
                                Your issues with DMM may not be isolated.
                                I have recently in the last few days have encountered bizarre readings on my DMM, as well as my backup.

                                John and Chuck, and all,
                                Have you too encountered issues with DMM as of late?
                                Mine blew all fuses..... Including the bar.

                                Is this why you are using the analog meter?
                                Thank you for any insights.
                                Very Best Regards,

