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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
    Your issues with DMM may not be isolated.
    I have recently in the last few days have encountered bizarre readings on my DMM, as well as my backup.

    John and Chuck, and all,
    Have you too encountered issues with DMM as of late?
    Mine blew all fuses..... Including the bar.

    Is this why you are using the analog meter?
    Thank you for any insights.
    Very Best Regards,
    I think the problem with my meter was that Ideal doesn't make a good meter. The volt meter works fine but this amp meter is crap on it and so is other functions on it. Ideal just doesn't make good meters. So far I know Fluke makes the best but I don't have that kind of money so I spent money on a INNOVA meter and it so far its light years better than a Ideal meter. A analog amp meter would be the best to use due to the way they're design.
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


    • Meters

      @ All,
      You must be very careful with digital meters in dry weather. Chuck and I use analog meters because they present a load to the cells. This is much more accurate indication of what is going on. One static spark and it's all over for you even if the meters are protected they never read the same again.
      John B
      John Bedini


      • Thank you for that information about the meters. I also use an anolog meter, at least I did until it also broke the needle spring a couple of days ago. But will buy a new analog one again, as they also show the instant peak starting voltage levels and current levels, that the other meters won't show. They may also work better for the Radiant Energy type of cells.


        • From recent posts in other topics, it seems that Lenz and Einstein probably used Ideal brand multimeters
          Got an Innova 3300 here IB, it's been a great bit of kit for $12. My needle type Sperry SP-6A will be used to confirm anything unexpected from now on though.

          @Lidmotor - thanks for your kind comment. Derived cells may form the backbone of a digital barometer. Lightning flashes denoting storms, blue LED water level for humidity, warning piezo buzzer for tornado's etc. Zener diodes, solar cut off cells, LDR's and comparator op-amps. A palm sized Nature Meter that lights up and makes sounds, with no conventional batteries needed.

          And, no great shakes for many people, but a personal success today. I can finally shut up about that 'failed' cell.
          She's done it ! a full month of running an LED oscillator and my first cell to ever run for such a length of time.
          Here's the quick vid - **1 Month Crystal Cell ** - YouTube
          I really don't think many would be too interested, but here's the list style daily log for the cell, with Sun CME's, Earthquakes, thunderstorms and more mentioned when they happened.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Slider2732; 11-08-2011, 02:52 AM.


          • What do you think of this idea.

            Look at the link below.

            How to Make Infinite High Voltage Battery (All Explanations)


            • I have removed the short on the Elmer's glue, Salt substitute, Epsom salt cell. This cell has been shorted out since 8-12-11 and today is 11-8-11. I left the cell un-shorted over night so that it could recharge itself. The voltage on the cell is 1.404 Volts and the amps is 2 micro-amps. This is pretty good readings when you consider this cell has been shorted out for almost 3 months now and it only required one night to recharge back to this voltage. This shorted out cell is a small test cell to see how long the cell would last when given a short and its exceeded my expectations.
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • Lifetime Power Cell


                Having followed this thread since its inception, and participating for quite a while now, my findings are leading me on another path. Reviewing my notes and connecting the dots brings me to a different conclusion than what is trying to be performed here. I am leaning towards working with nature and not against it; therefore, I will not post results of my continuing efforts here in an attempt to not confuse the mission of this thread.

                I would like to share my lifetime guaranteed power cell with you. While this has not been tested for a lifetime, the results are conclusive and defensible. Before any of you wise guys try to steal this from me, I claim all proprietary rights to this discovery.


                Being in a position of management for the last 20+ years, I have learned much more from my staff than I could ever impart to them. This is a Chinese Proverb that I attempt to incorporate into my management philosophy:

                Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.”

                I implore all the participants of this thread to get involved, as you are all wonderful replicators, innovators, and hungry to learn. Should endurance tests reveal to be successful - coherent and specific details must be shared in order to support or reject any claims of success.

                I sincerely hope this thread finds the success everyone hopes for, and please play nice. Try to be the professionals that we all want to be and not the turd that we all sometimes tend to be.

                Brad S


                • Carbonate cell test day 3

                  Here I show day 3 results of the carbonate crystal cell. Notice how the circuit goes higher in Ma as the cell stabalizes. See video here

                  Carbonate cell day 3 test 8 LEDs.3gp - YouTube


                  • Material Quality


                    John, you often speak about quality of materials, i.e. magnesium. Firstly, did you choose magnesium mainly for it's voltage potential, or, is it more to do with it's corrosion resistance? It seems some of the materials are quite costly. If an individual wanted to experiment with good materials, at a lower cost, and was willing to end up with a lower voltage battery... is this possible? or would it be too prone to corrosion. For example, could one use high purity nickel? Canadian nickels (older ones) are said to be 99.9%

                    Alberta is under attack...

                    Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P


                    • Tacking up wind---but getting there

                      That was a fun video. I have noticed that same thing. If you have an oscillator that will work at under a milliamp and at least 1/2 a volt, then just holding onto the electrodes will run it. It makes me wonder how long it would take the anode to dissolve. Longer than you would want to hold onto it for sure.

                      This project reminds me of sailing a boat upwind where you have to keep tacking back and forth in order to get straight upwind. It seems that we all go off in strange directions but we are all tacking towards the same goal of a better battery.

                      I have been doing sevaral things and today I tried titanium dioxide paint on magnesium and zinc to see if it helps protect the anode. Time will tell if that works or not.

                      @Chuck H.
                      Thanks for the update on the carbonate cell. The small one that I made works great as long as you keep adding a little water about once a day. I
                      don't think that I did that cell right but it does seem to work.

                      @IB and Slider
                      Keep on trucking.

                      @John B,
                      Share what you can when you can. We all know that you are busy.



                      • The Elmer's glue, salt substitute and Epsom salt cell that I have had shorted out for almost 3 months now is still recharging itself back to normal since the short has been removed. Its now day two without the short and the cell is at 1.470 volts @ 6 micro-amps. This is a amazing, this cell has been shorted out for a long time but yet its regaining its voltage and amps. In-fact its at a higher voltage than it started with when it was made, the starting voltage was 1.412. If shorting the cell out for 3 months doesn't kill it than what will?
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                          The Elmer's glue, salt substitute and Epsom salt cell that I have had shorted out for almost 3 months now is still recharging itself back to normal since the short has been removed. Its now day two without the short and the cell is at 1.470 volts @ 6 micro-amps. This is a amazing, this cell has been shorted out for a long time but yet its regaining its voltage and amps. In-fact its at a higher voltage than it started with when it was made, the starting voltage was 1.412. If shorting the cell out for 3 months doesn't kill it than what will?
                          It should run the penny oscillator quite well. Should hook it up to the circuit and see how long it can run and light up some led(s)


                          • That cell WILL run a Penny oscillator

                            Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                            The Elmer's glue, salt substitute and Epsom salt cell that I have had shorted out for almost 3 months now is still recharging itself back to normal since the short has been removed. Its now day two without the short and the cell is at 1.470 volts @ 6 micro-amps. This is a amazing, this cell has been shorted out for a long time but yet its regaining its voltage and amps. In-fact its at a higher voltage than it started with when it was made, the starting voltage was 1.412. If shorting the cell out for 3 months doesn't kill it than what will?

                            Phinine is right. That cell WILL run a Penny oscillator or maybe even one of those Hankscraft pendulum motors. My Penny No. 2 with the larger coils will start running on just under 1 micro amp and .55 volts. I had it running one day off a ground wire and an Avramenko plug wired up to a aluminum window frame. Just RF energy in the air.
                            The trick to getting these cells to do work is perhaps to load them just right. They have a "recharge" capability that we can capitalize on with pulse oscillators. The fact that shorting them out doesn't harm them I find very interesting. It is like they are saying, "Come on ---is that the best ya got? I didn't feel a thing. In fact I feel stronger now."

                            Last edited by Lidmotor; 11-09-2011, 05:40 PM.


                            • Lid Motor, can you test this idea?

                              Lid Motor

                              Can you test some crystal cells with you Jeana's light to see if it puts out more light than LEDS?

                              I have a Jeana's light minus the large toroid coil.



                              • Crystal cell powering "Jeanna's light"

                                Originally posted by radiant1 View Post
                                Lid Motor

                                Can you test some crystal cells with you Jeana's light to see if it puts out more light than LEDS?

                                I have a Jeana's light minus the large toroid coil.

                                The way that I have my Jeanna's light wired it uses too much amperage for a crystal cell. I could change the circuit though to one more like my Penny oscillator and it might just work. That big 3" toroid is the heart of that device and I wish that I had another one.


                                PS---For those who don't know what "Jeanna's Light" is here is the video of it:

                                Jeanna's Light - YouTube
                                Last edited by Lidmotor; 11-10-2011, 05:36 AM.

