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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Chuck,
    Thank you for testing. I was just wondering if you get it well below zero if you will see a sharp current spike like I saw when I sprayed my cell with refrigerant. All with time. Your cell function looks great.
    Thanks again for you and John for sharing.
    Very Best Regards,


    • Carbonate crystal cell

      Day 2 test 24hrs on the new Carbonate crystal cell. The cell hangs around 25 Ma but drops about 3-4 Ma when at 33Deg f. The cell comes back to 25Ma in about an hour when at 70Deg f.

      Carbonate crystal cell 6 LEDs day 2 test 24hrs.3gp - YouTube


      • Chuck H,

        Have you tried putting the cell in the freezer for 24 hours? Try leaving one cell in the freezer for a week. This has nothing to do with the fact that water freezes their is another effect that might manifest itself that could be of interest to you.

        John Bedini,

        Have you tired replacing copper with Tin coated steel? I have a new group of cells that will be taking use of the tin coating and was wondering about your take of it. I know its better to use copper and magnesium but Tin has its benefits too. When you start to notice that water is diamagnetic and Tin-oxide is diamagnetic then things get interesting.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Well it seems that the Crystal cell research has gotten a little quiet, I hope everyone is doing well.

          I'm still working on my cells. I'm in the process of making bigger, cheaper, and more powerful cells. The key word now is cheaper. I've found that Elmer's glue can be expensive so I'm working on replacing it with something better.

          Using Flour and water and mixing the Epsom salt and salt substitute and allowing it to dry seems to be working so far but is very brittle. So I'll see if flour and water will be the replacement for Elmer's glue. It maybe key to spray paint this cell as to protect the brittle flour when its dry.

          I'm also working on a bank of big cells that will charge a super capacitor.

          I will attach a picture of the bigger cell without the crystal mix added to it so you can see the metals and the separator. Its a tin can with magnesium ribbon with a plastic net separator, the net is the stuff you use to keep leaves out of gutters.

          Last edited by ibpointless2; 01-13-2012, 01:48 AM.
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • sodium silicate and Resin

            Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
            Well it seems that the Crystal cell research has gotten a little quiet, I hope everyone is doing well.

            I'm still working on my cells. I'm in the process of making bigger, cheaper, and more powerful cells. The key word now is cheaper. I've found that Elmer's glue can be expensive so I'm working on replacing it with something better.

            Using Flour and water and mixing the Epsom salt and salt substitute and allowing it to dry seems to be working so far but is very brittle. So I'll see if flour and water will be the replacement for Elmer's glue. It maybe key to spray paint this cell as to protect the brittle flour when its dry.

            I'm also working on a bank of big cells that will charge a super capacitor.

            I will attach a picture of the bigger cell without the crystal mix added to it so you can see the metals and the separator. Its a tin can with magnesium ribbon with a plastic net separator, the net is the stuff you use to keep leaves out of gutters.

            I have some success mixing sodium silicate and fiberglass Resin, the sodium silicate will act like super capacitor try MgSO4 and Salt substitute the mix gets hard but haven't tried any of the latest compounds with it yet.
            If you make a small aluminum tray by bending a V put a diode inside hot glue the ends fill with sodium silicate so it just covers the diode use the + side of the diode and the tray as the - you can charge it up to 1.3 V just thought it was worth exploring further


            • Carbonate crystal cell

              Here is a video of the 2nd open top carbonate cell. This was connected 24hrs ago and started at .680 volts and has since climbed in voltage in the last 24hrs. These crystal cells seem to stabilize in 3-4 days with an output of about 15-20Ma We compared a new fully charged NMh battery over the weekend and it was dead by Sunday. The 1st open top cell We made is still running the 6LEDs at about 17Ma.

              Carbonate crystal cell open top 2nd cell 24hr test on big osc.3gp - YouTube


              • Carbonate crystal cell

                This video shows the 1st open top cell at 13Ma as no water was added. I added water Monday morning and the cell came up to 20Ma and then ran at 17Ma all day.

                Carbonate crystal cell Sunday 11132011 no water added.3gp - YouTube


                • carbonate crystal cell and Nmh battery

                  Here is a picture John took of the graph of a Nmh battery running the big osc circuit with 6 LEDs. This battery was dead by sunday morning. Looks like the Carbonate crystal cell will hold longer....
                  Last edited by chuck H; 02-08-2012, 11:11 PM.


                  • Variation of Jeanna,s light for Carbonate cell

                    This is a variation of Jeanna,s light that lidmotor made. I modified Lidmotors design even more and hope to light it with a Carbonate crystal cell in the near future.

                    Variation of Jeanna,s light - YouTube


                    • The crystal cell that I keep shorted out for about 3 months was given a chance to rest for a few days on 11-10-11. The cell was at 1.463 volts at 6 micro-amps, then the cell was shorted out again. The short was removed on 11-13-11 and the cell was allowed to rest til today which is 11-15-11. The cell now reads 1.490 volts at 8 micro-amps. This was only a test to see if the cell is really recharging itself and by the looks of it it really is. But nothing last forever.
                      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                      • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
                        Here is a picture John took of the graph of a Nmh battery running the big osc circuit with 6 LEDs. This battery was dead by sunday morning. Looks like the Carbonate crystal cell will hold longer....
                        how does it do against a alkaline battery?

                        Can't wait to see you light one of Jeana's lights.
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • Light circuits testing

                          Originally posted by chuck H View Post
                          This is a variation of Jeanna,s light that lidmotor made. I modified Lidmotors design even more and hope to light it with a Carbonate crystal cell in the near future.

                          Variation of Jeanna,s light - YouTube
                          Thanks for trying that. I havn't done anything with my Jeanna's Light but I have been woking on both the Lasersaber Joule Ringer and the Exciter circuits to see if one of those can be made to run on low power. So far nothing is even close to working at the level that my cells produce. Your new cells might just work though. I think that the Joule Ringer circuit shows the most promise because it basically "blinks" the bulb with a sharp short pulse like my Penny circuit does. That gives the cell some time to recover. You set the blink rate just fast enough to not notice it.



                          • back to life

                            Hi everybody, I losted my hopes about the cement battery long time ago and just for the heck of it I decided to hoked up again here are the results
                            Last edited by kukulcangod; 11-17-2011, 06:38 AM.


                            • KKCgod: Greetings from Costa Rica. "Pura Vida."

                              Thank you for your very informative video. I'm sure that there is more than just a few of us that can activate their now totally dry cement cells, that they thought had died.
                              They may not really die, it just takes forever to test them, as they say...

                              I am still using mine cement cells daily, even without the oscillator.

                              One question: does the leds stay lit at the same intensity after working all night long?
                              I have not had much luck with mine doing the same thing, when connected with my Hartley type oscillators. Even when using with no resistors, so I guess that it's just the poor iron core toroids that I'm still using, although I had tried some small ferrites also.
                              I'll give the regular bifilar air core coil a try.

                              I'll bet your wife will love you forever now...

                              Thanks again,
                              Attached Files


                              • @ Lidmotor and All:
                                Glad to hear that you are giving those cells a try with the Lasersaber and Exciter circuits. Hope that you can get it to work.
                                I have been tinkering along the same lines, and find that the cells I'm testing which are of various types, just don't seam to have the mAs it takes to run my osillators, to light the several 15 led bulbs connected to my version of the LaserS circuit. But, I'd love to make it work. It works on 3.6 volts like a champ, and can light three or more of my 15 led bulbs (pictured above), using just a cordless phone battery, which works great in an overnight black out.

