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Bedini Earth Light

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  • I played with the captret for a couple of months, not days, and every single battery discharged, on many different combinations of captrets. That is why I say that it does not work. I burnt over 50 leds, and bulged many capacitors. They are all rated higher than the voltage applied.
    I also tried it with the cement cells of which I have many, and it did not work, either. As they don't have enough current for that, even if they could provide enough voltage.
    It has been forgotten for a reason. I am not the only one saying this.

    These cells do work, and are still working, but have little power, due to their high impedance levels, and break down of the metals. I'm hoping that we'll find a way to get past the mA output level, and are able to build long lasting cells.
    The reason I bring up the Captret is because of the way that capacitors can also show some output voltage, similar to the way these cells work, but in a NON GALVANIC way. That was my point, and not to talk about captrets. But don't get me wrong, as capacitors do show some output, but not enough to maintain an led going. That is the reason why the captrets can't keep up with even a single led as a load, even when using oscillators, and a dozen 1000 mf 50 or higher volt capacitors. As it is hydrogen gas production that burst they cans, when connected that way, as they are sealed and can't vent, without busting their presure seals. It is this same hydrogen gas that ruins our cells, and forms water that further dissolves the metals. That is why I have my doubts about even the metals in the semiconductor cells, holding up to the water, if they are not sealed hermetically from the air. But, the problem is still that non galvanic cells have very little power, and won't run our normal 1.5 volt type of devices.


    • Originally posted by prato_braun View Post
      where do you get n-octadecyl thiol, except from china or is that the stuff being substituted with silica spheres plus 200% alcohol. u meant 20% right anyway or am i on the wrong track?
      Here are the link you requested, sorry I meant the proof of alcohol is 200.

      1-Octadecanethiol 98% |

      Ethyl Alcohol, Anhydrous, AKA Ethanol, 16oz for sale. Buy from The Science Company.

      Plain silica nanospheres and microspheres VERY SPENDY but it will be a super hydrophobic semiconductor.

      Glass nanospheres and microspheres - more in the ballpark for super hydrophobic, but will be an insulator, seeing it's glass.

      here is a video showing how to make it Lotus Coating with Nano Glass - YouTube

      My Calloway V Gate Motor Video


      • Originally posted by NextGen1967 View Post

        As for your post a while back about voltage being higher when stored in a capacitor....

        Today I received a small sample cell to play with, and when very dry, it registered about 0.4v on a regular DMM... However, when I placed it on my bench meter which has an high impedance setting, the voltage of the cell shoot up and wend past the maximum readout of my bench meter (800mV). I then placed the cell on an 36uF metalized polyester cap, and slowly slowly, the voltage wend up in the capacitor to about 1.53v.

        This shows the difference in measurement approaches, and the effect of impedance matching.... Supply and demand.

        With a stopwatch in hand, one would be able to get a quite accurate idea of the impedance of the given cell, and the amount of energy it can deliver.


        So you saw the increase in power when connected to a capacitor too? Interesting.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • The more I protect the Elmer's glue, Epsom salt, and salt substitute cell from the surrounding environment the better it runs. I've taken the big blue cell which is already spray painted to protect it and place it along with the LCD clock it runs into a clear sealed container. Ever since putting it in the container the cell has managed to keep a constant higher output. Where before the cell would jump around 1.320 volts to 1.380 volts its now stays above 1.400 volts ever since putting it in the container. This is odd but its not the only cell that shows this. I've done the same thing to anther plain Jane crystal glue cell and it too shows the same results.

          Putting the cells in a sealed plastic container seems to work in favor of the cells. Makes me wonder what would putting the cell in a sealed container that lets no light in would do to the cells?
          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
            The more I protect the Elmer's glue, Epsom salt, and salt substitute cell from the surrounding environment the better it runs. I've taken the big blue cell which is already spray painted to protect it and place it along with the LCD clock it runs into a clear sealed container. Ever since putting it in the container the cell has managed to keep a constant higher output. Where before the cell would jump around 1.320 volts to 1.380 volts its now stays above 1.400 volts ever since putting it in the container. This is odd but its not the only cell that shows this. I've done the same thing to anther plain Jane crystal glue cell and it too shows the same results.

            Putting the cells in a sealed plastic container seems to work in favor of the cells. Makes me wonder what would putting the cell in a sealed container that lets no light in would do to the cells?
            So you saw the increase in power when connected to a capacitor too? Interesting.

            As for the increase... I saw an increase in *voltage*, which NOT necessary means an increase in power... However, I am just doing some long term testing, and I tent to agree that while a cell is under load, it manages to achieve an increase in power. (which is predictable/explainable in conventional terms).

            As for the coated cell above, it would be explainable by the fact that 'vapor/molecules' are circulated in a smaller area... Imagine the cell losing water molecules, but later attract them again... this would explain the fluctuations. when placed in the plastic container, the vapor keeps retained in that smaller area, and that is why -i assume-, the fluctuations are less in width, and more easy to transfer back and forth, which explains an more high voltage level...

            Something that you could try if you want.... place some *dried* silica gel in the container... make it about 5 times the volume of the cell if you have enough space... Theory behind is that the silica gel would lock the molecules in the gel, thus depleting them from the box environment. The cell voltage in this case would drop down, if theory behind it would be sound.

            ( dry the silica gel in the oven at low setting for about 30 to 60 minutes, and then place them *directly* in the box).


            As said, I just started a long term test some 28 hours ago, and while a bit early to draw any conclusions, it *seems* at this point that while loading the cell, it will retain moisture better then when NOT under load. Whether an *increase* in power is also achieved due to this remains to be seen on the longer term, but -conventional explanations- would indeed allow for such.

            Note that I just start here now (slow in receiving products), thus I need to make some more test cells first to make more observations, and translate that in how it works. (well as i see it that is).



            • All hope everyone is doing well. Regarding multimeters.
              Years ago I was trying to build Tom Bearden's MEG and he recommended
              we measure the output voltage across a 5W 100 Ohm Conditioned Carbon Resistor. After some research and head scratching I decided that I could not understand and I needed to convince others that it was for real so the info was just too far ahead of it's time.

              I think when Jehdds shows the ZnO cells with the analog meter people will sit up and listen because the torque on the needle is more convincing.

              Since constant current is a function of constant voltage, the voltage reference and circuitry when compared to the amplified input of small current and the thermal errors may require a meter like a kiethley that cost over $400. Where as the voltage over time as demonstrated with data logger shown in the video STAR CELL uses Bedini circuitry and the level is sufficient for data aquisition.

              We knew at that time that the higher temperatures and the development cost would have to be reconciled, the needs of the many out weigh the few. We are part of those who encouraged this to happen and wanted to make some contribution and we will continue a humble and admirable effort as the development progresses.


              • Originally posted by NextGen1967 View Post

                As for the increase... I saw an increase in *voltage*, which NOT necessary means an increase in power... However, I am just doing some long term testing, and I tent to agree that while a cell is under load, it manages to achieve an increase in power. (which is predictable/explainable in conventional terms).

                As for the coated cell above, it would be explainable by the fact that 'vapor/molecules' are circulated in a smaller area... Imagine the cell losing water molecules, but later attract them again... this would explain the fluctuations. when placed in the plastic container, the vapor keeps retained in that smaller area, and that is why -i assume-, the fluctuations are less in width, and more easy to transfer back and forth, which explains an more high voltage level...

                Something that you could try if you want.... place some *dried* silica gel in the container... make it about 5 times the volume of the cell if you have enough space... Theory behind is that the silica gel would lock the molecules in the gel, thus depleting them from the box environment. The cell voltage in this case would drop down, if theory behind it would be sound.

                ( dry the silica gel in the oven at low setting for about 30 to 60 minutes, and then place them *directly* in the box).


                As said, I just started a long term test some 28 hours ago, and while a bit early to draw any conclusions, it *seems* at this point that while loading the cell, it will retain moisture better then when NOT under load. Whether an *increase* in power is also achieved due to this remains to be seen on the longer term, but -conventional explanations- would indeed allow for such.

                Note that I just start here now (slow in receiving products), thus I need to make some more test cells first to make more observations, and translate that in how it works. (well as i see it that is).


                I thought the same thing too about container holding moisture better but the big blue cell that's in the container has 3 heavy coats of spray paint covering it. So the cell is cover with spray paint and is in a sealed container. My cells don't need continuous water to run, and they're dried out before sealing up.

                But i won't ignore that water could play a role with the container so I will perform another experiment. Instead of using the silica gel packs, which could still leak some moisture from it, I will do something better and use a vacuum sealed container. Creating a vacuum will remove all water and all air, this will truly be a great test to see if the cell stays alive while in a vacuum.
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • @NextGen1967

                  Lidmotor already tried the silica gel water absorbing packets before. He had one cell under load go down in voltage with the packets in the container but the control cell that was outside in the air went down too, but the cell still kept running the load. Here's the video of it Results of air humidity on crystal cell experiment - YouTube
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                    All hope everyone is doing well. Regarding multimeters.
                    Years ago I was trying to build Tom Bearden's MEG and he recommended
                    we measure the output voltage across a 5W 100 Ohm Conditioned Carbon Resistor. After some research and head scratching I decided that I could not understand and I needed to convince others that it was for real so the info was just too far ahead of it's time.

                    I think when Jehdds shows the ZnO cells with the analog meter people will sit up and listen because the torque on the needle is more convincing.

                    Since constant current is a function of constant voltage, the voltage reference and circuitry when compared to the amplified input of small current and the thermal errors may require a meter like a kiethley that cost over $400. Where as the voltage over time as demonstrated with data logger shown in the video STAR CELL uses Bedini circuitry and the level is sufficient for data aquisition.

                    We knew at that time that the higher temperatures and the development cost would have to be reconciled, the needs of the many out weigh the few. We are part of those who encouraged this to happen and wanted to make some contribution and we will continue a humble and admirable effort as the development progresses.

                    I agree the moving needle of a analog meter is more convincing to people especially the moving needle of a amp meter. I'm going to invest into one of the analog micro-amp meters and redo my power readings.

                    Those meter that Bedini used to track the voltage are great, but too expensive. The cheapest one i found was for $250 but it had a wireless hook up to the computer. I wonder if there is a open sourced multimeter computer hook thing on the internet?
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • These are near industry standards features, 4Channels, the cost $29
                      You set an OpAmp for 10X 100X or 1000X or 10000X and you have the preamplified signal good to go. Some people tune to wwv run the blips UCT.
                      This timestamp is then compared to meteorological charts.



                      • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post

                        Lidmotor already tried the silica gel water absorbing packets before. He had one cell under load go down in voltage with the packets in the container but the control cell that was outside in the air went down too, but the cell still kept running the load. Here's the video of it Results of air humidity on crystal cell experiment - YouTube

                        I'm a follower of Lidmotor his vids and I have seen *ALL* of them and learn a lot of it.. Together with some other people, they are really great tutorial work.

                        However, I think that with a larger area of silica gel, the drop would have been -much- more then shown it that video. I do not say that the circuit would stop function, but at least I would assume a large drop of voltage on your cell, *even tough* it has so many coatings.

                        I will do a similar test also, but that is for later on in my list.

                        Those meter that Bedini used to track the voltage are great, but too expensive. The cheapest one i found was for $250....
                        It can be done for way less then $250, but I don't know if similar software is open source available... an interface to connect the cell to the computer could be done for less then say $15 (non wireless).

                        For $16.50+$27.50excl. You can order a logging system which can basically do the same (4 channels and wireless also, extendable to 20)... If the seller want to share the interface library (the way it 'talks' to the USB, an .Net programmer could easily write a simple prog that shows JB's nice shots... Any .NET people around here?).


                        USB Oscilloscope

                        USB Oscilloscope

                        Also in my post above, I mentioned about an increase in voltage, and possible increased power output, but actually it would mean that the cell is improving in performance... the energy that *could* be delivered stays the same, only by increasing its performance it becomes more and more available.

                        I'm not affiliated with above links, tough I bought his 'scope' (which is actually more a logger...The software he wrote for the scope is crap and buggy in my opinion). If the USB communication protocol (the library) of his wireless system is open source, I might buy his wireless logger system tough.


                        EDIT: I did not see the above post from mikrovolt. DEFINITELY way better than the links I provided, and thanks for the link... Will order this one.
                        Last edited by NextGen1967; 11-27-2011, 05:29 PM. Reason: See post above this:


                        • Originally posted by NextGen1967 View Post

                          I will do a similar test also, but that is for later on in my list.

                          Will you be doing test on just my cell or others?
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • @ Ib2:
                            The "Hot Dog On a Stick Cell" just got the second coat of glue, as it has finally dried out a bit. Even with just the use of regular table salt it outputs an impressive 58 mA. although a somewhat low 0.560 volts. So, I'll add two or three more coil winds on the same 15 inch brass anode rod, to make the cell three times bigger, (or longer), and it should run an oscillator on 2 volts, and 50 mA, before adding the load of leds. This cell when complete should not need any further attention, so, much easier to use than before, when I had to add water to make it work.
                            Using a copper tube and mag wire would make for a higher voltage cell, but this one may last longer, as is uses a thicker aluminum wire than the thinner Mg ribbon. Anyways, its been fun... if I had not been running a load on it, when it was still wet, it would probably still read one volt, as it did at first.


                            • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                              Will you be doing test on just my cell or others?
                              Test will be done on Jim type of mix cell.



                              • Is it the ions in water that corrode the metals? No. Its the water, no matter if its tap or distilled its the water.

                                Prove it...

                                Fill a cup up with distilled water, place magnesium ribbon in water. Wait and watch day by day as the magnesium corrode away.

                                This is a magnesium ribbon that was left in distilled water for a week. From the top is the original color of the ribbon this was not exposed to water. In the middle is where it was touching water and turned it black. The bottom is white where it is breaking down to its simple salt form due to being submerged in water.

                                This simple picture is why i say don't add water to the cell and why I say you must encase the cell. Its water not ions that is your enemy. Perform the experiment your self, place magnesium ribbon in distilled water by itself and watch what happens.
                                Last edited by ibpointless2; 01-13-2012, 01:48 AM.
                                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

