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Bedini Earth Light

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  • It might be possible to position a spoke shaped wheel of cells, that roll with a heavey weight pressing down on a slight incline, timed to roll just enough to capture the pressure spike off each cell consecutivly maxing output. Imagine hose shaped cells straped accross the roller of a gravel compactor.
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 12-09-2011, 02:43 AM.


    • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
      "Imagine hose shaped cells straped accross the roller of a gravel compactor.
      Far superior idea to hitting ones self in the head with a hose filled with gravel and these cells as we head slightly uphill both ways while we try to figure out how to take this to the next level......hey that just might work

      Just kidding, puzzles are assembled one piece at a time.....

      Very Best Regards,


      • Back around the end of August John Bedini grew some outstanding crystals in a magnetic field, (one has hypperbolic shape inclusions)also he was charting star cells with series resistive load.
        please note he does not load to zero but allows a little dipole remain as shown on the meter. John's test setup concentrates on how continuous energy flow can be measured under load. There was a dip recorded after a piezo spike that caused a slow recovery.

        Also John discussed humidity, temperature and piezo.
        Crystal Cells in Series Restive Load Over The Weekend - YouTube
        Crystal Cells in Series Restive Load Over The Weekend - YouTube
        Last edited by mikrovolt; 12-11-2011, 03:42 AM.


        • Guys here is a nifty synthesis to get some ideas rolling....

          Very Best Regards,


          • Guys,
            Here is the latest small test.
            Acid Test On Mg Layer - YouTube
            It should upload soon.
            Very Best regards,


            • Polar crystal - ?

              Originally posted by jehdds View Post
              Here is the latest small test.
              Acid Test On Mg Layer - YouTube
              It should upload soon.
              Very Best regards,
              Great vid - remember, ZnO is a sound absorber. In order to do this, it must generate heat. Suggest you look at polar crystal classes as these maintain a constant dipole without any stress and are pyroelectric as well.

              Brad S


              • @Letsreplicate

                I couldn't help but notice on another thread you mention you use to work for the oil industry. "Hi, I used to work in air quality monitoring for the oil industry. I was the one who calibrated all the test equipment, and was usually the one sent to monitors emergency situations." -Letsreplicate --- site:

                I don't mean to put you on the spot, I just wanted to know why you don't work their anymore and why you're in the field of "free energy" replications now?

                Once again I mean no harm.
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • A brief, completely off-topic history of ^.^

                  Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post

                  I couldn't help but notice on another thread you mention you use to work for the oil industry. "Hi, I used to work in air quality monitoring for the oil industry. I was the one who calibrated all the test equipment, and was usually the one sent to monitors emergency situations." -Letsreplicate --- site:

                  I don't mean to put you on the spot, I just wanted to know why you don't work their anymore and why you're in the field of "free energy" replications now?

                  Once again I mean no harm.
                  It's a fairly long and complicated story. The short, short version is that a co-worker of mine accidentally electrocuted himself and died. When my turn came for the grief counseling sessions: instead of being counseled, I was berated. I left the meeting under the impression that they were trying to blame me for the death. To that point I'd had no idea how my co-worker had died, so I started asking questions about it. Things snowballed from there... Being sent on emergency assignments is no fun at all, and I had to pull WAY to many late nights fixing messes for them to take their crap. Oil service companies also hire entire teams of accountants that try to nickle-and-dime their employees out of money: every pay check became a battle.

                  After that I designed industrial biomass boilers with a heating engineer (all over 1 million btu). I loved that job! It was mostly building 3D, mechanically working models of the boilers, furnaces, and hammer mills to identify design issues, making plate patterns for laser cutting, then overseeing the welders as they built the unit. We had some of the best biomass boilers in the world (we had the best soot-blower system, and were the only company making flat cyclones). That job ended with the economy collapse: the engineer committed suicide.

                  When it comes to working, I've had bad luck despite my best efforts, but you've got to keep trying till something lasts right? I have an affinity for energy research & development, it's what I've always wanted to do as a career. I would be replicating all these ideas on my own anyway, it makes sense to me that people might want to know how they work and replicate them too, so I don't mind explaining.

                  Hope that answers the question.


                  • I will never accept defeat I will never quit....

                    Your story is compelling, I've seen a landscape being destroyed by oil waste one where I used to enjoy nature and got me fascinated with its wild creatures...I've survived a couple of financial crisis in my country of origin and we are still once again facing one more...It got better for me , took a while but if there's no light at the end of the tunnel at least we are trying to make one!! ....My salt battery goes on almost 30 days with 6 super bright blue leds and can't wait to manufacture my own version of a selflooped generator, funds and time are scarce but I know it will work, one day I will share ala Bedini I don't want no one being mislead just yet . I'm working on trying to add a stubblefield coild to selfloop my battery, any ideas and help are welcome, it is producing about 25 mA and it is being pulsed with a joule thief, the huge coil can't pulse a rotor , so I will set up ala Bedini with ironless coil , and circuit, so far the pulses from my reed switch with 2 AA batteries delivers up to 20 over volts!! ...yes I already burned one!! it works good up to 2 volts without heating up but... fascinated by it going!! need to know how to calculate for the coil, I was using the golden one from radio shack, you know the one that comes in red and green as well, can't remember the gauge, I used it as it was already winded, the reed got to hot , 5 mini neos and a roller skate wheel and ball bearing for a rotor, need to adapted to the salt battery output ...Good luck , keep up the good work


                    • Originally posted by kukulcangod View Post
                      Your story is compelling, I've seen a landscape being destroyed by oil waste one where I used to enjoy nature and got me fascinated with its wild creatures...I've survived a couple of financial crisis in my country of origin and we are still once again facing one more...It got better for me , took a while but if there's no light at the end of the tunnel at least we are trying to make one!! ....My salt battery goes on almost 30 days with 6 super bright blue leds and can't wait to manufacture my own version of a selflooped generator, funds and time are scarce but I know it will work, one day I will share ala Bedini I don't want no one being mislead just yet . I'm working on trying to add a stubblefield coild to selfloop my battery, any ideas and help are welcome, it is producing about 25 mA and it is being pulsed with a joule thief, the huge coil can't pulse a rotor , so I will set up ala Bedini with ironless coil , and circuit, so far the pulses from my reed switch with 2 AA batteries delivers up to 20 over volts!! ...yes I already burned one!! it works good up to 2 volts without heating up but... fascinated by it going!! need to know how to calculate for the coil, I was using the golden one from radio shack, you know the one that comes in red and green as well, can't remember the gauge, I used it as it was already winded, the reed got to hot , 5 mini neos and a roller skate wheel and ball bearing for a rotor, need to adapted to the salt battery output ...Good luck , keep up the good work
                      It really depends what country you're in, North America regulates the oil industry pretty well in my experience. The idea is to try to do as little damage to nature as possible. Wells are mostly drilled in farmer's fields (it's far cheaper to rent land that is already cleared) and following the logging industry harvesting an area (the logging companies replant trees later around the roads they make leaving only a small clearing for well access).

                      Humans still depend on oil, the best we can do it get the oil the "right way". That's why the protesting of the Alberta oil sands is so pointless. By comparison, they are one of the cleanest ways to get oil possible. The oil still has to come from somewhere, and if it's not coming from Alberta, which has strict emissions and efficiency standards, then it will come from a place like Nigeria, which has no emissions standards and is known for destroying the environment.

                      What are you using between the wire on the Stubblefield coil to prevent shorting? That paper covered steel twist-tie wire that it being used for the penny oscillators is looking pretty sweet to me.

                      Remember that voltage is not the same thing as power, in a joule thief you are compressing the input energy into current pulse. The apparent voltage of the current pulse depends on your load resistance. You don't gain any power by compressing it into a pulse, but you can do things with the pulse that you can't do normally.

                      If your reed switch is heating up, add a resistor to limit the current through it. If you need to highly limit the current through the reed then use it to switch a power transistor or high current relay on and off, that will work just as well but with a little time lag.

                      The Radio-shack 3-pack of magnet wire? I've used those.
                      Originally posted by
                      • 40 feet of 22-gauge wire [clear]
                      • 75 feet of 26-gauge wire [green]
                      • 200 feet of 30-gauge wire [red]


                      • sharing is caring, do you dare to care to share?

                        some ideas in regards to ibpointless literal crystal battery.... by the way, keep truckin along everyone, yall doin great. thanks for the inspiration, aloha

                        Literal crystal cell ideas - YouTube


                        • Radioshack wire...

                          interesting direction nice story about the biomass work and yes resistor that thing down with lidmotors suggestion using the shacks twenty five ohm resistor wire wound reostat works for me...I use two spools of the red and it makes a nice 300 milli amp bifilar two hundred volts or maybe more with an iron core using neos on an eight pattern poplar wheel mounted on lowes poplar board charges like crazy making those batterycrystals happy breeding that lightning ... The power plant was crankin out gigawatts today I take the lab coal samples for clean air God save the mighty wabash valley and pray for a new way to make this light.


                          • Sorry for the intrusion , but has anyone ever tried using Alkaline water vs acidic water , when building a crystal cell...I would really love to hear about it
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • The last few days I've been testing the self charging of one of my cells. This cell is the one with Epsom salt and Salt substitute with paper separator and cooper tube and magnesium ribbon wrapped around it. Here is my results so far.

                              Started at 1.494v @ 31uA ...... 12-14-11 at 1:30PM

                              10:15PM 12-14-11 .... short was removed and allowed to rest for 20 minutes and this was what i got. 1.440V 50uA

                              I let it sit over night and the next morning this what i got. 12-15-11 7:06AM...... 1.481v 15uA

                              I then shorted it out for the day and removed the short at 6:30PM 12-15-11. I recorded power at 12-15-11 7:45PM and this is what i got....... 1.470v 60uA

                              I then let it sit over night and the next morning 7:00AM 12-16-11 this is what i got...... 1.496v 24uA

                              It is interesting that i get the most self charge power after about 45 minutes of it sitting but letting it sit over night drops a little. At least it is staying around the original power of the cell, so this does show to me that it is self charging.
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • The reason I ask, is because of the following info:

                                from The Legacy of Marcel Vogel

                                According to Marcel:

                                “This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectro-photometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this structured water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity. Boiling of the water after structuring shows no change in the UV spectrum, so one can conclude that a permanent chemical change has taken place. When a drop of this structured silica water is dried on a slide and compared with untreated silica water, the photomicrographs show the formation of needle-like silica crystals in the structured water drop while the untreated water dried to an amorphous mass of silica gel. This shows that the process of structuring water produces a structuring or ordering effect on the solutes in solution.”8
                                Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received numerous patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24” hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics.

                                In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut® crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies.

                                Marcel’s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system.
                                you should check it out
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

