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  • Sharing an observation. I have been playing with a mixture of Activated Carbon, Magnesium, Alum and copper cell and water off course. The output is 3 orders of magnitude compared to just Mg and Alum.

    Back to Alum cells and Mg only, I have some cells running for over 6 months now and still giving the same amount of light as before just by adding a tiny drop of water. They are amazing cells.

    So I decided to go the next step with those cells. Put some inside a container with lots of water and others with no water at all. The ones with lots of water (a few drops, may be 10 - that's a lot of water for cell) kills the cell. As soon the water vaporizes and makes the inside of the container very humid the cell can not take and stops running. Very interesting. Too much water (in the cell's point of view) will kill the effect.

    If I let the water dry up the cells comes back to life and behave just like before.

    The cell inside a container with no water also dies IF there is no exit or entrance for the external air. So I concluded that without Oxigen or Nitrogen those cells don't work. As soon as I open the container the cells start to slowly light until it is just like before.

    Concerning the Mg + Alum + Actived Carbon + Cu cell I noticed that GEOMETRY is EVERYTHING. I had done this kind of cell last year and none worked well, but this time because the geometry is different the whole thing is amazingly powerful. In orders of running shorted at 1v and 30ma or more. A bigger cell gives me 1.7v and 400ma, yes, 400 mili-amps continuously. The geometry is the only difference from this cell and my previous last year ones. This bigger cell is 12" long 2" copper pipe and 12" long, 1/4" diameter Mg bar. While the small cells are 1/4" diameter copper cap with 1/4" length Mg at 1/4" diameter.

    I have some videos showing something already but I will create some more videos tonight showing the big baby.

    Last edited by plengo; 01-04-2012, 09:55 PM.


    • It is OK to use water!

      @plengo, @slider:
      Do not be afraid of water, my 3 tap water, zinc conduit, and copper cells have eclipsed the 15 month mark and still lighting a red LED without a circuit. When they finally stop working, I will have only invested 21 cents in the zinc conduit and for an additional 21 cents I can start the process again.
      I first became involved with Alum almost 2 years ago when I joined a yahoo group that was using it to restore lead acid batteries. The Alum proved to be excellent at cleaning and desulfating the lead plates giving new life to the battery. I began using very small amounts of Alum in my water batteries and carbon batteries with excellent results. The key for me was to keep the Alum as a very weak solution, if the white crystals started growing; the cells life was seriously shortened. I might suggest trying zinc in your cells as these are truly galvanic, but you will get much more bang for the buck. While the voltage will be a little lower, the current is right up there with magnesium. The magnesium is much more expensive and gets consumed much faster than the zinc.
      There is a pdf at overunity in the download area that I made showing how I construct the carbon, zinc, copper cells for anyone that is interested. With those cells I can run small fans and many LED’s very well.
      I look forward to your video on your cells @plengo.

      Brad S


      • Dear John B, guys,
        I just ran across this video clip on a material that just might have application for making cells that are of very modest thickness, and very well may be able to make the most of the piezo effect. It seems as if its capacity to dissipate heat is phenomenal, thus, may be even MORE sensitive to thermal variance with the right salt mix. Just throwing this out there as a resource for anyone else still trying to make attempts at non saturated cells.
        Panasonic Pyrolitic Graphite Sheets - Another Geek Moment - YouTube
        Very Best Regards,
        PS no clue on the cost for this item. Need to explore this. If anyone know, please let us know.


        • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
          Dear John B, guys,
          I just ran across this video clip on a material that just might have application for making cells that are of very modest thickness, and very well may be able to make the most of the piezo effect. It seems as if its capacity to dissipate heat is phenomenal, thus, may be even MORE sensitive to thermal variance with the right salt mix. Just throwing this out there as a resource for anyone else still trying to make attempts at non saturated cells.
          Panasonic Pyrolitic Graphite Sheets - Another Geek Moment - YouTube
          Very Best Regards,
          PS no clue on the cost for this item. Need to explore this. If anyone know, please let us know.
          Here is update info. Looks pricy.

          Very Best Regards,


          • __________
            Last edited by Freezer; 01-06-2012, 05:55 PM.


            • Testing the Idea of using the same metal electrodes. Same Metal Electrodes Protruding From Crystal Glue Cell - YouTube
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                Testing the Idea of using the same metal electrodes. Same Metal Electrodes Protruding From Crystal Glue Cell - YouTube
                Interesting to be sure. I am trying to achieve headway doing the same via carbon experiments.
                Are you pretreating the copper via significant current though one or short circuit via a lead?
                Magnetically altering or scoring the outside via sandpaper to create a variance in the way the crystals adhere to the substrate metal to attempt to create a microscopic tunnel bias?

                Very Best Regards


                • Or, are we looking at a 'virtual ground' technique ?
                  If two same metals have varying lengths, diameters or widths, then one may negatively we do in wireless energy experiments with aluminium blocks.
                  I'm going to try what i'm talking of with a plain water 'cell' and two same metals -
                  1. A sacrificial anode can show a reduction in sacrificing itself when larger than the cathode.
                  2. That technique could be applied to our cells and have the extra inclusion of negative bias.
                  3. The mass outside of a water included cell (in free air) may be the governing factor for a virtual ground.
                  4. There's nothing Mayan or Pagan about 2 same metals !

                  No cigar with copper strips. Approx 36mV difference no matter the configuration tried.

                  Hmm, differing grades of copper ?
                  Last edited by Slider2732; 01-05-2012, 09:21 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                    Or, are we looking at a 'virtual ground' technique ?
                    If two same metals have varying lengths, diameters or widths, then one may negatively we do in wireless energy experiments with aluminium blocks.
                    I'm going to try what i'm talking of with a plain water 'cell' and two same metals -
                    1. A sacrificial anode can show a reduction in sacrificing itself when larger than the cathode.
                    2. That technique could be applied to our cells and have the extra inclusion of negative bias.
                    3. The mass outside of a water included cell (in free air) may be the governing factor for a virtual ground.
                    4. There's nothing Mayan or Pagan about 2 same metals !

                    No cigar with copper strips. Approx 36mV difference no matter the configuration tried.

                    Hmm, differing grades of copper ?
                    Did you try running significant current through one piece?


                    • The same metal protruding from the crystal glue cell is at .600mV at 12uA. Many of you are wondering how i did it and many have given good guesses but they're all wrong. I did not set this up to trick people, i was testing a idea i had and its proven to be very unique concept. I must Explain where i'm coming from why I did this experiment.

                      We all know if you stick copper and aluminum in water we get a voltage, the copper is positive and the aluminum is negative. But if we stick only copper in the water we will be lucky to get 36mV. So what happens if we take the copper wire out and leave in the aluminum wire but the copper wire gets wrapped around another piece of aluminum wire? So we have one copper wire in the water and another copper wire thats wrapped around aluminum wire and we stick the copper wire with aluminum around it into the water we still get the same voltage if we were to leave out the copper(normal galvanic voltage of over a volt). So it would seem that no matter what metal is wrapped around it a voltage will come but this where it gets odd. Now lets have one copper wire wrapped around aluminum wire and one aluminum wire wrapped around a copper wire what will happen? Nothing, you get no voltage and this is got me confused. Its okay to have one wire wrapped around another on one side but not both sides. So How i did it was by wrapping the copper wire around the aluminum wire so that it has a aluminum core, the main goal was to see if having the copper on the aluminum will it help to fight off corrosion. I figure the extra copper will help keep the aluminum ions from traveling to the other side so quickly. Also the two metals joined like that make a thermocouple which makes the cell more sensitive to heat. Plus having two of the same metals protruding from the cell helps keep environment corrosion at bay. Also i'm not going to lie it makes for a cool trick!

                      Now that you know the trick its not so special anymore. This also opens doors to tri-metal combinations to try. Maybe copper wrapped around aluminum and on the other side we have Magnesium. The ions will not know what to do with themselves.
                      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                      • "Do not pay any attention to the man behind the curtain" hehe

                        It's more than a trick though and it will be very interesting to see what happens long term to your cell(s).
                        I didn't pass major current through a piece of copper, but may link that with this bi-metallic strip type of method.
                        In fact, could that be an avenue ? to use a bi-metallic property to induce pressure on a cell internally, ramping a piezo effect via ambient temperature changes.


                        • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
                          "Do not pay any attention to the man behind the curtain" hehe

                          It's more than a trick though and it will be very interesting to see what happens long term to your cell(s).
                          I didn't pass major current through a piece of copper, but may link that with this bi-metallic strip type of method.
                          In fact, could that be an avenue ? to use a bi-metallic property to induce pressure on a cell internally, ramping a piezo effect via ambient temperature changes.
                          IB and Slider,
                          Clever fellows. How bout trying copper over graphite AND Magnesium over graphite.....
                          Very Best Regards,


                          • Guys,
                            I am working on another electrolyte variant that does NOT use epsoms or Rochelles in the electrolyte, rather only as a metallic pre treatment. This may be worth experimenting with.
                            Treated magnesium as per epsoms ZNO mix etc from my previous work to create tenacious oxide layer.

                            New Electrolyte is as follows:
                            One part Manganese Dioxide.
                            One part Zinc Oxide.
                            One Quarter to One Half part Powdered Silica Gel
                            Small amount of LiClO4, akin to 5% by volume max.
                            No epsoms, No Rochelles, No heat.
                            Add water to make paste. Polarize via low current, and I have only polarized using up to 31 volts. During process, Pulse a few times with High current.
                            I have made cells with Mg AL = 1 volt. Mg Carbon 1.9-2.6volt Carbon Carbon .7volt. This mix seems to allow for significant current with even nominal water addition after drying. When wet, it produces current to be sure. I am NOT seeing metal deterioration on Aluminum or mg even untreated thus far. More experiments needed to be sure. I hope this may work even better with additional refinement. It is FANTASTIC how fast the ZnO crystals form. They can form within hours. I know I know MnO2 is found in batteries etc. But it does interesting things with H2O2 as well.....
                            Very Best Regards,
                            PS I broke down and ordered a piece of the pyrolytic graphite Panasonic sheet.... It should prove to be interesting.
                            Last edited by jehdds; 01-11-2012, 03:34 PM.


                            • I find it odd that the most simplest cell I've ever made, a Quick-crete copper and aluminum cell, is still alive and doing well. These cells are nearly a year old and still giving me power. Once cell is at .800 volts 3uA and the other is 1.033 volts at 15uA. Not even a inch thick of concrete these cells are still alive.
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • My one year old capacitor can cell (first pic) using beach sand and cement is still going, with 1.2 volts, and 20mA. Absolutely no signs of oxidation, yet.
                                But now I can obtain even higher voltages than that, just from two small capacitor cells in series, but with hardly no current, like your glue cells. These small cells quartz/carbon cells are non-galvanic, and so should last a long time.
                                Two of my smallest capacitor carbon cells are the size of a single AA battery, and have the same or higher voltage than the AA size batteries.
                                Last edited by NickZ; 04-29-2012, 05:59 AM.

