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  • So i thought I would post my results so far on the different brands of salt substitute and what they do physically to the cell. I was only able to find two other brand of salt substitute near me besides Morton's. Here are the salt substitutes I found and whats in them.

    Morton' salt substitute = Potassium chloride fumaric acid, tricalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate.

    No salt = Potassium chloride, potassium bitratete, adipic acid, silicon dioxide, mineral oil, and fumaric acid.

    AlsoSalt = Potassium chloride, L -lysine mono-hydrochloride, cacium stearate.

    Most importantly all three contain potassium chloride and no Sodium at all. Also the Morton's and No salt contain fumaric acid and this seems to play a role in the picture below.

    As you will notice in the picture below we have one cell that doesn't look like the rest, that is due to it being heavily corroded away. The copper has corroded and the Magnesium has turned the glue brown and it too has corroded away. The other two cells are nice and white, I think since these two contain Fumaric acid and the third doesn't leads me to think the fumaric acid is helping to protect the cell from corrosion. If I find more types of salt substitute I will test those also, but so far I recommend Morton's salt substitute due to it has proven itself to me and to others. I do think No salt could be as great, if not better than Morton's, but as of now that can't be confirmed until more testing has been done. This simple test has proven that not all salt substitutes are the same.

    3 brands of salt sub looks.JPG
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


    • Guys,
      Latests small tests.
      Pyrolytic Graphite and ZnO Crystals - YouTube
      Also note: Crystal Growth is amplified by increasing LiClO4 Ratio, I think.
      Seems to be the case with my latest bench attempts to grow the rapid crystals.
      Very Best Regards,


      • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
        Those are all very good questions, and is the reason that we are here, experimenting to improve cell performance.
        I can only comment on what I have done personally or the types of cells that I've made. I have not needed to first add an oxidized layer to protect my cells, as they are not working by a galvanic reaction, and I've seen no oxidation yet. The only metal that would react negatively to oxidation is the aluminum capacitor cans, as the rest of the cell is only dry pulverized and compressed carbon, and a carbon rod as the positive electrode.
        These cells don't use nor have any other electrolyte, and can be made using only two items, although the optional carbon rods does raise the cells output.
        Cell voltages of these totally dry quartz/carbon cells can generally range from 0.70 to 0.93 volts, and 2 to 5 mA, each, although I have made some with up to 1.2 volts. And some that can light a red led by itself, with no oscillator. My strongest cells at 1.7 volts, are not made with plain wood carbon, but used zinc/carbon D cell materials from Dead 10 year old batteries, such are used in the video I made a few months ago:

        P1010117.MOV - YouTube

        In order for the carbon to work it must have good conductivity. The better the carbon conducts the higher is the output. I test the different carbon samples first using a meter. Carbon doping test can also be done for increased outputs. Most of my newest type of cells are only a few months old still.

        Although these next crystal cells are not mine, they do give more examples of somewhat similar types of electrolyte materials using quartz/calcite/ iron pyrite in the cells that have been tried.
        Joel Harvey's Crystal Battery, Endless Battery, SSEP Solid State Electron Pump. Study "Conclusion" - YouTube

        Also John Bedini's solid state cells:
        Solid State Crystal Batteries In Series 2 - YouTube

        Another picture of one of my cells. with 1.2 volts and 10 mA.
        Tnks NickZ I am adding some of this type cell to my tests (And this is cold work so doable now)
        PS it's -20 F here
        Last edited by FrozenWaterLab; 01-17-2012, 03:52 AM. Reason: Spelling


        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
          So i thought I would post my results so far on the different brands of salt substitute and what they do physically to the cell. I was only able to find two other brand of salt substitute near me besides Morton's. Here are the salt substitutes I found and whats in them.

          Morton' salt substitute = Potassium chloride fumaric acid, tricalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate.

          No salt = Potassium chloride, potassium bitratete, adipic acid, silicon dioxide, mineral oil, and fumaric acid.

          AlsoSalt = Potassium chloride, L -lysine mono-hydrochloride, cacium stearate.

          Most importantly all three contain potassium chloride and no Sodium at all. Also the Morton's and No salt contain fumaric acid and this seems to play a role in the picture below.

          As you will notice in the picture below we have one cell that doesn't look like the rest, that is due to it being heavily corroded away. The copper has corroded and the Magnesium has turned the glue brown and it too has corroded away. The other two cells are nice and white, I think since these two contain Fumaric acid and the third doesn't leads me to think the fumaric acid is helping to protect the cell from corrosion. If I find more types of salt substitute I will test those also, but so far I recommend Morton's salt substitute due to it has proven itself to me and to others. I do think No salt could be as great, if not better than Morton's, but as of now that can't be confirmed until more testing has been done. This simple test has proven that not all salt substitutes are the same.

          Good test - looking forward to further results


          • I think you all are missing the point

            The only way is heptahydrates and how you use them, with semiconductors.
            You are spending your time in worry for nothing.
            John B
            John Bedini


            • Go back and study Marcus Reid

              Go back and study what I said about Marcus Reid.
              I have his cells here and they keep going .
              John B
              John Bedini


              • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                Go back and study what I said about Marcus Reid.
                I have his cells here and they keep going .
                John B
                I think John is right we seem to have forgotten about Marcus Reid cells. I've been taking a step backwards and I've been studying all different kind of mixes and Liquids. Its a simple test place a piece of magnesium ribbon in the liquid with what ever mix you have and watch as the magnesium corrodes away. But one liquid has stood out and its the Sodium Silicate that Reid uses. This morning I woke up to see that the magnesium still look like new, Sodium silicate has been the only liquid I have tested that won't instantly corrode the magnesium. This shows that Reid uses Sodium silicate for a reason. I'm going to try to heat it up with a torch and melt some metals into it, i think this is the correct way to go about this.

                John Bedini, I bought the Lecture video but was kind of sad you didn't mention the solid state crystal you made as that seems the be a great cell. How is that Solid state crystal you made doing? How are all your cells doing?
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • @John B:
                  Good to see you back. Did you have a nice vacation away from the group?
                  We have kept your seat warm...
                  Didn't you say that the Reid cells are not something that we can make ourselves?


                  • Heptahydrates- washing soda.
                    Salts in Washing Soda |


                    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                      Go back and study what I said about Marcus Reid.
                      I have his cells here and they keep going .
                      John B
                      Hi John,
                      What is the duty cycle and rest period for the MR cell i.e. On/Off? What should we be anticipating given the cells you see we are making?
                      How hard should we push them and How soon after fabrication?

                      An electrolyte material I have just tried is simply superfine ground Silica gel, Zinc Oxide and LiClO4. Thanks to NextGEN67 for the LIClO4 idea. It seems to really accelerate the crystal formation. Cell is pressure senstive as well. Would you categorize the utilization of ZnO as using a semiconductor while using carbon/graphite as an electrode in lieu of the Copper with oxide?

                      Any and all comments welcome.
                      Very Best Regards,
                      Last edited by jehdds; 01-17-2012, 04:18 PM.


                      • I found out that water and most liquids will corrode magnesium when place in that water/liquid. But For some odd reason sodium silicate ( water glass ) will not corrode the magnesium as easy. I find that odd, very odd, and this could be the reason why Marcus Reid uses sodium silicate. I made a video of what i'm talking about. Sodium Silicate doesn't corrode metals like water does - YouTube

                        Not only does the magnesium not corrode as easy it also give me voltage when i place copper into the sodium silicate too. I would have to say that water glass is a better liquid to use than plain water.
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                          I found out that water and most liquids will corrode magnesium when place in that water/liquid. But For some odd reason sodium silicate ( water glass ) will not corrode the magnesium as easy. I find that odd, very odd, and this could be the reason why Marcus Reid uses sodium silicate. I made a video of what i'm talking about. Sodium Silicate doesn't corrode metals like water does - YouTube

                          Not only does the magnesium not corrode as easy it also give me voltage when i place copper into the sodium silicate too. I would have to say that water glass is a better liquid to use than plain water.
                          Correct BUT in contact with copper it will corrode copper really fast causing it to stop current flow. That's one reason i mention geometry to be very important.



                          • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                            Correct BUT in contact with copper it will corrode copper really fast causing it to stop current flow. That's one reason i mention geometry to be very important.

                            Fausto, IB,
                            Your findings are in opposite. What do you mean in contact or just immersed?
                            Thanks for the clarification.
                            Very Best Regards,


                            • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                              Fausto, IB,
                              Your findings are in opposite. What do you mean in contact or just immersed?
                              Thanks for the clarification.
                              Very Best Regards,
                              I mean that the Silica in contact with copper will bring a blue oxide (which is a form of corrosion) and will make it nonconducting to electricity making the cell useless.

                              Silica will protect Magnesium though.



                              • does not mean anything

                                What you need to do is fire the copper until it is a black oxide. A little bit of green is not going to hurt anything. Even with the caustic solution with Marcus Reid is normal. I have cells that go green with some of my mixes and it does not mean a thing. It's the Magnesium that makes the difference if that is what your using?. Some mixtures protect the Magnesium more then others. you can plate to the Magnesium also. Just give you some tips here.
                                John B
                                Last edited by John_Bedini; 01-17-2012, 07:03 PM. Reason: spelling
                                John Bedini

