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  • Reid cell

    @ ib2
    They are sealed with wax and are not liquid


    • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
      @ All, most answers are partially correct. What rock contains most of these answers?
      Chuck, are you guys looking for a specific subcategory ROCK type or Rock Category as in Sedimentary Rock?


      • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
        @ ib2
        They are sealed with wax and are not liquid
        Ok, Thank you for the quick response.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
          @ ib2
          They are sealed with wax and are not liquid
          So the fluid is recycled within the lattice right?

          Has a Reid Cell ever had the wax removed to see if the functionality would remain under load testing?

          Have you guys ever been able to place them in a hyperbaric environment to see if output increases? I have done this and it does improve output by increasing the partial pressure of water vapor that is able to be incorporated into the lattice perhaps.



          • The rock

            Originally posted by jehdds View Post
            Chuck, are you guys looking for a specific subcategory ROCK type or Rock Category as in Sedimentary Rock?
            @ Jim and all: The latter of the 2
            The iPad 2 and the droid communicate fine but the droid and the towers due not as I'm on the road in the north Idaho mountains when I get to my motel I will check back with the group.


            • Reid cell.


              Here's a picture of Marcus's Sodium Silicate cell after 3 years of constant use.
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 06-21-2017, 11:55 AM.


              • Reid cell

                Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                So the fluid is recycled within the lattice right?

                Has a Reid Cell ever had the wax removed to see if the functionality would remain under load testing?

                Have you guys ever been able to place them in a hyperbaric environment to see if output increases? I have done this and it does improve output by increasing the partial pressure of water vapor that is able to be incorporated into the lattice perhaps.

                @ Jim and all: Atmosphere will kill an open Reid cell very quickly as his cells use Aluminium.


                • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post

                  Here's a picture of Marcus's Sodium Silicate cell after 3 years of constant use.
                  Thanks for the photo and Chuck for the responses to be sure. So is the photo of the inside without the wax or is it just an infinitely thin wax coating?
                  Open Atmosphere killing a Reid Cell has me intrigued.
                  Is that due to the fantastically fast and tenacious oxide layer that forms on Aluminum in picoseconds that would kill the circuit like anodizing or is it due to evaporative loss of the lattice hydration? I know there is a layer on the aluminum that is not just Al02. The silicate layer integrates into the Al correct?
                  This is perhaps what I am seeing with the ZnO silicate? Perhaps. More work on the bench I know. Thanks again for any insights.
                  Chuck et al, drive safe.


                  • Conductors and semiconductors

                    Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                    Thanks for the photo and Chuck for the responses to be sure. So is the photo of the inside without the wax or is it just an infinitely thin wax coating?
                    Open Atmosphere killing a Reid Cell has me intrigued.
                    Is that due to the fantastically fast and tenacious oxide layer that forms on Aluminum in picoseconds that would kill the circuit like anodizing or is it due to evaporative loss of the lattice hydration? I know there is a layer on the aluminum that is not just Al02. The silicate layer integrates into the Al correct?
                    This is perhaps what I am seeing with the ZnO silicate? Perhaps. More work on the bench I know. Thanks again for any insights.
                    Chuck et al, drive safe.

                    @ Jim and all: is Aluminium a conductor or semiconductor? Can Aluminium be made into a semiconductor?
                    Yes oxide layer is the issue.


                    • Experiment

                      @ Jim and all: try to make a wet cell with copper zinc and magnieum sulfate. What happens to the zinc? You can use distiller water or tap.


                      • Marcus Reid battery.

                        Rex Research had a lengthy article about the Marcus Reid crystal battery, which has subsequently been removed. Here's what I was able to distill from it. As I remember, the doping compound is sold commercially as "Drano".

                        Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                        Picture of Marcus Reid's crystal battery with no signs of corrosion.

                        "This crystal cell was manufactured in the year 1999 and is larger in size, approx. 900g. The total amount of energy, produced between September 1999 and December 2006, is in the below shown cell approx. 60Wh. This is more than the energy density of a comparable re-chargeable Nickel Metal Hydride battery. This observation indicates that the flow of electric energy within the crystal cell does not necessarily cause the production of a gray layer".

                        It is an aluminium cylinder where Sodiummetasilikat (Na2SiO3) is melted in and brought to crystalisation. The mentioned compounds are converted, during a chemical reaction, into a crystaline form.

                        The second picture shows what the material looks like in a glass tube.

                        Also known as Waterglass!

                        Magic crystalsWater glass was used in the Magic rocks toys invented in 1940. When waterglass was combined with a selection of different metals in solution, the waterglass would cause the metals to precipitate. Each metal would precipitate separately causing a different color stalagmite.

                        Here's a link to a youtube video on how to make it by NerdRage:

                        Make Sodium Silicate - YouTube

                        Take special note of the addition of 8 grams of sodium hydroxide At 0:52 seconds in the video for the Met compound.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-22-2012, 09:20 PM.


                        • No Drano is found

                          Mr. Burgess,
                          That is not what the Marcus Reid cell is, no Drano is found in this mixture what so ever. If I was not under discloser with Marcus I would tell everybody what it is. But I have given my word, the same as I would do with you or anybody else. I have said what the Sodium Silicate is, it is not the Liquid Water Glass, it is a hydrate of this chemical and everybody should be able to look up the hydrates. Just a tip of advise for everybody. The Rex information is very old it is not the same thing anymore no lead to be found in the cell.

                          John B
                          Last edited by John_Bedini; 01-22-2012, 09:42 PM. Reason: correction
                          John Bedini


                          • *Edit - I seem to have missed a page out LOL
                            That'll teach me for not keeping up with the thread

                            That is a very cool picture Plengo !

                            A box of rocks I just bought the other day may give the elusive answer.
                            Wife and I went to watch a film at the cinema and got there 40 minutes early, so went browsing around some shops.
                            I bought a little box of quartz types. Their structures have always interested me, but i've never been 'into' crystal formations till all this with crystal cells.

                            So, quartz ?


                            • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                              Mr. Burgess,
                              That is not what the Marcus Reid cell is, no Drano is found in this mixture what so ever. If I was not under discloser with Marcus I would tell everybody what it is. But I have given my word, the same as I would do with you or anybody else. I have said what the Sodium Silicate is, it is not the Liquid Water Glass, it is a hydrate of this chemical and everybody should be able to look up the hydrates. Just a tip of advise for everybody. The Rex information is very old it is not the same thing anymore no lead to be found in the cell.

                              John B
                              Thank you John for the Clarification. The video linked is how to synthesize Water glass. You mentioned we need crystals. My thought long ago was to simply use silica gel. It seems logical. It seems to work. If you tell us to seek elsewhere we will undoubtedly do so. Here is a broad question. Are we getting closer? or are we still missing something so very basic it is time to go back to school? I am not by any means claiming to have the solution. I still am in search of that which requires no intervention on hydration to be sure. Are we in the ball park or need to start afresh on our understanding?
                              Very Best Regards,


                              • Drano

                                Crystal Drano is composed of Sodium Hydroxide (lye), and colored salt. The lye is the doping agent. Sodiummetasilikat (Na2SiO3), is the compound that is formed when Lye, also known as Sodium Hydroxide is mixed into soluable Sodium Silicate. That's the contents of the 60WH crystal Marcus Reid battery in the picture.

                                "This crystal cell was manufactured in the year 1999 and is larger in size, approx. 900g. The total amount of energy, produced between September 1999 and December 2006, is in the below shown cell approx. 60Wh. This is more than the energy density of a comparable re-chargeable Nickel Metal Hydride battery. This observation indicates that the flow of electric energy within the crystal cell does not necessarily cause the production of a gray layer".

                                This quote, along with all the other information, was taken down from the Rex Research site. I ask you, why was this information censored, if John Bedini's asertion that it's valueless is true? Sodiummetasilikat (Na2Si03) is the compound Marcus Reid used in his Crystal Battery described in the above quote, nothing more, nothing less.

                                Nerdrage's video shows when the 8 grams of Lye is added to synthisize Sodiummetasilikat from Sodium Silicate. You just need to boil all the water off to a slurry. Nerdrage stops short of that. Nerdrage states at 0:54 " If you need Sodiummetasilicate, add 8 grams of Sodium Hydroxide". Listen closely to the sound track!

                                Disregarding what I stated about the Drano and Lye, which I am not entirely certain of, you have my solemn assurance that Reid's Crystal Battery contains solely (Na2Si03) and nothing more. That's the secret!

                                "It is an aluminium cylinder where Sodiummetasilikat (Na2SiO3) is melted in and brought to crystalisation. The mentioned compounds are converted, during a chemical reaction, into a crystaline form". A small copper tube can be seen in the center to complete the battery.

                                Make Sodium Silicate - YouTube
                                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-08-2012, 06:21 PM.

