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Bedini Earth Light

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  • John,
    Have you made any variants of the ZnO cells I have been tinkering with?
    Thank you for any feed back.


    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
      I have made your cells and have tested them, they work like you say. But my needs are much higher in current for the oscillator. I also have alum cells that give more then 2 amps for hours I will be showing one at the next conference. Chuck and I have built hundred's of different kinds of cells. So I have tracked everything from the beginning that is why I disagree with Mr.Burgess on his theory. I have the equipment to measure what ever I want. I do not belittle anybody in the efforts they make. I wish I could tell the group what the Marcus Reid cell is, but again I gave my word so I guess I will die with it.

      Lidmotor is correct about how hard it is to work with what I talked about, but wait until it gets much bigger. As for the plastic box ABS works the best for what I was talking about.

      I get thousands of e-mails about where you get the parts so I do have Copper Bowels as we buy in quantity. The price of Magnesium changes day to day and so does the copper that makes it hard to keep a price, my Magnesium rounds are 2.025 in diameter but we machine them for the cells which makes it cost more. The copper bowels we do in a kiln so that is also costly.
      The Oscillators we print and etch are own circuit boards in runs of 50 to 100 pieces. Since the Crystal Cells works at low voltage under load I have an Led manufacture I'm working with to developed a low voltage Led at 5Ma (Super Bright) I'm hoping soon to get them. You guys it seems must buy 3 ft minim + the shipping to get Magnesium anodes, but Chuck and I buy 50 to 100 feet at a time in 20' rods, the same goes for the chemicals.
      So if I figure what everybody is paying for materials just one light is worth over $200 dollars in time and materials. I not even going to say what Marcus has spent but it is almost triple what I have done. I have got this group as close as I could to what Marcus's cell is. So like I said before I do not half to say anything and I find no need to argue with Mr.Burgess anymore here, He must prove what he is saying now about where the energy is coming from. So if the group needs materials I will see what we can do before it's machined and cooked. But Your cell does what you say.
      John B

      Thank you John Bedini for the quick response and for doing the replication of my cells. I greatly appreciate it.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • Since honey can crystallize I tried putting two electrodes in honey to see what i would get. I got about 1.1 volts @ 1uA. The honey I used might have not been the best to use since its be sitting in my pantree for a few years now and is a complete solid but honey doesn't expire. Honey is the most pure of foods and the people who lived the longest were known to be mostly bee keepers and they had a diet of mostly honey, just goes to show that honey is something else. Honey can crystallize and It would seem to work well for crystal batteries, maybe add some Epsom salt to the mix? Crystal honey batteries sounds crazy enough to work.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • New Thread

          Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
          @John Bedini,

          "The degree of expansion divided by the change in temperature is called the material's coefficient of thermal expansion and generally varies with temperature". Solidified Water Glass has a very large coefficient of thermal expansion. The maximum Crystal Power Cell output is temperature fixed, not variable. Heat controls the Lattice power reception frequency like a radio tuner. When the Crystal Power Cell lattice window is properly tuned to the microwave broadcast channel from Space, rectified electric power is generated. This is a COSMOVOLTAIC cell with a Plank constant of Sigma.
          Hi Allen,

          This is an interesting topic but would you mind starting a new thread about your Cosmovoltaic Cell ideas? This thread is primarily for building - exploring too many theories can make it difficult for people to focus on posts specific to the builds. I'm sure there are others that want to explore your ideas with you and to do it any justice, it should have its own thread.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • Cosmovoltaic crystal cell.


            Here's a build you can focus on:

            We fabricated 3D photonic crystals such as the one shown in the photograph below. This, made out of ceramic material, was designed to exhibit a complete band gap at microwave frequencies. This is a Crystal Rectenna, or "Crystal Rectifying Recieving Antenna". I termed it a Cosmovoltaic Cell to distinguish it from, and compare it to a Photovoltaic Cell. The Power Cells this group are currently at work on are Hybrid Galvanic Microwave Rectennas. This is germain, and in no way off topic.
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-26-2012, 03:58 PM.


            • @John Bedini,

              You state that Water Glass does not conduct electricity. How do you account for the 700 millivolts Ibepointless2 generates from his tiny pure Water Glass, water dessicated cell?

              "I also thought I would point out a control cell I made that is purely only sodium silicate (water glass) with copper and magnesium electrodes. This cell is fully dry and feels fragile like glass but after 2 days of drying out it is giving me 700mV. This just shows that sodium silicate does hold its own when dry. This cell was laid on a flat surface to make it dry faster and not much sodium silicate was used so that it would dry fast".
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-29-2012, 01:33 AM.


              • John Bedini and all,
                I am interested in getting materials to make the star cell.
                I have put off ordering magnesium until now. I am mostly
                interested in what John and Chuck can say is their own.

                There is definitely savings in quantity and this is needed
                because these items are not common.
                I believe you could do a small production run on:

                black copper bowls
                bag of mix
                magnesium disks

                I would like to hear from others on this.
                What would you be willing to spend.
                Are you good for $ 35
                how about $ 45 ?
                Are we talking $ 75
                Based on 10 orders, 25 orders, 100 orders
                How about discount based on ordering before February 10th.

                The bigger the order the lower the cost.
                Really need to ask everyone's cooperation in acting collectively.


                • Cosmovoltaic crystal cell.

                  Allen, first of all who is we? And second the antenna has been known for a long time so your not the inventor and it is just as stated an antenna of many antennas and you can put many antennas in spiral form in the palm of your hand developed by a well known university. Third this is just another picture and no video or useful information, Show us the working model on your kitchen table, after all seeing is believing and so far I'm not believing it.

                  Sodium Silicate Water Glass it it's present form does nothing of value except seal your engine block and guess what the crack does not get any bigger because of expansion, yes the dipole is formed without any current to support the load. I think it was stated by Ibpointless it developed no real current. This all says nothing if your not going to show the unit running, or is this a big secret ?. Did I not have a big discussion early on with you about Piezoelectric materials and still no results. so what is the game with you?.

                  This is all known stuff and Microwave Engineers for years have talked about transferring energy this way. Why bother with this group if your base is on Mars, or did your friends leave you behind to bother this group without a working models. You have opened a can of worms and now just prove it with a youtube or go on your marry way and bother somebody else. You can post all you want but I for one build things and show them, where is your working model. So please come back with more pictures and no model.
                  John B
                  Last edited by John_Bedini; 01-29-2012, 02:59 AM. Reason: edit
                  John Bedini


                  • Rectenna'

                    Coating 2 x 1 shaped rectangles of aluminum foil with wet Sodium Silicate, then covering the top with copper foil, would focus the microwaves on the silica like a magnifying glass sunlight on a solar cell. Papering a wall with these mailing envelope shaped Crystal Power Cells would generate enough electric power to help run the home.


                    Where does Ibepointless2 state his pure Silica Cell generates no amperage? I build plenty Pal. I'm on holiday right now in Paradise.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-29-2012, 03:15 AM.


                    • Rectenna'

                      Look, build the thing and show it ok pal, so happy your in paradise using normal electrical current. Again just build it and show us. Such a typical answer, go ask Ibpointlass. I will wait for you to leave paradise and show us what we all did wrong with your youtube, then show where the energy is coming from with the correct scope and meters.
                      John Bedini


                      • Test cell update

                        John, Chuck & All,
                        The small test cell that I made got harder today and I have it powering a little Hankscraft waving store display motor. It was only a practice test cell but I was pleased to see it work right out of the shoot. All my materials have arrived in the mail so I will start the real cell soon. I figured that a ABS box was the one to use. The Radio Shack project boxes are made out of that so I'll probably just use one of those. On the test cell I just used the lid of a small food container jar and it didn't melt. I was surprised how fast the mixture cooled.
                        I highly recommend that anyone else attempting to build this cell first practice the chemical melting phase using just cheap epsom salt to get a feel for it. That is the hardest part of this build. The heating of the copper to "cherry red" takes alot of heating also. Expect this cell to be VERY sticky and take time to harden.



                        • [QUOTE=Allen Burgess;177933]Coating 2 x 1 shaped rectangles of aluminum foil with wet Sodium Silicate, then covering the top with copper foil, would focus the microwaves on the silica like a magnifying glass sunlight on a solar cell. Papering a wall with these mailing envelope shaped Crystal Power Cells would generate enough electric power to help run the home.


                          I am ready to make this. Any special instruction for treating the Cu or Al?
                          Or just make as specified with no oxide pretreatment?

                          Very Best Regards,
                          Attached Files


                          • [QUOTE=jehdds;177939]
                            Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                            Coating 2 x 1 shaped rectangles of aluminum foil with wet Sodium Silicate, then covering the top with copper foil, would focus the microwaves on the silica like a magnifying glass sunlight on a solar cell. Papering a wall with these mailing envelope shaped Crystal Power Cells would generate enough electric power to help run the home.


                            I am ready to make this. Any special instruction for treating the Cu or Al?
                            Or just make as specified with no oxide pretreatment?

                            Very Best Regards,
                            By the way,
                            For Grins I assembled what I showed. The concept of Corrosive is not to be underestimated. It will be interesting to see what Allen's suggestion will result in. For now, It sounds like a bowl of rice crispy cereal.....


                            • I really don't have a clue whats happening here but my name keeps getting brought up about the water glass control cell i made and the pressure cell's i made. The water glass (sodium silicate) "block sealer" is now at 600mV @ 0uA. It starts out at 600mV and then drops quick. The pressure cell which is in a copper tube and is crushed and contains Salt substitute in it is still alive. Some thing like 1.3 volts @ 3uA. These cells were only created to test idea's and not meant to power anything. I can upload a youtube video of the pressure cell and water glass cell but it might take awhile for it to upload as my speed is not that fast.
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • Sodium silacate cell

                                You have the stuff, do it he has said nothing about special instructions.
                                I know you can do this quick and I know you can measure the current.
                                about four or five pages back Ibpointlass uses water glass with Epsom salts probably because no current was developed and it did die off. just like the experiments I performed but mine never dried and it never gave any power it was pure sodium silicate just like you have..
                                John Bedini

