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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Beyond the light Rays

    At All,
    You know that if your going to collect ambient energy through this method that the antennas are nowhere this size 2X1. As a matter of fact it's in the nano range and you can get hundreds of antennas on one piece of material, not much power but it has been done by creditable universities. One university actually etched circuit board material with hundreds of antennas and it did work, but again not much power.
    The other way is with hundreds of diodes in the correct arrangement, but again not much power. To do this you need a 100% transfer ratio so a material not of this earth must be developed, in other words a conversion of over 100% from ambient to electrical, and that would take in all radiation in all the spectrums. Moray beyond the light Rays.
    John B
    John Bedini


    • Electric Existence

      Must say! All makes sense. Interesting!


      • Rectenna.


        Two to one. These dimensions are essential to capture the wave. John dosen't know what he's talking about. JLN has a microwave oven plasma video with a pointer and base in two to one proportion to recieve the wave. I'll try and provide a link to it. Thank you for your very generous offer to help.

        O.K. click on the picture below: Microwave frequency = 2.45 Gigahertz. Lambda is 12.2 centimeters. Follow this wavelength ratio exactly! That's the only special instructions, except it might help to heat the finished cell slowly with a hair dryer while it's upright to open the lattice with a multimeter attached.


        I don't have to do what you tell me to!
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 02-26-2012, 03:58 PM.


        • Real testing.

          Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post

          Here's a build you can focus on:

          We fabricated 3D photonic crystals such as the one shown in the photograph below. This, made out of ceramic material, was designed to exhibit a complete band gap at microwave frequencies. This is a Crystal Rectenna, or "Crystal Rectifying Recieving Antenna". I termed it a Cosmovoltaic Cell to distinguish it from, and compare it to a Photovoltaic Cell. The Power Cells this group are currently at work on are Hybrid Galvanic Microwave Rectennas. This is germain, and in no way off topic.
          Allen, We have Marcus Reid cells that were sent to us by Marcus himself for testing. We will test any cell for someone if they want. If you can
          build something worth testing or can even show in a video please do! As for just ""ing the books please stop as this is disruptive to this thread as a whole! You have not shown that you really do any of this testing let alone even to build a cell! All I see is what I end up with on the bottom of my shoe when I walk through the cattle stock yards!


          • Derogatory remarks.

            @Chuck H,

            What university did you graduate from?


            • battery

              Allen, Keep sending the pictures, actually that's my field, but you need to be in the cosmic rays to get that energy, Typical answer John does not know what he is talking about, can you do any better then that. So, what are we build for you a flying saucer, you know something that is not related here. Why don't you say what you really mean, that you need help and can't figure it out.

              As I said to you, "you" have opened a can of worms with me. So again I'm going to say we are not building Microwave devices from JNL Labs. Pal your at the wrong frequency, well maybe not for your cell phone or his experiments, but not here. Why don't you go start your own thread like Aaron told you. So keep the pictures coming it's funny now.

              Your right you don't have to do anything I say since I never told you to do anything except, now I'm telling you to get lost, go throw your fit somewhere else and prove your experiment to the group. Don't come back with anymore of this poppycock until you show me the youtube as you have claimed this working device. What does a university have to do with any of this, you are so typical Chuck does not have to prove anything to you, but it's 5 stars how many do you have? Stop talking and just prove it.
              John B
              John Bedini


              • @Allen Burgess,

                Hmm, to avoid things heating up to much, and another one gets kicked out here, it is a good idea to consider that JB and Chuck have done a LOT of experimental tests... For this NO university education is even required.

                What JB is just pointing out to you is that when 'all and everyone' starts to repeat to SAY what another person -might have- achieved, 'all and everyone' are at risk to believe in fairy tails.

                Theory is only as good as its real life world experimental outcome.

                No one forces you or tell you what you must or must not do, but it is a fair request, that if one person comes with statements, he or she should underline these statements with experimental replications.

                Then there is also the 'healthy mind' to consider... if it was *THAT* easy to pick up energy, why is not everyone using it already and we see houses with sheet layers around their walls ?

                As a matter of *fact*, it is reasonable to believe that somewhere in the next coming 5 years, there *might* be 'sheets' of material (transparent), which can attached to walls and windows, which indeed *does* that what you say, but as JB mentioned, this all is done on Nanometer scale, and is based on Graphene sheet material and is coated with a layer of IR sensitive material. (Most likely, this sheet will produce LESS energy per square meter than a standard solar panel, so again JB stated would have provided correct data).

                As far as MY personal knowledge, just very recently an institutional body has indeed created energy out of nothing for the first time ever (their equipment was accurate enough to measure this energy above background noise). This 'energy' was however extremely small in quantity, and to be able to 'extract' this energy, MUCH more energy was spend in doing so. Nevertheless, it is the start of an *possible* new era in energy extraction.

                The Image you shown just now, was an Microwave Resonator if I am correct, and this is a total different entity from what you described earlier on. this 'Resonator' rather collects -ALREADY PRODUCED- microwave energy, and concentrates it into a wanted -smaller- area of space... No silica was used here, and the antenna was a quarter wave, meaning the resulting retransmitted energy is quite some factor less... The impressive looking light effect is just a compression of -say- 500 watt worth of microwave radiation, compressed into a small space.. Like a magnifier in the sun would 'compress' the light bundle into a small area spot.

                It would be a nice idea to place these disks on the walls of ones houses, but if they INDEED would work as well outside as in the microwave oven, then we humans would look like carbon fiber after spending 30 minutes being outside

                For me personally, a good way to get a grasp of 'electricity', is to start with a simple bar magnet. Forget everything you ever did learn before, and ask yourself: Why does a magnet have field lines, and is it REALLY providing an attractive force, or could it -however unnatural it may sound- be an pushing force ? If the magnet is cut in TWO pieces, they become 2 distinct magnets, both having a N and S pole again... *what* is it that cause a S or N to happen... Pair forming of electrons? DO we all still continue to believe in such ? I think JB is ahead of most people in these area's.

                Ooops, before you ask me about MY test.... Firstly, I do not post that often here, and I -try as best as I can- that *IF* I state something, I am very well prepared to underline such with test I have done. Secondly, I do and have done countless tests, more then you might ever imagine, for more then half of my life. I have made zillions of mistakes and continue to do so, BUT in between those mistakes, I slowly slowly get to the point to where I want to go (well at least I hope some day I'll get there).

                I am located in a Paradise (well almost) place also, but it is my living place :-), and as for your info, I *DO* have my walls (rather roof) soon plated with sheets that will provide me all the energy I need in and around the place here, and is is TOTALLY 'free' energy (hehe of course after having paid a big pocked of money). [ without kidding, I got a really good deal on this one ].



                • University

                  Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                  @Chuck H,

                  What university did you graduate from?
                  Allen, I must apologize as I did not graduate from an actual university. I don't believe the U.S Navy Submarine Electronic/Electrical/Nuke training is credible as a "university". So, I'm sorry for that. But for as what I stated... Please produce real results in the form of showing your work as I'm sure was required by your "university" professors as I had to with the U.S Navy...
                  Chuck H.


                  • Quote from John Bedini:

                    "the antennas are nowhere this size 2X1".

                    What do you call 6cm by 3cm if it's not 2x1? Take another look at the proportions in the picture of this 1/4 wave microwave antenna and try and pretend your right and I'm wrong. You act like a know it all!

                    You started off saying there was nothing on the web about the Marcus Reid Power Cell. I located an extensive article at Rex Research. The page has subsequently been removed. Water Glass was identified as the contents of the Reid cell, and the microwave theory was presented there as well. I graduated from Pensacola, and I wouldn't
                    trust either of you SQUID to shine my shoes.

                    My hunch is the 1/4 wave ratio shows up in the Reid Cell proportions, and the physical structure acts as a microwave reciever. Jehdds has generously offered to test this theory rather then to debunk it routinely as part of a cover up. You guys are nothing more then transparent VULTURE CAPITALISTS not with the proletariat.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 03-08-2012, 06:21 PM.


                    • Ok, guys, calm down, please... The insults will not help to make your point. If there is really something to be learned here, hopefully Jim will test it out, and let us know.
                      I think that there are many different frequencies and not just one type, such as like the microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, radio waves, etz... So, different cells tap into different inputs, according to their geometry, and physical make up. I've been trying to differentiate the chemical process type cells (galvanic reaction), from the Aether conversion type cells. As they are not the same.
                      I also think that geometry has something to do with the two metals, or even carbon crystal cell's ability to pick-up those energies. But, would also like to hear more about it from those who are actually testing that, now.

                      My capacitor cells are dry as a bone, and use no salts, but are now showing some signs of voltage and current drop, (after some months). Especially in the cells that were not sealed up really air tight. So, that even without using any water at all, air is enough to kill a cell usefulness. And even in non-galvanic cells, oxidation the of metal does take place, if air is present.


                      • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                        Quote from John Bedini:

                        "the antennas are nowhere this size 2X1".

                        What do you call 6cm by 3cm if it's not 2x1? Take another look at the proportions in the picture of this 1/4 wave microwave antenna and try and pretend your right and I'm wrong. You act like a know it all!

                        You started off saying there was nothing on the web about the Marcus Reid Power Cell. I located an extensive article at Rex Research. The page has subsequently been removed. Water Glass was identified as the contents of the Reid cell, and the microwave theory was presented there as well. I graduated from Pensacola, and I wouldn't
                        trust either of you SQUID to shine my shoes.

                        My hunch is the 1/4 wave ratio shows up in the Reid Cell proportions, and the physical structure acts as a microwave reciever. Jehdds has generously offered to test this theory rather then to debunk it routinely as part of a cover up. You guys are nothing more then transparent VULTURE CAPITALISTS not with the proletariat.
                        Sigh.... The above rather harsh text is based on what ? Let me just imagine for a second.... Don't you think JB get these kinds of remarks daily in his mail? I'm rather sure he is not waiting for yet another one. I think it was *you* who chose to join/read about this topic?

                        If you had READ JB his text more carefully, he noted that in order to subtract energy in the kind of way you mention, one should shift up in frequency band, and THEN the -receiving- antenna's will be sized rather small.

                        Let me go on with 'YOUR' idea a bit.. please allow me some space here, as I cannot clearly picture your drawing....

                        Okay, so we take the 2X1 sized receiver.. I can make that here in a few minutes time.... Then what? where do I apply the silica? below the disk, or do I 'paint' it on the X1 Part... Please guide me a bit here.

                        With your graduation from Pensacola, I assume you realize that Micro Waves are blocked easily by very thin sheets of metal.. Just a reminder... Even rainy weather will absorb a lot of Micro Wave energy (Wonder why WiMax is going down in reception sensitivity when it rains?).

                        Can you make a simple hand drawing sketch and post it? I do not have 'water glass' here yet, but it will come shortly.

                        Like Jehdds, I would like to give your idea a try, Hopefully you will take the out coming results as I measure them as they are, and are willing do make a deep bending towards the ground IF it turns out that the idea does not really works as you expected [ Note: I am well enough equipped to do the measurements that are needed ]. Also, I am well enough willing to make that same deep bend towards the ground if 'your' idea works as stated.

                        JB stated a number of posts back: 'I agree that energy surrounds us, but the BIG BANG and Stars in my view are out of the question. I think Tesla answered that question about Radiant energy which is true for all bands. Today I would say that most science is very wrong in what is taught about energy. '

                        I do happen to agree with that most science is very wrong in what is taught about energy, and I could add that as long as they keep these theories, they will never come to conclude *what is* electricity.

                        Something to think about... I am sure you have come across pictures of Tesla, of him sitting in a chair with in the background the shape of HUGE coils surrounding him... *why* would he need to make them this HUGE? Don't you think he must have had a reason to make them this large in size?

                        There is more then enough information on the internet available, and these rex research pages are broadly mirrored everywhere around. However, as I understand it, you have read those pages before, and if you take them as valid information, you of course have verified these result yourself - right ?

                        I never have asked for a Marcus Reid cell, and he never send me one (I'm sure he does not know me at all, why would he. I did not know him also before I stumbled on this topic)... But -a slippery path I am going here-, using some of my gathered knowledge, I would say that the cells we -try to- make here, are somewhat differed from MR cells, tough both arrive at more or less the same outcome.

                        Ok, back to 'your' idea... Again, please post a hand or computer drawing with key point information. I'll see if I am able to understand your high level of knowledge (I'm not a degree holder if you want to know)... Tough I have mingled around with professors and trained youngsters to be the next miss or mr hotshot (and guess what, they became such)... I was -multiple times- asked by -European- and -US- government agency's to offer my expertise in a certain area, on which I took their offer, and successfully completed their requested tasks (of course hehe)... So, personally, I believe I would be more or less able to construct your idea and design, given the correct information is supplied. I hope I qualify to offer a build of your idea ?

                        Also, could you please give me an estimation of the amount of energy (in watt or joules) that I could expect? If it is enough to deliver demand for a -small?- household, I estimate we talk about a Kw/Hr or so ?

                        If I do qualify, please allow me enough time, because next to solving the energy crisis (which actually does not exists, and is a mind game), I have a family life also and have to share available time.

                        IF MR is reading here also... I *am* interested in receiving two (2) of your cells... One to decompose, and the other one to test. I will sign any reasonable contracts needed for confidentially.



                        • show the experiment

                          Allen, again I will express to you that the mixture is not what it seem to be. Go start a thread somewhere else as Aaron suggested to you. That antenna is and does not have anything to do with crystal cells here. either show some experimental results or just say your not sure. The fun is over as this is just a big distraction here. Please do not just come up with some pictures and have no experimental results as this is a working group.

                          I will give you an example here of what you said, The Germans used crystal batteries to run Gyros at over 60 amps and you worked on the Mars project. You would not be talking to this group, you may be the "Boy Wonder" somewhere else, but your all over the place here with claims your not backing up. The other thing is Sodium Silicate will dissolve the aluminum when heated including standard water glass, anybody can do that experiment.
                          I'm going to check out everything you say and report the results, do not come back to me with a lame statement John does not know what he is doing, you sound like the early internet or the SG group here and others. The purpose of this group is to build devices not white papers that could possibly be.

                          You keep coming back with Marcus's Reads Cells, I have said to you that the mixture is far different then what your claiming the information to be. I have Marcus Reid Cells and know how they work, I have moved this group as close as I could with the John H cell, I said to everybody you would not be happy with the low current 1 to 2 Ma . The mixture I gave to everybody will show you the way it also will settle in at 5 to 11 Ma. Do not mention JNL Labs to me as I seen what he did with the G-field by not following directions, and then posted the failure, it was his failure not mine.

                          The typical excuse is that somebody does not know what they're doing, how would you know have you ever taken the time to visit any inventors. Hearsay once again or lets just "stereotype this person". I have had fun with you but I can get more serious with you if need be.

                          You have been given some good advise by NextGen1967 and Nick Z, again they have said show the experiment. I have the feeling that you just need attention, that's fine just state what you want or need help with, the group is happy to help. Most of us experiment and document the information so you can see what is going on here nothing hidden on the You-tubes the circuits and mixes have been documented. The other thing to remember is once you say it, it's on the internet forever. So again just show us the working model or the experimental resaults.

                          John B
                          Last edited by John_Bedini; 01-29-2012, 06:00 PM. Reason: edit
                          John Bedini


                          • Water Glass

                            Originally posted by NextGen1967 View Post
                            Sigh.... The above rather harsh text is based on what ? Let me just imagine for a second.... Don't you think JB get these kinds of remarks daily in his mail? I'm rather sure he is not waiting for yet another one. I think it was *you* who chose to join/read about this topic?

                            If you had READ JB his text more carefully, he noted that in order to subtract energy in the kind of way you mention, one should shift up in frequency band, and THEN the -receiving- antenna's will be sized rather small.

                            Let me go on with 'YOUR' idea a bit.. please allow me some space here, as I cannot clearly picture your drawing....

                            Okay, so we take the 2X1 sized receiver.. I can make that here in a few minutes time.... Then what? where do I apply the silica? below the disk, or do I 'paint' it on the X1 Part... Please guide me a bit here.

                            With your graduation from Pensacola, I assume you realize that Micro Waves are blocked easily by very thin sheets of metal.. Just a reminder... Even rainy weather will absorb a lot of Micro Wave energy (Wonder why WiMax is going down in reception sensitivity when it rains?).

                            Can you make a simple hand drawing sketch and post it? I do not have 'water glass' here yet, but it will come shortly.

                            Like Jehdds, I would like to give your idea a try, Hopefully you will take the out coming results as I measure them as they are, and are willing do make a deep bending towards the ground IF it turns out that the idea does not really works as you expected [ Note: I am well enough equipped to do the measurements that are needed ]. Also, I am well enough willing to make that same deep bend towards the ground if 'your' idea works as stated.

                            JB stated a number of posts back: 'I agree that energy surrounds us, but the BIG BANG and Stars in my view are out of the question. I think Tesla answered that question about Radiant energy which is true for all bands. Today I would say that most science is very wrong in what is taught about energy. '

                            I do happen to agree with that most science is very wrong in what is taught about energy, and I could add that as long as they keep these theories, they will never come to conclude *what is* electricity.

                            Something to think about... I am sure you have come across pictures of Tesla, of him sitting in a chair with in the background the shape of HUGE coils surrounding him... *why* would he need to make them this HUGE? Don't you think he must have had a reason to make them this large in size?

                            There is more then enough information on the internet available, and these rex research pages are broadly mirrored everywhere around. However, as I understand it, you have read those pages before, and if you take them as valid information, you of course have verified these result yourself - right ?

                            I never have asked for a Marcus Reid cell, and he never send me one (I'm sure he does not know me at all, why would he. I did not know him also before I stumbled on this topic)... But -a slippery path I am going here-, using some of my gathered knowledge, I would say that the cells we -try to- make here, are somewhat differed from MR cells, tough both arrive at more or less the same outcome.

                            Ok, back to 'your' idea... Again, please post a hand or computer drawing with key point information. I'll see if I am able to understand your high level of knowledge (I'm not a degree holder if you want to know)... Tough I have mingled around with professors and trained youngsters to be the next miss or mr hotshot (and guess what, they became such)... I was -multiple times- asked by -European- and -US- government agency's to offer my expertise in a certain area, on which I took their offer, and successfully completed their requested tasks (of course hehe)... So, personally, I believe I would be more or less able to construct your idea and design, given the correct information is supplied. I hope I qualify to offer a build of your idea ?

                            Also, could you please give me an estimation of the amount of energy (in watt or joules) that I could expect? If it is enough to deliver demand for a -small?- household, I estimate we talk about a Kw/Hr or so ?

                            If I do qualify, please allow me enough time, because next to solving the energy crisis (which actually does not exists, and is a mind game), I have a family life also and have to share available time.

                            IF MR is reading here also... I *am* interested in receiving two (2) of your cells... One to decompose, and the other one to test. I will sign any reasonable contracts needed for confidentially.

                            Your analyses is flawless in what your talking about, Tom Bearden has just touched my background in some of the work I did , but Microwave is one of them, you are correct in your analyses. However you're going to find out that just plain water glass will over time dissolve your aluminum so controls must be put in place to protect agents this. If Marcus Reids cell were not sealed the result would be an aluminum air battery. I'm not at liberty to say how this is controlled. You are also correct in your statement on how big you must make a machine, I think I showed this at the first conference the size you need.
                            A word of warning to everybody do not breath the fumes from the Water Glass, Respiratory problems will prevail, just ask me.
                            The best of luck in your expierment with Microwaves.

                            John B
                            John Bedini


                            • Test cell video

                              Here is a video of the small test cell that I made. Please remember that this was just a test cell and the actual cell build will be in a box and much larger. John if you have a name that you would like to put on this cell let us know. I'm just calling it a "Hydrate crystal cell" now. In the video I give the location of the post #2564 here so that perhaps others can replicate this cell. All I can say is that what I am seeing so far looks good. It is acting much like a standard Cu, Mg, and Alum cell.

                              Bedini Hydrate Crystal Cell - YouTube

                              I show "Penny" running in the video also-----still blinking on that stove top cell built last summer.

                              I think that we need to look more at the "paper" ingredient in these cells. On this cell in the video I am using paper towel like John called for. I'm am now wondering if perhaps there is an optimum paper (or something else) to hold the crystal structure. There are all different kinds of paper. Which one is the best for this????

                              The number of tests that you have done and the your persistance on this project is amazing. I guess you see what I see ------something beyond a lemon battery is going on here and it is worth our time to pursue it.



                              • A little video on a pressure crystal cell. its a copper tube with Salt substitute in it with magnesium ribbon and the copper tube is crushed. Before the tube is crushed it gives barely 30mV but when you crush the tube you get up to 1.3 volts and will hover around their for days which leads me to think this is some other form of piezoelectric effect. Copper tube Pressure cell - YouTube
                                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

