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Bedini Earth Light

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  • I've just watched both the above videos - excellent results !

    @Lidmotor - Seeing the original 'Penny' still going and seeing the use of the radio is like a look back in time, way way back. Just think how many people have copied that circuit, tuned, changed, built lots of stuff over the months since and there we have the original lady STILL going !

    @IB2 - Been thinking about how to do the crushing and thought of capacitors, how they're rolled up in the aluminium cans. Just a thought, that if you were to take a copper sheet and roll it with firm pressure around the Morton's and the mg strips (or sheet of), it would then be a very neat looking cell with more surface area too.
    Also, ya know your Innova 3300, did you know you can test LED's with it ? put it on the diode setting and the meter will light LED's to test clear ones for what colour they are etc. My other meters don't do that (Electronics Goldmine backlit and Sears 82139 types)


    • Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
      I've just watched both the above videos - excellent results !

      @Lidmotor - Seeing the original 'Penny' still going and seeing the use of the radio is like a look back in time, way way back. Just think how many people have copied that circuit, tuned, changed, built lots of stuff over the months since and there we have the original lady STILL going !

      @IB2 - Been thinking about how to do the crushing and thought of capacitors, how they're rolled up in the aluminium cans. Just a thought, that if you were to take a copper sheet and roll it with firm pressure around the Morton's and the mg strips (or sheet of), it would then be a very neat looking cell with more surface area too.
      Also, ya know your Innova 3300, did you know you can test LED's with it ? put it on the diode setting and the meter will light LED's to test clear ones for what colour they are etc. My other meters don't do that (Electronics Goldmine backlit and Sears 82139 types)

      I did not know that about my meter, this will work great for me to determine my red LED's from my white LED"s. The Innova is the best "cheap" multimeter I ever used, I think i got it for $12 at walmart and it has done better than some of $80 meters.

      The biggest reason why I used the copper tube was that when you crimp the copper tube it will hold that crimp and thus hold the pressure. I can get more power from the cell if I apply more pressure but I don't have the tools for that.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • @Lidmotor,

        I use kitchen towel paper which is very pouros. Its excellent for cleaning "milk spills".

        More paper, more crystal grow i see. Cooking cells with paper will make the paper rock solid too.



        • Quote from John Bedini

          Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
          Quote from John Bedini:

          "the antennas are nowhere this size 2X1".

          What do you call 6cm by 3cm if it's not 2x1? Take another look at the proportions in the picture of this 1/4 wave microwave antenna and try and pretend your right and I'm wrong. You act like a know it all!
          I do not know everything, but I know one thing your not going to get any usable energy that way, well maybe with your cell phone or JNL's experiment.

          You started off saying there was nothing on the web about the Marcus Reid Power Cell. I located an extensive article at Rex Research. The page has subsequently been removed. Water Glass was identified as the contents of the Reid cell, and the microwave theory was presented there as well. I graduated from Pensacola, and I wouldn't
          trust either of you SQUID to shine my shoes.
          You did not locate anything it was posted by Chuck and I from the beginning in picture form. As for Squid, I guess we must all be at a much lower class then yourself, and nobody would shine your shoes here. and it does not make much difference where you graduated from if the marbles go it one hole and out the other.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
          My hunch is the 1/4 wave ratio shows up in the Reid Cell proportions, and the physical structure acts as a microwave reciever. Jehdds has generously offered to test this theory rather then to debunk it routinely as part of a cover up. You guys are nothing more then transparent VULTURE CAPITALISTS not with the proletariat.
          And no Marcus Reid's cells do not have anything to do with 1/4 wave microwave energy and they do not make up what your talking about.
          And let me tell you about Capitalists without money as Westinghouse said to Tesla you cant build anything. The country is formed on Capitalist ideas, or maybe you prefer everybody should be "Proletariat" and a welfare system so we can shine your shoes, or better yet lets graduate that to a Marxist theory so the little people own nothing and Allen Burgess owns it all. You really do have some marbles very loose rolling around, or maybe you just lost your marbles. Your words of choice and belittlement have no place in this group Mr. Burgess. You are the lowest form of disruption and I wish you to be removed and I'm going to ask for it at the right time, so go sit on that.
          John Bedini


          • Censorship


            I'll be back Bemeani! "you just lost your marbles. Your words of choice and belittlement have no place in this group" you probably can't see the pot calling the Kettle black here can you. You guys are the ones who started taking the cheap shots, not me! You can't keep me off this forum you stinking fraud. Nice pep talk for free market economics. You're an idiot Bedini!
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 01-29-2012, 10:26 PM.


            • Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post

              I'll be back Bemeani! "you just lost your marbles. Your words of choice and belittlement have no place in this group" you probably can't see the pot calling the Kettle black here can you. You guys are the ones who started taking the cheap shots, not me! You can't keep me off this forum you stinking fraud. Nice pep talk for free market economics. You're an idiot Bedini!
              People like you are the very reason I don't work in closely knitted scientific societies but prefer independent and open source places - such as this. While I can be (and I'm constantly) impressed by one's achievements, I don't place same values on individuals with purely educational credentials especially, when they start to discriminate against others. I've seen enough of this crap during my life and made me change carrier rather than throwing someone out the window.
              Aaron offered to open a new thread for you. Why you decided to stay and continue diverting this thread your direction and throwing insults? Internet doesn't make you anonymous. You're a real person behind your interface. Please behave like one before you sink too low to be able to swim.

              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

              General D.Eisenhower



              • Based on IBs pressure test I decided to today build a cell where I can also try the pressure and see the results. The composite was Dry Sodium Silicate 2x, Activated Carbon 1x, Alum 1x. Mg is a flat bar of about 2" by 12". Very clean and strong Mg.

                Sandwich the Mg with one Kitchen paper dry, on top the powder misture and above it (completing the sandwich) a tin layer of aluminum tape (used in air conditioning - you can see it on my videos).

                This simple sandwich roughly put together produces about 2v and 10ma and ma goes down with time. Than I apply pressure with clamps and the voltage climbs back and current goes even higher than 10ma.

                Paper towel is slightly humid so that the cell works. As time passes and current goes down and so it is the paper drying, I apply again pressure in different points and again current goes up.

                Let's see how long I can do this without adding any water and just changing the location of the pressure points. I see no corrosion anywhere.

                It is clear to me that pressure plays a role here.



                • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                  Based on IBs pressure test I decided to today build a cell where I can also try the pressure and see the results. The composite was Dry Sodium Silicate 2x, Activated Carbon 1x, Alum 1x. Mg is a flat bar of about 2" by 12". Very clean and strong Mg.

                  Sandwich the Mg with one Kitchen paper dry, on top the powder misture and above it (completing the sandwich) a tin layer of aluminum tape (used in air conditioning - you can see it on my videos).

                  This simple sandwich roughly put together produces about 2v and 10ma and ma goes down with time. Than I apply pressure with clamps and the voltage climbs back and current goes even higher than 10ma.

                  Paper towel is slightly humid so that the cell works. As time passes and current goes down and so it is the paper drying, I apply again pressure in different points and again current goes up.

                  Let's see how long I can do this without adding any water and just changing the location of the pressure points. I see no corrosion anywhere.

                  It is clear to me that pressure plays a role here.

                  Yes pressure can play a big role in the crystal cell. Applying pressure to any cell will give you the best power from it. Also Heat plays a role too.
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                    Yes pressure can play a big role in the crystal cell. Applying pressure to any cell will give you the best power from it. Also Heat plays a role too.
                    Has anyone used a specific IR Laser or IR LED or Specific IR Source to shine on an OPEN Cell like the stovetop or otherwise to see if that spectrum is synergistic with the cell?
                    Just Thinking.............. alterations for
                    UV............huummm all with time.
                    Very Best Regards,


                    • IR

                      Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                      Has anyone used a specific IR Laser or IR LED or Specific IR Source to shine on an OPEN Cell like the stovetop or otherwise to see if that spectrum is synergistic with the cell?
                      Just Thinking.............. alterations for
                      UV............huummm all with time.
                      Very Best Regards,
                      Jim, I did that but I don't remember what cell it was as I did not document it as I should have. That cell I used a IR thermometer and a pointing laser. I will try it tommorow at the lab with some of the new designs and see what happens. John may have done this as well but We did not discuss this to date.

                      Chuck H.


                      • IR

                        I think Lidmotor has done that experiment and made a youtube of it.
                        John B
                        Last edited by John_Bedini; 01-30-2012, 12:43 AM. Reason: correction
                        John Bedini


                        • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                          I think Lidmotor has done that experiment and made a youtube of it.
                          John B
                          Thanks. Will look it up.


                          • Pressure Cell

                            Have you considered that when you first inserted the magnesium into the copper tube you had voltage not much but could that be because of the surface area. When you squeezed the copper down that surface area is more now as I have seen this before in some cells dry also. Can you do the experiment with flat plates and then put some kind of weight on them.
                            John Bedini


                            • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                              Have you considered that when you first inserted the magnesium into the copper tube you had voltage not much but could that be because of the surface area. When you squeezed the copper down that surface area is more now as I have seen this before in some cells dry also. Can you do the experiment with flat plates and then put some kind of weight on them.

                              When I make the cell I have the magnesium ribbon already in the copper tube, its easier to pour the salt substitute around it than to insert the magnesium. Before the salt sub is added the two metals are not touching so we have infinite resistance. When i add the salt sub to the mix the resistance is lowered becuase the metals are touching the crystals. But resistance is still high and I only get 30mV. When I crush the copper tube the surface area never changes, the tube changes shape but still holds the same amount of copper it started with. The salt sub is still still touching the same amount of copper as it started out with. What has change is the distance of the two metals to each other. Since the two metals are closer they are not affected by distance so resistance can go down a little. Also one can not over look that when crystals are stressed they do give off electrons, but they're are not known for giving off electrons for a continuous amount of time. The voltage you see in the video is purely from squeezing the crystals, no water was added. I consider that pressure cell video a good video to show that nature will supply the voltage for you but you can't rely on her to give you current.

                              Besides pressure this cell is greatly affected by heat. I can lightly put my hand around the cell and the voltage will start to go up. So far from all my testing, if you stress the crystal it will start to pour out power. this stress must create a un-balance for the cell? Heat, IR, Pressure, are your stress creators and we're surrounded by them, give more stress and you get more power. Something about water that creates the stress too.

                              This latest pressure cell test was just a more advance study of what pressure does to a cell. Back when you were not posting John I did make some videos about me applying pressure to some of crystal cells, here is those videos.

                              Pressure Is what powers the Crystal cell - YouTube

                              Crystal Cell is given pressure by Clamp - YouTube
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • @Allen

                                Hi Allen,

                                Your post was copied to a new thread:


                                Please keep your microwave related posts there.

                                It is 100% speculation on your part that John's cells are using microwaves. Just because some can operate on that principle doesn't automatically mean that his must be. Through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world is a nail. Anyway, Lumeloid is more along the lines of your thinking. Please explore it in your thread.

                                And it is 100% obvious that you are NOT censored as all your posts are here and it was suggested that you can start a new thread on your ideas and post away. If having an opportunity to have a dedicated thread to your microwave ideas is your idea of censorship - I'm at a loss for words because that makes absolutely no sense.

                                Since you don't know what a vulture capitalist is, I'll define it for you. A vulture capitalist is a slur against venture capitalists who have the goal of funding ventures with the intent to take away the control from the inventors to get most of the profit while leaving the inventors with little to nothing. That is what a vulture capitalist is, period.

                                For months, I have seen John and Chuck go through countless variations of cells that cost a LOT of money. This money is spent on R & D, a lot of it, and they are here posting their results, showing what has worked and what hasn't worked. FREELY sharing without asking anyone for a penny in return just like many other builders/contributors here. You and many others are benefiting from their financial investment, which is quite contrary to claiming they're vulture capitalists. Obviously everyone is learning from everyone here and others are posting their results too - I'm just making the common sense case that your insults specifically towards them are not only unfounded, you can't even get the insult right.

                                This thread was setup for John to post his research on these topics. If your posts are unwelcome, then that means, don't post here anymore. This is not a public forum where you can just do what you want. This is a private forum and there are rules. Again, there is a thread dedicated to your microwave crystal cells - this is a great opportunity for you to build a discussion on that without sidetracking the entire flow of the thread.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

