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  • Hydrate Cell powering a pulse motor ---and Penny

    @John & Chuck
    I am starting to get some negative feedback at YouTube and I hope that it is not "friendly fire" aimed at me.

    I have been testing the Hydrate Cell that I built and today tried it on a small pulse motor. It IS dropping off in power but I have found that on my "test" cell a small amount of water brings these cells right back. This is what you said it would do and so it is not a surprise.

    Bedini Hydrate Crystal Cell---powering a pulse motor and PENNY - YouTube



    • @Lidmotor - I've posted quite a few videos up to now and have noted, almost without exception, that when something is posted of hopeful worth to others, that is funky, different, new, the haters will thumb you down. It's a mixture of jealousy and dim wittedness, unable to smile toward someone and be happy for someone else. You'll hardly ever see a negative actual comment along with those thumbs down.
      So, for a project that is well video'd, clear in explanation and demonstrates clearly what you are showing - you WILL get the clowns thumbing down.
      Your videos are always well designed, clear, helpful for fellow experimenters and nearly everyone says the same - nearly everyone !
      I don't think there are weedy faceless CIA type operatives kicking around, so it's not some kind of conspiracy to hush up alternative energies. Just kids with the 'no child left behind' problem burnt into their skulls.

      I've had rather good success, with those epsom salts as a sprinkled layer, that I may have mentioned earlier. A couple of mm depth on top of cells. Nothing sparkling or different like a lot of you chaps are showing, but interesting. The straight out of the packet and larger sized epsom salts 'seem' to accept the ambient water and then feed the cell mix underneath. Run times on a 'Penny' are now confirmed to be double (2 months instead of 1) with same mixtures that had no epsom layer applied to the top. They might work as a natural barrier, to limit cell water exposure in humid locations. Oklahoma is very humid in summer, so tests will be rerun in a few months too
      Next thing - pressure and then add the epsom layer. Also pressurize the layer and mixture together.

      @Prato - I'm unsure if I do this right, but with the copper I put it straight on the electric cooker ring on highest heat. Leave it for a couple of minutes and then pick it up with pliers and immediately quench in water. At first, the oxide may fall off the now salmon coloured copper. Repeat half a dozen times and the layer will be black and tough (won't flake off in pieces).


      • Expending the dipole effect

        I don't want to go off topic here because I really think the crystal mix/formation is one of the keys for extracting the energy, and we already know that having two dissimilar electrodes with a semi-conductor effect in between will help to bring the dipole out. But we are very limited by the capacity of those materials (electrodes) to convert this energy. I need to have some experts theory like John B. on the use of this concept for the Water fuel cell because I see a big big logical idea on this. I don't know if someone ever tried the replication of the WFC to see that some very unusual effects are occuring but I did some research and replication in the past. The use of stainless steel with 316L grade is carbon free and don't oxydize at all. It's just a manner of GROWING the material on the plates with the proper CONDITIONING to bring the CAPACITY of the cell/battery. Maybe starting a new tread on this or something....(My english is maybe hard to understand cause im a french canadian guy, so sorry for Just an insight...RAVI 'S STANLEY MEYER REPLICATION WATER FUEL CELL -008 - YouTube, Stanley Meyer Lecture 1 - YouTube, Stanley Meyer Lecture 2 - YouTube
        Last edited by CrystalDipoleMatrix; 02-03-2012, 10:29 PM.


        • @Slider2732: About the pink coating on the copper, I don't think you have to turn it black... The copper will eventualy turn black with the powering of the cell alone because of the water reaction to the crystal/electrodes.
          Last edited by CrystalDipoleMatrix; 02-03-2012, 10:05 PM.


          • Agree

            Originally posted by Slider2732 View Post
            @Lidmotor - I've posted quite a few videos up to now and have noted, almost without exception, that when something is posted of hopeful worth to others, that is funky, different, new, the haters will thumb you down. It's a mixture of jealousy and dim wittedness, unable to smile toward someone and be happy for someone else. You'll hardly ever see a negative actual comment along with those thumbs down.
            So, for a project that is well video'd, clear in explanation and demonstrates clearly what you are showing - you WILL get the clowns thumbing down.
            Your videos are always well designed, clear, helpful for fellow experimenters and nearly everyone says the same - nearly everyone !
            I don't think there are weedy faceless CIA type operatives kicking around, so it's not some kind of conspiracy to hush up alternative energies. Just kids with the 'no child left behind' problem burnt into their skulls..
            I completely agree with Slider2732 about Lidmotor's video's. Slider's are pretty good too.



            • Somthing to think about

              Some Things To Think About.
              In this Video I go over Crystal cells that have been running continuous since Chuck and I made them. After talking To Lidmotor I said I would post this video on some of the cells we have made here and continue to run day in and day out. Do not get discouraged in your efforts to produce a cell that will give you light and run things even if it is small. Crystal Cells running 25 Ma to 50 Ma for just a drop of water is a leap forward and as the material that makes this possible is developed into just a very thin slice the power will go up. Thanks to everybody on the Energetic Forum in Bedini Earth Light.Lidmotor do not let the Missing Links bother you, Excellent work on your part

              Youtube Some Things To Think About John And Chuck.wmv - YouTube
              Chuck Hupp and John Bedini
              John Bedini


              • Originally posted by prato_braun View Post
                Unfortunately I don't have this stuff available here in Germany. I hope I can still get it to work. We watched all the videos but it doesn't show the actual process

                . If I got it right you start on medium?high? temperature and heat up the mix 1/4 tsp borax with the 1/4tsp potassium chloride /morton salt substitute until it cooks. Then you add the electrodes. We're using copper wire and magnesium strip. After that you cover it in Alum and turn down the heat add Alum if needed and tap it down. Let cool.

                If there are no mistakes we'll just try again next week.
                We used an untreated control but still wanted to try the coating because of the humpty dumpty cell from Lidmotor. Unfortunately we didn't get the black coating so well. Should the copper be glowing or not?





                I do high heat, Borax on bottom sprinkle some salt substitute on top of that once it starts bubbling you add alum on top of it all and then insert the electrodes, cook for a couple more seconds. If the bubbling stops or if you get no bubbling then something went wrong. here's another video showing how I do it, step by step, How to make a Dry Crystal Cell Battery that contains no Water - YouTube

                If you have anymore problems let me know i'm willing to help as much as i can.
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • Ongoing research---it won't stop

                  Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                  Some Things To Think About.
                  In this Video I go over Crystal cells that have been running continuous since Chuck and I made them. After talking To Lidmotor I said I would post this video on some of the cells we have made here and continue to run day in and day out. Do not get discouraged in your efforts to produce a cell that will give you light and run things even if it is small. Crystal Cells running 25 Ma to 50 Ma for just a drop of water is a leap forward and as the material that makes this possible is developed into just a very thin slice the power will go up. Thanks to everybody on the Energetic Forum in Bedini Earth Light.Lidmotor do not let the Missing Links bother you, Excellent work on your part

                  Youtube Some Things To Think About John And Chuck.wmv - YouTube
                  Chuck Hupp and John Bedini
                  @Chuck & John
                  Thanks for contacting me. Sometimes it is just better to pick up the phone and call someone. Your words of encouragement mean alot. There must be some people out there who just don't like what we do here. One of my commenters made this statement, "...when you are over the target expect to get some flak."

                  Thank you also to the other people who encourage me and the others here who don't just talk--- but spend their time and money actually building something.



                  • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                    @Chuck & John
                    Thanks for contacting me. Sometimes it is just better to pick up the phone and call someone. Your words of encouragement mean alot. There must be some people out there who just don't like what we do here. One of my commenters made this statement, "...when you are over the target expect to get some flak."

                    Thank you also to the other people who encourage me and the others here who don't just talk--- but spend their time and money actually building something.


                    Lidmotor don't let the people get to you, if it makes you feel better here is some of the comments i get from people all the time.


                    This is really simple and youre not discovering anything new here. Most of it is high school chemistry

                    Careful man, you seem to me like an 'scientist' who has fallen in love with an idea and can't give it up even after it is proven void

                    Just like the 'dry' paper towel or piece of cardboard, your perception of the caulk being 100% 'dry' is erroneous IB. Galvanics only need one tiny moisture chain to provide a link in order to show voltage.

                    There is one simple test that all the delusional 'crystal cell' theorists fail to run and it is this. IF....IF concrete cells and similar are TRUE crystal cells, then they should work if you eradicate the water

                    Take your concrete or magical mix of rocks that you think is generating voltage via the etheric universe and place it in an oven at 180C for about 30 minutes until you have evapped the last water from the 'stone'. NOW, while it is hot and dry, put your multimeter on the electrodes.....BIG FAT ZERO. It won't even register a microvolt.

                    You are going to have to run the test again. I have been building these type of batteries for a long time now and its very apparent where the energy comes from. Unfortunately, nothing is free and it is just plain old galvanics. While I applaud your experimenting, you have overlooked something that is glaring you right in the face

                    One thing that I think you should consider is that while the cell is a glue cell, there is still the possibility that water moisture can get in through the paper on the reverse side.


                    Those are just some negative comments I get from a few people. I try to prove them wrong but no matter what you do can't please everyone. So I now ignore them and only pay attention to the postive comments. Keep up the great work Lidmotor and everyone, don't let the negative nancy's get to you.
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • water cell "electret"?

                      Originally posted by CrystalDipoleMatrix View Post
                      I don't want to go off topic here because I really think the crystal mix/formation is one of the keys for extracting the energy, and we already know that having two dissimilar electrodes with a semi-conductor effect in between will help to bring the dipole out. But we are very limited by the capacity of those materials (electrodes) to convert this energy. I need to have some experts theory like John B. on the use of this concept for the Water fuel cell because I see a big big logical idea on this. I don't know if someone ever tried the replication of the WFC to see that some very unusual effects are occuring but I did some research and replication in the past. The use of stainless steel with 316L grade is carbon free and don't oxydize at all. It's just a manner of GROWING the material on the plates with the proper CONDITIONING to bring the CAPACITY of the cell/battery. Maybe starting a new tread on this or something....(My english is maybe hard to understand cause im a french canadian guy, so sorry for Just an insight...RAVI 'S STANLEY MEYER REPLICATION WATER FUEL CELL -008 - YouTube, Stanley Meyer Lecture 1 - YouTube, Stanley Meyer Lecture 2 - YouTube
                      I've seen both your posts. Ravi learned the conditioning from me.

                      Water Fuel Cell | Conditioned Tubes - YouTube
                      Water Fuel Cell Conditioning - YouTube
                      Stan Meyer concentric tube test - YouTube

                      I have tested this and have used the tubes to charge very small caps with the voltage of the cell. With no power, after being conditioned, it will hold a permanent 2v (little over 2v) even when you short it. I think I got a LED to blink from the cap before, but its been a while. I've seen this for a long time but never explored it much. I'd have to recondition my tubes and then use the little Bedini oscillator to see if it lights a bulb like these crystal cells.

                      Not to go off subject, but there is your answer. Feel free to try it.

                      I'd still like to see if the colloidal hydrophilic carbon I have made will give any benefit to these crystal cells. From the suspension time in solution that this carbon has lasted (several years), it is of a smaller particle size of anything that has ever been commercially available as a battery additive to my knowledge.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • The lurkers

                        At all,
                        As the cells get better and start to develop more power we will catch more flack and nasty comments. This is so typical of people that just cant stand any progress, they want you to live in the dark ages. Whatever you do not let them, the lurkers discourage you from anything your working on. It might take some time to work out the devil in the details but the group will get it done if we hang together, they win when they cause division and confusion.
                        Don't fall for the trap.
                        John B
                        John Bedini


                        • Thanks IB

                          Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                          I do high heat, Borax on bottom sprinkle some salt substitute on top of that once it starts bubbling you add alum on top of it all and then insert the electrodes, cook for a couple more seconds. If the bubbling stops or if you get no bubbling then something went wrong. here's another video showing how I do it, step by step, How to make a Dry Crystal Cell Battery that contains no Water - YouTube

                          If you have anymore problems let me know i'm willing to help as much as i can.

                          Thanks for pointing me to this video. Will let you guys know once we cooked again


                          • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                            <snip for brevity>
                            Are there any updates, improvements or suggestions for the different oscillators circuits, since they were first made and used? Especially in regard to recommendations for use with very low current output cells (less than 1mA)???
                            @ NickZ

                            Circuit runs at 0.6615 volt @ just 221 Micro amps. LED appears more bright then it actually is in the Photo, but for a LED using just 146 Micro Watt, that is not bad at all. Flash frequency is about 93 Hz , thus it appear as continuous to the eye. When it would consume 1.5mA, the brightness would be more of course, but hey, that is a about 7 times more energy.

                            Circuit is Lidmotor/IB/Diveflyfish Etc type:

                            Also, the voltage ( 0.6615 volt ) is especially selected, as it is the cells optimal working impedance. The cell + oscillator act kind as a cc & cv -constant current , constant voltage - circuit... The cell isn't going up or down in voltage (Well slightly up and down, but I assume that are temp and humidity factors).

                            It could be optimized a little more still.

                            Note added: The led in this circuit is a 5mm type, and normal conditions would be 3.2v @ 20mA (64mW), so this LED is using only 1/438th of is rated power.

                            Last edited by NextGen1967; 02-04-2012, 01:27 PM. Reason: Added note for normal led power usage


                            • @ Ron:
                              Thank you for showing your circuit. My apologies for not answering your last PM to me. I have not had a chance to try your suggested circuit out yet, due to work obligations.
                              Looks like your two coils are working fine at lower current levels. I don't have the long ferrite rods, but I do have some short ones that might work as well. I can obtain voltage (1 to 12 volts) from my dry cells, but not much current, so I'll give that circuit a try sometime.
                              I'm also really interested in powering a Stiffler PEC type circuit (on one wire). Glad to see what Lidmotor has done with the Slayer type exciter.
                              It looks like once a strong working circuit is established, that several more receiving coils or chokes can be added, for lighting more leds from the same output, without any additional draw. That is one advantage of that type of circuit. To what extent this can be done, without dropping the leds intensity is not clear to me yet.


                              • @ Plengo:
                                I would ask a favor of you... If you could make a cell using ONLY the activated charcoal that you are using. It can be made in a capacitor can, with a carbon rod, copper wire, or 1/4 inch copper tube as the positive rail. The carbon may need to be further pulverized first, and pressed down hard into the cell using as much presure as possible. This is just to see what you get with a totally dry carbon cell. This may still be galvanic, I don't know, but without water and without air (if sealed), I don't see how it could be, as galvanic cells will normally die without oxygen, and these carbon cells don't die.
                                Thank you in advance,

