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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Welcome aboard

    Originally posted by reddpill View Post

    Hi Lidmotor, thought I'd introduce myself on this forum, as I was the person that made that comment on your youtube video and would like to let everyone know that you guys on this forum are doing a great service for all of us. Keep it up.

    Always lurking...
    Thanks for your comment on Youtube. My Dad was a P-38 and P-51 fighter pilot in WW II so that comment had special meaning for me. He once had one of his engines knocked out by flak on his P-38. A piece of metal hit the engine radiator and he lost all the coolant. He made it back to the the base on the second engine.

    Welcome aboard. Thanks for the words of encouragement.



    • Ions Crystal Cell

      @ all,
      By now the group should have figured out a fast ion conductor, it was a hint I gave some posts back. As the group knows I keep experimenting with Copper and Magnesium for a simple reason. These two metals when changed to oxides give the best power ratio. What you should be looking for is a fast Ion Conductor. My point here is that if you developed your mix to a dry state the cell will be ready to go at any time by activating it with water. Water is very important as you must move Ions to get an electron current.

      If you concentrate the mixture as a dry electrolyte you will have a fuel cell that just burns the water when done the cell is reverted back to zero never using the metals. It is important that the metals are pure or galvanic action will hinder the cell. I have completed all the test cells with every kind of chemicals and glues. The REDDPIL and Lurkers know what I'm talking about. What must be understood is this effect, As solid electrolytes they conduct due to the movement of ions through voids, or empty crystallographic positions, in their crystal lattice structure.

      One component of the structure, the "Cation" or "Anion", is essentially free to move throughout the structure, acting as charge carrier. If you do not understand the words look them up. I'm going to make a video of this cell so you can see how this works, I have already showed Peter L and Aaron a working model assembled in front of them today.

      The mixes you already have. I can make things much more difficult here in the solid state physics end, but it up to you as a group. So one definition here to think about here.

      An ion is an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge. The name was given by physicist Michael Faraday for the substances that allow a current to pass ("go") between electrodes in a solution, when an electric field is applied. It is the transliteration of the Greek participle ἰόν, ión, "going".

      An ion consisting of a single atom is an atomic or monatomic ion; if it consists of two or more atoms, it is a molecular or polyatomic ion.
      Have fun REDDPILL

      John B
      John Bedini


      • Idea...

        Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        If you concentrate the mixture as a dry electrolyte you will have a fuel cell that just burns the water when done the cell is reverted back to zero never using the metals....As solid electrolytes they conduct due to the movement of ions through voids, or empty crystallographic positions, in their crystal lattice structure.
        Thanks John for the explanation of the process.

        I was wondering if the electrolytes from the water of a young green coconut was dried and collected would serve as one also due to it's natural properties and high electrolyte count. The water, not the milk from brown coconuts, from green coconuts have been used in IV's and blood transfusions before in humans and no doubt has a high electrical/ionic transfer ability along with it being extremely sterile. Maybe it could also be used in replace of the water, when topping up the cell.

        Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
        An ion consisting of a single atom is an atomic or monatomic ion; if it consists of two or more atoms, it is a molecular or polyatomic ion.
        Not sure if this is relevant, but one of the first videos I watched years ago when learning about the ancient's technology and understanding of natures science was this one regarding 'monatomic gold', where it was found covering the floors in alot of the ancient temples in Egypt. There's a great part within the speech where he talks about a man that finds theses monatomic compounds on his land. After a few experiments he starts to find that it begins to lose it's weight under certain conditions.

        'Monatomic Gold' is gold in a undefined state and registers as unique form of Silica.

        Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Monatomic Gold

        By the way, has anyone tried Dolomite(calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2) as an an electrolyte due to it's high levels of magnesium? Alot of underground water aquifers are made of this rock (it also lowers PH levels) thus maybe giving it some excellent electrical properties? Most ancient sites are built on water aquifers due to the electrical nature and magnetic flows from the water below.
        Last edited by reddpill; 02-08-2012, 12:07 PM. Reason: -- added additional information.
        your daily dose of truth


        • Originally posted by reddpill View Post
          Thanks John for the explanation of the process.

          I was wondering if the electrolytes from the water of a young green coconut was dried and collected would serve as one also due to it's natural properties and high electrolyte count. The water, not the milk from brown coconuts, from green coconuts have been used in IV's and blood transfusions before in humans and no doubt has a high electrical/ionic transfer ability along with it being extremely sterile. Maybe it could also be used in replace of the water, when topping up the cell.

          Not sure if this is relevant, but one of the first videos I watched years ago when learning about the ancient's technology and understanding of natures science was this one regarding 'monatomic gold', where it was found covering the floors in alot of the ancient temples in Egypt. There's a great part within the speech where he talks about a man that finds theses monatomic compounds on his land. After a few experiments he starts to find that it begins to lose it's weight under certain conditions.

          'Monatomic Gold' is gold in a undefined state and registers as unique form of Silica.

          Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Monatomic Gold

          By the way, has anyone tried Dolomite(calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2) as an an electrolyte due to it's high levels of magnesium? Alot of underground water aquifers are made of this rock (it also lowers PH levels) thus maybe giving it some excellent electrical properties? Most ancient sites are built on water aquifers due to the electrical nature and magnetic flows from the water below.
          I was wondering which coconut it was, it was difficult to pick one.
          Yes that is correct the Ancient's did know all about this energy and technology. For example, the evidence suggests that ditches were found lined with Mica to transfer this energy, it could have been the milk of the brown coconut. Welcome REDDPILL.

          Correct, Dolomite must be changed first to something else with a heat process to form something new. It looks like you understand the mineral group.
          John B
          Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-08-2012, 01:06 PM. Reason: edit
          John Bedini


          • For those that do not know,
            The mineral dolomite crystallizes in the trigonal-rhombohedral system. It forms white, gray to pink, commonly curved (saddle shape) crystals, although it is usually massive. Unlike calcite, dolomite is a double carbonate, having a different structural arrangement, and it does not rapidly dissolve or effervesce (fizz) in dilute hydrochloric acid unless it is scratched or in powdered form. Crystal twinning is common. A solid solution series exists between dolomite and iron rich ankerite. Small amounts of iron in the structure give the crystals a yellow to brown tint. Manganese substitutes in the structure also up to about three percent MnO. A high manganese content gives the crystals a rosy pink color . A series with the manganese rich kutnohorite may exist. Lead and zinc also substitute in the structure for magnesium. so can we use it this way,Heating a mixture of KOH and MnO2 in air gives green potassium manganate:

            2 MnO2 + 4 KOH + O2 → 2 K2MnO4 + 2 H2O
            Potassium manganate is the precursor to potassium permanganate, a common oxidant
            John B
            Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-08-2012, 01:22 PM. Reason: information
            John Bedini


            • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
              For those that do not know,
              The mineral dolomite crystallizes in the trigonal-rhombohedral system. It forms white, gray to pink, commonly curved (saddle shape) crystals, although it is usually massive. Unlike calcite, dolomite is a double carbonate, having a different structural arrangement, and it does not rapidly dissolve or effervesce (fizz) in dilute hydrochloric acid unless it is scratched or in powdered form. Crystal twinning is common. A solid solution series exists between dolomite and iron rich ankerite. Small amounts of iron in the structure give the crystals a yellow to brown tint. Manganese substitutes in the structure also up to about three percent MnO. A high manganese content gives the crystals a rosy pink color . A series with the manganese rich kutnohorite may exist. Lead and zinc also substitute in the structure for magnesium. so can we use it this way,Heating a mixture of KOH and MnO2 in air gives green potassium manganate:

              2 MnO2 + 4 KOH + O2 → 2 K2MnO4 + 2 H2O
              Potassium manganate is the precursor to potassium permanganate, a common oxidant
              John B
              Thanks for this clarification. Dolomite it seemed to be close. post #2491.


              • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                Thanks for this clarification. Dolomite it seemed to be close. post #2491.
                Yes it is very close, talk to you later by phone.
                John Bedini


                • ancient sites

                  Hello all!!! I have never posted here but I am been reading this post (also others) for some time.

                  just wanted to say HI =), I have nothing to say, just read/read at this time, wanna get all the knowledge that I can before "something" happens.

                  What reddpill said "Most ancient sites are built on water aquifers due to the electrical nature and magnetic flows from the water below." is very interesting, and I would add that not only "ancient sites", also not so ancient construction are built in this places, for example churches, more specifically the altar of churches are constructed over spots with a big electromagnetic flows, not only produces by underground water, but also other energetic flows; likes Hartmann lines, ley lines, curry lines etc, altars are made over intersections of these energies. Not less important, those constructions have dome roof, or pyramidal shape (to amplify cosmic energy)
                  John Bedini, please let me tell you that I am very grateful to you, for what you have done for human kind, I love you =)

                  best regards form Uruguay

                  Alvaro H


                  • @all,

                    I updated the proto circuit board a bit, and it definitely shows... Same cell attached and same micro-watts used, only the shining is quite some brighter... Clich <HERE> to see previous proto board. (Again, in the photo the led appears brighter then in reality).

                    The same circuit can light the LED continuous at 1.25v with JUST 1.5uA, but of course the led in VERY dim in this case, BUT it is able to illuminate a LED with just those 1.5uA

                    Will make ONE last improvement to replace inductors with a toroid.

                    Ok, back to cell making now



                    • Guys,
                      An interesting find that I wanted to share. More experiments needed, and I hope to up load a video later.

                      PGS Graphite when placed in direct contact with Mg, allows for the cell to see a higher potential than if just PGS were one electrode and Normal Graphite as the other electrode......



                      This technique may have promise. It may even be amplified more by using a thinner sheet of the PGS.
                      Laminations and the effect may be VERY useful for prolonging usefulness of anode etc.

                      Very Best Regards,

                      PS if anyone has tested this or does, please inform.


                      • Zeolites

                        The more I research this the Zeolite group seems to be where we are headed. They are metamorphic (formed from heat and pressure) and allow for ion flow.

                        "zeolites have large vacant spaces or cages in their structures that allow space for large cations such as sodium, potassium, barium and calcium and even relatively large molecules and cation groups such as water, ammonia, carbonate ions and nitrate ions.
                        In the more useful zeolites, the spaces are interconnected and form long wide channels of varying sizes depending on
                        the mineral. These channels allow the easy movement of the resident ions and molecules into and out of the structure.
                        Zeolites are characterized by their ability to lose and absorb water without damage to their crystal structures."

                        Mineral Gallery - The Zeolite Group

                        Mike Klimesh
                        Live to experiment, Experiment to live (+_+)


                        • How I did It

                          Here is a video of how I did this cell in a dry state ready to use just by adding water. The mixes you already have. The crystal material is in a screen with paper on the outside.
                          How to build My Cell, Dry Mix.wmv
                          How to build My Cell, Dry Mix.wmv - YouTube
                          John Bedini
                          Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-08-2012, 10:34 PM. Reason: edit
                          John Bedini


                          • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                            Here is a video of how I did this cell in a dry state ready to use just by adding water. The mixes you already have. The crystal material is in a screen with paper on the outside.
                            How to build My Cell, Dry Mix.wmv
                            How to build My Cell, Dry Mix.wmv - YouTube
                            John Bedini
                            Hi John,
                            What material is the screen? Polymer? Any Polyacrylate type material?
                            Thanks. Ok for call after 20:00 CST Ok?


                            • Bedini's Crystal Battery Presentation

                              Here is a link directly to the info on John's talk at the upcoming conference: you can see the rest of the conference details on that page.

                              Here is the link to Chuck's bio as well
                              Last edited by Aaron; 02-08-2012, 11:10 PM.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                                Hi John,
                                What material is the screen? Polymer? Any Polyacrylate type material?
                                Thanks. Ok for call after 20:00 CST Ok?
                                It's fiberglass.
                                John B
                                John Bedini

