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Bedini Earth Light

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  • @John Bedini,

    I feel your pain man. You are such a great researcher. Diligent worker and inventor. With plenty of patents to show your work. Sharing like NO ONE ELSE. Your DVDs are great (I have ALL OF THEM) and Bearden's too.

    You talk the walk John! I am very glad you are working with us in this Crystal Cell and many, many other things.

    Keep up the great work man!



    • Your on to a good cell

      Originally posted by plengo View Post
      @John Bedini,

      I feel your pain man. You are such a great researcher. Diligent worker and inventor. With plenty of patents to show your work. Sharing like NO ONE ELSE. Your DVDs are great (I have ALL OF THEM) and Bearden's too.

      You talk the walk John! I am very glad you are working with us in this Crystal Cell and many, many other things.

      Keep up the great work man!

      I would have never made my work known if it was not for Tom Bearden, and a great friend to this day. And Tony C but you can only put up with so much. I will keep up the work here with you as I think your on to something. I will do the test I promised you.

      @ Lidmotor, watch the movie that was posted there and you see the coil you need to get the signal out of the ground, This is all Eric has ever done but I see your plug working that way. You cant beat Eric Dollard when it comes to that work.
      John Bedini


      • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
        I packed only one of my early concrete cells aka Bertha when moved and tested few days ago. She was made about the beginning of this thread. I can still run LED via oscillator (about 1.2V) but current is getting weaker after while. I didn't try using water. As far as I can see the electrodes are fine. If anyone is interested I can moist a bit and test again.

        Hey Blackchisel,

        this is going to sound odd but can you add water to the bottom of the concrete cell? don't put water on top of it i was wonder if it will absorb it if the cell is placed in a very small pool of water. Kind like how a flower or a tree would get water from the ground. Thanks!
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
          Hey Blackchisel,

          this is going to sound odd but can you add water to the bottom of the concrete cell? don't put water on top of it i was wonder if it will absorb it if the cell is placed in a very small pool of water. Kind like how a flower or a tree would get water from the ground. Thanks!
          Sure, no problem. I'll do that now.


          @John Bedini I have a question but since it isn't related to this thread (it is about alum conversion) I sent you PM. I don't have other way to contact you directly. Thank you.
          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

          General D.Eisenhower


          • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
            Well, Ibpointless2,
            I can see now that you no nothing about the Marcus Reids cells as I have stated to you and others here that if you loose 1 to 2% of the electrode you would be dead by the time the electrode was gone. And yes you do need water to get the power. And yes you did see that little bit of corrosion as that is the reaction of the mixture when the cell is made. All these reactions stop after a time period.

            If I have been asked to make kits, I do not see what it has to do with you, just filling a need for people to learn. Basically I'm tired of all the backstabbing in these groups, I have told you how I feel. First of all I do not think you understand what it really cost to make things, as you have your machine time and labor to do it and you must buy in bulk so you have a great out lay in dollars.

            Just think about the chemicals and what they cost. And don't go telling people I don't need this or that as it is none of your business what I do.

            I will say it again I was asked to make these kits available and I did, you could have done the same thing.

            You want to say something then say it right here to me. You go around and get all the information for free from these groups like this and your tired of Me. What about Me? I have to listen about glue and honey and how good cheap magnesium is. You put up a few math equations to convince everybody that you know something about the impedance of the cells, ya you must because you have no current. I was asked to join this group where you?. And don't talk crap about Aaron not paying the fees for this board as the internet goes down all the time Pointless.

            No, you put your Black Cape on, sneek over to another group to save the world and talk crap about John. What is it with you that is not understood with this type of work?. I don't use water, bull. You can't get around the water it's in the air you just think it's dry. So wear that Black Cape sneek around under a Pointless name, because you even hide that and talk crap about John, what are you afraid of somebody might know your real name.

            My work has always been public and it shall stay that way, If you do not agree with what I'm doing your free to leave and go join Monkey Sea Monkey Do. You and others love to improve on work and then when it fails you blame me as if I don't know anything as you ignore everything I try to say.. I was here before you and will be hear after you, Backstabber and Crap talker you shall be known.
            John B
            Hey John,

            Yes it was me who wrote that but I wrote it when I was angry at you and the world. I never had a problem with aaron, I do work in the computer field and seeing a server down makes me giddy.

            John I really don't know what to say, really I don't. But if everyone agreed to you and everything you say and not one person ever stop you and say hay wait a minute than who is really the back stabbers? The people who suck up and go with the flow or the people who ask the tough questions? I ask the tough questions that may seem to insult you but I only do it because i care. I would expect others to ask me the tough questions too, but only if they care.
            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


            • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
              Sure, no problem. I'll do that now.


              @John Bedini I have a question but since it isn't related to this thread (it is about alum conversion) I sent you PM. I don't have other way to contact you directly. Thank you.
              Thank you.

              I'm hoping the water will rise due to capillary action. It also seem having the electrodes "stuck" in a sold/porous object could help to stop any corrosion, or at least i hope. Can it corrode if the metals are not allowed to fall apart? That's a great question to ponder.
              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


              • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                @John Bedini,

                I feel your pain man. You are such a great researcher. Diligent worker and inventor. With plenty of patents to show your work. Sharing like NO ONE ELSE. Your DVDs are great (I have ALL OF THEM) and Bearden's too.

                You talk the walk John! I am very glad you are working with us in this Crystal Cell and many, many other things.

                Keep up the great work man!

                I have been working on theese cells for about a month, mostly replicating and catching up, so little compared to all of you, and the first thing i learned (on my own actually) is that water is the main fuel for theese type of batteries, and there's no way to get away from it, i noticed that the salts and the silicates when left exposed to the air become moist and form clumps, just sitting on their own... even in very dry air!... i've always thought this is great, h2o comes out of our pipes, it falls from the sky and we have oceans of it... its VERY abundant, unlike acids and fossil fuels... so whats the big deal? lets all try to find a way to get around the problems that using water posts and make a great water/crystal battery instead of arguing... i like fausto's attitude, trying to make a self-watering system, this is the way to think... i dont know you guys much but i do have great respect for john, i have all your videos as well and soon want to buy one of your kits to learn the radiant energy circuit, i am reading your book and tom bearden's books also are on the list... thanks for sharing and i am very glad to have a mentor of your caliber on our side working public and not behind closed doors like most. ibpointless... make your peace man! you have great talent, ive seen most of your videos and soon want to start learning from your ideas...



                • Fausto, i replicated your cell with the Mg rod covered in pyrite... it works fine but i noticed there was a drop in voltage compared to another cell i did with the same mix and the rod covered with paper... did you have a drop in voltage as well?


                  • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                    I have been working on theese cells for about a month, mostly replicating and catching up, so little compared to all of you, and the first thing i learned (on my own actually) is that water is the main fuel for theese type of batteries, and there's no way to get away from it, i noticed that the salts and the silicates when left exposed to the air become moist and form clumps, just sitting on their own... even in very dry air!... i've always thought this is great, h2o comes out of our pipes, it falls from the sky and we have oceans of it... its VERY abundant, unlike acids and fossil fuels... so whats the big deal? lets all try to find a way to get around the problems that using water posts and make a great water/crystal battery instead of arguing... i like fausto's attitude, trying to make a self-watering system, this is the way to think... i dont know you guys much but i do have great respect for john, i have all your videos as well and soon want to buy one of your kits to learn the radiant energy circuit, i am reading your book and tom bearden's books also are on the list... thanks for sharing and i am very glad to have a mentor of your caliber on our side working public and not behind closed doors like most. ibpointless... make your peace man! you have great talent, ive seen most of your videos and soon want to start learning from your ideas...

                    Hi cgalvisardila nice to meet you. I agree water is a great thing to use for a cell but the big problem with water is if its not controlled it can corrode the electrodes and corroded electrodes mean no power. Its a tough battle.
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • John B:
                      Very sorry to see you so upset, I think that I understand.
                      Which team am I on? OUR team! John,



                      • Cell 7 - YouTube

                        Just wanted to say, I replicated to the best I could, the hydrate cell and it seems to run fairly well. I had made some previous cells with the silicate, but this one seems to be more powerful. I think the magnesium filings add more current, I guess changing the resistance? Anyways I hope you know many appreciate your work Bedini, might not always say it, but people like you, inspire people.

                        I still don't understand much about these cells. I'm still trying to figure out these ghost cells which go up and down in voltage. I made some newer ones with silicate and two of them are doing the same thing. It's actually a bad thing since the voltage will drop half a volt every 20 seconds.


                        • My Rant is over

                          I have worked in this field my entire life and for some really good places, US Army microwave division, De-Vry Institute of Technology, TRW semiconductor division, Control Data technology, Acoustic Control, Bar-O-Matic Alcoa aluminum and so on. RCA Research and development Power Amplifiers and the list goes on.

                          Not including my own Amplifier Company so think I know something about engineering. It was fine until I got hookup with a bunch of wackoes at some radio station called the Open Mind. I have bad days too, but I do not run to some other group and complain about Ibpointless2 that he does not know what he is doing, although I disagree with your waterless battery.

                          I stated very plain that I could not talk to the group about the Marcus Reid Cells and yes they have been running for years even if you see that corrosion as I said you would be dead before they quit. I don't need to measure the weight of the magnesium as 1 to 2% I can see it under the microscope here set up for that kind of work. and I'm nowhere at that level after almost 1 year with my cells.

                          I used the copper black because it is what I want for an electrode and that is the oxide I want because of it's properties, Go watch some video on negative resistors and the different oxides. I think I explained why to the group some posts back I only use the cells when I want to power low voltage circuits and oscillators. The other thing here is do not sell John Hutchison short because he did tell the truth in that video, but only in a simple mix so he has not been proved a fraud yet. Most of my work on the internet is not built like I would do it, so people do not get the same results.

                          People change things to suit their own needs. I do not expect anybody to agree with me on this group as they have their own ideas. I'm only here on this group to share information and that's it. But no, I'm doing research and guess who should pop up but you and others saying how stupid John is. SeaMonkey has a allot of room to talk as he can't join this group to voice his opinion right to my face, and you angry at the world and John, and when did John ever force you to do anything. You can turn your computer off at any time IB if your that mad.

                          Please take up drinking and sob in that glass. I consider all that backstabbing when you could just say it here right to me. Questions what is that, I can't find any hard questions here as these cells are not that complicated. Your looking at that ribbon Magnesium is not a test of anything as that Magnesium has a much different crystal structure then what I'm using. That's right two different pieces of Magnesium. The secret to a crystal cell is to lock up the water, and it just can't be any normal water it is much different in it's makeup, bonding.

                          I have stated to you and everybody I want to burn water, just because that takes place does not mean it must be galvanic and eat up the magnesium to make power. I have also stated that you must have one piezoelectric chemical with the mix I'm using.What I'm building is more of a type of fuel cell and I have said that before to the group. I don't care if I must add water to activate my cell that is what I want and that is what I'm working on.

                          Sea Monkey knows better then the guy that is working on it, can't get anymore information out of John he is stumped and is lost at sea. Ok I have had my rant. Remember what Lidmotor said about mistakes you wont live long enough to make them all again. So you have had your say, and I do not have to listen as it was in print and I can think whatever I want.
                          John B
                          John Bedini


                          • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                            Fausto, i replicated your cell with the Mg rod covered in pyrite... it works fine but i noticed there was a drop in voltage compared to another cell i did with the same mix and the rod covered with paper... did you have a drop in voltage as well?
                            Excellent, THANK YOU . Yes it does have a huge drop in voltage. Now, mix about 50ml of water with 1/4 tsp of powdered alum. Mix until totally dissolved.

                            Take only 1/3 ml of this solution (and this is for 3 cells of mine - so do it proportional to your cell size) and add to your cell ONLY ONCE. This will boost the voltage as the other ones and will not have too much alum to defeat the protection mechanism of the Iron Pyrite. You will see.

                            When you add that solution to the cell try to avoid the Mg.

                            Next time the cell goes down ONLY ADD WATER to your taste ; This cell loves water!



                            • Iron Pyrite

                              Originally posted by plengo View Post
                              Excellent, THANK YOU . Yes it does have a huge drop in voltage. Now, mix about 50ml of water with 1/4 tsp of powdered alum. Mix until totally dissolved.

                              Take only 1/3 ml of this solution (and this is for 3 cells of mine - so do it proportional to your cell size) and add to your cell ONLY ONCE. This will boost the voltage as the other ones and will not have too much alum to defeat the protection mechanism of the Iron Pyrite. You will see.

                              When you add that solution to the cell try to avoid the Mg.

                              Next time the cell goes down ONLY ADD WATER to your taste ; This cell loves water!

                              Let me give you some insight into Iron Pyrite. In 1985 two people showed up at my shop. They had with them two pieces of what looked like Iron Pyrite, For all practical purposes it was. These two individuals pulled out of their bag of tricks a small little motor. They said to me just put the pieces of Iron Pyrite in this little dish of water and hook up the motor, so I did.
                              The motor began to spin and stayed spinning until the water was gone. The next day they returned and asked If I would follow them home to see what they were doing. I must have driven about 20 miles out to some shack in the Lancaster desert. I entered the shack and lights and the TV was on, but there was no power hookup to this shack. They showed me batteries they had made from the Pyrite and that was the power source. They had made plates from this material and had them stacked in what looked like a battery case.

                              I asked a few questions and they said when they need power they just add water. I later did experiments with Iron Pyrite to find you could make batteries from them. I also found out that it could be combined with other things and you could move sound by placing dots wherever you wanted, by making a substrate of this material. I had reasoned that Iron Pyrite in the dish was generating sulfuric acid and that there was enough difference between the two rocks.

                              Early on in this group in my posts I'm using a piece of Pyrite with the Magnesium but without the Alum to run the Oscillator and a Ironless motor. But the down fall was Calcium Chloride and that attacked the magnesium. Just use a piece of Pyrite in place of the carbon electrode and see what you get, I know you can not solder to it but you can clip to it. I know that what your doing works real good if done right, in the beginning the sagging voltage means nothing because of the impedance of the material and that can be worked out.

                              I'm just giving some information to you here not demanding that you do it as I would not want to upset the apple cart. It would be very easy to have Lidmotor do this experiment with his oscillator that runs in micro amps.
                              John B
                              John Bedini


                              • JB

                                Did these guys have enough juice from their iron pyrite batteries to run a swamp cooler ? In the year 2000 I lived and worked in Lancaster for a while.
                                110 degree heat a lot of the time. Hard to get used to when you are from Canada.


