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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    Let me give you some insight into Iron Pyrite. In 1985 two people showed up at my shop. They had with them two pieces of what looked like Iron Pyrite, For all practical purposes it was. These two individuals pulled out of their bag of tricks a small little motor. They said to me just put the pieces of Iron Pyrite in this little dish of water and hook up the motor, so I did.
    The motor began to spin and stayed spinning until the water was gone. The next day they returned and asked If I would follow them home to see what they were doing. I must have driven about 20 miles out to some shack in the Lancaster desert. I entered the shack and lights and the TV was on, but there was no power hookup to this shack. They showed me batteries they had made from the Pyrite and that was the power source. They had made plates from this material and had them stacked in what looked like a battery case.

    I asked a few questions and they said when they need power they just add water. I later did experiments with Iron Pyrite to find you could make batteries from them. I also found out that it could be combined with other things and you could move sound by placing dots wherever you wanted, by making a substrate of this material. I had reasoned that Iron Pyrite in the dish was generating sulfuric acid and that there was enough difference between the two rocks.

    Early on in this group in my posts I'm using a piece of Pyrite with the Magnesium but without the Alum to run the Oscillator and a Ironless motor. But the down fall was Calcium Chloride and that attacked the magnesium. Just use a piece of Pyrite in place of the carbon electrode and see what you get, I know you can not solder to it but you can clip to it. I know that what your doing works real good if done right, in the beginning the sagging voltage means nothing because of the impedance of the material and that can be worked out.

    I'm just giving some information to you here not demanding that you do it as I would not want to upset the apple cart. It would be very easy to have Lidmotor do this experiment with his oscillator that runs in micro amps.
    John B
    Thank you Bedini. That is so cool. You have such a blessed level of experience that very fell has. I must say that when the student is ready the teacher shows up.

    You attract this kind of knowledge man.

    I will certainly try your advice and see if I got something with Pyrite and Carbon.




    • substrates of this material

      Originally posted by FRC View Post
      Did these guys have enough juice from their iron pyrite batteries to run a swamp cooler ? In the year 2000 I lived and worked in Lancaster for a while.
      110 degree heat a lot of the time. Hard to get used to when you are from Canada.

      No I did not see any swamp cooler but they could run small lights and a early black and white TV solid state and some small motors and trinkets they had there. I don't think they were getting more then 5 amps at the most. I never tried to reproduce that system because I was busy with the 3D sound at the time. But I did manage to build substrates of this material which ended up in one of my DVD's as it is shown on a board of all the samples. I did build the crystals which I used in transistors and sound devices for speakers as That is where Tom Bearden entered the picture. And it was more like 120 degrees in that shack.
      John B
      John Bedini


      • Guys,
        Just a thought worth pondering. One must really contemplate how fortunate we are simply being able to read this sentence. We are a diverse group from all over the world attempting to gain knowledge, advance this knowledge to all who wish to acquire it, as well by sharing our perspectives and experiences, as well as explore new territory, even if it is new only to those just started exploring.
        We ALL are on a journey seeking on many levels. We will NEVER arrive at a destination unless we choose to delimit that destination as a finality, or a temporary point for the next departure. This journey has many side stops, which is normal, as well remembering just how much effort it takes to start as well as keep the momentum going. Most Sincere Appreciation for especially the navigators who have been on the journey longer than most of us, like John Bedini, Marcus Reid, John Hutchison etc. that have been those with the lights to help keep us on the path. Always remember even they are on the same journey right? Great and sincere Appreciation to ALL here that have helped to keep it going. So I propose a toast. Thank you for sharing ALL that you have and thank you for helping us help ourselves and hopefully we can keep this type of momentum going. The truth is there is SO much that is beyond our individual capacity to effect. We each know intrinsically that there is MUCH out there to glean and we do not have all the answers. It is a fantastic thing that we share what we do here. We are just now beginning to open tiny windows to see what may be possible and in the process realizing what is not optimal usually best accomplished by direct experience. The best teachers allow the students to learn, not only from books, but by mistakes as well. Socratic method, to ask questions, that is a path of inquiry is far more conducive to expanding the mind than regurgitation of a professed observation of an expert as noted in a text. Do not get me wrong, texts are as invaluable as experience, yet are vastly more limited that what can exist outside of the text.
        One should NOT be dismayed that we are seeing that our cells contain water, or the crystal lattice imbibes, holds on to or recycles fluid. Asking WHY do we need fluid? Questioning to see to find if it is true or not that seemingly in our reality, the physics reality of positive ions needing liquid or gas to move in need not seem as a negative or failure in our quest. The cells we make and the process to form them and ALL the time and research doing it by its very essence IS the biggest prize, the KNOWLEDGE GAINED by doing and observing cannot be underestimated. Lets keep the journey going as long as we can. We just may find a few new things in the process. If this path is not what is desired, by golly, we can always take a detour, stop or ask directions right? Holy cow, I apologize if this seems a rant. My caffeine titer must be a bit off guess. Lets keep the positive going and see what we see, improve what we can, share what we are willing to do as long as it continues to move forward with positive energy and intent.
        Very Best Regards,


        • Lidmotor's new video: Iron Pyrite and Steel Cats Whisker Cell.ASF - YouTube

          Sorry Lid, I got here with your video before you

          it is VERY COOL.



          • Capilar Action

            hi all, i built a cell with lidmotors idea to use a cotton string to feed water to the cell, now is day 2 and there is no water yet entering the cell... is it working for you lidmotor?... if so, how do you do it? i dont have any tubes to try faustos way... it seems that it would be good to come up with a good self irrigation system, given that at some point we will be making lots of theese cells in series, and kind of a pain to water them all individually...


            • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
              Just a thought worth pondering. One must really contemplate how fortunate we are simply being able to read this sentence. We are a diverse group from all over the world attempting to gain knowledge, advance this knowledge to all who wish to acquire it, as well by sharing our perspectives and experiences, as well as explore new territory, even if it is new only to those just started exploring.
              We ALL are on a journey seeking on many levels. We will NEVER arrive at a destination unless we choose to delimit that destination as a finality, or a temporary point for the next departure. This journey has many side stops, which is normal, as well remembering just how much effort it takes to start as well as keep the momentum going. Most Sincere Appreciation for especially the navigators who have been on the journey longer than most of us, like John Bedini, Marcus Reid, John Hutchison etc. that have been those with the lights to help keep us on the path. Always remember even they are on the same journey right? Great and sincere Appreciation to ALL here that have helped to keep it going. So I propose a toast. Thank you for sharing ALL that you have and thank you for helping us help ourselves and hopefully we can keep this type of momentum going. The truth is there is SO much that is beyond our individual capacity to effect. We each know intrinsically that there is MUCH out there to glean and we do not have all the answers. It is a fantastic thing that we share what we do here. We are just now beginning to open tiny windows to see what may be possible and in the process realizing what is not optimal usually best accomplished by direct experience. The best teachers allow the students to learn, not only from books, but by mistakes as well. Socratic method, to ask questions, that is a path of inquiry is far more conducive to expanding the mind than regurgitation of a professed observation of an expert as noted in a text. Do not get me wrong, texts are as invaluable as experience, yet are vastly more limited that what can exist outside of the text.
              One should NOT be dismayed that we are seeing that our cells contain water, or the crystal lattice imbibes, holds on to or recycles fluid. Asking WHY do we need fluid? Questioning to see to find if it is true or not that seemingly in our reality, the physics reality of positive ions needing liquid or gas to move in need not seem as a negative or failure in our quest. The cells we make and the process to form them and ALL the time and research doing it by its very essence IS the biggest prize, the KNOWLEDGE GAINED by doing and observing cannot be underestimated. Lets keep the journey going as long as we can. We just may find a few new things in the process. If this path is not what is desired, by golly, we can always take a detour, stop or ask directions right? Holy cow, I apologize if this seems a rant. My caffeine titer must be a bit off guess. Lets keep the positive going and see what we see, improve what we can, share what we are willing to do as long as it continues to move forward with positive energy and intent.
              Very Best Regards,

              agreed 100% sir. Let's continue researching and improving and breaking new grounds. Others may be thinking (in their sitting positions of their homy chairs) that we are only repeating the past. Rightly so BUT we are still breaking new grounds.

              We will get this cell in the market for ALL. I am planning to sell it somehow in my site as little toys or whatever, sure, BUT, ALL THE KNOWLEDGE to make one yourself is free from my videos, this site and many others.

              I think business wise we are already re-inventing a new way of profiting from open source for all just like the software industry (I am a software engineer) has done it but on the alternative energy area.

              This is not only fun to do it but also removes the profit from going to the power money hungry that are destroying the world. This allows any one to participate, make a difference and profit from it too.



              • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                hi all, i built a cell with lidmotors idea to use a cotton string to feed water to the cell, now is day 2 and there is no water yet entering the cell... is it working for you lidmotor?... if so, how do you do it? i dont have any tubes to try faustos way... it seems that it would be good to come up with a good self irrigation system, given that at some point we will be making lots of theese cells in series, and kind of a pain to water them all individually...
                I did had the same problem as you do, where is the little tube to use? well remember McGyver (

                I took an electrical wire from a lamp and removed the wires from inside the insulation. There is your little tube.



                • Pyrite Rock & Steel Wire Cat's Whisker cell

                  Thanks for the quick post. I was busy drying out the rock throughly to see if water was at play. It was---- so this experiment wasn't really that spectacular. When I dried the rock out the party stopped -----but a quick run to the local water molecule store for more "refreshments" ----and the party started right back up again. Here is the video post again:

                  Iron Pyrite and Steel Cats Whisker Cell - YouTube

                  Earlier in the day I tried all kinds of things (including carbon) in a shallow dish of water and that is when I discovered this steel wire "cat's whisker" thing. the differential between carbon and the iron pyrite was only about .3 volts and would not run the oscillator.

                  @John & ChucK
                  Yesterday I worked with that new oscillator circuit and it works with that black box Hydrate cell very well. If I get more comfortable with it I will share more.

                  My capillary "self watering" cell is still running but getting the water to draw up into the cell through the string, at the right amount, is hard. This may not be the best way to do this.

                  Last edited by Lidmotor; 02-19-2012, 09:56 PM.


                  • Iron Pyrite

                    Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                    Let me give you some insight into Iron Pyrite. In 1985 two people showed up at my shop. They had with them two pieces of what looked like Iron Pyrite, For all practical purposes it was. These two individuals pulled out of their bag of tricks a small little motor. They said to me just put the pieces of Iron Pyrite in this little dish of water and hook up the motor, so I did.
                    The motor began to spin and stayed spinning until the water was gone. The next day they returned and asked If I would follow them home to see what they were doing. I must have driven about 20 miles out to some shack in the Lancaster desert. I entered the shack and lights and the TV was on, but there was no power hookup to this shack. They showed me batteries they had made from the Pyrite and that was the power source. They had made plates from this material and had them stacked in what looked like a battery case.

                    I asked a few questions and they said when they need power they just add water. I later did experiments with Iron Pyrite to find you could make batteries from them. I also found out that it could be combined with other things and you could move sound by placing dots wherever you wanted, by making a substrate of this material. I had reasoned that Iron Pyrite in the dish was generating sulfuric acid and that there was enough difference between the two rocks.

                    Early on in this group in my posts I'm using a piece of Pyrite with the Magnesium but without the Alum to run the Oscillator and a Ironless motor. But the down fall was Calcium Chloride and that attacked the magnesium. Just use a piece of Pyrite in place of the carbon electrode and see what you get, I know you can not solder to it but you can clip to it. I know that what your doing works real good if done right, in the beginning the sagging voltage means nothing because of the impedance of the material and that can be worked out.

                    I'm just giving some information to you here not demanding that you do it as I would not want to upset the apple cart. It would be very easy to have Lidmotor do this experiment with his oscillator that runs in micro amps.
                    John B
                    Hi John B,

                    I'm glad you posted this. I made a video 12 months ago when you started talking about Iron Pyrite back then. Current & Voltage from Iron Pyrite - YouTube
                    It was interesting because when I probed around the rock when it was dry, not much happened. But when I wet the rock with just tap water I could get the energy out of it. Not much, but enough to prove that there is something going on.

                    Since I have a couple of pieces of it (or could cut this one in half) I'll put two pieces in a bowl of water and see what I get.

                    John K.


                    • Originally posted by John_K View Post
                      Hi John B,

                      I'm glad you posted this. I made a video 12 months ago when you started talking about Iron Pyrite back then. Current & Voltage from Iron Pyrite - YouTube
                      It was interesting because when I probed around the rock when it was dry, not much happened. But when I wet the rock with just tap water I could get the energy out of it. Not much, but enough to prove that there is something going on.

                      Since I have a couple of pieces of it (or could cut this one in half) I'll put two pieces in a bowl of water and see what I get.

                      John K.
                      Great video.

                      You will need another metal to make it differentiate and give you voltage. Attached copper or carbon to the other Iron Pyrite rock.



                      • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                        I did had the same problem as you do, where is the little tube to use? well remember McGyver (

                        I took an electrical wire from a lamp and removed the wires from inside the insulation. There is your little tube.

                        HAHAHA!! thanks fausto, ill try it... funny i noticed we are all online at the forum right now... i wonder if we are all making cells... i know i am.


                        • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                          HAHAHA!! thanks fausto, ill try it... funny i noticed we are all online at the forum right now... i wonder if we are all making cells... i know i am.
                          Yes, testing, measuring. It is starting to take a lot of time. I have about 15 different cells running all over the house (kids love it in the night) and I have to measure everyone everyday.

                          At least I have ONE very good cell that I think I can start measuring using an automated USB device and leave it there for months.

                          I am seriously going to design something and sell it on my site.

                          Any advices from the pros about the dangers/tips/tricks of the business, I am all ears.



                          • Fausto,
                            Great observations. Here is an idea for you and all for the use and application of the Iron Pyrite. If one could machine the magnesium to have a Finning type to create the appearance of a heat sink and have the pyrite dust placed between the fins and then wrap in the paper perhaps the laminations of the Mg and Iron pyrite would have enough surface area to keep all but the very edge of the magnesium protected yet have more surface area than you even have now. Thinking like 1/16" to 1/8" machined fins on the rod keeping the central core. Does this make sense? I could upload a diagram if my articulation of this is suboptimal.
                            Very Best Regards,
                            PS Again your comment about the decayed tooth made me smile great analogy.


                            • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                              Great observations. Here is an idea for you and all for the use and application of the Iron Pyrite. If one could machine the magnesium to have a Finning type to create the appearance of a heat sink and have the pyrite dust placed between the fins and then wrap in the paper perhaps the laminations of the Mg and Iron pyrite would have enough surface area to keep all but the very edge of the magnesium protected yet have more surface area than you even have now. Thinking like 1/16" to 1/8" machined fins on the rod keeping the central core. Does this make sense? I could upload a diagram if my articulation of this is suboptimal.
                              Very Best Regards,
                              PS Again your comment about the decayed tooth made me smile great analogy.
                              Great idea. I understood what you meant.

                              I was thinking with my buttons: what IF magnesium is only needed for the voltage difference of the Copper/Mg? I tried a copper to copper both electrodes but one with Pyrite on it and it worked although it was only .5v potential difference.

                              May be what we need is not Mg when using Pyrite?!!!

                              And yes the tooth was a great one, I knew you would laugh since you are a dentist.


                              some of my latests videos:
                              Crystal Cell 19a - Crystal Cell 19a - YouTube
                              Crystal Cell 19b - Crystal Cell 19b - YouTube
                              Crystal Cell 20 (big surprise) - Crystal Cell 20 - YouTube

                              Last edited by plengo; 02-20-2012, 04:38 AM.


                              • I've been working with my carbon/aluminum cells to see what was happening with these dry cells. It turns out that the reason that they all have dropped in voltage and especially in current is because they have dried out.
                                I took out the carbon and wet it, put it back in the capacitor cans and the voltage went back up. I thought that I had used dry carbon, but it seams to dry out more in time. So, it makes me think that maybe some kind of oil may help to maintain the working levels, instead of water, maybe there is an oil that will do what water does, but while protecting the cell from oxidation.
                                Any ideas??? Otherwise I'll have to use the water tube, like some are doing now.

