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  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    So, it makes me think that maybe some kind of oil may help to maintain the working levels, instead of water, maybe there is an oil that will do what water does, but while protecting the cell from oxidation.
    Any ideas??? Otherwise I'll have to use the water tube, like some are doing now.

    This is what I've been trying to do. I've tried everything from honey to bug spray and even human spit too and everything in-between. So far I can say that its hard to beat water but I have something that can help to protect the metal. Adding petroleum jelly to the magnesium electrode first can help to protect the magnesium. Its not perfect but it does help.

    The hunt for a liquid that's like water but not water is a hard thing to find. But it did lead me to something NASA was working on in the 60's. NASA was looking at gallium as a negative electrode for batteries, this seems very interesting as gallium is a semiconductor. The only problem with gallium that I would know of is its expensive. Also gallium has a low melting point, it can melt in you hand, so if it does corrode just melt it to recombine with itself again.
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


    • Double post
      Last edited by ibpointless2; 02-20-2012, 03:29 AM. Reason: double post
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • Iron pyrite/ Iron II oxide (ferrous oxide)

        I think that the iron pyrite doping on the negative plate will mimic the ion transfer from the magnesium/zinc/galvanized steel via the ferrous oxide/sulfate production because of the reaction of water and electrolysis. This oxide has a oxidation state of +2, like magnesium or zinc. For the perfect source of infinite power, we just need 1: A potential difference between two plates, 2: Play with oxides to restrict the corrosion (galvanization) and make the rectifier for the current amplifyer, 3: Having the best crystal (salts) combination for maximum conductivity and 4: Having the hydrate #5 to catch the water in the air and growing the crystals. For the magnetic effect seen in a previous youtube video, I do believe that ferrous oxide II,III can forms too because of the iron pyrite oxidation and this can have some ferro-magnetic attributes (energy distributor via the magnetic line forces, who knows!).


        • @ All : Heating the copper to form black layer: CuO
          Take powdered iron pyrite, mix with hydrate #5 and little water, spread a layer on the magnesium. When the cell will be operating for some time, this will form a black to gray layer on the magnesium: FeO. I don't even know if I'm on track but if I am, this will be big!


          • John, can you post the exact formula of the hydrate#5?, just so i'm sure i'm ordering the right thing... thanks!



            • @All,

              My last post tonight. On my last video - Crystal Cell 20 (Crystal Cell 20 - YouTube) I recorded something very, very interesting.

              Once Bedini said that the
              Reid Cells reverses in voltage
              but I could not really understand until tonight.

              Watch the video until the end and let's talk about it, please.

              Good work guys.



              • Good Fausto

                Very good so you have seen the same thing, I did say that in some earlier posts. Whether anybody wants to believe me or not it's not the Galvanic Cell everybody keep trying to make it out to be. These type of cells have very different properties then what is floating around the internet in some of the degrading groups. Use cotton Fausto and paste it on both sides and bake it you will see that it makes a difference. it's just a suggestion as I do not want to confuse the group, SeaMonkey might get mad and write some more bad press on me.
                John B

                Oh Fausto find a piece of copper you can form the black oxide on at a later time. Make sure that you have no conduction at all with your meter, should read in the Meg ohms when connected, you could do the hot point test and see what device you have you might find something strange at that time also that I stated some posts back. The black oxcide will help the cell. Good Test
                Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-20-2012, 06:27 AM. Reason: Adding Information
                John Bedini


                • Hydrate

                  Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                  John, can you post the exact formula of the hydrate#5?, just so i'm sure i'm ordering the right thing... thanks!

                  14103 Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate, tech. - Alfa Aesar - A Johnson Matthey Company See Post #2869 Na2SiO3•5H2O

                  Be very careful with this stuff, Handle with care and do not use to much in the cell. But get SeaMonkeys permission first he might replace it with bleach and give some good advise to not ask me anything, because it is just confusion here.
                  Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-20-2012, 07:07 AM. Reason: Adding information
                  John Bedini


                  • John K

                    John K,
                    Will try to talk to you during the week, Thanks for posting that. I will seek permission first.
                    John B
                    John Bedini


                    • @ John b. I would like to know if we can use the nonahydrate form of metasilicate 9H2O or it's better to stick with pentahydrate? Thanks.



                      • Originally posted by plengo View Post

                        My last post tonight. On my last video - Crystal Cell 20 (Crystal Cell 20 - YouTube) I recorded something very, very interesting.

                        Once Bedini said that the but I could not really understand until tonight.

                        Watch the video until the end and let's talk about it, please.

                        Good work guys.

                        @Plegno and All

                        I am not your enemy. When I started making these cells I had people tell me "don't fool yourself, you must be truthful to yourself." Don't think Magnesium won't corrode because it does. I'm trying to help everyone out by doing the test to see what corrodes magnesium and what doesn't. The reason why Magnesium corrodes is not due the galvanic reaction but due to the water. Just squirting water on magnesium and saying it doesn't corrode will not work, leave it in water over night and if bubbles form that means it decomposing. The bigger the magnesium the longer it takes to corrode.

                        As for the voltage going negative, now that's interesting. Since the cell is so dry you have a high resistance and since you use iron pyrite and carbon you could be seeing a small negative resistor effect? Maybe try measuring the Ohm's of the cell that goes negative voltage.
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                          @Plegno and All

                          I am not your enemy. When I started making these cells I had people tell me "don't fool yourself, you must be truthful to yourself." Don't think Magnesium won't corrode because it does. I'm trying to help everyone out by doing the test to see what corrodes magnesium and what doesn't. The reason why Magnesium corrodes is not due the galvanic reaction but due to the water. Just squirting water on magnesium and saying it doesn't corrode will not work, leave it in water over night and if bubbles form that means it decomposing. The bigger the magnesium the longer it takes to corrode.

                          As for the voltage going negative, now that's interesting. Since the cell is so dry you have a high resistance and since you use iron pyrite and carbon you could be seeing a small negative resistor effect? Maybe try measuring the Ohm's of the cell that goes negative voltage.
                          Hey IB,

                          no enemies here.

                          I agree water will corrode Mg BUT what I think it is important is the qualification of that statement. If it corrodes 1% or let's say, in 30 years I think it is more than good enough for a crystal cell.

                          Corrosion might not be our problem. If one look at the Sulfuric Acid - Lead Battery, corrosion IS the process of conversion of energy back and forward. It is the friend actually, for what it was designed for.

                          In our case we have to learn how to use "corrosion" as a beneficial reversible process so that we can benefit from it.

                          Concerning the reversing of the voltage AND current, I think we are onto something REALLY interesting.

                          IF the cell reverse it could mean that it is recharging itself and also reversing the corrosion process and "healing" itself.



                          • Fausto,
                            What lead did you note as being the negative and positive on your #19B cell?

                            Magnesium= ?
                            Copper= ?
                            Thanks for the clarification.


                            • @ Ib2, John B, and All:
                              I have noticed that where white glue is coated onto any metals there is no oxidation there, and the metal surfaces stay shiny. Even just using a piece of tape will protect bare metal surfaces to some degree. So, that makes me think that the problem with corrosion it is not really due to the water, but mostly due to air (or oxygen), instead. Water is much less corrosive that air.
                              I use a conducting electrical grease on metal surfaces, but it looks like even that may get somewhat affected by the electrolysis reaction.
                              Ib2: Thanks for the petrolium jelly idea. I'll give that a try. Anything that keeps the oxygen away from the metals is better than no protection at all.

                              I am very interested is seeing some more long term tests of how well the oxide layer, or protective layer on the Mg, or aluminum will hold up to wet salty electrolytes that are open and exposed to the air.
                              Plengo: thank you for those last open cell tests and observations, that is just what we need. I'll be trying the carbon/sand combo next. Hopefully the sodium silicate acts similar to the white glue, to protect metal surfaces.

                              I think that everyone has a right to their own opinion, even if it is dead wrong. But if there is a lack of respect for others work, maybe that is where we need to watch out, to not step on any ones toes.

                              John B: Sorry for bringing SeaMonkey into this, as he can't defend himself, nor did I have any idea that by mentioning his name, would cause you any grief. I was only trying to give credit to where the no-polarizer Danielle Cell idea came from, as it seamed to be an important issue. Although he may not have agreed with some things that may have been stated earlier on this forum, he has always been respectfully, and has given credit to your years of work, efforts, and contributions, many times.

                              I don't always agree that these cells are nothing more than just galvanic reactions. But, proving that has not been easy, either. I'm a bit sad to see the idea of the solid state dry cell, go out the window, though.
                              Can't we just agree to disagree, and still be respectful of others opinions?
                              I think that we all can really benefit by keeping that in mind, me included.


                              • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                                What lead did you note as being the negative and positive on your #19B cell?

                                Magnesium= ?
                                Copper= ?
                                Thanks for the clarification.
                                On videos 19a/b yellow/red probes are Positive. Mg is always negative and Copper is always positive.

                                Now, on video 20, the new cell with flat Mg is undetermined. It changes depending how much water the cell has.


