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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Back on track

    Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    Ok, you got your point across. It may be good to vent. But, nothing is starting to happen, so no need to be upset. I don't know what went on before, but I in no way intended to offend you, in any way.
    Jealous about my cells? that thought had not occurred to me. Your wife is right.
    Your friend,
    Let's just move on with what the group is doing, Forget SeaMonkey as he has posted his comment over there, it's what I thought it would be. Nice smooth rubbish words about how I'm unwinding. I would be careful of a guy who never shows what he builds, but is always giving advise. It's no big deal, he thinks I'm unwinding but the truth is I'm unwinding on some new batteries, which I will post as soon as I have the right items. I'm waiting for these 2 Volt super bright Led's.
    John B
    Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-21-2012, 07:42 AM. Reason: Edit
    John Bedini


    • Very quick update on what I have made tonight...
      Again, I am not even sure I have anything here, so please, feel free to pick this apart.
      I took apart my the last cell I made (scraped off the MoS2 solution) and resaturated the mix with the saline solution. I took a very small copper plate from a piece of copper tube, and a small aluminum heat sink to make the cell out of. I used a lighter (just to make this quick) and heated the copper until I saw it forming the red oxide layer from John Bedini's videos. I took the MoS2 mix (as a paste again) and spread it on the copper. I heated that up to dry off the excess water. Then I put the heat sink on top. I used a plastic clamp to apply pressure to the plates, and got a few minor results. Much less than what I had before, and was fairly disappointed.
      Without removing the DMM leads, I removed the clamp, and this think sprang to life! It instantly started making over .25V, and the longer I let it sit, the higher it went, until it reached about .330V. I did the same thing for current, and at first it was around .125mA, but the longer I let this set, it keeps climbing. it is at this moment getting about .420mA and still very slowly rising. When it appears to have topped out, I will test the voltage again, and see if it goes any higher.
      I may not be on track at all here, and I apologize if i am not, but it is pretty exciting to have built something that is making power.
      I am going to mix up some more of this stuff, isolating each element of it, and see just what is giving me these results. some with just MoS2 and water, some with a bit of Mg and some with just iron in it, and see if it's the combination of the 3 or maybe just the plates and the MoS2.
      right now, the cell is sitting @ .460mA and still climbing!
      I will report back with anything else I find.

      I added a second meter, and right now, I am getting 3.0mV at 1mA with the battery shorted. It's not much, but it's something, and I am quite sure it can be improved upon. It still acts like it's going up in both volts and amps, so I will keep tracking it
      Last edited by Neight; 02-21-2012, 08:55 AM. Reason: added an update
      The absence of proof is not proof of absence


      • Originally posted by Neight View Post
        Very quick update on what I have made tonight...
        Again, I am not even sure I have anything here, so please, feel free to pick this apart.
        I took apart my the last cell I made (scraped off the MoS2 solution) and resaturated the mix with the saline solution. I took a very small copper plate from a piece of copper tube, and a small aluminum heat sink to make the cell out of. I used a lighter (just to make this quick) and heated the copper until I saw it forming the red oxide layer from John Bedini's videos. I took the MoS2 mix (as a paste again) and spread it on the copper. I heated that up to dry off the excess water. Then I put the heat sink on top. I used a plastic clamp to apply pressure to the plates, and got a few minor results. Much less than what I had before, and was fairly disappointed.
        Without removing the DMM leads, I removed the clamp, and this think sprang to life! It instantly started making over .25V, and the longer I let it sit, the higher it went, until it reached about .330V. I did the same thing for current, and at first it was around .125mA, but the longer I let this set, it keeps climbing. it is at this moment getting about .420mA and still very slowly rising. When it appears to have topped out, I will test the voltage again, and see if it goes any higher.
        I may not be on track at all here, and I apologize if i am not, but it is pretty exciting to have built something that is making power.
        I am going to mix up some more of this stuff, isolating each element of it, and see just what is giving me these results. some with just MoS2 and water, some with a bit of Mg and some with just iron in it, and see if it's the combination of the 3 or maybe just the plates and the MoS2.
        right now, the cell is sitting @ .460mA and still climbing!
        I will report back with anything else I find.

        I added a second meter, and right now, I am getting 3.0mV at 1mA with the battery shorted. It's not much, but it's something, and I am quite sure it can be improved upon. It still acts like it's going up in both volts and amps, so I will keep tracking it
        You're on the right track. It seems your cell may have a low internal resistance to it. You may have low voltage but the mA seems to be off to a good start.

        the use of Molybdenum disulfide is very interesting. "MoS2 is relatively unreactive, being unaffected by dilute acids and oxygen. In its appearance and feel, molybdenum disulfide is similar to graphite. Indeed, like graphite, it is widely used as a solid lubricant because of its low friction properties and robustness." Molybdenum disulfide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        please keep us posted.
        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Guys,
          Here is a testing update of the video I loaded yesterday.
          This morning was a 100 ohm test
          Volts: 1.384
          Current: 1.84 mA at ambient temps. Again this cell had Zero water added to it except at construction on 1/5/12 and dried for two weeks prior to starting the 5 week oscillator run.

          I also tested the cell to COMPLETE AND PROFOUND FREEZING. (DRY ICE IS -109.3F or -78.5C)

          Placing the cell on 1lb of Dry ICE for 1/2 hour I was able to get the cell to register 0mA. Voltage was still at around 1.2V SO the lattice trapped water CAN FREEZE SOLID, and to be expected the current dropped off.

          The VERY interesting find was that the cell current bounced back to 1.30mA
          while it was frozen like a rock with ice crystals covering the entire cell.
          I will redo this and try to observe the time it took to recover. I left the room thinking that I hosed/destroyed the cell, yet within a few minutes when I came back in the mA went from .03mA to 1.30mA.
          All thoughts welcome.
          Very Best Regards,
          Attached Files
          Last edited by jehdds; 02-21-2012, 07:35 PM. Reason: Added data on temp of dry ice


          • Video Editing

            Hi everyone, i want to ask any of you guys what program you use to edit the videos, i want to make a video showing my work with the cells, but its the first time i do this... cheers



            • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
              Hi everyone, i want to ask any of you guys what program you use to edit the videos, i want to make a video showing my work with the cells, but its the first time i do this... cheers

              Dear Carlos,
              I use I movie on a Mac.
              It is very simple to use.
              Very Best Regards,


              • Originally posted by jehdds View Post
                Dear Carlos,
                I use I movie on a Mac.
                It is very simple to use.
                Very Best Regards,
                thanks jim, but i use PC... heh, guess i should have clarified



                • Thanks NickZ for trying to help.

                  I just want to thank you for trying with the Monkey, as he has had many names on many groups and it has always been negative with anybody that does anything in this field.

                  I find everybody's work here very exciting in the quest to overcome the galvanic action that has plagued mankind forever. But yes their is a way around it as Marcus Reid has discovered and I was very lucky to help him at the time, his cells continue to run completely sealed.

                  Even John Hutchinson's cells done right will do it without the Galvanic action. I find it very sad now to see a man obsessed with a degrading factor in his personality like Monkey. The point here is he has nothing to say, or can do nothing to control what happens in how we conduct business in my companies. I feel a need and I build products and I always present them in the open and you do not have to buy them.

                  At every turn I always let the people viewing them have all the meters they want as what's reported at all the conference I ever attended. No I'm not going to give all the information as you will not learn that way.
                  And since I do file patents four one reason that strictly has to do with business. I do run an R&D company and I don't mind sharing information with the group, but I have a limit I can not cross.

                  I have given information away many times. If everybody would go back to when this all started with F/E you will find me along with a few others. Who you wont find is the Monkey or the rest of them. You will also find me in the audio field and the recording field with processors and 3D sound and most of the country/western music was recorded with the B.A.S.E. system I still build them to this day. You will also find The Amplifiers starting from the 10/10 to the 250/250 Class A's. What you wont find again is the Monkey in any of this.

                  I just want to thank all of you who continue to keep up the work in this area. I have put aside anything that he says, as he is just a big wind bag of choice words. He could not effect me if he tried. That is where I stand, prove to me Monkey you have anything I call you out, prove what you say, don't just sit there and talk. prove it with the work you have done in any of these fields. NickZ don't bother trying it's useless. To bad we must communicate this way. But I wont disrupt this group any longer with his crap. Some new things to show the group when I finish, Ibpointless2 should go back and look at his 5 foot cell again with different eyes.
                  John B
                  John Bedini


                  • Movies for pc

                    Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                    Hi everyone, i want to ask any of you guys what program you use to edit the videos, i want to make a video showing my work with the cells, but its the first time i do this... cheers

                    Carlos, download Windows movie maker from Microsoft. It is free. Very easy to use. Thats what I use when I,m on the pc. Else what Jim stated for Macs, Ipods etc....
                    Last edited by chuck H; 02-21-2012, 07:57 PM. Reason: Left something out.


                    • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                      You're on the right track. It seems your cell may have a low internal resistance to it. You may have low voltage but the mA seems to be off to a good start.

                      the use of Molybdenum disulfide is very interesting. "MoS2 is relatively unreactive, being unaffected by dilute acids and oxygen. In its appearance and feel, molybdenum disulfide is similar to graphite. Indeed, like graphite, it is widely used as a solid lubricant because of its low friction properties and robustness." Molybdenum disulfide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      please keep us posted.
                      Quick update
                      First, thanks ibpointless for the response
                      good to know that i am at least looking in the right direction.
                      I am wondering if the small amount of iron in the cell mix isn't what's lowering the internal resistance.

                      I took a time lapse video of my cell shorted out on both meters for the past 8 hours. it starts at about 4mV and 1mA, rises to a little bit over 10mV @ 2.5mA, then steadily drops back down to 5mV @ 1.5mA where one of my meters battery died (too funny, right? , my cell outlasted the meters 9V battery) I am quite sure it would have kept dropping, as it seems to settle in at around 2.4mV and I haven't seen it drop lower than that at any time.

                      It definately seems like this is using up the water, in my tests last night, if I added water, the voltage and amps would very briefly spike up, then very quickly drop back down. once it looked as if it was settling, it would very slowly start to climb back up, peak at 10mV then slowly drop back down again. I have repeated this cycle twice now, and had the same results both times.

                      This sucker wont run an oscillator, at least none of them I have built yet, so nothing good to report there, but at least i am getting the same results with this thing over and over.
                      Next step is to make one without the iron in it, and see if that doesn't help the voltage output. My first goal is just to make one that will run an oscillator, after that, we will see where this goes

                      If I find anything else that might be useful, I will be sure to share

                      The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                      • harvesting a d-cell

                        Hi guys,

                        first of all thanks so much for your great work and please keep it up.
                        When you baked the depolarized cell you said that the oven was around 300-400 degrees. Is that Fahrenheit?
                        Is it possible to use the manganese dioxide from d-cells for this mix without changing the electrodes? Otherwise couldn't we just recycle the whole D-Cell?

                        If anyone is interested here is a tutorial how to harvest a d-cell and how to wash the manganese dioxide.

                        MAKE | Make: Projects – Harvesting chemicals from a battery

                        Cheers everyone,



                        • baking the crystal

                          Yes that is 300-400 degrees and it is Fahrenheit. Watch it and make sure you do not over bake the crystal mix. It should be soft but hard at the same time, in other words just like a pancake and then let air dry before you use it.
                          John Bedini


                          • Originally posted by chuck H View Post
                            Carlos, download Windows movie maker from Microsoft. It is free. Very easy to use. Thats what I use when I,m on the pc. Else what Jim stated for Macs, Ipods etc....
                            thank you chuck, im on it...



                            • Thanks

                              Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
                              Yes that is 300-400 degrees and it is Fahrenheit. Watch it and make sure you do not over bake the crystal mix. It should be soft but hard at the same time, in other words just like a pancake and then let air dry before you use it.
                              Thanks for the quick answer so we could use a normal oven to reach this temperature but i guess it wouldn'T be too healthy to bake cake in it again afterwards or am I wrong?

                              It's really amazing to see you guys pushing things further every damn week and I just wish I had more time for replicating and testing right now.
                              Can't get back to that for some weeks and the last thing we did was a stove top. Thanks to IB again, with your video we got it right after 8 failed tries.
                              I know it lacks in amps but we had the chemicals and I won't learn just by reading

                              Everybody keep it up this stuff rocks. Has anyone build the "cheap'n'easy" joule ringer and tried to run it from a single stove top?
                              Cause we just have fun so far but getting light out of it would be awesome


                              Last edited by prato_braun; 02-22-2012, 12:04 AM. Reason: typo


                              • Use a hotplate

                                I would use a hotplate with a pan and a cover, do not use your stove to do this.
                                John B
                                John Bedini

