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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Hi Plengo, Great work on the last video. I was wondering if the cells that start off negative then go positive when you add water contain any type of carbon in the mix? Thanks.
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


    • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
      This basically my conclusion also, as Chuck and I have been testing geometrical states, it is possible that these cells emit a negative resistance. The reason I say this is that Semiconductors build up what would be called energy bursts and shot noise this noise looks like negative spikes that cause failure in the device. However what is driving the shot noise is sources from outside the device. I could get into the noise as 1/F noise this noise is responsible for Amplifiers just melting down in the middle of the night. Some of this noise can and does DC shifting within the circuits. When this happens the VBE multiplier circuit can not track the thermal of the devices. If you want to take this much further, Galvanic action produces a noise that is similar. What I have noticed about the cells that work and keep going is, After the noise stops the cell continues to run forever without any water. So it's the formation of oxides building in the cell. When this happens the crystal is growing, you have heard that before, growing pains. Also the cell becomes sensitive to, heat, sound, light, pressure and so on. The reason I asked NickZ the questions is I was trying to tie something together, but I did not get the answer. When this is going on what it seems like is a tunneling effect or known as a Negsister. That oscillator circuit is that right down to what that device is capable of. Marcus Reids cells also generate that noise too. My real thoughts are as the Ions move they oscillate generating energy, in other words kicking off electrons. If you go negative enough you can not have any loss in power. I have also ran that test inside a copper box grounded or a Faraday Cage. The energy goes right through it as a negative spike. My test indicate that the cells almost mimic the Negsistor,and so does that circuit I asked about. I have made semiconductors at TRW and the one's that do that never reach the public for anything. But some of these devices have escaped like the 2N2222, MPS A06 MJ15024, Germanium Transistors did this very good. I was adding water to see if that action is the real generator but it was a damping medium if over watered. Cold did nothing as it bounced right back, over heating caused the cell to break down, almost like thermal runaway. The cell left to cool came right back as if it protected itself. The cell seems to gathers energy from the surrounding area. Call all this what you want but this is what it seems to be. Thanks for posting that video. I'm not done with all my testing but, and I could not get any answers here until you posted this observation. The only other thing is the Piezo Electric Effect in the Rochelle Salts as it is mixed with it. Mikrovolt is right on when he said, ("is important in an oscillator if you want to take advantage of negative resistance") And his other question which nobody answered his question,"What is the product of Mg and MgSo4" I can tell you it is not water after that Mg + 2H2O ---> Mg(OH)2 + H2. Jim thanks for all your work.
      John B


      • Originally posted by Neight View Post
        Hey everyone
        I have been working on my moly cell (molybdenum disulfide, iron and magnesium filings, and saline solution, copper and aluminum plates) and I finally have some power willing to do some work.
        I have tried a few different mixes of this stuff, and it seems I got pretty lucky right out of the gate. without the iron filings, it doesn't want to work as well, and with just the water and moly, it wont work at all. The moly doesn't like to accept the water, which I thought would possibly help ease corrosion, but something about the iron helps it mix into a paste and start making power.
        I am going to try and get some iron pyrite, but that will have to wait for now.
        either way, I am getting light out of an oscillator!
        I made the cell again, same mix as my last post (equal parts magnesium and iron, a healthy dose of moly, and enough water to saturate it), but this time I used much bigger plates. Probably double the surface area has been covered in the moly paste, and it is making enough power to get visible light out of a super bright LED.
        unloaded I get nearly .5V, and shorted with two meters, I get nearly 1mA and .340-.350V
        once I saw those numbers on the meters, I decided to hook it up to lasersaber's super efficient joule ringer (according to lidmotor it's a variation of a blocking oscillator, but it's working for me, so I don't really care what it's called, I call it fun ). It took a little fiddling with it, but I saw a nice bright flash from the LED and nearly fell down I was so excited.
        once I get the plate placement just right, it makes a nice bright flash, nearly goes out, then settles quite nicely on barely visible light output.
        Like John Bedini's crystal cells, the plates will bond together once it is fully dry, though unlike his cells, mine doesn't like any pressure at all until it is pretty dry. Once it is dry and bonded, I can add water to it, and it doesn't fall apart anymore, though the addition water only seems to help for a few seconds before it settles right back down to where it wants to run.
        I am pretty sure the moly powder is keeping the water from getting into the cell, and that is why it doesn't help much.
        I am hoping to get some advice here on where I should go next with it. I have some ideas, thinking about adding alum to the mix, or maybe some activated charcoal, something to help it along.
        I have a video of it being uploaded to youtube now, and when it is ready I will post the link.
        Hope this peaks some interest, as I think there really is something to this. If I am wrong, and just shooting blind, please let me know, but if I do have something here, I am more than open to suggestions on things I can try to boost output, and make it a bit more stable.
        regardless of where this goes, I am very excited to have made my first functioning cell that will make light, however small a light it is


        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
          Thanks Even if it isn't much, it's still pretty exciting to see something like this do actual work

          Video is uploaded and ready to go, here is the link

          First working cell - YouTube

          I am a bit rambly in the video, but honestly, I didn't expect it to work at all, and when it did I just grabbed the camera and went with it while I had it going. Didn't take much time to plan what I wanted to get in the video, so there isn't much direction in it.


          The absence of proof is not proof of absence


          • @JB,

            with the latests conclusions posted by you and jim it seams that these cells would work at their best driven by an oscillator. Just like you have been doing.

            Almost like the oscillator would not only extract the energy out of those cells but also would stimulate a vibration effect internally helping the cell to restore its internal structure with the bouncing effect of oscillator.

            It is just my 2 cents (even thought most of my cells are running without an oscillator).

            If the semiconductor effect is necessary and the crystal grown and also the piezo I would than conclude that the best cell would be one that would have the biggest surface area under pressure and water content locked inside but still free to flow inside the cell without ever leaving it. Sealed cell with lots of water content. WHich actually goes inline with you saying about the hydrants.

            I have not been able to successfully scale my cells by only increasing surface area. There is a hard limit of how much power it can produce based on the constant evaporation effectiveness of the water. It is as if the water is really working as a fuel cell effect and the crystal structure is the medium of that decomposition while the metals are just the potential creator.



            • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
              Hi Plengo, Great work on the last video. I was wondering if the cells that start off negative then go positive when you add water contain any type of carbon in the mix? Thanks.
              correct it does have activated carbon, sand and Mg and copper.



              • John B and All:
                John, sorry for not answering your questions. I have been busy the last couple of days. The reason that I brought up Robbie's circuits is because he has worked on these different types of what he calls backward Joule thief circuits for a long time now, and is the only one that has been able to get several months of very BRIGHT led light from a single small 1.5 v AAA, or button cell.
                I don't know what to say, other than to mention that it shows that energy is being absorbed by the device (from the ambient), possibly like the negative resistor idea. He has made several videos in the last few years that can be seen in his YouTube Koolerization channel.
                As the link that you provide mentions that if the cores and coils don't provide for a sufficient BEMF force, the batteries will eventually discharge. So,Robbie uses the strongest cores that he can find now, with the highest perm, as does LaserSaber, since without them the long term effect without the battery voltage dropping is not observed to the same degree.
                So, the negative resistor idea, (sucking in the surrounding ambient energy) may be what is being observed working in these devices. And it may be possible that the same effect is also present in some of the best and longest lasting cells, and thus they don't drop in output levels after a while, like most all other cells will. The combination of cells working together with an efficient oscillator circuit may still be needed to obtain the best long lasting outputs and results.
                Even though is may seam as the toroidal cores are used in closed system devices, I feel that they are still working as transmitter/receivers, drawing in energy like the negative resistor types, and similar to your open air core coils.
                I don't know if I've answered your questions, but if not, just let me know.

                I would really like to hear more about your semiconductor ideas, as they may be what is really needed to obtain more power from the nominal voltage obtained from the two different metals type of cells.

                Last edited by NickZ; 02-26-2012, 04:28 PM.


                • Hydrate 5

                  Guys, i don't want to be a pain in the a$$, i have posted this question 4 times with no answer, guess this will be the last one, if you don't know, then just say "i dont know carlos"... i need a source other than alfa aesar to get the hydrate #5 and the Mn 203... also some information on circuit building, a good book a web page, a video anything will do..... cheers



                  • Busy

                    @John & All
                    I am busy with family matters but I will do what I can with this project. Yesterday I made one of Robbie's simple "backwards joule thief" circuits that runs off a PNP. I have it running off the Hydrate cell cell right now.

                    Your last video was really good and pretty exciting considering what it means.

                    Your last post has allot to chew on. It makes sense and may explain what I am seeing in the cells that I have built.



                    • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
                      Guys, i don't want to be a pain in the a$$, i have posted this question 4 times with no answer, guess this will be the last one, if you don't know, then just say "i dont know carlos"... i need a source other than alfa aesar to get the hydrate #5 and the Mn 203... also some information on circuit building, a good book a web page, a video anything will do..... cheers

                      Hey Carlos I bought MnO2 from here (eBay My World - gumby96) (eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices.



                      • A video showing me getting voltage from just one magnesium ribbon with no noticeable electrolyte. The magnesium made a semiconductor oxide layer that i can hook up to a meter and get voltage. Magnesium semiconductor crystal cell no electrolyte - YouTube

                        Let me know what you guys think of this.
                        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                        • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                          correct it does have activated carbon, sand and Mg and copper.

                          What happens when you don't have the activated carbon in the mix? Does it still give a negative power?
                          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                            What happens when you don't have the activated carbon in the mix? Does it still give a negative power?
                            no it does not.


                            • Originally posted by plengo View Post
                              no it does not.
                              Could the reason for the negative power be due to the activated carbon acting as the positive electrode and the copper being the negative electrode when its in its dry state? Could it be when you add water the carbon gets bypassed and the magnesium becomes the negative electrode and the copper now becomes the positive electrode? This is just a thought, i could be wrong. Either way great work!
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                                Could the reason for the negative power be due to the activated carbon acting as the positive electrode and the copper being the negative electrode when its in its dry state? Could it be when you add water the carbon gets bypassed and the magnesium becomes the negative electrode and the copper now becomes the positive electrode? This is just a thought, i could be wrong. Either way great work!
                                Yes it could. What I really like about that effect is one could use it to recharge the crystal cell as it dries. In combination with a good Oscillator such as SSG from Bedini and using the diode from the coil back to the cell should help even more.

                                What do you think Bedini, using your SSG (or the like) and put that diode back pointing to itself so that in effect you would have the primary and secondary battery being one and the same?


