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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Ok, this will probably sound a bit surprising to some, but I don't think that there is any actual movement happening with the Ions, electrons, waves, or light sources, or energy sources. What is happening instead is a polarization of the medium, which is not the same, as nothing is "moving", or "traveling", at all.
    It is this polarization process that we may need to focus, and improve on. It may involve only voltage, with no current, as such, this I don't know, but I doubt it. This also can involve the old dipole idea, that Beardon and others have mentioned already.
    As there is no such thing as the speed of light, or the traveling of light from the Sun to our planet, or from point A to point B, as is still being taught in our schools. The lightning bolt is not traveling, but polarizes at that certain rate, called the speed of light, but with no movement happening as we have imagined.
    This all relates to our cells, as they are not just working like water flowing through a hose. But is more like the hose full of water, with a certain presure (like voltage) being tapped, but with nothing taken out, as in the "don't break the dipole idea". And what we have been doing is breaking this dipole to obtain the output, that will then start to drop.
    Last edited by NickZ; 02-26-2012, 05:57 PM.


    • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
      Ok, this will probably sound a bit surprising to some, but I don't think that there is any actual movement happening with the Ions, electrons, waves, or light sources, or energy sources. What is happening instead is a polarization of the medium, which is not the same, as nothing is "moving, or traveling, at all.
      It is this polarization process that we may need to focus, and improve on. It may involve only voltage, with no current, as such, this I don't know, but I doubt it. This also can involve the old dipole idea, that Beardon and others have mentioned already.
      As there is no such thing a the speed of light, or the traveling of light from the Sun to our planet, or from point A to point B, as is still being taught in our schools. The lightning bolt is not traveling, but polarizes at that certain rate, called the speed of light, but with no movement happening as we have imagined.
      This all relates to our cells, as they are not just like water flowing through a hose. But is more like the hose being full of water, with a certain presure (like voltage) being tapped, but with nothing taken out, as in the "don't break the dipole idea".
      I was actually thinking something similar today. I watched this video -
      Pollack G.H. Water, Energy and Life - YouTube
      posted by cgalvisardila (thanks for sharing BTW, I enjoyed watching it )
      in it the presenter talks about water basically being it's own dipole. they get power from water and nothing else.
      If these cells are consuming water, and it certainly looks that way, perhaps all we are doing is similar to what a transistor does.
      We have a dipole for fuel (water) conductors (plates) and a semiconductor medium for the energy to flow through.
      I tend to agree with you NickZ, and thanks for sharing that thought!
      maybe we are simply starting to allow nature to provide us power much like it has wanted to all along, and not getting in the way as we have for so long.

      I may not be making any sense here, but I am new, and very much still learning. All of this is a lot to wrap your head around for the short time that I have been interested in what is going on here

      Just my thoughts on the subject at the moment

      The absence of proof is not proof of absence


      • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
        Guys, i don't want to be a pain in the a$$, i have posted this question 4 times with no answer, guess this will be the last one, if you don't know, then just say "i dont know carlos"... i need a source other than alfa aesar to get the hydrate #5 and the Mn 203... also some information on circuit building, a good book a web page, a video anything will do..... cheers

        Here is where I have been ordering my material as well as United nuclear supply etc.
        ScienceLab: Chemicals & Laboratory Equipment

        Be patient sometime the ordering from above takes some time.
        Very Best Regards,


        • Originally posted by cgalvisardila View Post
          Guys, i don't want to be a pain in the a$$, i have posted this question 4 times with no answer, guess this will be the last one, if you don't know, then just say "i dont know carlos"... i need a source other than alfa aesar to get the hydrate #5 and the Mn 203... also some information on circuit building, a good book a web page, a video anything will do..... cheers


          check out you'll find something.
          Sodium Pentahydrate-Sodium Pentahydrate Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on


          • and

            Mn2o3-Mn2o3 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on


            • Thank u Fausto one down one to go, HYSRATE #5... pretty elusive thing, cant find it anywhere


              • prato and jim, thanks for the links!

                im doing some tests with neo magnet powder in the mix, im getting some interesting results, will post more in a few days more after a longer run


                • you know, now that I have an actual working cell sitting on my bench, I have been working on this thing all day, and here is my initial impression...
                  The way my cell wants to run (I say my cell because I honestly have no idea if what I have made is anything near what you guys are making...) it reminds me more of a capacitor.
                  perhaps that is what is meant by negative resistor, since this is my first experience in all of this, it is all together possible I have no idea what I am talking about
                  First, it is really really touchy, and it takes some serious fiddling to get everything just right to get it to work.
                  second, the semiconductor layer needs to be super thin, or I don't get enough power out. I think this is why my cell is very pressure sensitive, and I mean SENSITIVE.
                  the weight of the plates alone is sometimes too much to get it to work, then all of a sudden, it starts working great, just by moving it around minuscule amounts.
                  sometimes the meters will tell me I am using .5mA @ .5V and I get no light, and right now the light is blinking and it's barely over 1/3V and running on 4-5µA...
                  I am so thoroughly confused right now, it's not even funny, but I am having a blast trying to figure this one out
                  I will keep at it, and I hope to learn just what it is I am doing here, but at the very least, I am doing what I set out to do, and that is light an LED off a cell I made on my own
                  sorry for the rambling nature of this post. I have a lot on my mind right now with all of this, and it helps to just get it out there sometimes

                  The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                  • Come on answer my question

                    Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                    Ok, this will probably sound a bit surprising to some, but I don't think that there is any actual movement happening with the Ions, electrons, waves, or light sources, or energy sources. What is happening instead is a polarization of the medium, which is not the same, as nothing is "moving", or "traveling", at all.
                    It is this polarization process that we may need to focus, and improve on. It may involve only voltage, with no current, as such, this I don't know, but I doubt it. This also can involve the old dipole idea, that Beardon and others have mentioned already.
                    As there is no such thing as the speed of light, or the traveling of light from the Sun to our planet, or from point A to point B, as is still being taught in our schools. The lightning bolt is not traveling, but polarizes at that certain rate, called the speed of light, but with no movement happening as we have imagined.
                    This all relates to our cells, as they are not just working like water flowing through a hose. But is more like the hose full of water, with a certain presure (like voltage) being tapped, but with nothing taken out, as in the "don't break the dipole idea". And what we have been doing is breaking this dipole to obtain the output, that will then start to drop.
                    Really, "I don't think that there is any actual movements", Ions do not move or electrons, Poppycock. "I see the polarization of the cell". Which one would you like to start with, Waves, Ionic, Electrochemistry, spin, Photon, There is no such thing as the speed of light, really I guess my radio does not work anymore. Come on NickZ that would mean Physics does not exists as we know it at this time. A hose full of water, do you mean potential?
                    I guess I'm wacky here with this post. I don't know If I can take anymore of this. You read to much Monkey and Milehigh.

                    What about answering my question about the circuits you have built on the BJT and then we can start over. Oh that would mean there is no noise in the device from the movement of ions/electrons. Come on answer my question on the BJT oscillator cause I see nothing in your posts and I have read them all. and if you can't then say I can't as it is a big secrete. I will understand. I'm going to hang upside down now. OH you can get the answers here,A Negative Differential Resistance Oscillator with a Negistor see if you can answer why it works with the inductors, or coils or toroidal transformers.

                    John B
                    Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-26-2012, 10:33 PM. Reason: adding information
                    John Bedini


                    • Theoretical Semiconductor Physics



                      Theoretical Semiconductor Physics (Peter Vogl)
                      "Semiconductors can be anorganic or organic systems, magnetic or nonmagnetic, highly conducting or insulating, form chains, clusters, cylinders, needles, glasses, or perfectly arranged crystals, their electrons can be arranged to form 2-, 1- or 0-dimensional systems - strange objects that seemed hypothetic a few years ago."
                      John Bedini


                      • More On Water

                        heres an updated lecture on EZ water experiments, almost the same as the other but with more details and new experiments, very intersting stuff

                        Pollack G.H. Water structuring at interfaces. Pt.1 - YouTube


                        • Good reading

                          Negative Resistance Revived

                          Circuit Idea/Revealing the Mystery of Negative Impedance - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

                          Last edited by blackchisel97; 02-27-2012, 02:34 AM. Reason: link
                          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                          General D.Eisenhower



                          • Lets start over here

                            Lets start over here, Look it is easy to do this circuit with some calculations with just a plain transformer. That means you do have to wind anything and you can just get any transformer off the shelf. I understand what the Teach is saying and others, but I do not agree as I have seen these devices work this way. To do it low voltage you must pick a point in the bias of the device and you can use anything. The frequency does not have to be 1.2 Mhz it could be 10 Hz to 5Khz. So what I propose to do is make one with a power transformer, are you game for that? The negative resistance of the device will do the oscillating. So what do you say NickZ.
                            John B
                            John Bedini


                            • Tourmaline Cell

                              John Bedini, Id like to ask you, i saw a while ago that you posted something about a cell with tourmaline working very well, it turns out i just got a lot of tourmaline, and id like to replicate this cell, can i ask your permission to do it? if so, can you re-post the formula please? cheers



                              • At a risk of being a bore, I'll repeat myself: There is NO movement in light, but a polarization of light and energy at a certain rate.
                                Or if you don't think so, please state what is actually moving? Is lightning moving? Or, do you think that electricity "moves" as the water in a hose analogy, from one point to another.

                                The point being that there is a polarization of light that makes things look as if they are "moving", but with no movement actually happening. Just as lightning does not actually "move", but you'll still see it's affect on your scope, and hear it on your radio.
                                I don't think that the noise or signal that a radio picks up is a wave actually moving from the Radio Station to your receiver? Like throwing a stone from point A to point B, by physical movement over that distance?
                                Static electricity or radiant energy can also create "noise" in a radio, scope, Tv, etz. But, Polarization, and the actual movement of atoms, particles, or waves, are two different things.
                                So, John, I know what you mean about noise, but how does that relate to the cells. or oscillators that they run. What are you getting at?

                                The idea I wanted to re-mention is that it is impossible for an small battery or button cell to light three leds very bright for many months, without absorbing some feed-back energy or additional ambient input all the while.


