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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
    Lets start over here, Look it is easy to do this circuit with some calculations with just a plain transformer. That means you do have to wind anything and you can just get any transformer off the shelf. I understand what the Teach is saying and others, but I do not agree as I have seen these devices work this way. To do it low voltage you must pick a point in the bias of the device and you can use anything. The frequency does not have to be 1.2 Mhz it could be 10 Hz to 5Khz. So what I propose to do is make one with a power transformer, are you game for that? The negative resistance of the device will do the oscillating. So what do you say NickZ.
    John B
    Well, I've used them in my early audio/synthesizers projects (back in '70) mainly as a noise or distortion oscillators (if that's what you have in mind). There was actually plenty of transistors which would "go negative". The whole deal was to use them "upside down". I remember trying some germanium (which were still available) but couldn't get the same results.
    Correct me if I'm wrong John, but I think that inductor, despite being passive component can behave as active impedance, thus, compensate losses in other passive components.

    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

    General D.Eisenhower


    • John B:
      I had missed your last post until I saw it as a quote by Blackchisel.

      I'm not sure I understand what you are proposing to do with the transformer idea, but if you think that something can be gained by it, yes, I'm into it.
      Please further explain what you have in mind.
      Sorry I didn't see your questions before. If I ignored them, it was not my intention.


      • What happened to the scopes traces?

        I've been reading through all the posts today, and I don't know why nobody is using scopes to look at how the cells operate. I feel that they are even more important than volt meters at this point, because the waveforms would show any recovery or gain effects that the cells would have.
        @John B - I know you used it for the oscillator in the begining. That was nice to see, thankyou.

        Maybe you guys are not aware of modes that DSO's have. I have an early DSO from 1984 that I bought on ebay that has a "Roll" Mode. In the roll mode, instead of seeing a repetitive signal over time, you are seeing all voltage over time, as the instantaneus dc value of the circuit is seen "rolling" as time goes by. The x-axis of time is moving right to left instead of being repeated. It is of upmost importance that we start using the "Roll" Mode for analysis! It shows us and the world graphically what is happening, CLEARLY. This is also very similar to the Graphic DMM that John B used in his videos that he bought from Radioshack.

        Here's a good example:
        All the Cells me and my team have worked on so far are the Mg/Cu Epsom&Rochelle Salt cells, and we analyzed them under load and not under load using the Oscilloscope's Roll Mode. This is what we got on the trace. (Go to Thumbnail) [1V/Div.] We see that 2 cells in series with 250ohms and an LED (no oscillator) (100uA) brings the voltage down to 1.5V, and then recovers back to the intial value when disconnected by either the function y=SqRoot(x) or the function y=log(x). (We're still figuring out which, they both are similar graphs.)

        Btw, if anyone of you can't afford a DSO, I can post a link where you can build one by building 2 amp-attenuator circuits, pluging it into an external sound card for a PC, and installing some freeware onto your PC. The cheapest,PC safe and realiable DSO I've found out there.

        I love the variety on this thread btw! We're doing a great job.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Herbie687; 02-27-2012, 02:21 PM. Reason: correction
        - Kyle Herbig


        • More about ROLL Mode

          Oscilloscopes - Ian Hickman - Google Books
          - Kyle Herbig


          • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
            herbie, What a good idea man, good to have you around.


            • Thanks. Glad to be here.
              - Kyle Herbig


              • Hey guys, got a quick question
                I have my cell running right now, meters tell me it's putting out .488V @ 42mA
                That is more than enough to run my oscillator, and according to my oscilloscope, it is, but I am not seeing any light from the LED.
                I have been playing around with the contact surface area of my cell, to see just where it wants to run at, and have had some trouble with something in my oscillator circuit.
                it will visibly flash @ .330V and 2-5µA, then above 20 or so µA the light goes out. I wont get any light output that I can see between there and about 400µA, when the light comes on and appears to be steady and not flashing at all.

                is there something not working right in the circuit, or is there something here I am not seeing?

                It's been like this all day, and I though I wasn't getting power to the circuit, but when I hooked up my scope, is shows clear activity, and looks like the same wave form I get when the light is visibly flashing or similar to when it is steady on. To me that says the circuit is powered, and running, but no light?

                The only other thing I can think of, is it is flashing very infrequently, and I just haven't happened to be looking right at it when it does flash, but that seems unlikely.

                If anyone can shed a little light on this for me, I would greatly appreciate it

                The absence of proof is not proof of absence


                • Your right it's boring to go over this here

                  Sorry I was off line here

                  Your right it's boring to go over this here.
                  In most cases , light can be considered moving instantaneously, the finite speed of light has noticeable effects. Is the universe moving or is it standing still? Nick, I understand what your trying to say but is there any good answer for you that you would except, except I'm moving around the source.

                  The Cells
                  The noise is generated in the cells as shot noise it can be measured with the correct filters it almost corresponds to gravity waves but it can be thermal and conductance fluctuations, or I/F noise that is what I'm talking about as I mention to Jim. It is because we do not have controlled process or refinement of what we are putting together for cells. But I do have cells that keep working here, and Marcus Reid cells keep working too.

                  I do not think that it is impossible to light 3 Led's for many months, Chuck and I have been lighting 6 Led's for about 4 months now. The only thing is the oscillator driving them. I have said before how the oscillator does this as it works as a pump. Oscillators can be tricky when your talking about BJT circuit as the transistor can add extra energy in noise, so the real test is to lower this frequency down with off the shelf parts and not some cooked diodes that are special. I know that you have worked on this BJT and parts are a problem for you so I thought I would make this simple. I might wind the transformer in the patent to see what the results are. If I wanted to get extra I would do it open loop without the use of the Toridal Transformer. I have not played with this yet but I'm going to. But it is all standard engineering here and no Voodoo. So I guess I will proceed with this.
                  John B
                  Last edited by John_Bedini; 02-27-2012, 07:50 AM. Reason: Correction
                  John Bedini


                  • John B:
                    I'm glad to hear that your cells can last 4 months, that is encouraging.
                    I was referring to having a regular tiny button cell or a non-rechargeable AAA battery last while lighting bright leds for 5 months time while connected to BwJt This no one else has done. I'm hoping the that info is correct as stated, as it means a lot about what is really is going on in that BwJt oscillator type circuit, with the baked diodes. Glad that you noticed that, as I've asked Kooler what was the special trick about that circuit, and that is what he had answered. "Special diodes"...

                    My cement cell banks are over a year old and the cells still have over a volt, and a couple of mAs, each cell. And are being used daily.
                    As you've noticed after the cells get to a certain point, they stay there. Water has everything to do with it, yes.

                    I'm not looking for an answer to the question of the speed of light , just stating something that probably no one has ever heard, that light does not "travel", as we are still being taught. How this all relates to our cells is why I mentioned it. Polarization is what I feel needs to happen to make the cells work similar to how magnets work. At least that is my take on this. I wish that I knew how to do it, besides the quick polarization, at the start. Any ideas are welcome.

                    I would like to know more about your transformer idea, that you are thinking about. I have several small 120 volt to 12v, or smaller value transformers, just let me know which ones to use for what you have in mind. I'll be glad to follow through with this John.

                    Negative resistance seams to be behind most every free energy device. As well as the separation of the positive and negative charges from the Aether, such as what some capacitors can do, by themselves. I have a capacitor that gives 0.5 volts, no matter how many times it is shorted out.

                    I believe you when you say that these cells produce "noise" as seen on the scope. Dr. Stiffler mentions about the ambient noise levels, and which frequencies to try to tune to, and to tap.
                    There is also the Schumann Earth resonance frequency that Steven Marks mentioned having to do with his TPU device functions, which no one seems to be able to replicate. There is still much to learn about all this.
                    Schumann Earth resonances:
                    Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    So, far here in Costa Rica we have had several 4 to 6 point earthquakes in the last week or so. Bigger surprises can come at any time now.
                    I hope that this is all just normal, and about nothing special, but somehow I doubt it, as we have been warned about what is coming by more than one source...
                    Last edited by NickZ; 04-29-2012, 05:58 AM.


                    • the cells

                      I'm real happy with the cells I have made here they keep going but what should be done is to let Lidmotor test them as he will do the right thing. I know his analyses will be fair, they are hard to make as not everyone is the same but they work for me. Steve Mark was an audio tube guy so I'm sure he has seen the noise I'm talking about.I have seen the same thing in extra voltage showing up and that is what got me investigating this free energy field.
                      Vtech has worked in the audio field too. He supplied links on the negative effect and I know he has seen some strange workings of the circuits too. I thank him for posting that. I'm not going to go after networks that do that effect, I'm going after the device as we can find many to do it. I'm going to pick a device that has the effect. I have testers for that here which can tell me if the device can be used that way.

                      Oh I have received e-mails that have requested Seamonkey has his say on the conversion process for lead acid batteries, so it recommended by him the group does not do what I say here. It is assumed I did not do any testing of the chemical Alum on lead acid batteries on his part. But I have never said anything about it except in passing to people who asked why is that battery still working. He points to the information as bogus full of errors and I did not catch them. He is a man that never has posted anything he has built. So he has his say here. I encourage people to do the experiments, but if he wants to complain then he should complain to Sepp Hasslberger and not me. If the web page is as he says then he should have it removed, if he can. Anybody that has never done the experiment has no say in anything, but it is a mind set with this guy. So to the Group I say you have you own minds test for yourself, the formula does speak for it self and not John. The Chinese have Alum batteries that work this way so I really can't say where he is coming from, except he wants no progress with anything. Maybe he works for the Dark Side and his real name is LukeMonkey.

                      Anyway, Nick I will proceed with the Transformer device and I will see what can be done with this circuit. Thanks for responding.
                      John B
                      John Bedini


                      • Thanks John, that sounds great. I await your next steps.
                        I also trust the results that Lidmotor will reveal.

                        As mentioned in the other forum I will not judge or criticize any ones work, but my own. I am trying to avoid any more conflict, as I love this thread, and electronics in general, which I worked on at several different jobs for about 15 years. I don't want to add to any further hardships that will encumber our goals. We all want the same thing which is the truth, and not more BS. Although it may not seam like it, at times.


                        • I also trust the results that Lidmotor will reveal.

                          Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                          Thanks John, that sounds great. I await your next steps.
                          I also trust the results that Lidmotor will reveal.

                          As mentioned in the other forum I will not judge or criticize any ones work, but my own. I am trying to avoid any more conflict, as I love this thread, and electronics in general, which I worked on at several different jobs for about 15 years. I don't want to add to any further hardships that will encumber our goals. We all want the same thing which is the truth, and not more BS. Although it may not seam like it, at times.
                          I do not want to be judged as unfair here so I let him speak. Outside of that we continue the work here. People have the right to do the experiments for themselves. I'm building the cell now so someone besides me can test.
                          John B
                          John Bedini


                          • Iron Pyrite Fused With Coper

                            I built a cell fusing the Cu with pyrite with very satisfactory results, steady current for long time, little water needed... i think this is a great idea, thanks john.

                            Pyrite - copper fused cell - YouTube


                            • I was able to break the 2 volt barrier today! in-order to break the 2 volt barrier I had to use a rock as one of the electrodes. The picture is below. Can anyone guess what rock that is, its a very common rock.

                              I used tap water and the positive goes to the rock and the negative goes to the magnesium ribbon.

                              Over 2 volts with rock and magnesium in tap water.JPG
                              All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                              • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                                I was able to break the 2 volt barrier today! in-order to break the 2 volt barrier I had to use a rock as one of the electrodes. The picture is below. Can anyone guess what rock that is, its a very common rock.

                                I used tap water and the positive goes to the rock and the negative goes to the magnesium ribbon.


                                This 2 volts was from just one cell. I never had one cell give me over 2 volts before, the highest i ever got was 1.8 volts but I had to use vinegar, this is just plain tap water.

                                What I've found was that the rock always like to be the positive electrode. this means that even Carbon/graphite would act like a negative electrode and so would copper and titanium. This is odd since i'm use to copper being the positive electrode. This is a good thing when you consider titanium is very corrosion resistant so it will make a good negative electrode. I'm still trying to figure this rock out. Does anyone have a guessed what this rock might be?
                                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

