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Bedini Earth Light

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  • Here is video of me showing a cell with 2 volts using a Hematite and Magnesium electrodes. 2 Volt Hematite Wet Crystal Glue Cell - YouTube
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


    • Originally posted by plengo View Post
      THis was one of the reason I mention much earlier that geometry seems to be extremely important. I could not see a linear relationship with my cells sizes. They do perform much longer without refueling with water when they are bigger and that is very logic, more area more water.

      Unfortunately surface area only will not give you the amps you want. I think the trick with geometry is not really surface area since my smallest cells performs as good as my biggest one.

      IF, and a BIG IF, the crystal growth is really important, like veins in our bodies, I think it is not about surface area but inner surface area of the tubes like our intestines (sorry for the grotesqueness). We can have lots of surface are in small areas. So linear straight surface area or Mg for example is not interesting but the growth of the crystal paths where the water must flow and therefore becomes power is of relevance.

      I have a tiny cell that puts so much power out that is simply illogical.

      BTW, my iron pyrite cell is going extremely well. It does protect much better the Mg.

      I will try a new cell using Titanium.

      This may sound way out there, but it got me thinking...
      I wonder if introducing the Fibonacci Ratio into cell construction would inspire some fractal growing in the cell structure, and boosting power output and extending the run time on cells without having to add water....
      It may be a stretch, but when you are trying to work with nature, why not use the same math she uses?
      just an idea I wanted to throw out there, in case anyone wants to play with it.
      I may make another cell, with plates cut to match the FR, and see what happens.....

      The absence of proof is not proof of absence


      • Fausto:
        I made a variation of your 50/50 carbon/sand mix, but I used the wet sand and carbon from the beach, just to see what happens. I also left a "watering hole" on top of the can to add some drops of water as needed. I get about a volt and 1 to 2mAs per cell. These are very small cells made in the capacitor cans 3/8" by 3/4 ".
        I do notice that the water drys up pretty fast in these small cells., and so they may need to be watered daily, as its the dry, hot (88 degree) summer time season here.
        I put several cells together and can get any voltage, but only one mA, even with the unwashed sea water in the sand.
        I'm still looking for the aquarium charcoal, and Epsom etz... to try to do it right.
        In any case a volt per cell is not so bad, especially when no money was spent.
        I think that getting volts from small cells is fairly easy, but not so easy getting mAs. I guess that is where the oscillators come in, but I like how you can directly connect the leds to the cells, also.

        John B: How's the negative resistance BwJt transformer oscillator circuit going? If I missed anything, just let me know, as I've been busy at times.


        • Awesome.

          Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
          Here is video of me showing a cell with 2 volts using a Hematite and Magnesium electrodes. 2 Volt Hematite Wet Crystal Glue Cell - YouTube
          Sweet stuff ibpointless2.
          Did you try polarizing the mix, or not? That may just have a difference.
          - Kyle Herbig


          • I 2nd.

            Originally posted by plengo View Post
            Unfortunately surface area only will not give you the amps you want. I think the trick with geometry is not really surface area since my smallest cells performs as good as my biggest one.
            I have a tiny cell that puts so much power out that is simply illogical.

            BTW, my iron pyrite cell is going extremely well. It does protect much better the Mg.

            @Plengo I've been seeing the same thing with my tests with Mg/Cu Rochelle and Epsom Salt cells. It's kinda like a trade-off. The smaller cells perform similarly with less electrolyte, but then you're still using the same amount of metal, and several cells in parallel are probably needed in order to match the current output of a AA cell. Hopefully we can get the mixes right so we can reduce the amount cells necessary for competitive power output.
            - Kyle Herbig


            • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
              The amp reading on a cell with a Hematite electrode. Amp reading on Hematite Rock Electrode - YouTube

              different spots on the rock and different hematite rocks give different kinds of amp readings. You must find the sweet spot on the rock just like you would with a crystal detector on a crystal radio. Also what Electrodes you use with the rock also will affect the reading and how big it is too. In the video I used tap water and small aluminum wire.
              @Ibpointless & Everybody Else

              Why use Hematite if you can coat pieces of sheet steel in rust?
              The reason why you are getting sweet spots in the Hematite is because it's a heterogeneous mixture that's mostly the Iron Oxide. We can make a homogeneous coat on sheet steel and the voltage should then become consistent.

              I have strips of steel soaking in saltwater now. All the research I did does not say anything about if the salt changes the oxide's chemical composition, or if it just accelerates the reaction just as desired. Which is better for creating a pure Iron(III)oxide layer timely, salt water, or distilled? Can someone please clear this up for me?
              - Kyle Herbig


              • So Usually Hematite is more positive than the graphite, copper, titanium, zinc, etc... that I have used. I have found a metal that is more positive than Hematite which is Bismuth. So now that Hematite can be a negative electrode how can a metal that's already corroded corrode? Hematite has been exposed to the weather and is fully oxidized so how can it corrode if its already corroded? Using Bismuth and hematite I get over 400mV.

                Before I bought Hematite I was searching for ore's like it but the question I would ask to Google is if the ore is conductive. Most answers i got about Hematite being conductive was that it was either not conductive or somewhat semi-conductive. From What I'm seeing every piece of Hematite I used is working as a electrode, some better than others. So this is got me wonder what other oxides will work. Most people say oxides are not conductive but that doesn't mean we can't use them as electrodes. I wondering about magnesium oxide or zinc oxide?
                All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                  @Ibpointless & Everybody Else

                  Why use Hematite if you can coat pieces of sheet steel in rust?
                  The reason why you are getting sweet spots in the Hematite is because it's a heterogeneous mixture that's mostly the Iron Oxide. We can make a homogeneous coat on sheet steel and the voltage should then become consistent.

                  I have strips of steel soaking in saltwater now. All the research I did does not say anything about if the salt changes the oxide's chemical composition, or if it just accelerates the reaction just as desired. Which is better for creating a pure Iron(III)oxide layer timely, salt water, or distilled? Can someone please clear this up for me?
                  If you use rust from steel than you going to have red dust that falls off into the water solution. Even though rust is iron-oxide and so is hematite I don't think you can compare them that easy. Hematite is mostly a giant glob of iron-oxide compressed from pressures from earth and the environment. If you can make rust and compress it into a solid object and it works than that's great! Or coat the rust onto something that's not steel/iron than that will work too. Only way to find out is to do it. Nothing ventured is nothing gained.
                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                  • Some of you may laugh but I have found something that is interesting and it concerns bismuth. Bismuth subsalicylate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    "Bismuth subsalicylate is the only active ingredient in an over the counter medication that will leave a shiny metal oxide slag behind after being completely burnt with a blow torch."

                    I think I need to get my hands on Pepto-Bismol, fist test it as a electrolyte and than make it a electrode.
                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


                    • Titanium dioxide and cell geometry

                      @Jim & Fausto

                      Two things that you have touched on today I am also very interested in. The first one is titanium dioxide. I started working with magnesium painted with white titanium dioxide acrylic artist paint several weeks ago. I am not convinced that it is doing anything but I wanted to let you know that I am already working with it as a way to help the magnesium. The water seems to get through the paint and still cause deterioration of the mg but at a slowed rate.
                      The second thing is the geometry of my "Anomaly" cell electrodes may have something to do with why that cell has performed so well. Weeks ago John B. suggested that I form the center copper electrode tube into a kind of star shape by heating it and then squeezing it in an electric drill chuck when it was still soft. It made a three pointed star shape out of the copper tube. The crystal structure may really like that shape. The zinc outer tube is just an electrical conduit connector that you can get at the hardware store.

                      My "self-watering" cell that is like what you made using the copper caps is really doing well. I only put a small amount of water in the plastic container to keep the cell going strong. I am sure that the Mg is getting eaten up but I really like the power coming out of that small cell.

                      I worked with the "acetone cell" for a few days and discovered that it eats the mg the same way that water does. It was an interesting experiment but I am not going any further. The acetone is really too dangerous I decided. A tiny spark could start a fire.



                      • Hey Chuck and Bedini,

                        on the last video you showed this very old cute battery. You mention you have many. Would you sell a few and for how much, please?



                        • Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                          If you use rust from steel than you going to have red dust that falls off into the water solution. Even though rust is iron-oxide and so is hematite I don't think you can compare them that easy. Hematite is mostly a giant glob of iron-oxide compressed from pressures from earth and the environment. If you can make rust and compress it into a solid object and it works than that's great! Or coat the rust onto something that's not steel/iron than that will work too. Only way to find out is to do it. Nothing ventured is nothing gained.
                          And so I shall start to see if it is so in the morning.
                          That's also a great discovery on the bismuth! We should now get even more voltage out now using magnesium.
                          That's wierd though! It has an electronegativity of 2.02. Did you use pure bismuth, or was it an ore/mineral form of it?
                          "Nothing ventured is nothing gained."
                          Last edited by Herbie687; 03-02-2012, 03:33 AM. Reason: Question
                          - Kyle Herbig


                          • Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                            @Jim & Fausto

                            Two things that you have touched on today I am also very interested in. The first one is titanium dioxide. I started working with magnesium painted with white titanium dioxide acrylic artist paint several weeks ago.
                            I worked with the "acetone cell" for a few days and discovered that it eats the mg the same way that water does. It was an interesting experiment but I am not going any further. The acetone is really too dangerous I decided. A tiny spark could start a fire.

                            Dear Lidmotor,
                            You will need Pure TiO2 and not paint. Thanks for playing with the Acetone cell. I again did this more to show that "water" was not the critical item in so far as more perhaps a "polar" molecule. To be sure, Water is much nicer to work with. Acetone cells are NOT advocated in any way. It is easier to keep water in the lattice. Some of my first cells which were ZnO, TiO2 Epsoms and doping acted as the fuel cell functioning. It does work.
                            Very Best Regards,


                            • Originally posted by Neight View Post
                              and now for video 2 -
                              2cells=1 battery (part 2) + crystal cell battery charger, and foolsgold quarts cell! - YouTube
                              this one just shows the light output of the two cells hooked in parallel, along with using this 2 cell battery to run a joule ringer AA battery charger, and a very quick demo using different rocks and crystals as electrodes.
                              Wow... the rock demo at the end was surprising and wierd, but cool. I'm thinking the copper is also acting as an electrode though. If you try that again, but if you connect a clip lead crystal-to-crystal, you would be able to get a better measurement of that system as you factor in the copper. The voltage measured may just be the difference from 2 different cells using the same copper electrode, but that needs to be verified.
                              - Kyle Herbig


                              • Originally posted by Herbie687 View Post
                                Wow... the rock demo at the end was surprising and wierd, but cool. I'm thinking the copper is also acting as an electrode though. If you try that again, but if you connect a clip lead crystal-to-crystal, you would be able to get a better measurement of that system as you factor in the copper. The voltage measured may just be the difference from 2 different cells using the same copper electrode, but that needs to be verified.
                                Hey Herbie
                                I thought it was pretty cool myself! at the very least unexpected. The first time I tested them, there was no copper in there, I added the copper after testing the quartz with the metallic shell, and getting a tiny bit of voltage. It really didn't help at all, and the salt only made a minimal difference. Testing the rocks other than quartz also gives me voltage with no copper plate. I have lots of these different crystals and rocks, and can keep testing them, see what gives the best results (provided I can even identify them well enough to report back which ones worked )
                                I haven't tried any combination that didn't include the iron pyrite, but may try that as well and see what I get...
                                I can shoot a video if you like showing the voltage, sans copper, but try as I might, it wont make any current.
                                The absence of proof is not proof of absence

